Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Negative or damaging news is only throwing fuel on the fire. He eats that up. So do his deranged followers. We're living in a nation of trolls.
They've been conditioned to spin absolutely everything into either (a) good news for him or (b) a clear example of his brilliance.

Amazing to watch. I've never seen groupthink this tight and uniform.
Deranged? My fellow deranged Americans? If that's the case, take away their right to vote so they don't do more damage. Does THAT make sense? I think this whole mess is stupid. Trump lets crap like this slide and the Democrats make another witch hunt out of it. Stupid on both parts. Trump's real failing is finding good people-he's got two with Pompeo and Barr, but the staffers are leak machines-Jesus, just fire them all!
Negative or damaging news is only throwing fuel on the fire. He eats that up. So do his deranged followers. We're living in a nation of trolls.
They've been conditioned to spin absolutely everything into either (a) good news for him or (b) a clear example of his brilliance.

Amazing to watch. I've never seen groupthink this tight and uniform.
Deranged? My fellow deranged Americans? If that's the case, take away their right to vote so they don't do more damage. Does THAT make sense? I think this whole mess is stupid. Trump lets crap like this slide and the Democrats make another witch hunt out of it. Stupid on both parts. Trump's real failing is finding good people-he's got two with Pompeo and Barr, but the staffers are leak machines-Jesus, just fire them all!
That place is stacked with hold overs from Clinton,, they are deranged, he would have to shut down government to replace them.. but it would be worth it. Turn the tables on democrats,, hey pelosi who paid for that trip to Italy, or that gross new boob job?
After this would anyone be foolish enough to ever believe or trust any of our intelligence agencies ever again? We would be better off with the KGB.
Now you can joke like that, but please don't encourage Trump to joke like that again.. rotflmbo.... Liberal leftist heads would explode all over again. Bahwahawahawahahahwaha
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

Both parties had a well above average turnout last midterms. Look it up. The problem is hate won instead of pragmatism. Because let's face it, the only thing Democrats have to offer is hate.

The Democrats are not only setting the stage for another Trump win, but also a turnover of leadership in the House. What they have to offer is a huge tax increase on the job creators in this country, a debt like we've never seen before, measures to disarm the public, getting rid of ICE so we virtually have no borders, and getting rid of beef products and forcing society to eat carrots the rest of our lives.

Your side has zero to offer Americans except higher taxes and more government control and dependency.

Uh huh. So you think Americans are getting disgusted with Democrats antics despite the fact that Democrats saw a 70% increase in their vote totals.

Can you explain how your little mind rationalizes that?

People are getting tired of Democrats' antics. Democrats saw a huge rise in their voter turnouts.

How are these two statements compatible in your mind? What mental gymnastics do you need to do to get your partisan pea-brain to reconcile these two opposing statements? Please explain that to me so that we can study you thoroughly.

What do you mean a 70% total votes? Explain that one. Now if you are talking about voters, provide a credible link.

The opposing party of the President often takes over the House. It's almost history in recent years. People don't like a one-party government very much. It's proven to be a disaster.

Your front runner is going to gaff himself out of the race. Your front runner can't come close to packing public engagements like Trump can who is still selling out with standing room only.

This is called the enthusiasm factor. You can find Trump haters until the cows come home, but if they don't go out and vote, they're meaningless.

Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase.

Once again, that's a 70% increase. How can you claim that the people are getting tired of Democrats when they saw a 70% increase??? Are you intentionally avoiding the question or are you just too stupid to understand it? I honestly think it's the latter so I'm just going to try one more time to simplify things down for your level:

If Walmart increases their revenue by 70% in 4 years, then it would be stupid to argue that people are getting tired of Walmart.
No, the way I vote is by results which we've had many great ones in the last near three years. You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant.

You vote the same way election after election and then wonder why nothing positive gets done in this country. We voted for change, we got it, and we're happy with it.

You're off the mark again. As usual.

"You know what HE is thinking, not his advisors, he fights back, and he's entertaining as all hell."
"You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant"

Look at these two statements of yours. Notice the irony? I doubt it.
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No, the way I vote is by results which we've had many great ones in the last near three years. You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant.

You vote the same way election after election and then wonder why nothing positive gets done in this country. We voted for change, we got it, and we're happy with it.

You're off the mark again. As usual.

"You know what HE is thinking, not his advisors, he fights back, and he's entertaining as all hell."
"You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant"

Look at these two statements of yours. Notice the irony? I doubt it.

Not at all.
Remember when the Dems were so sure Trump was going to be impeached for Russia? How about when they were so sure Stormey would do him in. How about obstruction?

