Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Who assigned him and why ? Conflict of interest involved due to his son wouldn't you say ?
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
Which laws got broken? And the support from our allies, congress and government prove that he wasn’t acting alone to cover for his son. Your argument is dead
Wrong. You haven't demonstrated any such support.
I have and I could again. Just tell me that a demonstration of that support clears Biden of wrong doing and then I’ll take the time to show it again.
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Whacked out Slade has me on ignore, cause he can’t take my facts
Slade believes he doesn't have to support his claims with evidence if you don't agree to cave no matter what kind of evidence he posts.
I just do that with you because you’ve play the rabbit hole tactic one to many times. When I take the time to show evidence and you dismiss or pivot it tells me that you’re not worth the time. So yes, you have a qualifier from now on if you wanna see proof
So just so I'm clear....."Fire him or you don't get the Billion Dollars" was good because Biden did it with Obama's blessing?
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Sure that sounds like it would be against the law. But as I pointed out many times that’s not what happened with Biden. He was assigned to do it for his country so your just being dishonest by ignoring that fact
You have provided no evidence to support that sleazy theory, so we'll assume it's horseshit.
Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Whacked out Slade has me on ignore, cause he can’t take my facts
Slade believes he doesn't have to support his claims with evidence if you don't agree to cave no matter what kind of evidence he posts.
I just do that with you because you’ve play the rabbit hole tactic one to many times. When I take the time to show evidence and you dismiss or pivot it tells me that you’re not worth the time. So yes, you have a qualifier from now on if you wanna see proof
ROFL! Your evidence never proves what you claim. You're asking me to agree before I've even seen it that your evidence is credible and that it actually supports your claim.

Sorry, douchebag, I don't play that game.
No. Why would you say that?

Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
Which laws got broken? And the support from our allies, congress and government prove that he wasn’t acting alone to cover for his son. Your argument is dead
Wrong. You haven't demonstrated any such support.
I have and I could again. Just tell me that a demonstration of that support clears Biden of wrong doing and then I’ll take the time to show it again.
Sorry, turd, I don't agree to things before I know what I'm agreeing to.

You would make a good used car salesman.
I’m gonna stop at your first paragraph as you dishonestly frame what Biden did. If you want to have an honest conversation then you need to be honest in your accounts. Biden was acting on behalf of our country and our allies. That is the most important differentiator and you completely ignore it.
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
Foreign corrupt practices act, for one thing. Taking bribes, for another.
So you think Biden took a bribe? How exactly does that work?
His son was getting paid 83K/month, moron.
What does that have to do with Joe?
Ok, but did he break U.S. law ?
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
Foreign corrupt practices act, for one thing. Taking bribes, for another.
So you think Biden took a bribe? How exactly does that work?
His son was getting paid 83K/month, moron.
What does that have to do with Joe?
He's Hunter's father, moron.
Not that I’ve seen. What law do you think he broke?
Foreign corrupt practices act, for one thing. Taking bribes, for another.
So you think Biden took a bribe? How exactly does that work?
His son was getting paid 83K/month, moron.
What does that have to do with Joe?
He's Hunter's father, moron.
Can’t make it up. Like he owes Biden favors!
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Ok then why are you asking for it and why would I bother taking the time to show proof? Especially with these things that can easily be found if you bothered to do a few minutes of research. You’re obviously not here for fair debate. You have an agenda you are here to push no matter what the facts are. That makes you a hack and a troll.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand it was a company that was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop the investigation all due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
If Joe didn’t have a mandate by our gov and the international community to remove this guy and he acted on his own then you’d have a point. That would be corrupt and an abuse of power. But that’s not the case no matter how hard you try and push your distorted narrative
If he acted on behalf of anyone in doing the same thing he bragged about, then it's still an illegal act comitted by him according to our laws correct ?? Was Biden used by others as a fall guy whom had knowledge of his son being involved over there as well ?? Was Biden set up ? I'm just working off of what you all are talking about here. Is Biden not a smart man maybe ? Could he be set up easily in something like that or is he a smart man ? Good grief the bullcrap that goes on in this world now, and how it just reeks of corruption everywhere anymore.
Illegal? How so?
You are kidding right ?
Biden says he was acting on behalf of our government. Has Obama said he told Biden to demand that Ukraine fire Shokin?
If he did would you clear Biden or wrong doing? I’m not giving you anymore troll bait. And I’m not going on wild goose chases to get evidence that doesn’t sway the argument. I know the game. You ask for proof, I give you proof, you pivot to something else. I’m not playing that game.

