Seriously, no one expects Republicans to help these children

When "Let him die" Republicans say, "Let him die", they aren't kidding. It's not a metaphor. They really mean it.
After listening to Mitch the Turtle McConnell and his sidekick the Tan Man aka The Bohner, I got to believe the Repubs in Congress DO NOT want a reasonable solution to this problem.

They are having way to much fun bashing Obama to want to stop the kids from entering the country. Or even sending the ones we already have, back.

Wonder when the Republicans plan to really come down on the employers who hire illegal immigrants?

There are already laws against employers hiring illegals. They are fined when they get caught, as they should be. Its really not even an issue. The issue is that we have laws and they aren't enforced regarding immigration.

Actually, THIS immigration issue is a direct result of the administration trying desperately to find a way TO enforce the law.

A date in court is required by law and, damned if it ain't fucking expensive and difficult to administer when you multiply that by several thousand warm bodies per day.

Until congress changes the law, We HAVE to feed, clothe, house and care for them while the wheels of 'justice' grind slowly toward a court date and it's life altering decision.

Continued 'no action' by congress is REALLY going to catch up come November.

Squirm, baby. Squirm!

This admin is not desperately trying for a solution. They're citing a 2000 clinton law and the media is screaming that bush did this in 2008. Its a circus. I agree with you there. The whole thing is absurd. Anyone arriving in our country that isn't legal should get no court date and sent back to where they came from.....then watch congress squirm.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Murderous drug cartels are funded by a weak US border security and immigration policies. A porous border allows for a steady flow of drugs and exploited young girls funneled into the sex trade here in the states, and the Democrat party, draping themselves in compassion, has steadfastly opposed any attempts at strengthening the border.

Wrap yourself in a naive platitudes of compassion, and make your condescending arguments that those you disagree with are motivated by racism--but it is your policies that further poverty and strengthen the chains that hold millions in economic stagnation. YOU support, out of compassion, not drug testing those receiving government assistance, which does nothing but perpetuates their dismal situation.

YOU support teachers unions that have devastated the education systems of LA, Chicago, Detroit, NY--dooming untold number of black and Latino children to repeat the cycle of poverty that the Democrat Party THRIVES off of.

And when our own federal government is caught allowing thousands of assault weapons to cross an international border and into the hands of cartels committing mass murder in Mexico--YOU support an administration hell bent on ensuring NO ONE is held responsible.

You are a hateful, naive hypocrite.
Once again, I'll ask why anyone responds to an RDean thread.

If RDean started it, you'll know it is horseshit.

Why? Did I say anything I couldn't back up with video, facts or links?

Yes....everything you say is pretty much unsupportable:

Let's look at your OP:

Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?


You are essentially saying that these programs are the ONLY way a child will get care. That is crap. If I can produce instances where children are helped in other ways...then you are wrong (which is always).

Is your contention that this is the only way people can get help ?

If not, how do you account for other avenues ? And why are they not included in your analysis ? That is to say, I know many conservatives who out and out adopt kids from third world countries. Those kids don't need foodstamps. They don't need ACA. But they are getting help from another source.

Every thread you start is an indictment of the GOP on the basis of some bullshit argument that essentially says : The GOP does not like government programs and government programs are the only way people can get the GOP does not want to help people.

Here is the flip side you stupid asswipe. Look at the thread on the ACA the so called 50 million uninsured...most of whom could have gotten insurance before the ACA...but would not sign up for it. It was availabe....but they still would not take it.

So you needed to force them into it. You are one sorry group of arrogant bastards.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Murderous drug cartels are funded by a weak US border security and immigration policies. A porous border allows for a steady flow of drugs and exploited young girls funneled into the sex trade here in the states, and the Democrat party, draping themselves in compassion, has steadfastly opposed any attempts at strengthening the border.

Wrap yourself in a naive platitudes of compassion, and make your condescending arguments that those you disagree with are motivated by racism--but it is your policies that further poverty and strengthen the chains that hold millions in economic stagnation. YOU support, out of compassion, not drug testing those receiving government assistance, which does nothing but perpetuates their dismal situation.

YOU support teachers unions that have devastated the education systems of LA, Chicago, Detroit, NY--dooming untold number of black and Latino children to repeat the cycle of poverty that the Democrat Party THRIVES off of.

And when our own federal government is caught allowing thousands of assault weapons to cross an international border and into the hands of cartels committing mass murder in Mexico--YOU support an administration hell bent on ensuring NO ONE is held responsible.

You are a hateful, naive hypocrite.

But I'm not gleefully advocating that tiny children be sent off to die.
Once again, I'll ask why anyone responds to an RDean thread.

If RDean started it, you'll know it is horseshit.

Why? Did I say anything I couldn't back up with video, facts or links?

Yes....everything you say is pretty much unsupportable:

Let's look at your OP:

Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?


You are essentially saying that these programs are the ONLY way a child will get care. That is crap. If I can produce instances where children are helped in other ways...then you are wrong (which is always).

