Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

The numbers are facts.

Your conclusion about American's getting disgusted are unsupported.

There are a huge number of reasons the increase could have taken place (or did you fail to leave that data out).

Suggest you look in the mirror when lecturing others about non-biased positions (or conclusions).

Awesome. Go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong. Show me the exact statement I made that was incorrect.

Quote me, word-for-word, what I stated that was incorrect and tell me why it's wrong.
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

The numbers are facts.

Your conclusion about American's getting disgusted are unsupported.

There are a huge number of reasons the increase could have taken place (or did you fail to leave that data out).

Suggest you look in the mirror when lecturing others about non-biased positions (or conclusions).

Awesome. Go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong. Show me the exact statement I made that was incorrect.

Quote me, word-for-word, what I stated that was incorrect and tell me why it's wrong.

Are you stupid.

What part of" Your conclusions about Americans getting disgusted are unsupported" don't you understand ?

Any simple logic class teaches correlation is not causation. You've committed a fallacy.

Happy ?
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

The numbers are facts.

Your conclusion about American's getting disgusted are unsupported.

There are a huge number of reasons the increase could have taken place (or did you fail to leave that data out).

Suggest you look in the mirror when lecturing others about non-biased positions (or conclusions).

Awesome. Go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong. Show me the exact statement I made that was incorrect.

Quote me, word-for-word, what I stated that was incorrect and tell me why it's wrong.

Are you stupid.

What part of" Your conclusions about Americans getting disgusted are unsupported" don't you understand ?

Any simple logic class teaches correlation is not causation. You've committed a fallacy.

Happy ?

I noticed that you're making personal attacks against me rather than attacking my argument. Sounds like a logical fallacy to me.

Also, I noticed that you were incapable of quoting the specific statement that I made that was incorrect. I'll give you one more chance to specifically reference the specific statement of mine that you have an issue with. Quote it.
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

The numbers are facts.

Your conclusion about American's getting disgusted are unsupported.

There are a huge number of reasons the increase could have taken place (or did you fail to leave that data out).

Suggest you look in the mirror when lecturing others about non-biased positions (or conclusions).

Awesome. Go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong. Show me the exact statement I made that was incorrect.

Quote me, word-for-word, what I stated that was incorrect and tell me why it's wrong.

Are you stupid.

What part of" Your conclusions about Americans getting disgusted are unsupported" don't you understand ?

Any simple logic class teaches correlation is not causation. You've committed a fallacy.

Happy ?

I noticed that you're making personal attacks against me rather than attacking my argument. Sounds like a logical fallacy to me.

Also, I noticed that you were incapable of quoting the specific statement that I made that was incorrect. I'll give you one more chance to specifically reference the specific statement of mine that you have an issue with. Quote it.

What part of "Your conclusion does not follow you argument" don't you understand ?

Alreayd pointed out (for the last time) that you can't support your claim that the numbers (facts) don't quality your claim it shows....Americans are disgusted.

The 70% increase could simply be that people decided to vote because it was more convenient. There are probably a 100 explanations.
Yes agreed. Those who want him impeached think he abused the power of his office when he leveraged military aid to solicit an investigation into Biden. Others thought the muller report had enough obstruction to justify impeachment.

He never leveraged military aid. Again, point this out to me in the transcript. Biden threatened aid, not Trump. Perhaps the problem is you are confusing the two events.
Biden threatened a loan to push an agenda sanctioned by our government and our allies. That’s a whole different bowl of potatoes. Trump leveraged the aid by freezing it, against the will of congress, then while discussing it with the leader of Ukraine he asked for a favor which involved personal business to help his campaign. Don’t play dumb Ray. It’s clear as day. Go read the transcript
Are you still trying to save Biden’s ass lol to. Funny
Yeah idiot I’m trying to save Joe Biden’s ass... it’s all up to me, I hope I don’t fail, the fate of the world depends on it.
Your doing a good job. Lol I guess you hate your tax money.. do you even believe I have a right to money I earn?
Yes of course you have a right to money you earn and the gov has a right to tax it. Hopefully as little as possible if I could have things my way
He never leveraged military aid. Again, point this out to me in the transcript. Biden threatened aid, not Trump. Perhaps the problem is you are confusing the two events.
Biden threatened a loan to push an agenda sanctioned by our government and our allies. That’s a whole different bowl of potatoes. Trump leveraged the aid by freezing it, against the will of congress, then while discussing it with the leader of Ukraine he asked for a favor which involved personal business to help his campaign. Don’t play dumb Ray. It’s clear as day. Go read the transcript
Are you still trying to save Biden’s ass lol to. Funny
Yeah idiot I’m trying to save Joe Biden’s ass... it’s all up to me, I hope I don’t fail, the fate of the world depends on it.
Your doing a good job. Lol I guess you hate your tax money.. do you even believe I have a right to money I earn?
Yes of course you have a right to money you earn and the gov has a right to tax it. Hopefully as little as possible if I could have things my way
According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money
that's some funny ass shit man. say your guys can't be investigated cause they ain't gov employees then say rudy should be.

