Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

I disagree.
A failed impeachment puts a stain on Congress and harms the future presidents and future congresses as well.
There has never been an impeachment that was good for anyone.
It is a desperate act warranted only when there is absolutely no other choice.

You totally misunderstand why Trump got elected in the first place.
It was to punish both parties for such terrible candidates and positions.
Too many wars, bank bail outs, loss of jobs, etc.
The people are angry at both parties, and trying to impeach Trump will just make them even more angry with Congress.
Finally, someone actually gets it!

Well then at least we need to keep him busy until the election because if we give him some privacy we know what he will do with it. He will go right back to pulling his mafia like tactics trying to win at all cost.

Remember when Trump first got into office? Right away he started trying to pull this illegal/unethical bullshit with Comey. Remember he tried to pull that mafia crap in the very beginning and everyone knew Trump crossed the line? Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump didn't know any better and he was new to politics.

Well, here we are 3 years later and Trump's pulling more shady shit. You can't do what he was trying to do. It's an impeachable offense.

You guys worry too much about the people who voted Trump in and why they voted him in. It doesn't matter. They'll just have to fall in love with someone else. He's not the only person in the world who can lead the United States. And I'm not afraid of the deplorables who are going to lose it if Trump doesn't win in 2020.

He's not going to be thrown out of the White House. He's going to have the stain of an impeachment on his record. Because he deserves to be impeached. What about all of us who don't like his illegal behavior? This is the President. He's running the White House like a mafia boss. No wonder he loves Putin. He's a Putin himself.

And who cares about the people who voted for him and who still support him? They are nucking futs. Trump was right about them. He could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose one vote. Well that just means your criminal leader is above the law in your eyes. Well not in ours.

Traders are betting President Donald Trump will become the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.

The odds of Trump's impeachment during his first term by the House of Representatives spiked above 60% on Tuesday on prediction market PredictIt. That's up from just 24% before reports surfaced on Sept. 18about whistleblower allegations.

Traders on the platform currently see only an 18% chance that the president will be removed from office by the Republican-controlled Senate.

If the fucking American people survived the Benghazi and Monica investigations, they'll survive this.
View attachment 281504 Sorry little buddy
View attachment 281466
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

It's 41%. Trump's approval rating is 41%.

And don't forget

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.

And this time he isn't running against Hillary. He's dead.
You mean only 53% in that crowd approve of Trump?

Elizabeth Warren 100% approval ratings

Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
No I want you to kill your babies. I have my babies because I can afford to have kids.

Usually it's people in your tax bracket that get abortions. Because you don't want to go from lower middle to lower class.
View attachment 281504 Sorry little buddy
View attachment 281466
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

It's 41%. Trump's approval rating is 41%.

And don't forget

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.

And this time he isn't running against Hillary. He's dead.
You mean only 53% in that crowd approve of Trump?

Elizabeth Warren 100% approval ratings

Warren haha
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
No I want you to kill your babies. I have my babies because I can afford to have kids.

Usually it's people in your tax bracket that get abortions. Because you don't want to go from lower middle to lower class.
Wow kill babies because you can’t afford them? Wowowowowo
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
No I want you to kill your babies. I have my babies because I can afford to have kids.

Usually it's people in your tax bracket that get abortions. Because you don't want to go from lower middle to lower class.
Wow kill babies because you can’t afford them? Wowowowowo

We don't mind you having them. Just don't ask for foodstamps, Obamacare, free school lunches and to send your kids to free public schools when you yourself don't pay shit in taxes.
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
No I want you to kill your babies. I have my babies because I can afford to have kids.

Usually it's people in your tax bracket that get abortions. Because you don't want to go from lower middle to lower class.
Wow kill babies because you can’t afford them? Wowowowowo

Look at you trying to change the subject.

Typically, such a report would, at that point, automatically be sent to Congress, where the committees charged with oversight of the intelligence community would investigate it. But that didn’t happen in this case. Instead, Congress’ efforts to secure the complaint have been blocked by Trump’s Department of Justice — a move so breathtakingly antithetical to the purpose of the whistle-blower statute it wasn’t even contemplated by legislators who wrote it.

