Serious question: What kind of jobs are Republicans qualified for?

I am a mechanical engineer.

All of my fellow mechanical and electrical engineers that I work with are Republicans or conservative Independent voters.

Our line of work deals in hard numbers and facts.

There is no place for sloppy numbers and squishy logic in our business.

And "feelings" and "just knowing" could result in damaged equipment and possibly injured workers.

That's why Democrats and liberals are far more suited to work in the arts and social sciences......... :cool:

Hard numbers and facts? Like evolution? Plate Techtonics? Biology, botany, geology, genetics, physics. All things the majority of Republicans deny.
You are a blatant liar rdean.

Every republican I know believes in Plate Techtonics, Biology, botany, geology, genetics, and physics.

Although, some have an issue with the "theory" of evolution.

We believe in hard numbers and facts unlike democrats........ :cool:
Serious question: What kind of jobs are Republicans qualified for?


It is pretty hilarious that people who don't believe in science insist they know more science than anything.

Not as hilarious as people who don't understand science insisting they know more science than anything, though.

Hilarity, thy name are rtard.
I don't understand why you people have this "belief" that scientists would belong to a party that has such bizarre economic theories as "twinkle down" or what ever you call it. A party that doesn't believe in science, is clearly anti minority and 90% white.

It's not a "belief" for me, it's empirical evidence. I know quite a few Republican scientists. I've asked them about their peer group. I've asked former professors of mine about the issue and these are the answers I've received.

Just curious. You don't seem to be someone capable of getting along with those who have different political views. You're kind've an ass.

Just the fact you would only accept if EVERY scientist stood in front of you as the only acceptable survey proves you don't even know anything about statistics.

Read my post again. You made an assertion that I would not accept the results if every scientist stood in front of me. I said I would. I never said that's the only survey I would accept.

What you said was, "IF every scientist in the US stood in front of me, I'd accept it as a valid survey." You didn't add any exceptions.

You said, "Every scientist in the US could stand in front of you and when 94% say they aren't Republican, you still wouldn't believe it."

I said "IF every scientist in the US stood in front of me, I'd accept it as a valid survey."

No exceptions necessary.

I don't talk politics at work. But the engineers break down into Four with a Mexican background (lady electrical, three mechanical men). Three Chinese (1 lady, 1 man optics, 1 man mechanical). 1 Russian Electronics. 1 Columbian lady software. 1 from Nigeria, mechanical. Three white guys. 1 mechanical, 1 optics, 1 software.

Conservatives are the lady from Colombia who voted for Romney, first time voting last election. 1 white guy in optics. Everyone else is a Democrat. They do occasionally talk politics in the lunch room, but I stay out of it. I mentioned the three times Republicans used reconcilliation during the Bush years and the one conservative guy went crazy. Facts really upset those on the right wing. I don't want to jeapardize my job.

Looks like your own group has more than 6% Republicans.
I am a mechanical engineer.

All of my fellow mechanical and electrical engineers that I work with are Republicans or conservative Independent voters.

Our line of work deals in hard numbers and facts.

There is no place for sloppy numbers and squishy logic in our business.

And "feelings" and "just knowing" could result in damaged equipment and possibly injured workers.

That's why Democrats and liberals are far more suited to work in the arts and social sciences......... :cool:

Hard numbers and facts? Like evolution? Plate Techtonics? Biology, botany, geology, genetics, physics. All things the majority of Republicans deny.

I've never denied any of those.

Deany fails again.
Repubs make good mathematicians, I hear tell:


"By all accounts, David and Gregory Chudnovsky are brilliant number theorists. Their quest to calculate pi to the greatest number of decimal places was warmly chronicled in a long New Yorker profile in 1992 titled "The Mountains of Pi." Three years later, New York Magazine ranked the Chudnovskys among the 100 smartest New Yorkers. And two years after that, Esquire included the brothers (as a unit) in a grouping of "The 100 Best People in the World."

"The brothers are conservative..."

The Brothers Chudnovsky - FindLaw
I am a mechanical engineer.

All of my fellow mechanical and electrical engineers that I work with are Republicans or conservative Independent voters.

Our line of work deals in hard numbers and facts.

There is no place for sloppy numbers and squishy logic in our business.

And "feelings" and "just knowing" could result in damaged equipment and possibly injured workers.

That's why Democrats and liberals are far more suited to work in the arts and social sciences......... :cool:

Hard numbers and facts? Like evolution? Plate Techtonics? Biology, botany, geology, genetics, physics. All things the majority of Republicans deny.
You are a blatant liar rdean.

Every republican I know believes in Plate Techtonics, Biology, botany, geology, genetics, and physics.

Although, some have an issue with the "theory" of evolution.

We believe in hard numbers and facts unlike democrats........ :cool:

Hilarious. Republicans believe in Plate Techtonics, Biology. botany, geology, genetics, physics but not in evolution. The sciences are so intertwined because of all the "hard data" and "research", they are more like chapters of the same book. And I'm not talking Bible.

Just give it a rest. The uber religious are no good with science. It threatens their mystical and occult beliefs. It's just the way it is. And all the name calling in the world won't change that "hard fact".
Hard numbers and facts? Like evolution? Plate Techtonics? Biology, botany, geology, genetics, physics. All things the majority of Republicans deny.
You are a blatant liar rdean.

