Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.

So you don't think Pence would get things done that you like?
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.
Call me an idiot again-see what happens. I am saying I won't accept it no matter what the republicans(who are as dirty as democrats) do. Read what is written-not what you want to see.

OK, you are an idiot. I am glad we agree.
Mind your own business you old fart-nobody asked for your worthless opinion.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.

You are an example of what's wrong with voting in this country. You don't vote based on the job a person is doing, you vote on how much you personally like the guy or not.

Pence is your typical dog and pony show baby kissing politician. You seldom know what the guy thinks on policy, he asks his people what he should feel about it just like every other professional politician. They look at polls, watch MSM, and then take a position.

Trump is the exact opposite, and that's why he's so refreshing in our political world. You know what HE is thinking, not his advisors, he fights back, and he's entertaining as all hell.

I think the office of the president should be held to a higher standard. I'm not looking for someone to entertain me like you are. I'm looking for someone to do his job with dignity and class. If I agree with his politics, great. If I don't agree with his politics, well at least I'm not concerned about the well-being of the country because I know where their intentions are.

What you call "refreshing", "unconventional" and "entertaining" is what I would consider unstable. I mean it's really not hard to find some jackass who isn't a career politician who will say what he thinks, fight back, and entertain us along the way. I'm sure you can go out and find some violent alcoholic who can do all that for you, but I'd rather not see that person as the leader of the country.

Frankly, I thought we were better than this. But unfortunately, we have people like you who would vote in Macho Camacho if given the opportunity.

Its not entertainment as much as slaying sacred cows. I grew up hating Republicans because they were rich snobs-many still are. The Democrats supported the working man, at least years ago. Now things have flipped-I lost my job due to Nafta and Trump has reversed the trend-I'd rather have a president do what I need, than a president telling me what I want to hear but not acting.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.

So you don't think Pence would get things done that you like?
No, he is too religious for my taste and would cave if the going got tough-Trump is a fighter.
I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

If I were you, I would be too.
If I were you, I would sart thinking outside of your partisan envelope.

You do know Trump is legally required to send that whistleblower complaint to Congress right?

You are wrong. The law says the DNI should send it to Congress, but the so-called whistleblower is NOT! He doesn't have to do shit! That is what he is going to tell Congress today!
Huh? I did not say the whistle should send it. Only that the law is absolutely clear that it must be sent to Congress.

Wrong. It did not meet the requirements to be a report by a whistleblower under the law. No report to forward!
I will add that I am very very disturbrd by Barr.

If I were you, I would be too.
If I were you, I would sart thinking outside of your partisan envelope.

You do know Trump is legally required to send that whistleblower complaint to Congress right?

You are wrong. The law says the DNI should send it to Congress, but the so-called whistleblower is NOT! He doesn't have to do shit! That is what he is going to tell Congress today!
Huh? I did not say the whistle should send it. Only that the law is absolutely clear that it must be sent to Congress.

Wrong. It did not meet the requirements to be a report by a whistleblower under the law. No report to forward!

OK Admiral Rockwell Tory, you are an idiot. I am glad we agree. Don't screw around with me.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.

So you don't think Pence would get things done that you like?
No, he is too religious for my taste and would cave if the going got tough-Trump is a fighter.

Too religious for my taste as well. I just don't see him as an unstable, narcissistic, self-serving, pathological liar. So I would consider it a significant improvement.

We'll certainly disagree here, but I actually think someone like Pence or Cruz would be more effective at getting legislation passed for Republicans. Both are very direct in what they want and without all the unnecessary extra baggage that Trump brings. Early on I figured that Trump's presidency wouldn't be as bad as a Pence or Cruz presidency for just that reason. I've since flipped on that position. I'd much rather have a sensible adult passing legislation that I don't support than to deal with this shit-show we currently have.

To further add to that point, let's consider if Pence was the president or if Ted Cruz won in 2016. We certainly wouldn't have the cluster-fuck news stories that we have had for the last few years. I highly doubt that Democrats would be as energized as they were in 2018 to take back the House. After all, they had a record-shattering 70% increase in their votes last year and the biggest reason for that is certainly Trump. No drama, no fired-up Democrat base, and combined with a strong economy, any other sensible Republican president would easily glide to victory for 2020 in my opinion. While Trump certainly has a significant chance to win, I don't think he's anything close to a guaranteed victory that some safer candidate would have had if things played out differently.

And that's just 2020. I've said before that I think Trump may have woken up a sleeping giant of previously a-political citizens. Politics used to be boring, but now everyone has to have a stance on the current administration. The previous midterm results showed much more people getting involved in the voting process, and the majority of those new voters went against the Republican candidates. If passing legislation is what you're interested in, it may not have been ideal for you to piss off a wave of people who were previously uninterested in opposing your legislation.