The Justice Department Willfully Ignored a Possible White House Cover-Up of the Ukraine Call

Joseph Maguire and Barr are going to jail. Don't believe me? Just ask the last two guys who worked for Trump. Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn.

Think about it. Two of Trump's associates are already in jail. Next Barr and Maguire are going to jail. Then Trump can pardon them. Then Trump will pardon himself.

And you think I'm joking? Trump actually contemplated pardoning himself. Not something an innocent person does.
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
No I want you to kill your babies. I have my babies because I can afford to have kids.

Usually it's people in your tax bracket that get abortions. Because you don't want to go from lower middle to lower class.
Wow kill babies because you can’t afford them? Wowowowowo

You're fucking a right I want you poor people to have abortions. I even think the US Government should pay for those abortions. You poor people aren't doing us a favor by having those kids you won't raise right. Our prisons are full of the kids you poor people have.

And don't even get me started on foodstamps.

America has over 44 million people on Food Stamps. Food Stamp program is "hidden" from view through Electronic Benefit Transfer Cards that work just as credit cards.

And you know what you cock sucker? You'd be the first one in line to get an abortion if you ever got laid because you don't want to stay in poverty where you are now. I can tell you want more for yourself one day.

Here's another safe bet. If you did have a kid you would apply for foodstamps and to get your kid free Obamacare. And I would say you are welcome you hypocrite.
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea

That's what Trump is saying but I think we all know to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Umm ok

The Department of Justice has been a key player in Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal from the start. It was the DOJ that prohibited acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire from forwarding the whistleblower complaint to Congress, referring it instead to the Justice Department. The agency then determined that the president had committed no crime, shielding Trump from further scrutiny. A document released on Thursday reveals that the Justice Department went even further: It willfully ignored an accusation that the White House attempted to cover up damning evidence of Trump’s misconduct.

At the heart of the whistleblower affair is a July 25 call in which Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch an investigation of presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, while withholding military aid to the country. Accusations of wrongdoing by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine have been thoroughly discredited. Soliciting opposition research on a political rival from a foreign national is a federal crime and an egregious misuse of the executive office.

But the whistleblower’s complaint, released with redactions on Thursday, contains a separate, related allegation of official misconduct. It states that White House officials were told to “lock down” records of the Trump-Zelensky call. These officials were “directed” by White House lawyers “to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system in which such transcripts are typically stored.” The memo was instead “loaded into a separate electronic system,” one managed by the National Security Council’s Directorate for Intelligence Programs. “This is a standalone computer system reserved for codeword-level intelligence information,” the complaint noted, “such as covert action.”

Multiple White House officials “voiced concerns internally that this would be an abuse of the system.” After all, the memo “did not contain anything remotely sensitive from a national security perspective.” But these officials told the whistleblower that this was “not the first time” that Trump has abused this system to safeguard “politically sensitive—rather than national security sensitive—information.”

So the White House allegedly attempted to bury a memo of the Trump-Zelensky call in a system reserved for highly classified national security materials. And it has used this tactic before to conceal “politically sensitive” information that the president does not want Congress or the public to see.

This information is undoubtedly relevant for the House of Representatives as it embarks upon an impeachment inquiry. It also discredits—or at least calls into serious question—the Justice Department’s rationalization for hiding the complaint from Congress. The whistleblower followed the legal procedure: He sent his complaint to Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community inspector general, who found the complaint to be of “urgent concern” and sent it to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, who should have forwarded the complaint to congressional intelligence committees within seven days. But he did not, because the DOJ’s Office of Legal Counsel told him he could not.

That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea

That's what Trump is saying but I think we all know to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Umm ok

The Office of Legal Council is supposed to exercise its judgment independent from political concerns. But it now appears obvious that the office framed the whistleblower complaint in the best possible light for Trump, presumably to keep it concealed from Congress. OLC cherry-picked allegations from the complaint to justify quashing it. At the same time, the office ignored a bombshell accusation of a cover-up that should have forced Maguire to send the complaint to lawmakers. There is no independence at OLC today, just a partisan fixation on protecting Trump at all costs.
You think democrats being insane will help them beat trump? Lol
You think you deplorables thinking Democrats are insane will help trump?
I mean you want to kill babies , and have open borders where we pay for health care of the world, trump wants to stop corruption.. hmmmm yea
No I want you to kill your babies. I have my babies because I can afford to have kids.