Every republican I know believes in Plate Techtonics, Biology, botany, geology, genetics, and physics.

Although, some have an issue with the "theory" of evolution.

We believe in hard numbers and facts unlike democrats........ :cool:

Hilarious. Republicans believe in Plate Techtonics, Biology. botany, geology, genetics, physics but not in evolution. The sciences are so intertwined because of all the "hard data" and "research", they are more like chapters of the same book. And I'm not talking Bible.

Just give it a rest. The uber religious are no good with science. It threatens their mystical and occult beliefs. It's just the way it is. And all the name calling in the world won't change that "hard fact".

You do know Catholic Doctrine accepts evolution, and sees the creation story in Genesis as a parable, right?

I remember the Pastor of the Parish coming in to explain what Catholics believe when it comes to creation, and what other Christians believe (literal interpretation of Genesis). This was right before we started our lessons on evolution(6th grade, I think?)
Christian scientist, lol:

"Collins, the director of the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institute of Health, gave a lecture Friday evening on “God and the Genome,” reconciling the Bible’s creation story with evolution and sharing how science should actually bolster a person’s faith instead of dismantling it.

Hard numbers and facts? Like evolution? Plate Techtonics? Biology, botany, geology, genetics, physics. All things the majority of Republicans deny.
You are a blatant liar rdean.

Every republican I know believes in Plate Techtonics, Biology, botany, geology, genetics, and physics.

Although, some have an issue with the "theory" of evolution.

We believe in hard numbers and facts unlike democrats........ :cool:

Hilarious. Republicans believe in Plate Techtonics, Biology. botany, geology, genetics, physics but not in evolution. The sciences are so intertwined because of all the "hard data" and "research", they are more like chapters of the same book. And I'm not talkinr g Bible.

Just give it a rest. The uber religious are no good with science. It threatens their mystical and occult beliefs. It's just the way it is. And all the name calling in the world won't change that "hard fact".

Dear RDean and SunniMan:
Maybe you are both right. Aren't there unreasoning fundamental types in both the far right and the far left camps who can't reconcile science and faith?

Do we really need to paint "all" conservative Republicans and "all" liberal Democrats
based on the worst extremes of either party?
It's not a "belief" for me, it's empirical evidence. I know quite a few Republican scientists. I've asked them about their peer group. I've asked former professors of mine about the issue and these are the answers I've received.

Just curious. You don't seem to be someone capable of getting along with those who have different political views. You're kind've an ass.

Read my post again. You made an assertion that I would not accept the results if every scientist stood in front of me. I said I would. I never said that's the only survey I would accept.

What you said was, "IF every scientist in the US stood in front of me, I'd accept it as a valid survey." You didn't add any exceptions.

You said, "Every scientist in the US could stand in front of you and when 94% say they aren't Republican, you still wouldn't believe it."

I said "IF every scientist in the US stood in front of me, I'd accept it as a valid survey."

No exceptions necessary.

I don't talk politics at work. But the engineers break down into Four with a Mexican background (lady electrical, three mechanical men). Three Chinese (1 lady, 1 man optics, 1 man mechanical). 1 Russian Electronics. 1 Columbian lady software. 1 from Nigeria, mechanical. Three white guys. 1 mechanical, 1 optics, 1 software.

Conservatives are the lady from Colombia who voted for Romney, first time voting last election. 1 white guy in optics. Everyone else is a Democrat. They do occasionally talk politics in the lunch room, but I stay out of it. I mentioned the three times Republicans used reconcilliation during the Bush years and the one conservative guy went crazy. Facts really upset those on the right wing. I don't want to jeapardize my job.

Looks like your own group has more than 6% Republicans.

Not really. The woman from Colombia is a Republican because she thinks they are for the family and pro military. When I told her they were against the Lily Ledbetter act, she didn't believe it. She said that will kill any chances of a Republican being president so it must be a mistake. It's one side smearing the other with politics. She also didn't believe they were against helping battered women. In fact, it was since Sandy that she has started to discover what kind of people Republicans really are. That they want disaster victims to pay to be rescued. Only finding out on her own could change her mind. I realized that so I never even tried. Republicans need to change on their own. Look how USMB Republicans deny facts. They can't help it.
Good grief, you're such a liar. She probably got freaked and ran for her life.
She also didn't believe they were against helping battered women.

true enough Republicans don't care about battered women!! See why we are positive liberals are bigots!! They feel in their bleeding hearts they are morally superior because they support welfare of all kinds !!
She also didn't believe they were against helping battered women.

true enough Republicans don't care about battered women!! See why we are positive liberals are bigots!! They feel in their bleeding hearts they are morally superior because they support welfare of all kinds !!

Meet the 22 Republicans who voted against protecting women from beatings - NY Daily News

Democrats were most surprised by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's vote against reauthorizing the law, which still passed the Senate by a wide margin. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and South Dakota Sen. John Thune, both eyeing the White House, also voted against the bill.


All the Democrats and some Republicans who will now have a price to pay. This will be used against them in the next election.

If you think Democrats feel "morally superior" because they help children and battered women and disaster victims and you don't want to, you're wrong, they ARE morally superior. Try to figure out why.

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