you even read the shit you say first?

The more you post, the more your biases cloud your thinking. Was Rudy on the payroll? And who is paying him should be the first item to be investigated.

If he is Trump's attorney, he's not a government employee, yet he claimed he was an emissary, and that needs to be vetted.

As for Clinton and Kerry, they are yesterday. Do you want us to become more of a banana republic and go back to investigate Truman for using the second A-Bomb, or IKE for not supporting the French which created the Domino Theory? How about investigating Gingrich and other members of the H. or Rep. whose illicit sexual activities were worse than Clinton's lie (a lie most husbands would have told) and later left in shame (f'n hypocrites got what they deserved).
you seem to let your grandstanding get in the way of people knowing your'e full of shit.

you claim kerry and clinton are no longer gov employees and the investigations or concern should stop. then you rail on rudy. hey - rudy is an idiot so rail away. but he's NOT a gov employee either, yet somehow he's worthy of bypassing the very rules of engagement you just cited so you can rag on him in the same manner people rag on clinton / kerry that you seem to have issue with.

THAT is "hypocritical" so you should be mad at yourself now.

Remember it's not a crime when a democrat does it

Q. Aren't we all democrats?

A. All patriots are, some are Republicans, some are Libertarian's, some are Democrats and some belong to other political parties.

Of course then their is trump and his sycophants (like Frank) who hate democracy and want Big Brother to govern unabated by the people, or even a Constitution, a Judiciary or a Congress. The autocrat keeps the monsters away, isn't that what you pray for Frank?

You're covering for Biden makes you look rabidly partisan

When did I cover for Biden? Calling out Trump for being an asshole and violating the law - which he admits to have done - is not covering for Biden. Of course I don't believe Biden or his son are crooks, and I'm sure that DJT is a crook.
The more you post, the more your biases cloud your thinking. Was Rudy on the payroll? And who is paying him should be the first item to be investigated.

If he is Trump's attorney, he's not a government employee, yet he claimed he was an emissary, and that needs to be vetted.

As for Clinton and Kerry, they are yesterday. Do you want us to become more of a banana republic and go back to investigate Truman for using the second A-Bomb, or IKE for not supporting the French which created the Domino Theory? How about investigating Gingrich and other members of the H. or Rep. whose illicit sexual activities were worse than Clinton's lie (a lie most husbands would have told) and later left in shame (f'n hypocrites got what they deserved).
you seem to let your grandstanding get in the way of people knowing your'e full of shit.

you claim kerry and clinton are no longer gov employees and the investigations or concern should stop. then you rail on rudy. hey - rudy is an idiot so rail away. but he's NOT a gov employee either, yet somehow he's worthy of bypassing the very rules of engagement you just cited so you can rag on him in the same manner people rag on clinton / kerry that you seem to have issue with.

THAT is "hypocritical" so you should be mad at yourself now.

Remember it's not a crime when a democrat does it

Q. Aren't we all democrats?

A. All patriots are, some are Republicans, some are Libertarian's, some are Democrats and some belong to other political parties.

Of course then their is trump and his sycophants (like Frank) who hate democracy and want Big Brother to govern unabated by the people, or even a Constitution, a Judiciary or a Congress. The autocrat keeps the monsters away, isn't that what you pray for Frank?

