Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

He brought down the Soviet union. Brought down the Berlin wall. Restored patriotism to the USA after the terrible Carter years. Built our military back up after Carter decimated it. Loved this country. Put America first. Treated our allies with respect and our enemies with strength.

Sure, he made mistakes, everyone makes mistakes. But he did a lot more good than bad.

nothing to do with the bringing down of the Soviet Union. It was in the shit from the 1960s onwards and was never going to recover......

And yet when Reagan said that the SU would end up on the ash heap of history, lefties like you, ridiculed him for it.

It is absurd for you lefties to now pretend that it was obvious that the SU was going to fall, or that all the anti-soviet programs of Reagan has nothing to do with it.
The Soviet Union 'bled itself white' trying to keep up with Reagan's military expansionist policies.
That is historic fact which Gorbachev himself wrote.
Every ruple the Soviet government could beg borrow or steal went into the military.
kaz said:
And again as I've been saying, that bow in the Republican quiver has run out. Decades of Republican controlled courts repeatedly rule for the left. John Roberts was the last bow you had left, and he went left for crony capitalism and government controlling our healthcare system. Supreme Court nominees don't do it anymore. We get nothing from Republicans nominating them

So, lets see if I get this. You would prefer SC justices appointed by Hillary Clinton?


Read much? How do you possibly get that out of what I said?

So the answer to you question is no, you don't get this.

I don't care between Bud Light and Miller Lite, they both suck. Oh, so you prefer Miller Lite!


Bud light and miller light are the same product in a different can.

Trump and Clinton are two completely different products.
Both beers are fucking taste like horse piss.
When I see anyone buying those beers I wonder about their mental health.
Hillary IS horse piss.
President Trump has never had a drop of alcohol in his life.

The man makes fun of handicapped people.
He is unfit for dog catcher; much less President.
kaz said:
And again as I've been saying, that bow in the Republican quiver has run out. Decades of Republican controlled courts repeatedly rule for the left. John Roberts was the last bow you had left, and he went left for crony capitalism and government controlling our healthcare system. Supreme Court nominees don't do it anymore. We get nothing from Republicans nominating them

So, lets see if I get this. You would prefer SC justices appointed by Hillary Clinton?


Read much? How do you possibly get that out of what I said?

So the answer to you question is no, you don't get this.

I don't care between Bud Light and Miller Lite, they both suck. Oh, so you prefer Miller Lite!


Bud light and miller light are the same product in a different can.

Trump and Clinton are two completely different products.
Both beers are fucking taste like horse piss.
When I see anyone buying those beers I wonder about their mental health.
Hillary IS horse piss.
President Trump has never had a drop of alcohol in his life.

I’m guessing you’ve ingested horse piss? Which is why you favor voting for a horse’s ass
kaz said:
And again as I've been saying, that bow in the Republican quiver has run out. Decades of Republican controlled courts repeatedly rule for the left. John Roberts was the last bow you had left, and he went left for crony capitalism and government controlling our healthcare system. Supreme Court nominees don't do it anymore. We get nothing from Republicans nominating them

So, lets see if I get this. You would prefer SC justices appointed by Hillary Clinton?


Read much? How do you possibly get that out of what I said?

So the answer to you question is no, you don't get this.

I don't care between Bud Light and Miller Lite, they both suck. Oh, so you prefer Miller Lite!


Bud light and miller light are the same product in a different can.

Trump and Clinton are two completely different products.
Both beers are fucking taste like horse piss.
When I see anyone buying those beers I wonder about their mental health.
Hillary IS horse piss.
President Trump has never had a drop of alcohol in his life.

I’m guessing you’ve ingested horse piss? Which is why you favor voting for a horse’s ass


A Hillary supporter blasting a Trump supporter for "voting for a horse's ass" is just hysterically funny.

It's true, but wow, the hypocrisy reeks. How can anyone stand anywhere near you with that smell?
Luckily, you won't have to imagine can see it for real when he is sworn into office.....

The man makes fun of handicapped people.
He is unfit for dog catcher; much less President.

And Hillary barks like a dog.. this makes her fit for what? Oh, yeah, a straitjacket.

Seriously…would you even shake the hand of a person you saw making fun of a handicapped individual on the street? If your waiter was doing it in a restaurant, would you leave the guy a tip? If you were going to hire someone and they pulled something like this; would you remotely consider hiring them?

You can lie and say yes I suppose….

The man makes fun of handicapped people.
He is unfit for dog catcher; much less President.

And Hillary barks like a dog.. this makes her fit for what? Oh, yeah, a straitjacket.

Seriously…would you even shake the hand of a person you saw making fun of a handicapped individual on the street? If your waiter was doing it in a restaurant, would you leave the guy a tip? If you were going to hire someone and they pulled something like this; would you remotely consider hiring them?

You can lie and say yes I suppose….

Would you shake the hand of a woman who has systematically sought to destroy the lives of women who accused her serial sex abusing husband of rape and other crimes? Or, barks like a dog and mocks people of color by talking in a fake accent?

Please, they're both seriously flawed individuals.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

A captain of industry who can rally the troops without having to use a teleprompter, vs bill clinton's wife, who can't use government email without compromising the security of the nation is the choice. I'll go with Trump.
Seriously…would you even shake the hand of a person you saw making fun of a handicapped individual on the street? If your waiter was doing it in a restaurant, would you leave the guy a tip? If you were going to hire someone and they pulled something like this; would you remotely consider hiring them?