Usually it's people in your tax bracket that get abortions. Because you don't want to go from lower middle to lower class.
Wow kill babies because you can’t afford them? Wowowowowo

Look at you trying to change the subject.

Typically, such a report would, at that point, automatically be sent to Congress, where the committees charged with oversight of the intelligence community would investigate it. But that didn’t happen in this case. Instead, Congress’ efforts to secure the complaint have been blocked by Trump’s Department of Justice — a move so breathtakingly antithetical to the purpose of the whistle-blower statute it wasn’t even contemplated by legislators who wrote it.

The Justice Department Willfully Ignored a Possible White House Cover-Up of the Ukraine Call

Joseph Maguire and Barr are going to jail. Don't believe me? Just ask the last two guys who worked for Trump. Michael Cohen and Michael Flynn.

Think about it. Two of Trump's associates are already in jail. Next Barr and Maguire are going to jail. Then Trump can pardon them. Then Trump will pardon himself.

And you think I'm joking? Trump actually contemplated pardoning himself. Not something an innocent person does.
Hey man you can seek help, but I’m ordering a pizza and I just bursted out in a laugh.. relax on the meds
Answer the question tard
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

I disagree.
A failed impeachment puts a stain on Congress and harms the future presidents and future congresses as well.
There has never been an impeachment that was good for anyone.
It is a desperate act warranted only when there is absolutely no other choice.

You totally misunderstand why Trump got elected in the first place.
It was to punish both parties for such terrible candidates and positions.
Too many wars, bank bail outs, loss of jobs, etc.
The people are angry at both parties, and trying to impeach Trump will just make them even more angry with Congress.
Finally, someone actually gets it!

Well then at least we need to keep him busy until the election because if we give him some privacy we know what he will do with it. He will go right back to pulling his mafia like tactics trying to win at all cost.

Remember when Trump first got into office? Right away he started trying to pull this illegal/unethical bullshit with Comey. Remember he tried to pull that mafia crap in the very beginning and everyone knew Trump crossed the line? Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump didn't know any better and he was new to politics.

Well, here we are 3 years later and Trump's pulling more shady shit. You can't do what he was trying to do. It's an impeachable offense.

You guys worry too much about the people who voted Trump in and why they voted him in. It doesn't matter. They'll just have to fall in love with someone else. He's not the only person in the world who can lead the United States. And I'm not afraid of the deplorables who are going to lose it if Trump doesn't win in 2020.

He's not going to be thrown out of the White House. He's going to have the stain of an impeachment on his record. Because he deserves to be impeached. What about all of us who don't like his illegal behavior? This is the President. He's running the White House like a mafia boss. No wonder he loves Putin. He's a Putin himself.

And who cares about the people who voted for him and who still support him? They are nucking futs. Trump was right about them. He could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose one vote. Well that just means your criminal leader is above the law in your eyes. Well not in ours.

Traders are betting President Donald Trump will become the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.

The odds of Trump's impeachment during his first term by the House of Representatives spiked above 60% on Tuesday on prediction market PredictIt. That's up from just 24% before reports surfaced on Sept. 18about whistleblower allegations.

Traders on the platform currently see only an 18% chance that the president will be removed from office by the Republican-controlled Senate.