Is your contention that this is the only way people can get help ?

If not, how do you account for other avenues ? And why are they not included in your analysis ? That is to say, I know many conservatives who out and out adopt kids from third world countries. Those kids don't need foodstamps. They don't need ACA. But they are getting help from another source.

Every thread you start is an indictment of the GOP on the basis of some bullshit argument that essentially says : The GOP does not like government programs and government programs are the only way people can get the GOP does not want to help people.

Here is the flip side you stupid asswipe. Look at the thread on the ACA the so called 50 million uninsured...most of whom could have gotten insurance before the ACA...but would not sign up for it. It was availabe....but they still would not take it.

So you needed to force them into it. You are one sorry group of arrogant bastards.

You are not denying whether what I said is true or not. And you are answering my allegations with "but what if" which is not a real answer at all.

Then you end by flat out lying when you say people wouldn't accept health care if it were offered. Remember, Republicans are blocking it in southern states not even giving the people the chance to supposedly say no.

Finally, you end with name calling. Man, are you a "Sad Sack".

Like I said, if Republicans don't care about children here, and clearly they don't, then why would they care about children from some other country? Clearly, they don't. Don't get mad at me for who you are. That's on you.
Why? Did I say anything I couldn't back up with video, facts or links?

Yes....everything you say is pretty much unsupportable:

Let's look at your OP:

Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?


You are essentially saying that these programs are the ONLY way a child will get care. That is crap. If I can produce instances where children are helped in other ways...then you are wrong (which is always).

Is your contention that this is the only way people can get help ?

If not, how do you account for other avenues ? And why are they not included in your analysis ? That is to say, I know many conservatives who out and out adopt kids from third world countries. Those kids don't need foodstamps. They don't need ACA. But they are getting help from another source.

Every thread you start is an indictment of the GOP on the basis of some bullshit argument that essentially says : The GOP does not like government programs and government programs are the only way people can get the GOP does not want to help people.

Here is the flip side you stupid asswipe. Look at the thread on the ACA the so called 50 million uninsured...most of whom could have gotten insurance before the ACA...but would not sign up for it. It was availabe....but they still would not take it.

So you needed to force them into it. You are one sorry group of arrogant bastards.

You are not denying whether what I said is true or not. And you are answering my allegations with "but what if" which is not a real answer at all.

Then you end by flat out lying when you say people wouldn't accept health care if it were offered. Remember, Republicans are blocking it in southern states not even giving the people the chance to supposedly say no.

Finally, you end with name calling. Man, are you a "Sad Sack".

Like I said, if Republicans don't care about children here, and clearly they don't, then why would they care about children from some other country? Clearly, they don't. Don't get mad at me for who you are. That's on you.

Oh yes I was saying that your statements are pure bullshit. You use faulty logic to say that Republicans don't care about children. It's all based on their being repulsed by government programs. So let me spell it out for you. You are full of shit. Just because someone does not like a government program does not mean they don't care about children. Clear enough.

As to flat out lying. No, I am not lying.

Thirty Million Uninsured

Here’s how the numbers break down: The Kaiser Commission estimates that 25 percent of the uninsured are eligible for either Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (formerly SCHIP). That works out to about 11.6 million people, leaving just 34.7 million people who neither have insurance nor are qualified for public insurance. When we subtract the 5.6 million estimated illegal immigrants who lack health care, we’re left with about 29.1 million.


Eligible...but still uninsured. Which means they won't sign up for it.

Go fuck yourself. Your threads are always the same.

1. People have issues.
2. Government programs help people.
3. The GOP does not like government programs.
4. The GOP does not like people.

This assumes there is no other way to help people. It also assumes that number 2 is true...which is rarely the case.

You don't get out of your padded cell enough to know what Republicans care about. Conservatives give way more to charity and what do charities do...they help people.

Like I said, your threads are nothing but bags of bullshit.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

We can't save the world. Nor should we.

We can't save the world and our attempts to do so makes things worse because we end up saving the ones who would be part of the fix if we hadn't of saved them.
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Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.[/QUOTE] Yet millions are killed yearly and you suport it.

You are a sad excuse for a human,nothing but total BS
Who said "all Hispanic people"? You are such an ass. And right there is a link explaining why Honduras is the most dangerous country in the world. You didn't even bother to read it. Just an ignorant ass spewing even more ignorance. At least you are consistent.

You're the one that suggests that returning the children, who are hispanic, to their parents, is going to result in death and or sex trafficking.

Are some of the immigrants not hispanic?

I never said returning them would result in sex trafficking. But I did say it could result in their deaths. That's why their parents sent them here.

But tell me, you don't really care about these children, do you? When they are still in the womb, they are important, but once born, you've lost interest, right?

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Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

The GOP doesn't have to go looking for reasons because Obama creates the reasons all on his own.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Murderous drug cartels are funded by a weak US border security and immigration policies. A porous border allows for a steady flow of drugs and exploited young girls funneled into the sex trade here in the states, and the Democrat party, draping themselves in compassion, has steadfastly opposed any attempts at strengthening the border.

