Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
For one, an impeachment would probably result in jail time for uncle Joe, perhaps even hillary clinton. And there is the fact that it is not a criminal proceeding and 5th Amendment rights (self incrimination) do not apply. Witness perjury would probably be prosecuted.
Funny, everything trump does is with intent, and not one fking thing the left does is. Funny shit right there
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.
You haven't posted a shred of evidence to support your claim. Until you do, we correctly assume it's bullshit.
You ask for things, I show it, then it doesn’t make a difference... that’s BS. I’m not playing

I’m happy to post evidence but I’m not going down your rabbit hole so you tell me what evidence clears Biden and I’ll show it. Otherwise I’m not wasting my time with you.
Partisan talking point? No Ray, I’m pointing to actual things that disprove your narrative. If all these entities wanted this guy gone then it doesn’t matter what Biden said... it makes his actions that of multiple governments not personal gain. This is elementary stuff, how is it going over your head?

I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
Foreign corrupt practices act, for one thing. Taking bribes, for another.
So you think Biden took a bribe? How exactly does that work?
I'm just saying I don't think Communism is compatible with the Constitution.
Yeah, I'd agree. I think it flies in the face of the spirit of the Constitution, but that doesn't mean it still can't be voted in, in one form or another. And also, the definition of the word "socialism" is now clearly flexible and up for debate, so that whole conversation might be pointless. I think it would be smarter for the GOP to (a) moderate its position on the role of government and (b) work on changing hearts & minds, because people vote.

I'm not expecting that, by the way, but I think the GOP is at risk here of going too far with the whole "the government is the problem" thing.

Thanks for the civil conversation, by the way. I'm usually getting screamed at by now. :laugh:
Well, your POV is not far off a lot of Americans who have never had to experience a few days in a Gulag that people are sentenced to a lifetime of in Communist Russia, nor search for a gas station in a remote Iraqi village that was sarin-gassed by Saddam Hussein the dictator the day before with the press scared to shitless to explore it since releasing information would likely be edited out by the publisher who doesn't desire to see his family hanging from one of the walls in Baghdad.

We discovered the 100,000,000 estimated killings of China and the over 20,000,000 killings of Russians following World War II, which led to a very cold relationship with Stalin the murderer and Mao the mass murderer by President Dwight Eisenhower, who frankly, had his hands tied up with Hitler whose killings totalled out at around 15,000,000, when all was said and done, 6 million of whom were able-bodied Jews they gave a free train ride to any one of 500 "vacation locations" in Eastern Europe, where they met their fate when being "deloused" in showers after their long train rides to wherever they had their inconvenient populations stripped of clothes and jewelry prior to their showers. Their handlers were often young people who for the price of living knew their information would be a month of unbearable torture before their ultimate "shower." Other people the socialist Nazis murdered were anyone with a handicap that caused him to "look different," and loss of abilities too long to list here; Christian and Jewish ministers and public leaders of this ilk (starting to sound familiar?) etc. Anyone who inconvenienced Hitler's little band of hit-men was at risk to be targeted for paying the price of their belief system or disability in the face of invading forces, was deemed useless to the Nazis and sent to their deaths in their temporary vacation location.

Hitler snuck in the back door of German politics with nicey-nicey talk of the Germans (still smarting from WWI 20 years later) being empowered by him to "not take it anymore" from their enemies and people who were so helpless they became wards of the state for maintenance the Nazis had no use for. You could also just be too old and cranky to be assassinated in a remote location, disappearing with a quick routing of your possessions following your fatal and final disappearance. The socialist Nazis didn't care to pay for taking care of the helpless nor hospitals for the mentally insane, much less do for those born with conditions the Nazis considered the bad example of the way they appeared to be reason for removal from society by surreptitious means, not to mention the private hell they put Jewish German citizens through unless they were very, very gifted in an area of study or medicine that Hitler himself would protect with the guardian SS unless the subject became a socialist's problem.

The trouble with disabling a country's means of support through hard work, is that you can promise people a way out to get votes, but your successors can just as easily whiplash the new expense to the zero category and eliminate complainers by one means or another. Eventually, socialists (communists, etc.) just get tired of detaining people in separatist camps which become a fiscal nightmare, and simply abolish the people, which abolishes the socialist's problem. Absolute power over other human beings leads to an asocial viewpoint and merciless disposition.

Of that we must be chary. And I am very chary of one who lauds socialism while attempting to win people over to allowing them to "teach" children stuff (as in "It takes a village to raise a child." ~ Hillary Clinton, socialist extraordinaire).

Right now, the socialists in this country are bent on destroying their rivals by (1) Marginalizing conservatives and Republicans to be thought of by the public as idiots, miscreants, mentally ill, greedmongers, and every bad thought that comes to their cheeriest delusion. (2) Taking over the press by indoctrination in otherwise innocent-enough-looking outlets like a heavily-unionized teacher's association, where power to get and block curriculum is to target separating children from families through mores, belief systems, and acquiring a love for marginalizing parents, priests, ministers, and anyone who is a threat to the socialist with defensive rhetoric created by a central committee comprised of far leftist teachers, thinkers, lawyers, and others in the pocket of the socialists who basically target and isolate one public institution after another for complete and total control.

The people hurt the most are those who are idealists and are swept away by phase I of socialism, and in Machiavellian fashion of felling one by one by one of people's beliefs, do away with the institution target the socialists are bent on getting rid of.

You're at risk if you still think Mr. Biden, with his recent projections of his wrongdoing against President Trump, is a nice guy just trying to survive by keeping his resources a dozen steps hidden through money laundering it to death "for party" (not really, the man loves high living and ensuring that his kin get exclusives on his estate.) Normal? Of course, it looks normal. That's where the foolery comes in. I think Missouri people have a conundrum, because as quickly as they ask questions, the Socialists have an instant backup. It takes longer for the tried-and-true right to please the show-me people of that state. But when they see the light, the Socialists will likely double down on them, making their choice to do the right thing for America very hard, but not impossible.