You can lie and say yes I suppose….
It depends. In this case he was making fun of a devout asshole.

The man makes fun of handicapped people.
He is unfit for dog catcher; much less President.

And Hillary barks like a dog.. this makes her fit for what? Oh, yeah, a straitjacket.

Seriously…would you even shake the hand of a person you saw making fun of a handicapped individual on the street? If your waiter was doing it in a restaurant, would you leave the guy a tip? If you were going to hire someone and they pulled something like this; would you remotely consider hiring them?

You can lie and say yes I suppose….

Would you shake the hand of a woman who has systematically sought to destroy the lives of women who accused her serial sex abusing husband of rape and other crimes? Or, barks like a dog and mocks people of color by talking in a fake accent?

Please, they're both seriously flawed individuals.

You’re equating one to the other? Really?
Bud light and miller light are the same product in a different can.

Trump and Clinton are two completely different products.

Logical fallacy of equivocation.

My comment was regarding SC nominees, not overall. And in that subject, yeah, Republicans and Democrats are the same product in a different can

again, you think that Trump and Clinton would appoint the same people to the SC? yes or no.

Loaded question.

You didn't understand the Bud/Miller analogy?

of course I understood your simple analogy. It applies to beer but not to SC nominees.

That you thought I said they were going to nominate the same people contradicts your saying you understood the analogy.

No, not the same people, but it doesn't make any difference, they'll do the same thing. Let socialism ring and ignore the 10th amendment as well as a bunch of others.

If you understood the beer analogy, that is obvious

beers are the same. SC nominees are not. this is not complicated, I don't understand why its so difficult for you.
Logical fallacy of equivocation.

My comment was regarding SC nominees, not overall. And in that subject, yeah, Republicans and Democrats are the same product in a different can

again, you think that Trump and Clinton would appoint the same people to the SC? yes or no.

Loaded question.

You didn't understand the Bud/Miller analogy?

of course I understood your simple analogy. It applies to beer but not to SC nominees.

That you thought I said they were going to nominate the same people contradicts your saying you understood the analogy.

No, not the same people, but it doesn't make any difference, they'll do the same thing. Let socialism ring and ignore the 10th amendment as well as a bunch of others.

If you understood the beer analogy, that is obvious

beers are the same. SC nominees are not. this is not complicated, I don't understand why its so difficult for you.

Again, no, they aren't nominating the same judge (hence the beer analogy you didn't get), but in the end, it doesn't make any difference based on historical data (hence the beer analogy you still didn't get). Simple analogy. I don't understand why its so difficult for you.

We've had courts for decades with a majority of justices nominated by Republicans. And it's done dick for us. Roberts was the nail in the coffin.

My argument is simple, how do you not understand it at this point?
again, you think that Trump and Clinton would appoint the same people to the SC? yes or no.

Loaded question.

You didn't understand the Bud/Miller analogy?

of course I understood your simple analogy. It applies to beer but not to SC nominees.

That you thought I said they were going to nominate the same people contradicts your saying you understood the analogy.

No, not the same people, but it doesn't make any difference, they'll do the same thing. Let socialism ring and ignore the 10th amendment as well as a bunch of others.

If you understood the beer analogy, that is obvious

beers are the same. SC nominees are not. this is not complicated, I don't understand why its so difficult for you.

Again, no, they aren't nominating the same judge (hence the beer analogy you didn't get), but in the end, it doesn't make any difference based on historical data (hence the beer analogy you still didn't get). Simple analogy. I don't understand why its so difficult for you.

We've had courts for decades with a majority of justices nominated by Republicans. And it's done dick for us. Roberts was the nail in the coffin.

My argument is simple, how do you not understand it at this point?

I fully understand your simple argument. But I don't agree with it. Would we have been better off without Thomas and Scalia on the court? Would we be better off without Kagan and Sotomayor?

They all wear black robes, but that's where the similarity ends. You are wrong, they are not the same beer in different cans.
This country used tariffs for most of it's history to build up and retain industries. Formerly dirt poor Red China has been built on the loss of the US manufacturing job base. Now we have to buy stuff from them previously made in this country, and they have our dollars with which to buy our assets. Go Trump I say.

You are advocating 19th century economics. Do you want 19th century medicine too?

Why don't you just admit you're a liberal who wants Big Gubmint to redistribute wealth? You'll be intellectually honest if you do.

We already HAVE 19th century economics.

We are just playing the part of the various defeated nations that everyone else is making money off of.

Except we are doing it to ourselves.

What does that even mean? You just swallowed Trump talking points, didn't you?

And as a career management/management consultant in multinational companies, we don't need your help. America competes fine. Actually exceptionally. You're the ones who are trying to destroy jobs and wreck the economy. You just don't understand it

The Rust Belt Street disagrees.

Yeah, they probably do. The people's republic of Michigan was brought down by the greedy workers who wanted less work, easier work, and higher pay. Government on their behalf rammed it down the throats of the car companies. You'd have really shitty cars if government had prevented them from going offshore to escape the unions.

BTW, "kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo ... Michigan ...

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

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