Wrap yourself in a naive platitudes of compassion, and make your condescending arguments that those you disagree with are motivated by racism--but it is your policies that further poverty and strengthen the chains that hold millions in economic stagnation. YOU support, out of compassion, not drug testing those receiving government assistance, which does nothing but perpetuates their dismal situation.

YOU support teachers unions that have devastated the education systems of LA, Chicago, Detroit, NY--dooming untold number of black and Latino children to repeat the cycle of poverty that the Democrat Party THRIVES off of.

And when our own federal government is caught allowing thousands of assault weapons to cross an international border and into the hands of cartels committing mass murder in Mexico--YOU support an administration hell bent on ensuring NO ONE is held responsible.

You are a hateful, naive hypocrite.

But I'm not gleefully advocating that tiny children be sent off to die.

if these kids were white Republican kids you would not even be in the thread....
Yes....everything you say is pretty much unsupportable:

Let's look at your OP:

Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?


You are essentially saying that these programs are the ONLY way a child will get care. That is crap. If I can produce instances where children are helped in other ways...then you are wrong (which is always).

Is your contention that this is the only way people can get help ?

If not, how do you account for other avenues ? And why are they not included in your analysis ? That is to say, I know many conservatives who out and out adopt kids from third world countries. Those kids don't need foodstamps. They don't need ACA. But they are getting help from another source.

Every thread you start is an indictment of the GOP on the basis of some bullshit argument that essentially says : The GOP does not like government programs and government programs are the only way people can get the GOP does not want to help people.

Here is the flip side you stupid asswipe. Look at the thread on the ACA the so called 50 million uninsured...most of whom could have gotten insurance before the ACA...but would not sign up for it. It was availabe....but they still would not take it.

So you needed to force them into it. You are one sorry group of arrogant bastards.

You are not denying whether what I said is true or not. And you are answering my allegations with "but what if" which is not a real answer at all.

Then you end by flat out lying when you say people wouldn't accept health care if it were offered. Remember, Republicans are blocking it in southern states not even giving the people the chance to supposedly say no.

Finally, you end with name calling. Man, are you a "Sad Sack".

Like I said, if Republicans don't care about children here, and clearly they don't, then why would they care about children from some other country? Clearly, they don't. Don't get mad at me for who you are. That's on you.

Oh yes I was saying that your statements are pure bullshit. You use faulty logic to say that Republicans don't care about children. It's all based on their being repulsed by government programs. So let me spell it out for you. You are full of shit. Just because someone does not like a government program does not mean they don't care about children. Clear enough.

As to flat out lying. No, I am not lying.

Thirty Million Uninsured

Here’s how the numbers break down: The Kaiser Commission estimates that 25 percent of the uninsured are eligible for either Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (formerly SCHIP). That works out to about 11.6 million people, leaving just 34.7 million people who neither have insurance nor are qualified for public insurance. When we subtract the 5.6 million estimated illegal immigrants who lack health care, we’re left with about 29.1 million.


Eligible...but still uninsured. Which means they won't sign up for it.

Go fuck yourself. Your threads are always the same.

1. People have issues.
2. Government programs help people.
3. The GOP does not like government programs.
4. The GOP does not like people.

This assumes there is no other way to help people. It also assumes that number 2 is true...which is rarely the case.

You don't get out of your padded cell enough to know what Republicans care about. Conservatives give way more to charity and what do charities do...they help people.

Like I said, your threads are nothing but bags of bullshit.

Just because someone does not like a government program does not mean they don't care about children.

thats Deans logic.....pretty stupid aint it?.....he thinks because many Republicans think the Dept. of Education is useless and should be disbanded that, that proves that Republicans HATE Education and want to END it....yet he just cant seem to find anyone saying that..... you are dealing with one of the most dishonest people in this place.....
thats Deans logic.....pretty stupid aint it?.....he thinks because many Republicans think the Dept. of Education is useless and should be disbanded that, that proves that Republicans HATE Education and want to END it....yet he just cant seem to find anyone saying that..... you are dealing with one of the most dishonest people in this place.....

You'll notice that stupid prick (RDean) has bailed on the thread. I have not checked to see, but my guess is that he's started another thread that essentially works from the same flawed premises.

He's an asshole.

I still wonder why people respond to him at all.

He needs his own forum called the cretin corner.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Don't be so naive. These mothers don't give a rat's butt about the fates of those children except that they are going to win them DACA and welfare handouts.

Nothing is any different in Central America than it ever was and it's their irresponsible popping out of babies that creates the whole mess their country is. Nothing like having baby after baby that they can never afford. And why don't you ask -- where are the husbands of these women? Where are the pitiful fathers of these children?

If liberals love them so much -- then why aren't liberals willing to support them and pay the enormous costs of them all on their own?

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