Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Trump is better than Obama or Bush, so I will back him in posts. My 3 years with him have been better than the previous 16 and my friends and relatives and neighbors are doing better also. That's why we vote. If Trump does not run, don't vote Republican.
What do you do for a living?
Report people who call me idiot
Nothing will be done about it. It's not against the rules to call someone an idiot is it?
We will find out-if you said sorry, but... I would have let it go.
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Trump is better than Obama or Bush, so I will back him in posts. My 3 years with him have been better than the previous 16 and my friends and relatives and neighbors are doing better also. That's why we vote. If Trump does not run, don't vote Republican.
What do you do for a living?
Report people who call me idiot
When the shoe fits...
If YOU are agreeing with name caller, then you must wear a size 22 If it is to shame name caller, welcome.
View attachment 281466
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
Stain in the House? No, you are thinking of another president.
View attachment 281466
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
Stain in the House? No, you are thinking of another president.
Nope real poll
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

I disagree.
A failed impeachment puts a stain on Congress and harms the future presidents and future congresses as well.
There has never been an impeachment that was good for anyone.
It is a desperate act warranted only when there is absolutely no other choice.

You totally misunderstand why Trump got elected in the first place.
It was to punish both parties for such terrible candidates and positions.
Too many wars, bank bail outs, loss of jobs, etc.
The people are angry at both parties, and trying to impeach Trump will just make them even more angry with Congress.
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

I disagree.
A failed impeachment puts a stain on Congress and harms the future presidents and future congresses as well.
There has never been an impeachment that was good for anyone.
It is a desperate act warranted only when there is absolutely no other choice.

You totally misunderstand why Trump got elected in the first place.
It was to punish both parties for such terrible candidates and positions.
Too many wars, bank bail outs, loss of jobs, etc.
The people are angry at both parties, and trying to impeach Trump will just make them even more angry with Congress.
Finally, someone actually gets it!
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.


DEMOCRAT Former CIA Officer: Dems Setting 'horrific precedent' / 'Attempt To Kneecap President'
Go for it! Bring on the boogaloo. What this will end up doing is pulling back the curtain and expose to even the dullest knuckle dragging mouth breather that no more wretched hive of scum and villainy exists than that which exists in Washington and its surroundings.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Serious reply. Having morphed from Libertarian to Anarchist to Collapsitarian I have been supportive, in a limited way, of the annoying orange. He drives the left into deranged fits. He makes establishment GOPers behave as if they washed their LSD down with psilocybin tea. An impeachment circus just adds to the entertainment value.
I have to admit that a pretty fair-sized part of me is just sitting back, eating popcorn, and welcoming the craziest possible shit to happen. We're so far into uncharted territory at this point, let's just see how nuts this can get.
It's amazing, as well, that anyone seems to believe Schiff has ANY credibility left at all. This is the Trump-hating 'knuckle-dragging mouth-breather (to borrow the term from JWBooth) that has leaked more than a screen door on a submarine and swore to anyone who would listen that he personally had evidence of crimes committed by President Trump that Mueller didn't even have...

...but snowflakes seem to think, 'Yeah, but that was THEN....we can believe him THIS time...'

Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
View attachment 281466
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

It's 41%. Trump's approval rating is 41%.

And don't forget

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.

And this time he isn't running against Hillary. He's dead.
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea

That's what Trump is saying but I think we all know to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Sorry little buddy
View attachment 281466
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

It's 41%. Trump's approval rating is 41%.

And don't forget

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.

And this time he isn't running against Hillary. He's dead.
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea

That's what Trump is saying but I think we all know to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Umm ok

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