This is just another flavor of the month. When this is over, there'll be another "oh he's going down this time!" All the way until the election. And what's funny is they are digging their own grave, but just can't see it.

Oh well, after his re-election We'll flhave four more years of this as they continue to try and take him out. I can't imagine how crazy they'll get.
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

Both parties had a well above average turnout last midterms. Look it up. The problem is hate won instead of pragmatism. Because let's face it, the only thing Democrats have to offer is hate.

The Democrats are not only setting the stage for another Trump win, but also a turnover of leadership in the House. What they have to offer is a huge tax increase on the job creators in this country, a debt like we've never seen before, measures to disarm the public, getting rid of ICE so we virtually have no borders, and getting rid of beef products and forcing society to eat carrots the rest of our lives.

Your side has zero to offer Americans except higher taxes and more government control and dependency.

Uh huh. So you think Americans are getting disgusted with Democrats antics despite the fact that Democrats saw a 70% increase in their vote totals.

Can you explain how your little mind rationalizes that?

People are getting tired of Democrats' antics. Democrats saw a huge rise in their voter turnouts.

How are these two statements compatible in your mind? What mental gymnastics do you need to do to get your partisan pea-brain to reconcile these two opposing statements? Please explain that to me so that we can study you thoroughly.

What do you mean a 70% total votes? Explain that one. Now if you are talking about voters, provide a credible link.

The opposing party of the President often takes over the House. It's almost history in recent years. People don't like a one-party government very much. It's proven to be a disaster.

Your front runner is going to gaff himself out of the race. Your front runner can't come close to packing public engagements like Trump can who is still selling out with standing room only.

This is called the enthusiasm factor. You can find Trump haters until the cows come home, but if they don't go out and vote, they're meaningless.

Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase.

Once again, that's a 70% increase. How can you claim that the people are getting tired of Democrats when they saw a 70% increase??? Are you intentionally avoiding the question or are you just too stupid to understand it? I honestly think it's the latter so I'm just going to try one more time to simplify things down for your level:

If Walmart increases their revenue by 70% in 4 years, then it would be stupid to argue that people are getting tired of Walmart.

And I asked you for evidence which of course, you didn't understand the request, or don't have it. But here is the election results:

In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House. The Democrats gained a net total of 41 seats from the total number of seats they had won in the 2016 elections. The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
No, the way I vote is by results which we've had many great ones in the last near three years. You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant.

You vote the same way election after election and then wonder why nothing positive gets done in this country. We voted for change, we got it, and we're happy with it.

You're off the mark again. As usual.

"You know what HE is thinking, not his advisors, he fights back, and he's entertaining as all hell."
"You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant"

Look at these two statements of yours. Notice the irony? I doubt it.

Not at all.

Yea I didn't think you would.
Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

Both parties had a well above average turnout last midterms. Look it up. The problem is hate won instead of pragmatism. Because let's face it, the only thing Democrats have to offer is hate.

The Democrats are not only setting the stage for another Trump win, but also a turnover of leadership in the House. What they have to offer is a huge tax increase on the job creators in this country, a debt like we've never seen before, measures to disarm the public, getting rid of ICE so we virtually have no borders, and getting rid of beef products and forcing society to eat carrots the rest of our lives.

Your side has zero to offer Americans except higher taxes and more government control and dependency.

Uh huh. So you think Americans are getting disgusted with Democrats antics despite the fact that Democrats saw a 70% increase in their vote totals.

Can you explain how your little mind rationalizes that?

People are getting tired of Democrats' antics. Democrats saw a huge rise in their voter turnouts.

How are these two statements compatible in your mind? What mental gymnastics do you need to do to get your partisan pea-brain to reconcile these two opposing statements? Please explain that to me so that we can study you thoroughly.

What do you mean a 70% total votes? Explain that one. Now if you are talking about voters, provide a credible link.

The opposing party of the President often takes over the House. It's almost history in recent years. People don't like a one-party government very much. It's proven to be a disaster.

Your front runner is going to gaff himself out of the race. Your front runner can't come close to packing public engagements like Trump can who is still selling out with standing room only.

This is called the enthusiasm factor. You can find Trump haters until the cows come home, but if they don't go out and vote, they're meaningless.

Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase.

Once again, that's a 70% increase. How can you claim that the people are getting tired of Democrats when they saw a 70% increase??? Are you intentionally avoiding the question or are you just too stupid to understand it? I honestly think it's the latter so I'm just going to try one more time to simplify things down for your level:

If Walmart increases their revenue by 70% in 4 years, then it would be stupid to argue that people are getting tired of Walmart.

