Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

This country had tariffs well into the 20th Century. Have you noticed how China was a third world country until the USA job market moved there? Do you think China doesn't protect it's manufacturing sector also? Big gubmint redistributes wealth to certain sectors here also. It subsidizes big agriculture for one. One reason why Mexico farming sector went down the tubes after Nafta. There's really no free market after all.

You sound like a liberal.

Why do you hate liberty and capitalism?

You Democrats always have.

Allowing our rivals to use unfair trade to fuck US is not conservatism.

Nor is it "Free TRade".

You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.
sorry Kaz, but it seems that you are the one here who doesn't get it. The other countries are not playing fair on trade, to our detriment. We can either find ways to make them play fair, or we can play the same games against them. Right now we are doing neither and our negative trade balance is hurting American jobs.

Again, you keep repeating the mantra they aren't playing fair, but you don't back it up.

And anyway this is a strawman, I never said they were. I said I don't care, American businesses do well on our own. And the US government restricting our rights because they want to help is a sucker claim worthy of the most partisan liberal Democrat

Nothing that has been suggested would restrict the ability of American businesses to do business internationally. Applying the same principles to other countries that they apply to us is the right thing to do, and it would help American business.

Of course it has. For example, he wants to "pull out" of NAFTA

So do I. NAFTA is good for every country except the USA.

Begging the question. Why?

And no, it's not, it's better for us than anyone. We get cheaper access to low margin manufacturing. Competing with Mexico and China is not in our interest. Leveraging them is. But go ahead, why is NAFTA bad for the USA?

Why is competing with them not in our interest?

The man makes fun of handicapped people.
He is unfit for dog catcher; much less President.

He made fun of a reporter.

And considering the complete betrayal of their ethical responsibility the leftist media has committed, they deserve far worse.
Can anybody imagine there BEING an America if Trump is NOT elected?
There won't be.

With a totally Democrat Supreme Court and Senate this country will do nothing but placate to BLM while ISIS uses the completely open Southern border to destroy what is left of us.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
Easy...he will be. Hillary is an ugly fat ass.
Loaded question.

You didn't understand the Bud/Miller analogy?

of course I understood your simple analogy. It applies to beer but not to SC nominees.

That you thought I said they were going to nominate the same people contradicts your saying you understood the analogy.

No, not the same people, but it doesn't make any difference, they'll do the same thing. Let socialism ring and ignore the 10th amendment as well as a bunch of others.

If you understood the beer analogy, that is obvious

beers are the same. SC nominees are not. this is not complicated, I don't understand why its so difficult for you.

Again, no, they aren't nominating the same judge (hence the beer analogy you didn't get), but in the end, it doesn't make any difference based on historical data (hence the beer analogy you still didn't get). Simple analogy. I don't understand why its so difficult for you.

We've had courts for decades with a majority of justices nominated by Republicans. And it's done dick for us. Roberts was the nail in the coffin.

My argument is simple, how do you not understand it at this point?

I fully understand your simple argument. But I don't agree with it. Would we have been better off without Thomas and Scalia on the court? Would we be better off without Kagan and Sotomayor?

They all wear black robes, but that's where the similarity ends. You are wrong, they are not the same beer in different cans.

I admire Thomas and Scalia. But no, they didn't make any difference
You are advocating 19th century economics. Do you want 19th century medicine too?

Why don't you just admit you're a liberal who wants Big Gubmint to redistribute wealth? You'll be intellectually honest if you do.

We already HAVE 19th century economics.

We are just playing the part of the various defeated nations that everyone else is making money off of.

Except we are doing it to ourselves.

What does that even mean? You just swallowed Trump talking points, didn't you?

And as a career management/management consultant in multinational companies, we don't need your help. America competes fine. Actually exceptionally. You're the ones who are trying to destroy jobs and wreck the economy. You just don't understand it

The Rust Belt Street disagrees.

Yeah, they probably do. The people's republic of Michigan was brought down by the greedy workers who wanted less work, easier work, and higher pay. Government on their behalf rammed it down the throats of the car companies. You'd have really shitty cars if government had prevented them from going offshore to escape the unions.