If the fucking American people survived the Benghazi and Monica investigations, they'll survive this.
So the 60 million plus that voted for Trump should have NO say in their government? If they see wrongdoing by the media or someone who claims to have evidence but never shows it, shouldn't they be like the vaunted whistle blower and say something? We get you hate Trump and his style. I hated Reagan for being and representing the rich and famous but I never said impeach him for his attitude. And if there is a crime, isn't that somebody's job in the government to take care of? And I'm not talking about the political ninnies in congress-they are worthless. Yes, if anybody leaves whether it is Saint Barack or evil Don, the country will survive and nobody is going to kill anybody-but what is the value of the process if a duly elected president gets tarred and feathered for not being nice? Everybody just needs to grow up.
I can’t he can’t be removed AMERICA VOTED HIM IN
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

I disagree.
A failed impeachment puts a stain on Congress and harms the future presidents and future congresses as well.
There has never been an impeachment that was good for anyone.
It is a desperate act warranted only when there is absolutely no other choice.

You totally misunderstand why Trump got elected in the first place.
It was to punish both parties for such terrible candidates and positions.
Too many wars, bank bail outs, loss of jobs, etc.
The people are angry at both parties, and trying to impeach Trump will just make them even more angry with Congress.
Finally, someone actually gets it!

Well then at least we need to keep him busy until the election because if we give him some privacy we know what he will do with it. He will go right back to pulling his mafia like tactics trying to win at all cost.

Remember when Trump first got into office? Right away he started trying to pull this illegal/unethical bullshit with Comey. Remember he tried to pull that mafia crap in the very beginning and everyone knew Trump crossed the line? Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump didn't know any better and he was new to politics.

Well, here we are 3 years later and Trump's pulling more shady shit. You can't do what he was trying to do. It's an impeachable offense.

You guys worry too much about the people who voted Trump in and why they voted him in. It doesn't matter. They'll just have to fall in love with someone else. He's not the only person in the world who can lead the United States. And I'm not afraid of the deplorables who are going to lose it if Trump doesn't win in 2020.

He's not going to be thrown out of the White House. He's going to have the stain of an impeachment on his record. Because he deserves to be impeached. What about all of us who don't like his illegal behavior? This is the President. He's running the White House like a mafia boss. No wonder he loves Putin. He's a Putin himself.

And who cares about the people who voted for him and who still support him? They are nucking futs. Trump was right about them. He could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose one vote. Well that just means your criminal leader is above the law in your eyes. Well not in ours.

Traders are betting President Donald Trump will become the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.

The odds of Trump's impeachment during his first term by the House of Representatives spiked above 60% on Tuesday on prediction market PredictIt. That's up from just 24% before reports surfaced on Sept. 18about whistleblower allegations.

Traders on the platform currently see only an 18% chance that the president will be removed from office by the Republican-controlled Senate.

If the fucking American people survived the Benghazi and Monica investigations, they'll survive this.
So the 60 million plus that voted for Trump should have NO say in their government? If they see wrongdoing by the media or someone who claims to have evidence but never shows it, shouldn't they be like the vaunted whistle blower and say something? We get you hate Trump and his style. I hated Reagan for being and representing the rich and famous but I never said impeach him for his attitude. And if there is a crime, isn't that somebody's job in the government to take care of? And I'm not talking about the political ninnies in congress-they are worthless. Yes, if anybody leaves whether it is Saint Barack or evil Don, the country will survive and nobody is going to kill anybody-but what is the value of the process if a duly elected president gets tarred and feathered for not being nice? Everybody just needs to grow up.

They had a say. They elected him. But they also elected Congress and Trump is not above the law. If the person you elected is a criminal, he should be impeached and removed from office.

No one said impeach Trump for his attitude. His attitude should make him a 1 term president but not impeached. His criminal wrongdoings should get him impeached. Right from the beginning he was breaking the law. Remember he tried pressuring Comey? Remember everyone knew what Trump did was wrong. Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump was new to politics and didn't know better. Well we aren't buying that argument anymore.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Negative or damaging news is only throwing fuel on the fire. He eats that up. So do his deranged followers. We're living in a nation of trolls.
That's why Comey said he doesn't want Trump impeached. That lets the American people off the hook. It's up to us to vote him out.

I just want him impeached in the house. Put that stain on his record. I don't think impeaching him will help him get re elected.

In the hearings we need to go over all of his crimes not just this latest one.