And I asked you for evidence which of course, you didn't understand the request, or don't have it. But here is the election results:

In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House. The Democrats gained a net total of 41 seats from the total number of seats they had won in the 2016 elections. The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
What is your point?
And I asked you for evidence which of course, you didn't understand the request, or don't have it. But here is the election results:

In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House. The Democrats gained a net total of 41 seats from the total number of seats they had won in the 2016 elections. The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Are you seriously incapable of verifying the facts that I provided? Seriously?

Here, I'll say it one more time. "Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Are you, an adult, incapable of confirming the statement that I just provided up there in quotations? Do you not know how to find this information online?

If you're seriously so helpless that you can't find this information, just say the word, and I'll post the links for you. But I would honestly hope that you would be capable of doing this on your own. I promise it's not difficult to verify what I said.
Remember when the Dems were so sure Trump was going to be impeached for Russia? How about when they were so sure Stormey would do him in. How about obstruction?

This is just another flavor of the month. When this is over, there'll be another "oh he's going down this time!" All the way until the election. And what's funny is they are digging their own grave, but just can't see it.

Oh well, after his re-election We'll flhave four more years of this as they continue to try and take him out. I can't imagine how crazy they'll get.

This phone call took place in July. They didn't bring it out until the middle of September.

I had a little time today, so I finally read the phone call transcript. Talk about a nothing burger. Then that clown goes to Congress and says that it's similar to the way the Mafia ran their organization.

Yes, Trump did request that an investigation take place by the Ukrainian government into Biden. But it had nothing to do with Biden being his opponent or "dirt" as they called it. It had to do with his son, Hunter who became a millionaire by so-called working for a company in a field he had no experience in, in a country that he didn't even understand the language.

Now that wouldn't have been bad enough, and probably goes on more often than we'd like to think. But Joe used a threat of withholding funds if the President at the time didn't fire the guy who was investigating the company Hunter was working for.

Trump said about withholding weapons money if the President didn't conduct this investigation. The whole thing is extremely suspicious and it is the prerogative of a United States President to investigate possible illegalities in regards to a US vice President.
And I asked you for evidence which of course, you didn't understand the request, or don't have it. But here is the election results:

In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House. The Democrats gained a net total of 41 seats from the total number of seats they had won in the 2016 elections. The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Are you seriously incapable of verifying the facts that I provided? Seriously?

Here, I'll say it one more time. "Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Are you, an adult, incapable of confirming the statement that I just provided up there in quotations? Do you not know how to find this information online?

If you're seriously so helpless that you can't find this information, just say the word, and I'll post the links for you. But I would honestly hope that you would be capable of doing this on your own. I promise it's not difficult to verify what I said.

You must be numb from the neck up. I asked for links twice, and all you did was write back that your word is evidence enough. Then I posted a link that clearly stated their win in 2018 was almost a 9% increase. That's a far cry from 70% increase.
And I asked you for evidence which of course, you didn't understand the request, or don't have it. But here is the election results:

In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House. The Democrats gained a net total of 41 seats from the total number of seats they had won in the 2016 elections. The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Are you seriously incapable of verifying the facts that I provided? Seriously?

Here, I'll say it one more time. "Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Are you, an adult, incapable of confirming the statement that I just provided up there in quotations? Do you not know how to find this information online?

If you're seriously so helpless that you can't find this information, just say the word, and I'll post the links for you. But I would honestly hope that you would be capable of doing this on your own. I promise it's not difficult to verify what I said.

You must be numb from the neck up. I asked for links twice, and all you did was write back that your word is evidence enough. Then I posted a link that clearly stated their win in 2018 was almost a 9% increase. That's a far cry from 70% increase.

Don't get pissy with me because you're incapable of doing such a simple task.

Here are the links:

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

And one more time, here's the exact statement I made: "Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Notice that I referred to two specific years, so naturally, I would provide two links. Now think real hard this time and see if you can confirm the above statement of mine. The one in quotations. If you're going to continue to act like a helpless child, then I'll continue to provide help as needed. I know it's challenging for you.
And I asked you for evidence which of course, you didn't understand the request, or don't have it. But here is the election results:

In the 2018 midterm elections, the Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, won control of the House. The Democrats gained a net total of 41 seats from the total number of seats they had won in the 2016 elections. The 41-seat gain was the Democrats' largest gain of House seats since the post-Watergate 1974 elections, when they picked up 49 seats. The Democrats also won the popular vote by a margin of 8.6%, the largest margin on record for a party that previously held a minority in the House. Turnout was the highest for a midterm election in more than a century, with over half the electorate casting ballots.

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

Are you seriously incapable of verifying the facts that I provided? Seriously?

