Seriously, no one expects Republicans to help these children

Honduras is the worlds most violent country and these right wingers are screaming to send back children, most of whom face certain death.

The odds of being murdered: Dicing with death | The Economist

And they lie. Saying Bush's law only deals with sex trafficking.

If these children were sent back and were murdered, would these right wingers post the pictures on their refrigerators as a "job well done"?

Honduras is the worlds most violent country

is it worse than Chicago?....just askin....
Why does anyone respond to an RDean thread ?

I mean...really.

Can't we give her a forum of her own (call it the pig pen) and let her post all her flaming bullshit without crowding the serious threads off the front page ?

thats what we do here.....reply to the threads....there are enough here were if you dont want to be in these Dean dont have to be....Deans threads are the guy is a great should see him do the Champagne Polka.....flawless.....
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

I am not saying we should make these kids citizens, but the fact that republicans won't even allocate necessary funds to solve the problem shows how much of scum bags they really are.

Step one is to change the short-sighted law that is making this happen. Either that or fund it, which I oppose.

Step two is to start sending well monitored plane loads of kids back home.

The MINUTE families start seeing the fees paid to the $mugglers as a waste of resources, the tide of little ones will start to recede.

Anyone want to bet on whether or not Congress can work together quickly on this one?

I find this happening in an election year to be especially interesting to watch, and I LOVE the information (with video!) age we live in.

'Nothing' is fast becoming not an option.

Let the squirming begin.
The typical GOP response to any crisis concerning the poor or downtrodden.....LET EM DIE!

Nope, that's Obamacare.

Old people need to just take a pain pill and die. We can't afford to help them anymore cuz they're not helpful to society......according to Obamacare.
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Who? Oh, the children that Obama encouraged to be handed over to drug cartels and dumped illegally in the U.S.? Those children? You Obamabots are such scum.

:eusa_eh: When did Obama do that?

Fuck me! I really need to check out 'politics' more often!​
The typical GOP response to any crisis concerning the poor or downtrodden.....LET EM DIE!

Nope, that's Obamacare.

Old people need to just take a pain pill and die. We can't afford to help them anymore cuz they're not helpful to society anymore......according to Obamacare.

Now you guys are just fucking with me, right?

That's just wild! Almost hard to believe.
Obama specializes in taking a crap....leaving that steaming pile behind....and then going on the campaign trail asking....why doesn't the GOP get busy polishing that piece of shit.

And some of you libs actually are buying it.
The typical GOP response to any crisis concerning the poor or downtrodden.....LET EM DIE!

Nope, that's Obamacare.

Old people need to just take a pain pill and die. We can't afford to help them anymore cuz they're not helpful to society......according to Obamacare.
If you like your lice infested scabies carrying Guatemalan, you can keep your lice infested scabies carrying Guatemalan.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

I am not saying we should make these kids citizens, but the fact that republicans won't even allocate necessary funds to solve the problem shows how much of scum bags they really are.

Step one is to change the short-sighted law that is making this happen. Either that or fund it, which I oppose.

Step two is to start sending well monitored plane loads of kids back home.

The MINUTE families start seeing the fees paid to the $mugglers as a waste of resources, the tide of little ones will start to recede.

Anyone want to bet on whether or not Congress can work together quickly on this one?

I find this happening in an election year to be especially interesting to watch, and I LOVE the information (with video!) age we live in.

'Nothing' is fast becoming not an option.

Let the squirming begin.

After listening to Mitch the Turtle McConnell and his sidekick the Tan Man aka The Bohner, I got to believe the Repubs in Congress DO NOT want a reasonable solution to this problem.

They are having way to much fun bashing Obama to want to stop the kids from entering the country. Or even sending the ones we already have, back.

Wonder when the Republicans plan to really come down on the employers who hire illegal immigrants?
It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

I am not saying we should make these kids citizens, but the fact that republicans won't even allocate necessary funds to solve the problem shows how much of scum bags they really are.

Step one is to change the short-sighted law that is making this happen. Either that or fund it, which I oppose.

Step two is to start sending well monitored plane loads of kids back home.

The MINUTE families start seeing the fees paid to the $mugglers as a waste of resources, the tide of little ones will start to recede.

Anyone want to bet on whether or not Congress can work together quickly on this one?

I find this happening in an election year to be especially interesting to watch, and I LOVE the information (with video!) age we live in.

'Nothing' is fast becoming not an option.

Let the squirming begin.

After listening to Mitch the Turtle McConnell and his sidekick the Tan Man aka The Bohner, I got to believe the Repubs in Congress DO NOT want a reasonable solution to this problem.

They are having way to much fun bashing Obama to want to stop the kids from entering the country. Or even sending the ones we already have, back.

Wonder when the Republicans plan to really come down on the employers who hire illegal immigrants?