But that's just my opinion. Obviously we'll see how it pans out.
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I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

Both parties had a well above average turnout last midterms. Look it up. The problem is hate won instead of pragmatism. Because let's face it, the only thing Democrats have to offer is hate.

The Democrats are not only setting the stage for another Trump win, but also a turnover of leadership in the House. What they have to offer is a huge tax increase on the job creators in this country, a debt like we've never seen before, measures to disarm the public, getting rid of ICE so we virtually have no borders, and getting rid of beef products and forcing society to eat carrots the rest of our lives.

Your side has zero to offer Americans except higher taxes and more government control and dependency.

Uh huh. So you think Americans are getting disgusted with Democrats antics despite the fact that Democrats saw a 70% increase in their vote totals.

Can you explain how your little mind rationalizes that?

People are getting tired of Democrats' antics. Democrats saw a huge rise in their voter turnouts.

How are these two statements compatible in your mind? What mental gymnastics do you need to do to get your partisan pea-brain to reconcile these two opposing statements? Please explain that to me so that we can study you thoroughly.

What do you mean a 70% total votes? Explain that one. Now if you are talking about voters, provide a credible link.

The opposing party of the President often takes over the House. It's almost history in recent years. People don't like a one-party government very much. It's proven to be a disaster.

Your front runner is going to gaff himself out of the race. Your front runner can't come close to packing public engagements like Trump can who is still selling out with standing room only.

This is called the enthusiasm factor. You can find Trump haters until the cows come home, but if they don't go out and vote, they're meaningless.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.

You are an example of what's wrong with voting in this country. You don't vote based on the job a person is doing, you vote on how much you personally like the guy or not.

Pence is your typical dog and pony show baby kissing politician. You seldom know what the guy thinks on policy, he asks his people what he should feel about it just like every other professional politician. They look at polls, watch MSM, and then take a position.

Trump is the exact opposite, and that's why he's so refreshing in our political world. You know what HE is thinking, not his advisors, he fights back, and he's entertaining as all hell.

I think the office of the president should be held to a higher standard. I'm not looking for someone to entertain me like you are. I'm looking for someone to do his job with dignity and class. If I agree with his politics, great. If I don't agree with his politics, well at least I'm not concerned about the well-being of the country because I know where their intentions are.

What you call "refreshing", "unconventional" and "entertaining" is what I would consider unstable. I mean it's really not hard to find some jackass who isn't a career politician who will say what he thinks, fight back, and entertain us along the way. I'm sure you can go out and find some violent alcoholic who can do all that for you, but I'd rather not see that person as the leader of the country.

Frankly, I thought we were better than this. But unfortunately, we have people like you who would vote in Macho Camacho if given the opportunity.


No, the way I vote is by results which we've had many great ones in the last near three years. You want to vote on a President like you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant.

You vote the same way election after election and then wonder why nothing positive gets done in this country. We voted for change, we got it, and we're happy with it.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.
What has Trump gotten done, besides increasing the threat from North Korea and Russia?
"gotten done"
Fucking illiterate RETARD!
In MI, a state Trump needs, Democrats turned out in droves to vote against the GOP. If we show up like that in 2020 Trump loses. And we will. Enough is enough.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.

Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Pence 2019-how does that sound?

I wouldn't like it, but I would be ok with that.

I kind of miss the days where we could completely disagree with the person in office without questioning their integrity.

George W. Bush was that for me. I didn't like him and I disagreed with him on everything, but I believed he was a good man who genuinely wanted to do what he felt was right. It was kind of comforting knowing that the person in charge, despite your issues with him, wasn't a narcissistic lunatic. I'd be fine with Pence.

Not that it matters though. Trump could shoot a guy on 5th avenue and I don't think the Senate would convict him. So I don't expect anything to actually happen here.
I disagree with you-I would rather have a dick in office who gets things done, especially what I want, rather than a boot licker.

So you don't think Pence would get things done that you like?
No, he is too religious for my taste and would cave if the going got tough-Trump is a fighter.

Too religious for my taste as well. I just don't see him as an unstable, narcissistic, self-serving, pathological liar. So I would consider it a significant improvement.

We'll certainly disagree here, but I actually think someone like Pence or Cruz would be more effective at getting legislation passed for Republicans. Both are very direct in what they want and without all the unnecessary extra baggage that Trump brings. Early on I figured that Trump's presidency wouldn't be as bad as a Pence or Cruz presidency for just that reason. I've since flipped on that position. I'd much rather have a sensible adult passing legislation that I don't support than to deal with this shit-show we currently have.