You're covering for Biden makes you look rabidly partisan

When did I cover for Biden? Calling out Trump for being an asshole and violating the law - which he admits to have done - is not covering for Biden. Of course I don't believe Biden or his son are crooks, and I'm sure that DJT is a crook.
You would eat the dingleberries out of Bidens ass... obviously
that's some funny ass shit man. say your guys can't be investigated cause they ain't gov employees then say rudy should be.

you even read the shit you say first?

The more you post, the more your biases cloud your thinking. Was Rudy on the payroll? And who is paying him should be the first item to be investigated.

If he is Trump's attorney, he's not a government employee, yet he claimed he was an emissary, and that needs to be vetted.

As for Clinton and Kerry, they are yesterday. Do you want us to become more of a banana republic and go back to investigate Truman for using the second A-Bomb, or IKE for not supporting the French which created the Domino Theory? How about investigating Gingrich and other members of the H. or Rep. whose illicit sexual activities were worse than Clinton's lie (a lie most husbands would have told) and later left in shame (f'n hypocrites got what they deserved).
you seem to let your grandstanding get in the way of people knowing your'e full of shit.

you claim kerry and clinton are no longer gov employees and the investigations or concern should stop. then you rail on rudy. hey - rudy is an idiot so rail away. but he's NOT a gov employee either, yet somehow he's worthy of bypassing the very rules of engagement you just cited so you can rag on him in the same manner people rag on clinton / kerry that you seem to have issue with.

THAT is "hypocritical" so you should be mad at yourself now.

Remember it's not a crime when a democrat does it

Q. Aren't we all democrats?

A. All patriots are, some are Republicans, some are Libertarian's, some are Democrats and some belong to other political parties.

Of course then their is trump and his sycophants (like Frank) who hate democracy and want Big Brother to govern unabated by the people, or even a Constitution, a Judiciary or a Congress. The autocrat keeps the monsters away, isn't that what you pray for Frank?
/----/ "Aren't we all democrats?"
No, you moron.

I acknowledged we are not all democrats. People like you and Frank fear the people, and support the suppression of voters. You and he also support DJT, a wannabe despot and a megalomaniac who issues policies and EO's without the interference from a Congress, the Judiciary or morality.

Why not admit you are a 21st Century supporter of fascism?
Because it does not matter who says what.

First, people being on Fox News, does not make them "right-wing". My own mother, was on ABC News with George Stephanopoulos. She is not left-wing. Being on a news channel, doesn't magically change your political views.

Being judge doesn't mean you are divine truth. Are you saying that no judge ever made an incorrect judgement? Then why do left-wingers complain about the prison population?

Again, where is the evidence of a crime? The standard is, quid pro quo. If you don't do this, then I won't do that. If you do this, then I'll do that. If you investigate Biden, then I'll give you money. If you don't, then I won't.

Under that standard, nothing of the sort happened.
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it

BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
It was absolutely political. It’s obvious. The entire Biden situation is being politicized as we speak. Trump is falsely distorting that situation to make it look like there’s a crime when the evidence is of the contrary. In fact there’s been statements by a prosecutor saying that there was no crimes or evidence of crimes by the Bidens. You can’t can’t squirm away from this.

Right... and if the left had not jumped on this, nothing would have ever happened with it. This was a non-story, and would have disappeared.

The left-wing made this a story, by starting talking about impeachment. So we had to look at it. And when we looked at it, we notice in the phone conversation, that Trump referred to Biden saying he told the president of the Ukraine, that if he didn't fire the prosecutor, that they would not get the money.

We looked at it.... and low and behold... Biden said exactly that.

Does it look bad? Yes it most certainly does.

So now we have the left-wing claiming that Trump engaged in a Quid Pro Quo..... when no quid pro quo happened... and ironically over a situation where Biden DID engage in quid pro quo.

Those are the facts. I don't have to "squirm away" from the facts, because those are the facts. Between the two of us, I have the facts on my side. You are the one claiming "no Biden didn't, and Trump did".... when Biden HIMSELF said he did it.

Those are the facts. I am only pointing out, exactly what is documented fact. You are just pointing out what your opinion is of others motivations, which are not factual, or provable.

