Seriously, no one expects Republicans to help these children

How about we feed the American born children who are going hungry at night, before we worry about everyone else's children?

How about we put an end to child abuse and child molestation in this country, before we worry about children from China, or Honduras, or Iran?

How about commenting on that, you political hypocrite.

Cutting food stamps for poor children, cutting school lunches and denying small children health care in this country is NOT "caring". Did that have to be explained?
How about we feed the American born children who are going hungry at night, before we worry about everyone else's children?

How about we put an end to child abuse and child molestation in this country, before we worry about children from China, or Honduras, or Iran?

How about commenting on that, you political hypocrite.

Cutting food stamps for poor children, cutting school lunches and denying small children health care in this country is NOT "caring". Did that have to be explained?

The False Equivalency of you assumptions is now made plain.

Doing those things is getting rid of government programs and does not, de facto, mean that they will get less food or less health care.

Just because your narrow little pea brain has been raised on government hand outs and can't allow for other ways for human beings to care for each other.......

Then :fu:
We can't save the world and our attempts to do so makes things worse because we end up saving the ones who would be part of the fix if we hadn't of saved them.

There's truth here.

The US has a history of helping internationally based on politics. Finding examples of enriching an "anti-communist" elite class while their people suffered all the same is pretty fucking easy.

We should stop that.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

- The sad part to me is this all about Democrats capturing another voting block, not a humanitarian initiative.

- The sad part to me is that you point to the school lunch program and don't site the middlemen that need to be paid off.

- The sad part to me is the most blatant War on Children we have seen is when Democrats took away school vouchers to appease their Teacher Union Masters and poor children could return to failing schools.
The Democrat approach to fighting terrorism is open borders. What's the problem they ask?

I'm not a Republican and I could give shit one about the welfare of a bunch of disease ridden illegals.

I do give a shit about my tax dollars being used to care for them.

Load the fuckers up and send them back to wherever they came from and if there is a law allowing them here then those fucking Clowns in DC need to change that law and get rid of these people.

Hell. For my money the whole lot of em can drop the fuck dead.
Change the law immediately. Round up all then take them to awaiting buses for a trip to a local military base. They are then loaded in C-130's and delivered back to point of departure. Simple fix there.

Then we put troops on the border. Call up the Minutemen again.


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