Seriously.....Can Anybody Really Imagine Donald Trump As President?

The Rust Belt Street disagrees.

Yeah, they probably do. The people's republic of Michigan was brought down by the greedy workers who wanted less work, easier work, and higher pay. Government on their behalf rammed it down the throats of the car companies. You'd have really shitty cars if government had prevented them from going offshore to escape the unions.

BTW, "kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo ... Michigan ...

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

You really need to understand reality better and rely less on talking points. This is what I do for a living and you don't have any idea what's going on.

And arguing why Trump is anti-capitalist and anti-free trade doesn't make him a capitalist or pro-free trade

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

I live in the Rust Belt. That you have managed to get a piece of the shrinking pie, is great for you.

But that does not mean that it is good for America as a whole, nor the vastly larger number of Americans who have seen their wages and jobs stagnate for the last 40 years.

Appeal to Authority makes no sense in that case, don't be silly. What authority are you even talking about?

Instead of responding substantially to what I said, you cited your your personal job experience, and dismissed me as though your citing your experience settled the issue.

That is appealing to your self as an Authority.

Thus, you did not challenge or even address my point at all, so it still stands.

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.
American Trade policy should be crafted to serve the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

American business is not the only player on the field.

YOu and your multinational corporations might be doing fine. America and American workers? Not so much.

Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook

Nothing in your post addressed my points.

1. You do not have a "Right" to trade with whom you wan.

Which is why I'm not voting for Trump, he's an anti-capitalist. And why you are voting for Trump, you are anti-capitalist too

I challenge you to support your claim that you have a Right to Trade with whom you want. HInt: BUzz words don't count.

2. "Free Trade" has NOT lead to the jobs for the Working and Middle Class as theory predicted.
By itself? No. But it's a huge positive and why we are the #1 economy in the world. You and Trump want to be poor and equal, comrade

Actually we became the number one economy back in the late 1800s, during a period of high tariffs.

And "Free Trade" has not lead to the jobs for the Working Class and Middle Class that Free Trade Ideology predicted.
If you want to meet Trump in person, find out his court dates. They've already been set. You can meet him and not a card board cut out.

See ya in court.
So do I. NAFTA is good for every country except the USA.

Begging the question. Why?

And no, it's not, it's better for us than anyone. We get cheaper access to low margin manufacturing. Competing with Mexico and China is not in our interest. Leveraging them is. But go ahead, why is NAFTA bad for the USA?

Why is competing with them not in our interest?

Because they are producing low margin jobs. We want to use their low margin offering to support high margin jobs. Low margin jobs that aren't economically viable harm us, they don't help. You're all wrapped up in the greater good Marxist crap of the left and Trump, you wouldn't understand

We have millions, tens of millions of Americans who have suffered by having those "low margin" jobs shipped overseas and would greatly benefit from having them come back

Not everyone can be a supervisor for a team of Indian software developers.

ps. saying "marxist" is not an argument. lt is mindless spin.

People are suffering because the hysterical fear crowd has decided you want to keep blacksmiths and live in an agrarian culture like we did 100 years ago. You fear change and think America can't compete on a level paying field. You're wrong, we are very good at it.

Actually, the Free Traders have had their way for the last 40 years, so the suffering that is going on has nothing to do with those who are calling for a new policy.

But, I note that you admit that people are suffering. This is an important concession on your part, and I applaud your honesty.

The massive and ever growing Trade Deficits prove that America can't compete on whatever it is we have now or whatever you want to call it.

The problem is the politicians you are empowering to strangle the goose that laid the golden egg, capitalism. And the heart of capitalism is free trade.

America was a capitalistic nation from the beginning though the late 1700s, all the 1800s, and 1900s, despite having high tariffs for the majority of that time.

Your constant and dramatic use of buzz words lends itself to very powerful rhetoric.

But is it not factual.

Nor lending itself to making rational arguments or logical explanations.

Corporate America doesn't need you to shelter us. We need you to stay out of the way.

Yes, I've covered the fact that you have managed to adjust to making money despite our inability to compete. That is all well and good for you. But Trade Policy is about serving the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

Not just you.

Shit flows downstream.

Wow. Thanks. So if I position myself downstream from you I can get shit? Gee... Thanks. for the tip.