Go ahead and squirm some more.

Honestly man, I don’t think you’d know reality if it smacked you directly on the forehead. The whistler blower was the catalyst, followed by the DOJ keeping it from Congress, and the spark that lit the fuse was genius Giuliani on Cuomos show when he went off like a lunatic

The whistle blower, was a non-event. We've gone through it. The whistle blower knew even less about the phone call, than we know right now. The report was effectively a massive nothing-burger. Much like the Mueller report was a nothing-burger.

The report contained references to news articles, and hear-say. That's it. In short it was "I heard.... " and "There was a call...." and "Some people said....".

That whistle blower report was remarkable in only one way.... how little it had in the way of facts.

So why was it withheld? I'm convinced because either Trump, or someone in the Trump administration knew that delaying the release of this report, would be a brilliant political move. They knew that he left-wing, which has been both rabid and delusional in their attempts to destroy Trump, would toss themselves like a suicide cult, on this sword of their own making.

And they did. I have a hard time believing that Trump himself was this smart... but someone led the entire left-lemming-wing straight to a cliff, and encouraged them as they jumped to their deaths.

So let me clarify....

If there is something more here... and new evidence comes out showing illegal activity, then Trump is doomed, and I'm all for it.

But as things stand right now at this moment.... this will destroy the Democrats, and their lemming followers.
The more you post, the more your biases cloud your thinking. Was Rudy on the payroll? And who is paying him should be the first item to be investigated.

If he is Trump's attorney, he's not a government employee, yet he claimed he was an emissary, and that needs to be vetted.

As for Clinton and Kerry, they are yesterday. Do you want us to become more of a banana republic and go back to investigate Truman for using the second A-Bomb, or IKE for not supporting the French which created the Domino Theory? How about investigating Gingrich and other members of the H. or Rep. whose illicit sexual activities were worse than Clinton's lie (a lie most husbands would have told) and later left in shame (f'n hypocrites got what they deserved).
you seem to let your grandstanding get in the way of people knowing your'e full of shit.

you claim kerry and clinton are no longer gov employees and the investigations or concern should stop. then you rail on rudy. hey - rudy is an idiot so rail away. but he's NOT a gov employee either, yet somehow he's worthy of bypassing the very rules of engagement you just cited so you can rag on him in the same manner people rag on clinton / kerry that you seem to have issue with.

THAT is "hypocritical" so you should be mad at yourself now.

Remember it's not a crime when a democrat does it

Q. Aren't we all democrats?

A. All patriots are, some are Republicans, some are Libertarian's, some are Democrats and some belong to other political parties.

Of course then their is trump and his sycophants (like Frank) who hate democracy and want Big Brother to govern unabated by the people, or even a Constitution, a Judiciary or a Congress. The autocrat keeps the monsters away, isn't that what you pray for Frank?
/----/ "Aren't we all democrats?"
No, you moron.

I acknowledged we are not all democrats. People like you and Frank fear the people, and support the suppression of voters. You and he also support DJT, a wannabe despot and a megalomaniac who issues policies and EO's without the interference from a Congress, the Judiciary or morality.

Why not admit you are a 21st Century supporter of fascism?
All progressives are fucked in the head
What part of "Your conclusion does not follow you argument" don't you understand ?

Alreayd pointed out (for the last time) that you can't support your claim that the numbers (facts) don't quality your claim it shows....Americans are disgusted.

The 70% increase could simply be that people decided to vote because it was more convenient. There are probably a 100 explanations.

I think you're probably incorrectly summarizing my argument, which is why I asked you to quote the specific part you had an issue with. I noticed that you didn't. Get back to me when you're interested in being specific with what you're accusing me of.

