Seriously cannot get over this disturbing 9/11 issue?

all this shit has already been debunked. its nothing new.

just like you, chris. its the same stupid shit over and over again thats already been proven wrong.

or you have debwunked nothing..but just make the same stupid claim you have over and over again..when in fact you have proved nothing....and when that fails drift off into.. I bet..fantasies about your oppositions personal life
so, you agree with dipshit christoFEARa that the towers had concrete cores?

I believe you have not debwunked it...I have not examined this to the depth he has but from what I have read in his post he does make a reasoned argument
or you have debwunked nothing..but just make the same stupid claim you have over and over again..when in fact you have proved nothing....and when that fails drift off into.. I bet..fantasies about your oppositions personal life
so, you agree with dipshit christoFEARa that the towers had concrete cores?

I believe you have not debwunked it...I have not examined this to the depth he has but from what I have read in his post he does make a reasoned argument

HAHAHahahahaha!!!! :lol:
or you have debwunked nothing..but just make the same stupid claim you have over and over again..when in fact you have proved nothing....and when that fails drift off into.. I bet..fantasies about your oppositions personal life
so, you agree with dipshit christoFEARa that the towers had concrete cores?

I believe you have not debwunked it...I have not examined this to the depth he has but from what I have read in his post he does make a reasoned argument
stop smoking dope and give your brain a rest if you actually think any of his claims have ANY merit

btw, dipshit, his crap has been DEBUNKED 6 ways from sunday
you just prove that you are more of a dipshit than i previously thought
so, you agree with dipshit christoFEARa that the towers had concrete cores?

I believe you have not debwunked it...I have not examined this to the depth he has but from what I have read in his post he does make a reasoned argument
stop smoking dope and give your brain a rest if you actually think any of his claims have ANY merit

I don't think ANY dope is that fucking powerful.
I believe you have not debwunked it...I have not examined this to the depth he has but from what I have read in his post he does make a reasoned argument
stop smoking dope and give your brain a rest if you actually think any of his claims have ANY merit

I don't think ANY dope is that fucking powerful.
are you saying he is that fucking stupid all on his own?
Stage 1 (0 to 1.75 seconds): acceleration less than that of gravity (i.e., slower than free fall).

Stage 2 (1.75 to 4.0 seconds): gravitational acceleration (free fall)

Stage 3 (4.0 to 5.4 seconds): decreased acceleration, again less than that of gravity

NIST theorizes that there was a decreased acceleration in the unseen portion of the collapse

I asked you to show me where I said that I disagree with that explanation. Since you post out of your ass most of the time, I'm calling your bluff.

You told me I don't believe NIST's explanation when it goes against what I believe. Show me where that has occurred.

I have no problem with the above. What I do have a problem with is you idiots trying to push the bullshit that WTC7 completely collapsed in 6 seconds.

Hey eots. Are you having trouble backing up your claim that I disagree with NIST on the above statement that you bolded. Can't find a specific quote from me about this?

I guess that makes you a lying scumbag.

according to nist for 2.25 secs the collapse was at free fall speed but every so slightly less in the beginning and middle of the said wtc did not free fall


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according to nist for 2.25 secs the collapse was at free fall speed but every so slightly less in the beginning and middle of the said wtc did not free fall

Fair enough! A valid observation and a valid opinion.
From what I understand, even those that worote both the 'official 911 commission report' and the 'NIST report' did not agree on the time of the collapse. Myunderstanding is that there has always been disagreement as to when the collapse actually started, and when it ended. The reasons given for this has been that the start could only be seen from the inside, and those that could see that died. At the other end, the dust cloud obscured the final moments to the point where there was disagreement as to when it ended.

Personally, I don't have any "inside" information or more insights into that, but I do recognize the controversy, as well as recognize that this situation creates a valid point of contention.
It's amazing,instead of believing what the whole world saw on T V these conspiracy dopes want to think of some great conspiracy theory.They throw out terms like black ops and thermite charges.
I wish one of these idiots would give a brief explanation as to WHEN and HOW and what TYPE of explosive
was used on the twin towers...Just answer some of these for me or go back down to the basement in your Mom's house and try not to watch too much gay porn....
It's amazing,instead of believing what the whole world saw on T V these conspiracy dopes want to think of some great conspiracy theory.They throw out terms like black ops and thermite charges.
I wish one of these idiots would give a brief explanation as to WHEN and HOW and what TYPE of explosive
was used on the twin towers...Just answer some of these for me or go back down to the basement in your Mom's house and try not to watch too much gay porn....

typical debwunker having to resort to imaginings of the opposing personal life and projecting their latent homosexuality on to them in an attempt to avoid facts
OK I STILL haven't heard anyone give their explanation of how they thought or how they KNOW how the buildings were brought down.They just throw out terms like Black Ops, Haliburton....thermite charges or what you see below.....

Remember, remember, the 11th of september The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.....
OK I STILL haven't heard anyone give their explanation of how they thought or how they KNOW how the buildings were brought down.They just throw out terms like Black Ops, Haliburton....thermite charges or what you see below.....

Remember, remember, the 11th of september The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.....

your questions need to be more specifc..but what is even more important to ask is how such a collapse could occur in the manner it did from the damage and fires alone and in the case of wtc relatively small fires caused the near free fall collapse of the building and if NIST succeed is answering these questions

August 21, 2007 at 14:25:22

Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

[ame=]YouTube - Bad Ass Skyscraper Fires and Destruction!! Awesome!![/ame]
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You are so right and I stand corrected...I will offer my explanation as to how the twin towers were brought down...On September 10, about 15 people had lunch at nearby Chinatown and after lunch they purchased some fireworks,got themselves a few M80's as well.They stayed late that night and when no one was around they got up into the ceiling and planted these powerful explosives...The next day they drew straws and the loser had to stay behind to light the fuse to take the towers down....

I didn't bother to look at the crap you posted I wasted enough of my time with you. I get it, you hate this country and would like to see it destroyed.You probably voted for Obama as well.
I understand ...the only way to maintain your denial is ...willful ignorance
I understand ...the only way to maintain your denial is ...willful ignorance

ignorance like comparing a steel structure of wtc7 to a tower with a concrete core? and with a building that was built after the lessons learned on 9/11?
I understand ...the only way to maintain your denial is ...willful ignorance

ignorance like comparing a steel structure of wtc7 to a tower with a concrete core? and with a building that was built after the lessons learned on 9/11?

there are several buildings featured in this video and 2 diffrent building designs that collapsed on 9/11,,,so what building code changes where made as a result of the lessons of 9/11 ??

Went online to urban dictionary to get the definition of "truther" and the below is what I found...I rest my case.

A crazy person who believes the US government committed 9/11. Truthers get their inspiration from a moronic documentary called "Loose Change" which provides no facts whatsoever and has been thoroughly debunked. People who disagree with the truthers are repeatedly called government shills since truthers have no logical argument to counter the evidence.
Truther: 9/11 was an inside job!
Sane person: Prove it.
Truther: There was no plane at the Pentagon, only a missile!
Sane person: There's dozens of witnesses and plane debris was found all over the place.
Truther: ...Well the WTC was a controlled demolition!
Sane person: Why did both buildings collapse from the point of impact then? Pretty crazy the explosives were in the exact spot the plane hit and didn't explode upon impact.
Truther: ...You're just a government shill! Enjoy your FEMA camp when the NWO rolls around!

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