I disagree.
A failed impeachment puts a stain on Congress and harms the future presidents and future congresses as well.
There has never been an impeachment that was good for anyone.
It is a desperate act warranted only when there is absolutely no other choice.

You totally misunderstand why Trump got elected in the first place.
It was to punish both parties for such terrible candidates and positions.
Too many wars, bank bail outs, loss of jobs, etc.
The people are angry at both parties, and trying to impeach Trump will just make them even more angry with Congress.
Finally, someone actually gets it!

Well then at least we need to keep him busy until the election because if we give him some privacy we know what he will do with it. He will go right back to pulling his mafia like tactics trying to win at all cost.

Remember when Trump first got into office? Right away he started trying to pull this illegal/unethical bullshit with Comey. Remember he tried to pull that mafia crap in the very beginning and everyone knew Trump crossed the line? Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump didn't know any better and he was new to politics.

Well, here we are 3 years later and Trump's pulling more shady shit. You can't do what he was trying to do. It's an impeachable offense.

You guys worry too much about the people who voted Trump in and why they voted him in. It doesn't matter. They'll just have to fall in love with someone else. He's not the only person in the world who can lead the United States. And I'm not afraid of the deplorables who are going to lose it if Trump doesn't win in 2020.

He's not going to be thrown out of the White House. He's going to have the stain of an impeachment on his record. Because he deserves to be impeached. What about all of us who don't like his illegal behavior? This is the President. He's running the White House like a mafia boss. No wonder he loves Putin. He's a Putin himself.

And who cares about the people who voted for him and who still support him? They are nucking futs. Trump was right about them. He could murder someone on 5th avenue and not lose one vote. Well that just means your criminal leader is above the law in your eyes. Well not in ours.

Traders are betting President Donald Trump will become the third president in U.S. history to be impeached.

The odds of Trump's impeachment during his first term by the House of Representatives spiked above 60% on Tuesday on prediction market PredictIt. That's up from just 24% before reports surfaced on Sept. 18about whistleblower allegations.

Traders on the platform currently see only an 18% chance that the president will be removed from office by the Republican-controlled Senate.

If the fucking American people survived the Benghazi and Monica investigations, they'll survive this.
So the 60 million plus that voted for Trump should have NO say in their government? If they see wrongdoing by the media or someone who claims to have evidence but never shows it, shouldn't they be like the vaunted whistle blower and say something? We get you hate Trump and his style. I hated Reagan for being and representing the rich and famous but I never said impeach him for his attitude. And if there is a crime, isn't that somebody's job in the government to take care of? And I'm not talking about the political ninnies in congress-they are worthless. Yes, if anybody leaves whether it is Saint Barack or evil Don, the country will survive and nobody is going to kill anybody-but what is the value of the process if a duly elected president gets tarred and feathered for not being nice? Everybody just needs to grow up.

They had a say. They elected him. But they also elected Congress and Trump is not above the law. If the person you elected is a criminal, he should be impeached and removed from office.

No one said impeach Trump for his attitude. His attitude should make him a 1 term president but not impeached. His criminal wrongdoings should get him impeached. Right from the beginning he was breaking the law. Remember he tried pressuring Comey? Remember everyone knew what Trump did was wrong. Even Paul Ryan made the excuse that Trump was new to politics and didn't know better. Well we aren't buying that argument anymore.
Please refresh my memory-what did Trump do to Comey? He fired him for what he did to Hillary! And don't use Paul Ryan as an example for anything but futility. The way Trump is watched and criticized for EVERYTHING, there is no way he could commit a crime and not be jumped on-look at this phone call nonsense-nothing there but lets impeach him on less than first hand evidence. This is we hate Trump and will throw him out even if it wrecks the country-ask the squad-impeach the MF'r on day one.
Negative or damaging news is only throwing fuel on the fire. He eats that up. So do his deranged followers. We're living in a nation of trolls.
They've been conditioned to spin absolutely everything into either (a) good news for him or (b) a clear example of his brilliance.

Amazing to watch. I've never seen groupthink this tight and uniform.
cnn thinks trump is in some type of trouble lol to funny,, why do democrats like to lose ??

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