Thanks for playing. Have a nice day.
He never leveraged military aid. Again, point this out to me in the transcript. Biden threatened aid, not Trump. Perhaps the problem is you are confusing the two events.
Biden threatened a loan to push an agenda sanctioned by our government and our allies. That’s a whole different bowl of potatoes. Trump leveraged the aid by freezing it, against the will of congress, then while discussing it with the leader of Ukraine he asked for a favor which involved personal business to help his campaign. Don’t play dumb Ray. It’s clear as day. Go read the transcript
Are you still trying to save Biden’s ass lol to. Funny
Yeah idiot I’m trying to save Joe Biden’s ass... it’s all up to me, I hope I don’t fail, the fate of the world depends on it.
Your doing a good job. Lol I guess you hate your tax money.. do you even believe I have a right to money I earn?
Yes of course you have a right to money you earn and the gov has a right to tax it. Hopefully as little as possible if I could have things my way
What if 200 million citizens storm the fed reserve to take out money back?
I wish somebody would do a study to see how much of their time the Democrats have spent talking or trying to figure out ways to get rid of Trump since they took leadership of Congress. Because I think Americans are getting very disgusted with their antics already.

Wrong. As usual.

Let's take a look at the 2018 midterm election results. In 2018, Democrats saw a record 70% increase in their vote totals compared to the last midterm election. The numbers indicate that Americans are getting disgusted with Trump's antics.

But those are just numbers. You know, facts. I'm sure you have some really compelling factual data that you'll provide for us to validate your non-biased position.

The numbers are facts.

Your conclusion about American's getting disgusted are unsupported.

There are a huge number of reasons the increase could have taken place (or did you fail to leave that data out).

Suggest you look in the mirror when lecturing others about non-biased positions (or conclusions).

Awesome. Go ahead and tell me where I'm wrong. Show me the exact statement I made that was incorrect.

Quote me, word-for-word, what I stated that was incorrect and tell me why it's wrong.

Are you stupid.

What part of" Your conclusions about Americans getting disgusted are unsupported" don't you understand ?

Any simple logic class teaches correlation is not causation. You've committed a fallacy.

Happy ?

I noticed that you're making personal attacks against me rather than attacking my argument. Sounds like a logical fallacy to me.

Also, I noticed that you were incapable of quoting the specific statement that I made that was incorrect. I'll give you one more chance to specifically reference the specific statement of mine that you have an issue with. Quote it.

He's pointing out that you didn't make an argument.

You made an opinionated conclusion. Not an argument.

Anyone can say "everyone is upset!"... but that is not a fact based argument. That's you spouting off how you feel.

I can't argue with your feelings. There is no argument to be made there. " I feel like everyone is fed up with Trump... so therefore they are!"

Ok..... I don't feel that way.

Next pointless discussion?
Trump is different, and that's why people voted him into power. The main thing is that if no Quid pro quo was involved, then his methods aren't impeachable nor criminal, just different.
What do you mean he is “different”? He is NOT above the law.
That's the issue-legality

Agree. And that is why there needs to be an investigation.
except now the mantra is no crime is needed, just think he's below the standards for the office.

it really does come across as "any port in a storm" and not an honest effort to address "wrongdoing".

I don't agree. An impeachment inquiry isn't necessarily going to benefit the Dems - Pelosi was doing a good job keeping the reins on that and I agreed with it - whether it was Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Trump the calls for impeachment were used more for partisan political purposes than serious crimes (Congress can always choose to censure). I think this one was a bridge to far and NOT starting an inquiry even though it might hurt the Dems would have been a derelection of duty.

Trump was refusing to pass on the whistle blower report which should not have gone to him in the first place and he had no legal right to hold and the contents are seriously concerning imo. The inquiry will allow them to get documents and subpeona witnesses expeditiously and this will hopefully become transparent and settled one way or the other quickly.
and schiff knew of this report a month before it was released. the entire act of WHAT A SURPRISE reeks to me.

if i were under attack 24x7 it would make me do strange things also, i'm sure. but the instant jump to IMPEACH as soon as they went public with it to me came across as pre-meditated and just for show as they knew what they were going to do for a month and had time to plan.
Biden threatened a loan to push an agenda sanctioned by our government and our allies. That’s a whole different bowl of potatoes. Trump leveraged the aid by freezing it, against the will of congress, then while discussing it with the leader of Ukraine he asked for a favor which involved personal business to help his campaign. Don’t play dumb Ray. It’s clear as day. Go read the transcript
Are you still trying to save Biden’s ass lol to. Funny
Yeah idiot I’m trying to save Joe Biden’s ass... it’s all up to me, I hope I don’t fail, the fate of the world depends on it.
Your doing a good job. Lol I guess you hate your tax money.. do you even believe I have a right to money I earn?
Yes of course you have a right to money you earn and the gov has a right to tax it. Hopefully as little as possible if I could have things my way
According to socialists no individual deserves any money that they earned, deadbeats deserve other peoples money
Why are you talking about socialists?
I’m not calling Napolitano right wing just because he was on fox. I’m calling him right wing because of his long history as a judge and then political analyst.