You tell me what evidence would convince you that Biden acted appropriately and we can go from there. Let’s see if you are reasonable or a simple troll.
Yeah cast that blame on Obama the untouchable eh ?? How convenient. People are going to have to recognize how corruption is attempted to be insulated these days, and this back and forth is proving exactly how it is being done... Keep enlightening us oh wise one of how it is done, and how it is protected. This globalism is a corrupt thing, and it has left American's as toothless Lions roaring with no ability to fight back.
How did I blame Obama? You’re having comprehension problems again. Read slower
Our government was being run by the President at the time, so could anyone else direct Biden to do what he did on behalf of our government ?
yes, obama made Biden the point man with Ukraine. What’s your point?
You gonna throw Obama under the bus finally ? This is getting good.
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of director afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Correct, they were investigating the company he worked for! A foreign country and sleepy joe protected his son’s company extorting the Ukrainian government! Ouch illegal much? Damn straight
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Prove the world backed him!
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Sure that sounds like it would be against the law. But as I pointed out many times that’s not what happened with Biden. He was assigned to do it for his country so your just being dishonest by ignoring that fact

When someone is assigned a job that they know has conflicts, they recuse themselves.
The end.
True but hunter Biden’s bird position and the task of rooting out corruption in Ukraine are pretty dam far removed. Y’all try to distort the narrative to make it seem like Joe has a guy to save his son but that’s just not an accurate account of the situation. Not even close
Close. He did it with the support of Obama, our congress, the EU, the IMF and many Ukrainian reform leaders. They all wanted the guy gone and their reasons had nothing to do with Hunter Biden.

Again, so "consensus" makes extortion very enlightened of you.
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Sure that sounds like it would be against the law. But as I pointed out many times that’s not what happened with Biden. He was assigned to do it for his country so your just being dishonest by ignoring that fact
You have provided no evidence to support that sleazy theory, so we'll assume it's horseshit.
If I can show evidence to support that theory does it clear Biden? Yes or no
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
The Prosecutor Biden put a $Billion bounty on said he was investigating Biden.

A former MSNBC nut job was tapped by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., to question Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker during a congressional hearing on Thursday. Daniel Goldman, a former legal analyst for MSNBC, posed multiple questions to Volker during Thursday’s closed-door interview of Volker. Volker directly refuted the democrats web of lies.

“How can the American people trust that this impeachment process is fair if MSNBC and Adam Schiff are running the show behind the scenes?” a congressional official with direct knowledge of Thursday’s hearing told The Federalist. “This partisan mockery cannot be ignored. Schiff should be ashamed.”

At one point Goldman became so flustered during his questioning of Volker that Schiff unexpectedly shut Goldman down and began questioning Volker himself, one official said.

Following a Fake News New York Times report that the anti-Trump complainant and his team previewed their allegations with Schiff’s committee before filing the complaint with the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG), Schiff was blasted for blatantly lying about his committee’s secret coordination with the anti-Trump complainant. Schiff’s most egregious lies about his staff’s illicit interactions with the anti-Trump complainant were made on MSNBC, the left-wing cable news network where Goldman previously worked as a legal analyst.

Americans tire of Democrats partisan witch hunts. Democrats should quit trying to overturn the 2016 election, and focus on working for The American People.

Schiff Tapped Former MSNBC Contributor To Question Key Ukraine Envoy
So Biden knowing that the company his son was working for was under investigation by whom ever it was that was investigating it, and on the other hand was being protected by whomever it was that tried to stop it due to their possible interest involved, ummm gave Biden the ability to pull the trigger while hiding behind the world players involved, and protected his son and interest all at the same time ??? His son being involved in all of this mess lays the conduit for the quid pro quo in which Biden stepped in and used to remove the prosecutor for all interest involved.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Hunter Biden being part of that company under investigation, included him in the investigation if on the board at the time right ?
I haven’t heard the case for this type “extortion” in foreign interaction being an illegal act. Care to point out the law? Careful though, you might also be accusing Trump of the same crime.
You don't believe that an American politician using Federal aid to a foreign country to extort money for his son is against the law?

Posts like that are the reason it's a waste of time to try reasoning with Trump haters.
Whacked out Slade has me on ignore, cause he can’t take my facts
Slade believes he doesn't have to support his claims with evidence if you don't agree to cave no matter what kind of evidence he posts.
I just do that with you because you’ve play the rabbit hole tactic one to many times. When I take the time to show evidence and you dismiss or pivot it tells me that you’re not worth the time. So yes, you have a qualifier from now on if you wanna see proof
ROFL! Your evidence never proves what you claim. You're asking me to agree before I've even seen it that your evidence is credible and that it actually supports your claim.