We should be asking Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Senator Feinstein, Senator Schumer, Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, and Nancy Pelosi "show me."

Instead, going along with the bought-and-paid-for leftwing press/DNC mouthpieces exclusively, seems easier and far more entertaining than getting down to the niddy-griddy "Where are we going?" Paint your Wagon song says it best about the socialists. It goes (with important parts bolded):

Gold! Gold! Gold!
Gold! Gold! Gold!
Gold!! (whispered loudly)

Gotta dream boy
Gotta song
Paint your wagon
And come along

Where am I goin'?
I don't know
Where am I headin'?
I ain't certain
All I know
Is I am on my way

When will I be there?
I don't know
When will I get there?
I ain't certain
All that I know
Is I am on my way

Gotta dream boy
Gotta song
Paint your wagon
And come along

How appealing is that can o' beans to young strapling Americans who've been raised in the trust of families that didn't know their children were being communized and made ripe for fooling by the time they get to college that promises a better way of life than their parents had?

And the people that subsidized their children into "cool" universities are paying more than their love for children to go to school in time by being incarcerated for it. After all, their parents and friends in past years got away with it. Often it's disguised as scholarship donations for poor students. Who gets caught? My guess is anyone who didn't go through the socialist method. Everybody else who pays to play is a target for a nice, long jail sentence, courtesy of the lawyer system that is 85% Democrat and only 5% Republican.

BTW, the press here are afraid of the leftists commies
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.
You haven't posted a shred of evidence to support your claim. Until you do, we correctly assume it's bullshit.
You ask for things, I show it, then it doesn’t make a difference... that’s BS. I’m not playing

I’m happy to post evidence but I’m not going down your rabbit hole so you tell me what evidence clears Biden and I’ll show it. Otherwise I’m not wasting my time with you.
I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
Foreign corrupt practices act, for one thing. Taking bribes, for another.
So you think Biden took a bribe? How exactly does that work?
Ask obammy
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Even if they did want him gone, he remained until Biden demanded he be fired in return for $1 billion.
No shit sherlock. Biden was assigned to be point guy with Ukraine. This is like trying to explain algebra to preschoolers. You’re embarrassing yourself man.
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
Hunter took Air Force 2 to China not Ukraine. You’re getting your events confused
You believe he flew commercial to Ukraine? Really?
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Whacked out Slade has me on ignore, cause he can’t take my facts
No shit sherlock. Biden was assigned to be point guy with Ukraine. This is like trying to explain algebra to preschoolers. You’re embarrassing yourself man.
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
Which laws got broken? And the support from our allies, congress and government prove that he wasn’t acting alone to cover for his son. Your argument is dead
Wrong. You haven't demonstrated any such support.
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
Which laws got broken? And the support from our allies, congress and government prove that he wasn’t acting alone to cover for his son. Your argument is dead
Wrong. You haven't demonstrated any such support.
He’s just a broken record skipping back to the same posts over and over. He has yet to post one fact
So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Whacked out Slade has me on ignore, cause he can’t take my facts
Slade believes he doesn't have to support his claims with evidence if you don't agree to cave no matter what kind of evidence he posts.
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
Which laws got broken? And the support from our allies, congress and government prove that he wasn’t acting alone to cover for his son. Your argument is dead
Wrong. You haven't demonstrated any such support.
He’s just a broken record skipping back to the same posts over and over. He has yet to post one fact
Typical Dim. He relies on talking points, so all he can do is repeat them ad nauseum.
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Whacked out Slade has me on ignore, cause he can’t take my facts
Slade believes he doesn't have to support his claims with evidence if you don't agree to cave no matter what kind of evidence he posts.
I know, and why he ignores me. He’s never produced one fact to rebuke any of my posts, got frustrated and hit ignore
I'm having a hard time seeing the differences here.

Biden threatened the withholding of US funds if Ukraine didn't fire the prosecutor who was after his son's company, and that's fine.

The current President has every reason to believe the last administration may have participated in corruption, and simply asked a favor of their new President to look into it, and that's an impeachable offense.

What's painfully obvious here is the double standard. You are accusing Trump of doing what Biden did do, but claim it was okay for Biden. But because you only think Trump tried to do the same thing, it's not okay because it's Trump.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
Foreign corrupt practices act, for one thing. Taking bribes, for another.
So you think Biden took a bribe? How exactly does that work?
His son was getting paid 83K/month, moron.
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative

So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Sure that sounds like it would be against the law. But as I pointed out many times that’s not what happened with Biden. He was assigned to do it for his country so your just being dishonest by ignoring that fact
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
Hunter took Air Force 2 to China not Ukraine. You’re getting your events confused

If he committed less crimes, there be less to confuse.
Just saying

Or take Trump's lead and do and say so much outrageous shit the press and the opposition can't keep up.

He really is the living embodiment of "baffle 'em with bullshit".

Totally not true.
No shit sherlock. Biden was assigned to be point guy with Ukraine. This is like trying to explain algebra to preschoolers. You’re embarrassing yourself man.
Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
Hunter took Air Force 2 to China not Ukraine. You’re getting your events confused
You believe he flew commercial to Ukraine? Really?
Are you saying hunter took Air Force 2?
So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Sure that sounds like it would be against the law. But as I pointed out many times that’s not what happened with Biden. He was assigned to do it for his country so your just being dishonest by ignoring that fact

When someone is assigned a job that they know has conflicts, they recuse themselves.
The end.

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