To further add to that point, let's consider if Pence was the president or if Ted Cruz won in 2016. We certainly wouldn't have the cluster-fuck news stories that we have had for the last few years. I highly doubt that Democrats would be as energized as they were in 2018 to take back the House. After all, they had a record-shattering 70% increase in their votes last year and the biggest reason for that is certainly Trump. No drama, no fired-up Democrat base, and combined with a strong economy, any other sensible Republican president would easily glide to victory for 2020 in my opinion. While Trump certainly has a significant chance to win, I don't think he's anything close to a guaranteed victory that some safer candidate would have had if things played out differently.

And that's just 2020. I've said before that I think Trump may have woken up a sleeping giant of previously a-political citizens. Politics used to be boring, but now everyone has to have a stance on the current administration. The previous midterm results showed much more people getting involved in the voting process, and the majority of those new voters went against the Republican candidates. If passing legislation is what you're interested in, it may not have been ideal for you to piss off a wave of people who were previously uninterested in opposing your legislation.

But that's just my opinion. Obviously we'll see how it pans out.
Funny thing is, I support more Democrat positions than Republican. Trump's immigration stance and China stance is good-his tax cut for the rich and defense spending is bad. Since I think most politicians are evil, I enjoy them squirming when Trump goes on a twitter rampage. If Pence is president, I'll go back to sleep and complain when I'm awake. If a Democrat wins, I'm moving to Canada.
No one can predict the future-look at yesterday's events. Too many variables-lets say Trump is impeached-would he declare martial law just before he loses power?
I can see the cock sucker not accepting the results or even rigging the election like Bush did in Florida 2000 and then again Ohio 2004. And the American people did nothing about it. I hope the Democrats are watching closely for all shinanigans. Hanging chads.
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.

Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Trump is better than Obama or Bush, so I will back him in posts. My 3 years with him have been better than the previous 16 and my friends and relatives and neighbors are doing better also. That's why we vote. If Trump does not run, don't vote Republican.
Trump will be impeached...and it looks like he won't have the kind of support (protection?) in the Senate that he previously would have had.

What are Trumpers going to do if the Senate convicts or Trump pulls a Nixon and resigns in the face of that conviction?

Curiously...what do you think Trump will do if removed from office given his legal liability at that point?

Head for Russia and get a condo next door to Snowden?
I did not like Bush or THAT election, but Trump was elected fairly. If Trump is impeached on this weak bullshit, I will not accept his removal and WILL back martial law.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.

Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Trump is better than Obama or Bush, so I will back him in posts. My 3 years with him have been better than the previous 16 and my friends and relatives and neighbors are doing better also. That's why we vote. If Trump does not run, don't vote Republican.
What do you do for a living?
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I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Serious reply. Having morphed from Libertarian to Anarchist to Collapsitarian I have been supportive, in a limited way, of the annoying orange. He drives the left into deranged fits. He makes establishment GOPers behave as if they washed their LSD down with psilocybin tea. An impeachment circus just adds to the entertainment value.
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.

Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Trump is better than Obama or Bush, so I will back him in posts. My 3 years with him have been better than the previous 16 and my friends and relatives and neighbors are doing better also. That's why we vote. If Trump does not run, don't vote Republican.
What do you do for a living?
Report people who call me idiot
Nothing will be done about it. It's not against the rules to call someone an idiot is it?
You're an idiot. If he got tossed out that would mean Republicans in the Senate also voted to impeach him.

He will be impeached the same way Clinton was. But unlike Clinton, this will cost him re election.

Republicans are hoping Trump doesn't get impeached but if he does, they're hoping it helps him get re elected. I doubt that. Not with all the anti Trump voters who are going to show up this time. They didn't for Hillary and they are sorry for that.

Sure they are. They're sorry we have such a great economy. They are sorry they are taking home more money and getting a bigger income tax refund. They are sorry for not having any more Commie Care fines. They are sorry their employer is doing so well, and if they aren't, the ability to choose one of the many other jobs out there.

Why would any American in their right mind not want to change that?

Besides for me, the economy doesn't seem all that much better now than it did in 2016. Not for all the people at my company. They still make the same as they did in 2016. Of course you guys act like the economy is booming, which it isn't. And it was for a minute because of all the tax breaks, that we can't afford.

Long story short, your premise is bullshit. What ever happened to you guys saying Presidents didn't have that much to do with the economy? Was that bullshit too?

And it doesn't matter even if your premise was true. Trump is a criminal. He doesn't get to get away with criminality just because the economy is doing good.

What will we do if he wins and leaves office in 2025? Will we survive without Trump? Then we'll survive in 2021 without him.

Maybe you should run someone else. Someone who isn't a crime boss.
Trump is better than Obama or Bush, so I will back him in posts. My 3 years with him have been better than the previous 16 and my friends and relatives and neighbors are doing better also. That's why we vote. If Trump does not run, don't vote Republican.
What do you do for a living?
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