We all heard the conversation between trump and Ukraine. Discussing millions in military aid that Trump has frozen followed by two favors both very political in nature is what trump is accused of doing that violates 52 US code 30121. That’s the debate. I don’t expect you to agree that trump broke the law. I see you as the type that would excuse him if he shot somebody in the middle of 5th ave. But you’re not going to be able to win a debate of the subject. Something improper is there. We all know it

BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
It was absolutely political. It’s obvious. The entire Biden situation is being politicized as we speak. Trump is falsely distorting that situation to make it look like there’s a crime when the evidence is of the contrary. In fact there’s been statements by a prosecutor saying that there was no crimes or evidence of crimes by the Bidens. You can’t can’t squirm away from this.

Right... and if the left had not jumped on this, nothing would have ever happened with it. This was a non-story, and would have disappeared.

The left-wing made this a story, by starting talking about impeachment. So we had to look at it. And when we looked at it, we notice in the phone conversation, that Trump referred to Biden saying he told the president of the Ukraine, that if he didn't fire the prosecutor, that they would not get the money.

We looked at it.... and low and behold... Biden said exactly that.

Does it look bad? Yes it most certainly does.

So now we have the left-wing claiming that Trump engaged in a Quid Pro Quo..... when no quid pro quo happened... and ironically over a situation where Biden DID engage in quid pro quo.

Those are the facts. I don't have to "squirm away" from the facts, because those are the facts. Between the two of us, I have the facts on my side. You are the one claiming "no Biden didn't, and Trump did".... when Biden HIMSELF said he did it.

Those are the facts. I am only pointing out, exactly what is documented fact. You are just pointing out what your opinion is of others motivations, which are not factual, or provable.

Go ahead and squirm some more.

Honestly man, I don’t think you’d know reality if it smacked you directly on the forehead. The whistler blower was the catalyst, followed by the DOJ keeping it from Congress, and the spark that lit the fuse was genius Giuliani on Cuomos show when he went off like a lunatic

The whistle blower, was a non-event. We've gone through it. The whistle blower knew even less about the phone call, than we know right now. The report was effectively a massive nothing-burger. Much like the Mueller report was a nothing-burger.

The report contained references to news articles, and hear-say. That's it. In short it was "I heard.... " and "There was a call...." and "Some people said....".

That whistle blower report was remarkable in only one way.... how little it had in the way of facts.

So why was it withheld? I'm convinced because either Trump, or someone in the Trump administration knew that delaying the release of this report, would be a brilliant political move. They knew that he left-wing, which has been both rabid and delusional in their attempts to destroy Trump, would toss themselves like a suicide cult, on this sword of their own making.

And they did. I have a hard time believing that Trump himself was this smart... but someone led the entire left-lemming-wing straight to a cliff, and encouraged them as they jumped to their deaths.

So let me clarify....

If there is something more here... and new evidence comes out showing illegal activity, then Trump is doomed, and I'm all for it.

But as things stand right now at this moment.... this will destroy the Democrats, and their lemming followers.

Trump is in melt down mode. His diehards probably love it but for normal people when our POTUS sends close to 50 tweets in 24 hours and brings up things like civil war, treason, confronting the whistleblower, White House spy’s etc etc etc it get real old. If we are talking about political strategy then I’m not seeing the brilliance from trump here I’m seeing a tail spin.
BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
It was absolutely political. It’s obvious. The entire Biden situation is being politicized as we speak. Trump is falsely distorting that situation to make it look like there’s a crime when the evidence is of the contrary. In fact there’s been statements by a prosecutor saying that there was no crimes or evidence of crimes by the Bidens. You can’t can’t squirm away from this.

