Seriously cannot get over this disturbing 9/11 issue?

The problem with debating "troofers" is that you have to be prepared to work through many levels of assertion and rebuttal. First they will point to some (MINOR) inconsistencies in the reporting of the initial incidents. Then they will raise some technical issues to "prove" that the official account cannot be true: at what temperature does steel melt, for example, or what does a vehicle look like after it has been hit by various types of ordinance? After you have dealt with these, they come back with the killer, "people are lying to us" theory, which it is almost impossible to refute since, by believing the official explanation, you have, by definition, become part of the conspiracy.
i added the word in italics
this is a good summery of what i figured out years before this was written

The troof is out there...divecon delusions of grandeur
The troof is out there | Comment is free | 2007
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The problem with debating "troofers" is that you have to be prepared to work through many levels of assertion and rebuttal. First they will point to some (MINOR) inconsistencies in the reporting of the initial incidents. Then they will raise some technical issues to "prove" that the official account cannot be true: at what temperature does steel melt, for example, or what does a vehicle look like after it has been hit by various types of ordinance? After you have dealt with these, they come back with the killer, "people are lying to us" theory, which it is almost impossible to refute since, by believing the official explanation, you have, by definition, become part of the conspiracy.
i added the word in italics
this is a good summery of what i figured out years before this was written

The troof is out there...divecon delusions of grandeur
The troof is out there | Comment is free |

i gave the link because i copied the words, dipshit

how many of your dipshit friends call anyone that disagrees with them "agents"
you are delusional, seek out professional help
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Dive-mo·ron-con (div-môrn, mr-con)
1. A stupid person; a dolt.
2. Psychology A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
3.wannabe scoobydoo


[From Greek mron, neuter of mros, stupid, foolish.]
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Dive-mo·ron-con (div-môrn, mr-con)
1. A stupid person; a dolt.
2. Psychology A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
3.wannabe scoobydoo


[From Greek mron, neuter of mros, stupid, foolish.]
more TPP

you REALLY need to seek out professional help
Still waiting for real proof. Something like physical evidence. Maybe a report on the so called molten steel? You know the stuff that was never tested to see what it was...

Or maybe that elusive Audio tape that you can hear the actual explosions going off? Oh that's right they were silent explosions...

How about we get interviews with the live terrorists? Oh they just happen to have the same names...Damn so many bill smiths in the world....

How about we just forget about it and accept the truth. That there is no evidence that the primary and major points of the 911 Commissions Report is wrong. They pretty much nailed it.
Still waiting for real proof. Something like physical evidence. Maybe a report on the so called molten steel? You know the stuff that was never tested to see what it was...

Or maybe that elusive Audio tape that you can hear the actual explosions going off? Oh that's right they were silent explosions...

How about we get interviews with the live terrorists? Oh they just happen to have the same names...Damn so many bill smiths in the world....

How about we just forget about it and accept the truth. That there is no evidence that the primary and major points of the 911 Commissions Report is wrong. They pretty much nailed it.

Yup, the only issues with the offical report seems to be in the area of 'spinning' the facts to downplay the fact that our government, under at least two presidents, did a poor job of dealing with the terrorist nutjobs.
The facts about what happened and who did it however, are clearly shown in the report.
roof / Evidence / Show me proof / Give me proof / Where is your proof?
(This assumes you already made an effort to back up your statements with some kind of evidence.)
These phrases are used to imply that the evidence presented thus far is not actually evidence at all, and is not valid to the discussion. This is a crafty way of avoiding discussion of evidence already presented, thereby dismissing it easily. Make an effort to confront the opposition's avoidance of the issues. They are not in a position to set the standards for evidence. Demand their evidence in
roof / Evidence / Show me proof / Give me proof / Where is your proof?
(This assumes you already made an effort to back up your statements with some kind of evidence.)
These phrases are used to imply that the evidence presented thus far is not actually evidence at all, and is not valid to the discussion. This is a crafty way of avoiding discussion of evidence already presented, thereby dismissing it easily. Make an effort to confront the opposition's avoidance of the issues. They are not in a position to set the standards for evidence. Demand their evidence in

hate it when i hit the button to send too soon myself.............

eots your probobly the best at actually presenting evidence, but your evidence lately has been proving you wrong.:lol:
Can one truther,just one answer this question in his or her words,not a quote from a movie or book...
When were the explosives that brought down the twin towers brought in to the building and set in place?
It's my question,it has two parts but it's one question.

Please answer in your own words,tell me what you believe.

The World Trade Centers went through many months of construction renovations up to the very day of 9/11.

Some of the construction renovation work was specifically on support structures via new fireproofing and rust preventing paint.

Some of the construction renovation work was the largest elevator "modernization" project in history.

All the support columns just happen to be around the elevators.

This company also has worked hand and hand with Controlled Demolition Inc on projects.

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there that they do "classified" work for the U.S. Department of Defense on sensitive projects both domestically and internationally.

Both the contruction company that did many months of construction renovations and Controlled Demolitions Inc performed cleanup at ground zero.

The CEO for the construction company that did many months of renovations just happened to be appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows.

The Link for the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows just happens to spell out Fellows About Commission when typed out.

Here is some more interesting facts.

[ame=]YouTube - Marvin Bush the WTC Power-Downs Just Prior to 9 11.flv[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Unusual Evacuations & Power-Downs before WTC 911 Demolition[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Scott Forbes 9/11 power down: The Elephant In The Room[/ame]

wow,well I asked the question.The truthers are even more screwed up then I ever thought possible.This whole elaborate conspiracy for what reason? to go to war with Iraq.
It's sad to see Americans and there seem to be a lot of them that hate this country so much to suggest that we would be able to commit such an act.
wow,well I asked the question.The truthers are even more screwed up then I ever thought possible.This whole elaborate conspiracy for what reason? to go to war with Iraq.
It's sad to see Americans and there seem to be a lot of them that hate this country so much to suggest that we would be able to commit such an act.

the most complex government conspiracy in history to frame iraq but they forgot to put iraqi hijackers on board!! :lol:

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