There are already laws against employers hiring illegals. They are fined when they get caught, as they should be. Its really not even an issue. The issue is that we have laws and they aren't enforced regarding immigration.
Step one is to change the short-sighted law that is making this happen. Either that or fund it, which I oppose.

Step two is to start sending well monitored plane loads of kids back home.

The MINUTE families start seeing the fees paid to the $mugglers as a waste of resources, the tide of little ones will start to recede.

Anyone want to bet on whether or not Congress can work together quickly on this one?

I find this happening in an election year to be especially interesting to watch, and I LOVE the information (with video!) age we live in.

'Nothing' is fast becoming not an option.

Let the squirming begin.

After listening to Mitch the Turtle McConnell and his sidekick the Tan Man aka The Bohner, I got to believe the Repubs in Congress DO NOT want a reasonable solution to this problem.

They are having way to much fun bashing Obama to want to stop the kids from entering the country. Or even sending the ones we already have, back.

Wonder when the Republicans plan to really come down on the employers who hire illegal immigrants?

There are already laws against employers hiring illegals. They are fined when they get caught, as they should be. Its really not even an issue. The issue is that we have laws and they aren't enforced regarding immigration.

Actually, THIS immigration issue is a direct result of the administration trying desperately to find a way TO enforce the law.

A date in court is required by law and, damned if it ain't fucking expensive and difficult to administer when you multiply that by several thousand warm bodies per day.

Until congress changes the law, We HAVE to feed, clothe, house and care for them while the wheels of 'justice' grind slowly toward a court date and it's life altering decision.

Continued 'no action' by congress is REALLY going to catch up come November.

Squirm, baby. Squirm!
After listening to Mitch the Turtle McConnell and his sidekick the Tan Man aka The Bohner, I got to believe the Repubs in Congress DO NOT want a reasonable solution to this problem.

They are having way to much fun bashing Obama to want to stop the kids from entering the country. Or even sending the ones we already have, back.

Wonder when the Republicans plan to really come down on the employers who hire illegal immigrants?

There are already laws against employers hiring illegals. They are fined when they get caught, as they should be. Its really not even an issue. The issue is that we have laws and they aren't enforced regarding immigration.

Actually, THIS immigration issue is a direct result of the administration trying desperately to find a way TO enforce the law.

A date in court is required by law and, damned if it ain't fucking expensive and difficult to administer when you multiply that by several thousand warm bodies per day.

Until congress changes the law, We HAVE to feed, clothe, house and care for them while the wheels of 'justice' grind slowly toward a court date and it's life altering decision.

Continued 'no action' by congress is REALLY going to catch up come November.

Squirm, baby. Squirm!

Put the crack pipe down ya delusional puppet
If the border was really secure as Obama keep telling us it was we wouldn't need to be taking care of these children would we?
It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

I am not saying we should make these kids citizens, but the fact that republicans won't even allocate necessary funds to solve the problem shows how much of scum bags they really are.

Step one is to change the short-sighted law that is making this happen. Either that or fund it, which I oppose.

Step two is to start sending well monitored plane loads of kids back home.

The MINUTE families start seeing the fees paid to the $mugglers as a waste of resources, the tide of little ones will start to recede.

Anyone want to bet on whether or not Congress can work together quickly on this one?

I find this happening in an election year to be especially interesting to watch, and I LOVE the information (with video!) age we live in.

'Nothing' is fast becoming not an option.

Let the squirming begin.

After listening to Mitch the Turtle McConnell and his sidekick the Tan Man aka The Bohner, I got to believe the Repubs in Congress DO NOT want a reasonable solution to this problem.

They are having way to much fun bashing Obama to want to stop the kids from entering the country. Or even sending the ones we already have, back.

Wonder when the Republicans plan to really come down on the employers who hire illegal immigrants?

i agree.....and when are the Democrats?....and i bet even if they do, the pro-Illegal activists out here will call everyone who does that.....dirty rotten low life racists....
Again, the returning them to their parents is going to get them killed or in the sex trade argument. do you really think that all hispanic people are killing and sex trafficking their children? That's a pretty racist attitude and argument.

Who said "all Hispanic people"? You are such an ass. And right there is a link explaining why Honduras is the most dangerous country in the world. You didn't even bother to read it. Just an ignorant ass spewing even more ignorance. At least you are consistent.

You're the one that suggests that returning the children, who are hispanic, to their parents, is going to result in death and or sex trafficking.

Are some of the immigrants not hispanic?

I never said returning them would result in sex trafficking. But I did say it could result in their deaths. That's why their parents sent them here.

But tell me, you don't really care about these children, do you? When they are still in the womb, they are important, but once born, you've lost interest, right?
Once again, I'll ask why anyone responds to an RDean thread.

If RDean started it, you'll know it is horseshit.

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