BTW, "kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo ... Michigan ...

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

You really need to understand reality better and rely less on talking points. This is what I do for a living and you don't have any idea what's going on.

And arguing why Trump is anti-capitalist and anti-free trade doesn't make him a capitalist or pro-free trade
You sound like a liberal.

Why do you hate liberty and capitalism?

You Democrats always have.

Allowing our rivals to use unfair trade to fuck US is not conservatism.

Nor is it "Free TRade".

You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook
Again, you keep repeating the mantra they aren't playing fair, but you don't back it up.

And anyway this is a strawman, I never said they were. I said I don't care, American businesses do well on our own. And the US government restricting our rights because they want to help is a sucker claim worthy of the most partisan liberal Democrat

Nothing that has been suggested would restrict the ability of American businesses to do business internationally. Applying the same principles to other countries that they apply to us is the right thing to do, and it would help American business.

Of course it has. For example, he wants to "pull out" of NAFTA

So do I. NAFTA is good for every country except the USA.

Begging the question. Why?

And no, it's not, it's better for us than anyone. We get cheaper access to low margin manufacturing. Competing with Mexico and China is not in our interest. Leveraging them is. But go ahead, why is NAFTA bad for the USA?

Why is competing with them not in our interest?

Because they are producing low margin jobs. We want to use their low margin offering to support high margin jobs. Low margin jobs that aren't economically viable harm us, they don't help. You're all wrapped up in the greater good Marxist crap of the left and Trump, you wouldn't understand
We already HAVE 19th century economics.

We are just playing the part of the various defeated nations that everyone else is making money off of.

Except we are doing it to ourselves.

What does that even mean? You just swallowed Trump talking points, didn't you?

And as a career management/management consultant in multinational companies, we don't need your help. America competes fine. Actually exceptionally. You're the ones who are trying to destroy jobs and wreck the economy. You just don't understand it

The Rust Belt Street disagrees.

Yeah, they probably do. The people's republic of Michigan was brought down by the greedy workers who wanted less work, easier work, and higher pay. Government on their behalf rammed it down the throats of the car companies. You'd have really shitty cars if government had prevented them from going offshore to escape the unions.

BTW, "kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo ... Michigan ...

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

You really need to understand reality better and rely less on talking points. This is what I do for a living and you don't have any idea what's going on.

And arguing why Trump is anti-capitalist and anti-free trade doesn't make him a capitalist or pro-free trade

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

I live in the Rust Belt. That you have managed to get a piece of the shrinking pie, is great for you.

But that does not mean that it is good for America as a whole, nor the vastly larger number of Americans who have seen their wages and jobs stagnate for the last 40 years.
Allowing our rivals to use unfair trade to fuck US is not conservatism.

Nor is it "Free TRade".

You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook

Nothing in your post addressed my points.

1. You do not have a "Right" to trade with whom you wan.

2. "Free Trade" has NOT lead to the jobs for the Working and Middle Class as theory predicted.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!
because hillary the cow is so beautiful. LOL
Can you imagine a hillary presidency? COME ON ISIS? Hit DC
Nothing that has been suggested would restrict the ability of American businesses to do business internationally. Applying the same principles to other countries that they apply to us is the right thing to do, and it would help American business.

Of course it has. For example, he wants to "pull out" of NAFTA

So do I. NAFTA is good for every country except the USA.

Begging the question. Why?

And no, it's not, it's better for us than anyone. We get cheaper access to low margin manufacturing. Competing with Mexico and China is not in our interest. Leveraging them is. But go ahead, why is NAFTA bad for the USA?

Why is competing with them not in our interest?

Because they are producing low margin jobs. We want to use their low margin offering to support high margin jobs. Low margin jobs that aren't economically viable harm us, they don't help. You're all wrapped up in the greater good Marxist crap of the left and Trump, you wouldn't understand

We have millions, tens of millions of Americans who have suffered by having those "low margin" jobs shipped overseas and would greatly benefit from having them come back

Not everyone can be a supervisor for a team of Indian software developers.

ps. saying "marxist" is not an argument. lt is mindless spin.
Allowing our rivals to use unfair trade to fuck US is not conservatism.