Right... and if the left had not jumped on this, nothing would have ever happened with it. This was a non-story, and would have disappeared.

The left-wing made this a story, by starting talking about impeachment. So we had to look at it. And when we looked at it, we notice in the phone conversation, that Trump referred to Biden saying he told the president of the Ukraine, that if he didn't fire the prosecutor, that they would not get the money.

We looked at it.... and low and behold... Biden said exactly that.

Does it look bad? Yes it most certainly does.

So now we have the left-wing claiming that Trump engaged in a Quid Pro Quo..... when no quid pro quo happened... and ironically over a situation where Biden DID engage in quid pro quo.

Those are the facts. I don't have to "squirm away" from the facts, because those are the facts. Between the two of us, I have the facts on my side. You are the one claiming "no Biden didn't, and Trump did".... when Biden HIMSELF said he did it.

Those are the facts. I am only pointing out, exactly what is documented fact. You are just pointing out what your opinion is of others motivations, which are not factual, or provable.

Go ahead and squirm some more.

Honestly man, I don’t think you’d know reality if it smacked you directly on the forehead. The whistler blower was the catalyst, followed by the DOJ keeping it from Congress, and the spark that lit the fuse was genius Giuliani on Cuomos show when he went off like a lunatic

The whistle blower, was a non-event. We've gone through it. The whistle blower knew even less about the phone call, than we know right now. The report was effectively a massive nothing-burger. Much like the Mueller report was a nothing-burger.

The report contained references to news articles, and hear-say. That's it. In short it was "I heard.... " and "There was a call...." and "Some people said....".

That whistle blower report was remarkable in only one way.... how little it had in the way of facts.

So why was it withheld? I'm convinced because either Trump, or someone in the Trump administration knew that delaying the release of this report, would be a brilliant political move. They knew that he left-wing, which has been both rabid and delusional in their attempts to destroy Trump, would toss themselves like a suicide cult, on this sword of their own making.

And they did. I have a hard time believing that Trump himself was this smart... but someone led the entire left-lemming-wing straight to a cliff, and encouraged them as they jumped to their deaths.

So let me clarify....

If there is something more here... and new evidence comes out showing illegal activity, then Trump is doomed, and I'm all for it.

But as things stand right now at this moment.... this will destroy the Democrats, and their lemming followers.

Trump is in melt down mode. His diehards probably love it but for normal people when our POTUS sends close to 50 tweets in 24 hours and brings up things like civil war, treason, confronting the whistleblower, White House spy’s etc etc etc it get real old. If we are talking about political strategy then I’m not seeing the brilliance from trump here I’m seeing a tail spin.

/----/ President Trump is driving the chaos. He's playing the libtards like a fiddle. By releasing the transcript, he derailed the lib narrative forcing Schiff to litteraly make up a conversation between Trump and the Ukraine President.
"We’ve been very good to your country. Very good. No other country has done as much as we have. But you know what, I don’t see much reciprocity here. You know what I mean? I hear what you want. I have a favor I want from you though. And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of dirt, on this and on that. I’m going to put you in touch with people, and not just any people. I’m going to put you in touch with the Attorney General of the United States — my Attorney General, Bill Barr — he’s got the whole weight of American law enforcement behind him. And I’m going to put you in touch with Rudy, you’re going to love him. Trust me. You know what I’m asking, so I’m only going to say this a few more times, in a few more ways. And don’t call me again. I’ll call you when you’ve done what I asked."
Biden threatened a loan to push an agenda sanctioned by our government and our allies. That’s a whole different bowl of potatoes. Trump leveraged the aid by freezing it, against the will of congress, then while discussing it with the leader of Ukraine he asked for a favor which involved personal business to help his campaign. Don’t play dumb Ray. It’s clear as day. Go read the transcript
Are you still trying to save Biden’s ass lol to. Funny
Yeah idiot I’m trying to save Joe Biden’s ass... it’s all up to me, I hope I don’t fail, the fate of the world depends on it.
Your doing a good job. Lol I guess you hate your tax money.. do you even believe I have a right to money I earn?
Yes of course you have a right to money you earn and the gov has a right to tax it. Hopefully as little as possible if I could have things my way
What if 200 million citizens storm the fed reserve to take out money back?
Aww that’s sweet... do you think our wealth is contained in paper and coin money stored in the federal reserve?