You are hurting yourself more than us.

Nope. We are hurting now while you are benefiting. We want to change that.

We'll figure out a way to take care of ourselves, we always do

Your recent performance does not lend itself to bragging. Making the mental leap to take advantage of cheap Third World Labor to cut costs is not exactly an Act of Genius.

. As you observed, we aren't figuring out a way to take care of the rest of you who are doing this to yourselves and want Trump to double down on the stupidity

We aren't asking you to take care of us. We want to craft American Trade Policy to benefit the US and Americans.

We figure you will adjust one way or another to this.
Yeah, they probably do. The people's republic of Michigan was brought down by the greedy workers who wanted less work, easier work, and higher pay. Government on their behalf rammed it down the throats of the car companies. You'd have really shitty cars if government had prevented them from going offshore to escape the unions.

BTW, "kaz" is short for my home town, Kalamazoo ... Michigan ...

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

You really need to understand reality better and rely less on talking points. This is what I do for a living and you don't have any idea what's going on.

And arguing why Trump is anti-capitalist and anti-free trade doesn't make him a capitalist or pro-free trade

Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Authority.

I live in the Rust Belt. That you have managed to get a piece of the shrinking pie, is great for you.

But that does not mean that it is good for America as a whole, nor the vastly larger number of Americans who have seen their wages and jobs stagnate for the last 40 years.

Appeal to Authority makes no sense in that case, don't be silly. What authority are you even talking about?

Instead of responding substantially to what I said, you cited your your personal job experience, and dismissed me as though your citing your experience settled the issue.

That is appealing to your self as an Authority.

Thus, you did not challenge or even address my point at all, so it still stands.

That was a long time ago.

Competition was supposed to force American manufacturers to become more competitive, and displaced workers would retrain for new jobs in high tech industries.

Instead, American corporations have learned the joys of outsourcing and those high tech jobs are being filled with cheap H1-B visa workers.

OUr Trade Policy of the last 40 years has NOT worked the way it was supposed to, and the American workers and Working and Middle Classes have been getting screwed.

Time for a new policy, one that serves the interests of America and Americans.

That's not what appeal to authority means. But doing something for a living doesn't mean I know anything about it. That's just stupid
Yes, comrade, trample the rights of the few for the good of the many.

The irony is that your little commie line sounds good and wins the Democrats a lot of elections, the reverse happens. My self interest in freedom leads to economic expansion and jobs and your hysterical they're going to steal our jobs fear leads to poverty and job loss. It's a mind fuck, isn't it?

You do not have the Right to Trade with who you want.

And no, your "self interest" has not lead to jobs for the American Workers.

Ding, ding, ding! I'm for freedom, you're coming clean that you're not. And you don't know what you're talking about, comrade. Straight out of the left's playbook

Nothing in your post addressed my points.

1. You do not have a "Right" to trade with whom you wan.

Which is why I'm not voting for Trump, he's an anti-capitalist. And why you are voting for Trump, you are anti-capitalist too

I challenge you to support your claim that you have a Right to Trade with whom you want. HInt: BUzz words don't count.

Bull, I don't have to prove I have a right to freedom, you have to prove I don't

2. "Free Trade" has NOT lead to the jobs for the Working and Middle Class as theory predicted.
By itself? No. But it's a huge positive and why we are the #1 economy in the world. You and Trump want to be poor and equal, comrade

Actually we became the number one economy back in the late 1800s, during a period of high tariffs.

And "Free Trade" has not lead to the jobs for the Working Class and Middle Class that Free Trade Ideology predicted.

So you say doing something for a living doesn't mean I know anything about it. Yet you know more than the field of economics does about free trade. Sureure you do, Skippy
Begging the question. Why?

And no, it's not, it's better for us than anyone. We get cheaper access to low margin manufacturing. Competing with Mexico and China is not in our interest. Leveraging them is. But go ahead, why is NAFTA bad for the USA?

Why is competing with them not in our interest?

Because they are producing low margin jobs. We want to use their low margin offering to support high margin jobs. Low margin jobs that aren't economically viable harm us, they don't help. You're all wrapped up in the greater good Marxist crap of the left and Trump, you wouldn't understand

We have millions, tens of millions of Americans who have suffered by having those "low margin" jobs shipped overseas and would greatly benefit from having them come back

Not everyone can be a supervisor for a team of Indian software developers.

ps. saying "marxist" is not an argument. lt is mindless spin.