Here, I'll say it one more time. "Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Are you, an adult, incapable of confirming the statement that I just provided up there in quotations? Do you not know how to find this information online?

If you're seriously so helpless that you can't find this information, just say the word, and I'll post the links for you. But I would honestly hope that you would be capable of doing this on your own. I promise it's not difficult to verify what I said.

You must be numb from the neck up. I asked for links twice, and all you did was write back that your word is evidence enough. Then I posted a link that clearly stated their win in 2018 was almost a 9% increase. That's a far cry from 70% increase.

Don't get pissy with me because you're incapable of doing such a simple task.

Here are the links:

2018 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia
2014 United States House of Representatives elections - Wikipedia

And one more time, here's the exact statement I made: "Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Notice that I referred to two specific years, so naturally, I would provide two links. Now think real hard this time and see if you can confirm the above statement of mine. The one in quotations. If you're going to continue to act like a helpless child, then I'll continue to provide help as needed. I know it's challenging for you.

I think the problem here is you don't understand popular vote and total vote. The TOTAL vote for Democrats in 2014 was 35 million to 60 million in 2018. However, the total vote for Republicans were 40 million in 2014 to 50 million in 2018.

Total votes in 2014: 75 million
Demorat percentage of 2014: 46.6%

Total votes in 2018: 110 million
Democrat percentage of 2018: 54.54%
I think the problem here is you don't understand popular vote and total vote. The TOTAL vote for Democrats in 2014 was 35 million to 60 million in 2018.

It's ok. I know this is really hard for you.


Now that I've posted a picture for you, please tell me what the popular vote was for the Democrats in 2018.

Hint: look at the picture. Let me know if you need more help.
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I think the problem here is you don't understand popular vote and total vote. The TOTAL vote for Democrats in 2014 was 35 million to 60 million in 2018.

It's ok. I know this is really hard for you.

View attachment 281618

Now that I've posted a picture for you, please tell me what the POPULAR VOTE for the Democrats was in 2018.

Hint: look at the picture. Let me know if you need more help.

You said popular vote. Popular vote means the entire country. Total votes per party is entirely different. You could say that the Republican popular vote went up 20%, but it's meaningless since the popular vote doesn't refer to just the party itself.
I think the problem here is you don't understand popular vote and total vote. The TOTAL vote for Democrats in 2014 was 35 million to 60 million in 2018.

It's ok. I know this is really hard for you.

View attachment 281618

Now that I've posted a picture for you, please tell me what the POPULAR VOTE for the Democrats was in 2018.

Hint: look at the picture. Let me know if you need more help.

You said popular vote. Popular vote means the entire country. Total votes per party is entirely different. You could say that the Republican popular vote went up 20%, but it's meaningless since the popular vote doesn't refer to just the party itself.

I did say popular vote. Hence why I'm referring you to the part that says "popular vote". You know, the part that I circled.

One more time, read the statement that I've been telling you. Read it very slowly:

"Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Try your best to make sense of that statement. It's ok, I know you're trying. And I'm happy to help you if you still can't understand it.
Maybe democrats think they can intimidate republicans like they did back in the good old days but there is a new Sheriff in town and it seems that democrats can't get their heads around it. Granted democrats have almost the entire mainstream media on their side but this "whistle blower" thing smacks of desperation and an incoherent agenda and Americans understand it.
I think the problem here is you don't understand popular vote and total vote. The TOTAL vote for Democrats in 2014 was 35 million to 60 million in 2018.

It's ok. I know this is really hard for you.

View attachment 281618

Now that I've posted a picture for you, please tell me what the POPULAR VOTE for the Democrats was in 2018.

Hint: look at the picture. Let me know if you need more help.

You said popular vote. Popular vote means the entire country. Total votes per party is entirely different. You could say that the Republican popular vote went up 20%, but it's meaningless since the popular vote doesn't refer to just the party itself.

I did say popular vote. Hence why I'm referring you to the part that says "popular vote". You know, the part that I circled.

One more time, read the statement that I've been telling you. Read it very slowly:

"Look at the House popular vote totals for Democrats in 2014 and 2018. There's a 70% increase."

Try your best to make sense of that statement. It's ok, I know you're trying. And I'm happy to help you if you still can't understand it.

Your statement was misleading then because there is no popular vote in each party, only total votes in each party.

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. Hillary lost, but won the popular vote by 2.8 million voters. So that's like saying that Hillary won the popular vote by losing the Democrat popular vote by .1% because she had less voters than DumBama did in 2012.

But even using your goofy terms, the Democrats had an increase of under 60%, not 70.

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