Go ahead and lead the charge buddy. Let me know how it goes
BS. Nope. There was no political favor. Period. There was ZERO political favor.

We know exactly why the funds were frozen, and it is the same reason prior administrations have had misgivings dealing with the Ukraine. Corruption. We've been talking about the corruption in the Ukraine for a decade. It didn't start with Trump, or even Obama.

That's why we have been pushing on them to deal with corruption for years.

That's why the majority of entire phone conversation was about corruption. There is no evidence that the reason for the holding the funds was about Biden. If you have such evidence, then provide it.

But saying that you know that was the primary purpose of this, when there is zero evidence supporting such a claim, other than a single off the cuff remark that it looks terrible... WHICH IS DOES look bad that Biden unilaterally got a prosecutor fired, with a clear quid pro quo statement.... that's not enough to convince any decent person that Trump was doing this whole thing just to nail Biden. Sorry. It isn't.

You can keep saying wrong things, but you are still wrong on this.
It was absolutely political. It’s obvious. The entire Biden situation is being politicized as we speak. Trump is falsely distorting that situation to make it look like there’s a crime when the evidence is of the contrary. In fact there’s been statements by a prosecutor saying that there was no crimes or evidence of crimes by the Bidens. You can’t can’t squirm away from this.

Right... and if the left had not jumped on this, nothing would have ever happened with it. This was a non-story, and would have disappeared.

The left-wing made this a story, by starting talking about impeachment. So we had to look at it. And when we looked at it, we notice in the phone conversation, that Trump referred to Biden saying he told the president of the Ukraine, that if he didn't fire the prosecutor, that they would not get the money.

We looked at it.... and low and behold... Biden said exactly that.

Does it look bad? Yes it most certainly does.

So now we have the left-wing claiming that Trump engaged in a Quid Pro Quo..... when no quid pro quo happened... and ironically over a situation where Biden DID engage in quid pro quo.

Those are the facts. I don't have to "squirm away" from the facts, because those are the facts. Between the two of us, I have the facts on my side. You are the one claiming "no Biden didn't, and Trump did".... when Biden HIMSELF said he did it.

Those are the facts. I am only pointing out, exactly what is documented fact. You are just pointing out what your opinion is of others motivations, which are not factual, or provable.

Go ahead and squirm some more.

Honestly man, I don’t think you’d know reality if it smacked you directly on the forehead. The whistler blower was the catalyst, followed by the DOJ keeping it from Congress, and the spark that lit the fuse was genius Giuliani on Cuomos show when he went off like a lunatic

The whistle blower, was a non-event. We've gone through it. The whistle blower knew even less about the phone call, than we know right now. The report was effectively a massive nothing-burger. Much like the Mueller report was a nothing-burger.

The report contained references to news articles, and hear-say. That's it. In short it was "I heard.... " and "There was a call...." and "Some people said....".

That whistle blower report was remarkable in only one way.... how little it had in the way of facts.

So why was it withheld? I'm convinced because either Trump, or someone in the Trump administration knew that delaying the release of this report, would be a brilliant political move. They knew that he left-wing, which has been both rabid and delusional in their attempts to destroy Trump, would toss themselves like a suicide cult, on this sword of their own making.

And they did. I have a hard time believing that Trump himself was this smart... but someone led the entire left-lemming-wing straight to a cliff, and encouraged them as they jumped to their deaths.

So let me clarify....

If there is something more here... and new evidence comes out showing illegal activity, then Trump is doomed, and I'm all for it.

But as things stand right now at this moment.... this will destroy the Democrats, and their lemming followers.

Trump is in melt down mode. His diehards probably love it but for normal people when our POTUS sends close to 50 tweets in 24 hours and brings up things like civil war, treason, confronting the whistleblower, White House spy’s etc etc etc it get real old. If we are talking about political strategy then I’m not seeing the brilliance from trump here I’m seeing a tail spin.

Oh good grief. You act like Trump wasn't a drama queen until now. This is what the man does. Chill out, and move on.

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