People are suffering because the hysterical fear crowd has decided you want to keep blacksmiths and live in an agrarian culture like we did 100 years ago. You fear change and think America can't compete on a level paying field. You're wrong, we are very good at it.

Actually, the Free Traders have had their way for the last 40 years, so the suffering that is going on has nothing to do with those who are calling for a new policy.

But, I note that you admit that people are suffering. This is an important concession on your part, and I applaud your honesty.

The massive and ever growing Trade Deficits prove that America can't compete on whatever it is we have now or whatever you want to call it.

The problem is the politicians you are empowering to strangle the goose that laid the golden egg, capitalism. And the heart of capitalism is free trade.

America was a capitalistic nation from the beginning though the late 1700s, all the 1800s, and 1900s, despite having high tariffs for the majority of that time.

Your constant and dramatic use of buzz words lends itself to very powerful rhetoric.

But is it not factual.

Nor lending itself to making rational arguments or logical explanations.

Corporate America doesn't need you to shelter us. We need you to stay out of the way.

Yes, I've covered the fact that you have managed to adjust to making money despite our inability to compete. That is all well and good for you. But Trade Policy is about serving the interests of America as a whole and as many individual Americans as possible.

Not just you.

Shit flows downstream.

Wow. Thanks. So if I position myself downstream from you I can get shit? Gee... Thanks. for the tip.

You are hurting yourself more than us.

Nope. We are hurting now while you are benefiting. We want to change that.

We'll figure out a way to take care of ourselves, we always do

Your recent performance does not lend itself to bragging. Making the mental leap to take advantage of cheap Third World Labor to cut costs is not exactly an Act of Genius.

. As you observed, we aren't figuring out a way to take care of the rest of you who are doing this to yourselves and want Trump to double down on the stupidity

We aren't asking you to take care of us. We want to craft American Trade Policy to benefit the US and Americans.

We figure you will adjust one way or another to this.

You're a Marxist, I got it. And you're not an interesting one. Just endless hysterical fear and government is the solution to all our problems. Sure they are ...
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He is much better than Clinton, no doubt about that. That is what it comes down to.
I just watched his speech and he never said a complete sentence without waving his arms and throwing in self serving comments before he completed it. The guy should really be in an insane asylum!.....And He's Very Ugly!

Seriously. Can anyone picture incompetent, stupid and careless Hitlery as POTUS??

I sure can't.
If you want to meet Trump in person, find out his court dates. They've already been set. You can meet him and not a card board cut out.

See ya in court.
You can go to any mosque and see Obama,....

Or any corrupt corporation meeting and see hitlery....
I guess we just disagree on this. Bush made mistakes, but he did not have an agenda to bring down the USA. That's the difference.

Good grief. Yeah, Obama spends his days wondering how he can 'bring down' the US. You people..

His policies, actions, and statements verify what I said. Obbie and Mooshelle hate the USA for its past sins against minorities (real or imagined) and they have been determined to "get even" and punish whitey. His refusal to identify the enemy as radical islam and his support of the terrorist organization BLM is further confirmation of his goal to destroy our culture, our economy, and our borders.

Your are free to continue to worship him, but you do it out of ignorance or stupidity.
His policies, actions, and statements verify what I said. Obbie and Mooshelle hate the USA for its past sins against minorities (real or imagined) and they have been determined to "get even" and punish whitey. His refusal to identify the enemy as radical islam and his support of the terrorist organization BLM is further confirmation of his goal to destroy our culture, our economy, and our borders.

Your are free to continue to worship him, but you do it out of ignorance or stupidity.

Total, utter crap. There is not one shred of credible evidence to support your assertion. Just wishful thinking by Obama haters and shills for the neocon whackjobs of the right.
I guess we just disagree on this. Bush made mistakes, but he did not have an agenda to bring down the USA. That's the difference.

Good grief. Yeah, Obama spends his days wondering how he can 'bring down' the US. You people..