Nor is it "Free TRade".

You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook
What good is being for "freedom" if it only enslaves you?
You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook
What good is being for "freedom" if it only enslaves you?

"freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose" "nothing aint worth nothing if it aint free"
Seriously, I couldn't picture Obama as president, either. I thought, that would be a big mistake, nobody will vote for this guy...yeah, I can picture Trump getting elected.
What does that even mean? You just swallowed Trump talking points, didn't you?

And as a career management/management consultant in multinational companies, we don't need your help. America competes fine. Actually exceptionally. You're the ones who are trying to destroy jobs and wreck the economy. You just don't understand it

The Rust Belt Street disagrees.

Yeah, they probably do. The people's republic of Michigan was brought down by the greedy workers who wanted less work, easier work, and higher pay. Government on their behalf rammed it down the throats of the car companies. You'd have really shitty cars if government had prevented them from going offshore to escape the unions.

BTW, "kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo ... Michigan ...

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

You really need to understand reality better and rely less on talking points. This is what I do for a living and you don't have any idea what's going on.

And arguing why Trump is anti-capitalist and anti-free trade doesn't make him a capitalist or pro-free trade

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

I live in the Rust Belt. That you have managed to get a piece of the shrinking pie, is great for you.

But that does not mean that it is good for America as a whole, nor the vastly larger number of Americans who have seen their wages and jobs stagnate for the last 40 years.

Appeal to Authority makes no sense in that case, don't be silly. What authority are you even talking about?
You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook

Nothing in your post addressed my points.

1. You do not have a "Right" to trade with whom you wan.

Which is why I'm not voting for Trump, he's an anti-capitalist. And why you are voting for Trump, you are anti-capitalist too

2. "Free Trade" has NOT lead to the jobs for the Working and Middle Class as theory predicted.

By itself? No. But it's a huge positive and why we are the #1 economy in the world. You and Trump want to be poor and equal, comrade
Of course it has. For example, he wants to "pull out" of NAFTA

So do I. NAFTA is good for every country except the USA.

Begging the question. Why?

And no, it's not, it's better for us than anyone. We get cheaper access to low margin manufacturing. Competing with Mexico and China is not in our interest. Leveraging them is. But go ahead, why is NAFTA bad for the USA?

Why is competing with them not in our interest?

Because they are producing low margin jobs. We want to use their low margin offering to support high margin jobs. Low margin jobs that aren't economically viable harm us, they don't help. You're all wrapped up in the greater good Marxist crap of the left and Trump, you wouldn't understand

We have millions, tens of millions of Americans who have suffered by having those "low margin" jobs shipped overseas and would greatly benefit from having them come back

Not everyone can be a supervisor for a team of Indian software developers.

ps. saying "marxist" is not an argument. lt is mindless spin.

People are suffering because the hysterical fear crowd has decided you want to keep blacksmiths and live in an agrarian culture like we did 100 years ago. You fear change and think America can't compete on a level paying field. You're wrong, we are very good at it.

The problem is the politicians you are empowering to strangle the goose that laid the golden egg, capitalism. And the heart of capitalism is free trade.

Corporate America doesn't need you to shelter us. We need you to stay out of the way. Shit flows downstream. You are hurting yourself more than us. We'll figure out a way to take care of ourselves, we always do. As you observed, we aren't figuring out a way to take care of the rest of you who are doing this to yourselves and want Trump to double down on the stupidity
You people repeat that empty mantra endlessly. Just like Obamabots love to repeat empty phrases. What does it even mean?

And there is no alternative to "free" trade. Free means we (American business) decides. When you alter that, you empower government to decide for us. And the worst possible word to government is "fair" anything

American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook
What good is being for "freedom" if it only enslaves you?


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