Sorry, douchebag, I don't play that game.
You can argue the validity of the evidence, I never said you couldn’t do that. But I want to set up the standards of what clears Joe in your eyes. If it can be proven the the global community wanted this guy gone and joe was assigned to get him out, does that clear him of the fake accusations you all are making? If yes, then I’ll happily show the evidence and you’re free to challenge it.
The US government and international community had been going after this guy for a while and it had nothing to do with trying to protect Biden’s son.

Leaving a prosecutor who was weak on fighting corruption probably would have been better for Hunter Bidens company rather than replacing the guy with somebody who had a mandate to prosecute.

Oh really? Then do tell, who went after the energy company after Shokin was fired, and what were the results?
No indictments by either prosecutor. Do you know what and who they were investigating?
Weird that if a prosecutor who was investigating Biden had a $Billion bounty put on his job, that his replacement would quietly close the investigation. They have since reopened, we will certainly fully cooperate with them, it's in our national interest to root out corruption involving US aid.

Schiff's Lies refuted by Volker:

n May of this year, I became concerned that a negative narrative about Ukraine, fueled by assertions made by Ukraine’s departing Prosecutor General, was reaching the President of the United States, and impeding our ability to support the new Ukrainian government as robustly as I believed we should,” Volker said. “After sharing my concerns with the Ukrainian leadership, an advisor to President Zelensky asked me to connect him to the President’s personal lawyer, Mayor Rudy Giuliani.”

“I did so solely because I understood that the new Ukrainian leadership wanted to convince those, like Mayor Giuliani, who believed such a negative narrative about Ukraine, that times have changed and that, under President Zelensky, Ukraine is worthy of U.S. support,” Volker said. “I also made clear to the Ukrainians, on a number of occasions, that Mayor Giuliani is a private citizen and the President’s personal lawyer, and that he does not represent the United States government.”

Volker vehemently denied that he ever urged the Ukrainian government to dig up dirt on the Biden family.

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion,” he said.

Volker Testimony Directly Contradicted Democrat Impeachment Narrative
Let’s be accurate shall we. Nobody was investigating Hunter Biden. They had an old case investigating the ceo for Burisma for tax evasion. Hunter joined the board of directors afterwards and the case had been sitting dormant at the time Biden flew out to her the prosecutor removed for enabling corruption, which was the consensus and will of the world community. What about any of what I just said is untrue or spun. Point it out or accept it as accurate.
Prove the world backed him!
The REALLY want to shut down this Biden Corruption discussion.

Adam Schiff hires MSNBC hack, Goldman to help in bitterly partisan witch hunt.

Last December, Goldman endorsed discredited conspiracy theories from Christopher Steele, a former British spy who was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to work with foreign governments to spread dirt about Trump in order to influence voters in the 2016 presidential elections. In December, Goldman claimed that a debunked allegation that former Trump attorney Michael Cohen had traveled to Prague in August of 2016 to secretly plot with Kremlin officials had been corroborated. He also claimed, long after the Steele dossier had been debunked, that “nothing had been undermined” in the dossier.

In his 448-page report detailing the findings of his sprawling, multi-year investigation of Russian collusion allegations, Mueller explicitly debunked the notion that Cohen traveled to Prague.

“Cohen had never traveled to Prague,” the report declared.

In July of 2018, Goldman claimed the FBI would have been “derelict” if it failed to cite false claims from the Steele dossier in multiple Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, warrants in 2016 and 2017. Goldman’s article, entitled “FBI Would’ve Been Derelict Not to Use Steele Dossier for the Carter Page FISA Warrant,” argued that the FBI was obligated to use the debunked claims from a Clinton- and DNC-funded foreign operative to justify spying on Trump campaign affiliates.

Schiff Tapped Former MSNBC Contributor To Question Key Ukraine Envoy
Of course there is a conflict of interest.
No one will be serious with you, if you dont acknowledge that.
The moment he carried his son to Ukraine to gather contracts on air force 2, it became a problem.
Joe biden should have had no further official contact with Ukraine
That and his defense for Joe by him suggesting that Joe was influenced by foreign nations to put pressure on something that broke U.S. laws ?? :dig:
Which laws got broken? And the support from our allies, congress and government prove that he wasn’t acting alone to cover for his son. Your argument is dead
Wrong. You haven't demonstrated any such support.
I have and I could again. Just tell me that a demonstration of that support clears Biden of wrong doing and then I’ll take the time to show it again.
Sorry, turd, I don't agree to things before I know what I'm agreeing to.

You would make a good used car salesman.
I didn’t think you would because once you admit to something you can’t weasel away from it. That’s the difference between partisan trolls and objective thinkers. You don’t have an open mind so you will never agree to exonerate joe no matter what, you just want to spin up anything that makes him look bad. Your tactics are very transparent .

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