Yes, he has the international left bigotry that we are too powerful. He doesn't want to bring us down in terms of ending the US. He just wants our power to be in proportion to the rest of the world. That's why he allies with Muslim terrorists, they are the only ones in the left's mind fighting our power
His policies, actions, and statements verify what I said. Obbie and Mooshelle hate the USA for its past sins against minorities (real or imagined) and they have been determined to "get even" and punish whitey. His refusal to identify the enemy as radical islam and his support of the terrorist organization BLM is further confirmation of his goal to destroy our culture, our economy, and our borders.

Your are free to continue to worship him, but you do it out of ignorance or stupidity.

Total, utter crap. There is not one shred of credible evidence to support your assertion. Just wishful thinking by Obama haters and shills for the neocon whackjobs of the right.

"the Cambridge police acted stupidly"
"I want to fundamentally change the USA"
"Islam is a religion of peace"
"Michael Brown was a victim"
"BLM is not a racist organization"
"healthcare premiums will go down $2500/year"
"I was never proud of my country"
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"
Yes, he has the international left bigotry that we are too powerful. He doesn't want to bring us down in terms of ending the US. He just wants our power to be in proportion to the rest of the world. That's why he allies with Muslim terrorists, they are the only ones in the left's mind fighting our power

I have no problem with your power being in proportion with the rest of the world. That's half the problem - to many dickheads running around trying to be the King Shits of the world.

And you know Kaz, when you start saying BS like "he allies with Muslim terrorists", I mean it's just BS. And you look silly.
Yes, he has the international left bigotry that we are too powerful. He doesn't want to bring us down in terms of ending the US. He just wants our power to be in proportion to the rest of the world. That's why he allies with Muslim terrorists, they are the only ones in the left's mind fighting our power

I have no problem with your power being in proportion with the rest of the world. That's half the problem - to many dickheads running around trying to be the King Shits of the world.

And you know Kaz, when you start saying BS like "he allies with Muslim terrorists", I mean it's just BS. And you look silly.

sorry, dude. But the one looking silly on this is you. Your foolish blind support of Obama and your refusal to acknowledge his failures and anti-US rhetoric verifies your lack of knowledge and/or basic common sense.
His policies, actions, and statements verify what I said. Obbie and Mooshelle hate the USA for its past sins against minorities (real or imagined) and they have been determined to "get even" and punish whitey. His refusal to identify the enemy as radical islam and his support of the terrorist organization BLM is further confirmation of his goal to destroy our culture, our economy, and our borders.

Your are free to continue to worship him, but you do it out of ignorance or stupidity.

Total, utter crap. There is not one shred of credible evidence to support your assertion. Just wishful thinking by Obama haters and shills for the neocon whackjobs of the right.

"the Cambridge police acted stupidly"
"I want to fundamentally change the USA"
"Islam is a religion of peace"
"Michael Brown was a victim"
"BLM is not a racist organization"
"healthcare premiums will go down $2500/year"
"I was never proud of my country"
"If I had a son he would look like Trayvon"

None of the above prove your assertion, and quite a few of them are correct. Trayvon Martin would look like the president, the Cambridge police absolutely looked like dickheads, and what is wrong with wanting to change a place for the better?
Yes, he has the international left bigotry that we are too powerful. He doesn't want to bring us down in terms of ending the US. He just wants our power to be in proportion to the rest of the world. That's why he allies with Muslim terrorists, they are the only ones in the left's mind fighting our power

I have no problem with your power being in proportion with the rest of the world. That's half the problem - to many dickheads running around trying to be the King Shits of the world

"I have no problem with your power being in proportion with the rest of the world" That's what I said, Holmes.

I have no problem with your power being in proportion with the rest of the worldAnd you know Kaz, when you start saying BS like "he allies with Muslim terrorists", I mean it's just BS. And you look silly.[/QUOTE]

Really? You ARE silly. I'd give you a list of his actions like supporting ISIS in Syria and his rhetoric, but if you were capable of seeing it, you already would

sorry, dude. But the one looking silly on this is you. Your foolish blind support of Obama and your refusal to acknowledge his failures and anti-US rhetoric verifies your lack of knowledge and/or basic common sense.

I have said many times he is an average president. And I don't 'support' him. The last decent president you had was Clinton - as a president, not a person. The one before that was probably Eisenhower.

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