Seriously, no one expects Republicans to help these children

Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Isn't on politicians. Best they can do is pass a law. They're just catering to their bigoted racist base saying how terrible it is yada yada. The kids are in custody already. What needs to be done is caring for them and figuring out where they go from there. Politicians can then author or support new bills designed to effect the future incoming immigrants which ever way their voter base wants most.

People blame politicians too much. Of course they lied to you, they're politicians moron. (Not the OP, am addressing everyone bitching and moaning about things blaming politicians.) They're doing whatever whoever donated the most to their re-election campaigns said to do. How can that come as a surprise to you? Only way to fix too much immigration is to improve the situation at home so people stay there instead of leaving for elsewhere. So every time foreign aid comes up or some advantageous trade agreement benefitting the 3rd world, support it if you don't want a lot of immigrants showing up on your front porch.
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Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

I am not saying we should make these kids citizens, but the fact that republicans won't even allocate necessary funds to solve the problem shows how much of scum bags they really are.

I have several family members that weren't born in America. Do you have any?

Have you ever gotten off of your high-horse long enough to take somebody's child into your home like I have?

The problem seems to be bigotry. Bigotry on the left for the right.
They preach all day long about how fucked up the right is yet not one of these assholes actually do what they demand of us.

The point is liberalism provides them with the opportunity to act compassionate without actually being so.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Isn't on politicians. Best they can do is pass a law. They're just catering to their bigoted racist base saying how terrible it is yada yada. The kids are in custody already. What needs to be done is caring for them and figuring out where they go from there. Politicians can then author or support new bills designed to effect the future incoming immigrants which ever way their voter base wants most.

People blame politicians too much. Of course they lied to you, they're politicians moron. (Not the OP, am addressing everyone bitching and moaning about things blaming politicians.) They're doing whatever whoever donated the most to their re-election campaigns said to do. How can that come as a surprise to you? Only way to fix too much immigration is to improve the situation at home so people stay there instead of leaving for elsewhere. So every time foreign aid comes up or some advantageous trade agreement benefitting the 3rd world, support it if you don't want a lot of immigrants showing up on your front porch.

Wrong. The best way to stop it is first stop welcoming them here. Next make immigration harder, or in effect adopt laws similar to those in their home countries.

Liberals by nature create crisis. It's their liberal attitudes about the laws and the human condition that creates crisis after crisis. The past few months the DoJ has been releasing prisoners by the thousands. For what purpose?
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These children are being poorly screened and released into custody of folks here in the states. They are given a court date. The citizenship of the people they are released to is never verified according to policy.

Most don't show up for their hearings because most likely the guardians are illegal too.
Who? Oh, the children that Obama encouraged to be handed over to drug cartels and dumped illegally in the U.S.? Those children? You Obamabots are such scum.
Honduras is the worlds most violent country and these right wingers are screaming to send back children, most of whom face certain death.

The odds of being murdered: Dicing with death | The Economist

And they lie. Saying Bush's law only deals with sex trafficking.

If these children were sent back and were murdered, would these right wingers post the pictures on their refrigerators as a "job well done"?
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Stop it. I'm gettin' a weepy, snot-stained hanky feelin'.
We could do a citizen exchange. If you want them to be American citizens, why don't we send you to their country. Do you care about them enough to give them your citizenship?

And btw, your premise is flawed considering there are countless Republicans doing things for these people. In fact, Obama is preventing a number of Christians from doing things.
and just why the hell should we have to support them ? don't they have parents ? don't they have a country to live in ?

FUCK'EM !!!!

why don't their parents rise up and fight as what our forefathers done...., ooooh!! i am sorry, you liberfools do not want guns in the hands of patriots.., RIGHT ??


I love these kinds of right wingnut comments. It shows everyone who they truly are. Thanks.

:eusa_pray:And the left emptyheads comments show how out of touch they really are. Open your eyes for once.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

US has no obligation to illegal child dumping. Just another crybaby rant from a socialist. "Waaaaaaaa big mean bad ol' Republicans. We should all be able to wake-up in the morning and pluck money from the money tree and walk down to the chocolate river and have a drink." Then everyone, black, white, Hispanic, Muslim, Christian and Jew can all hold hands and sing " oh my what a wonderful day." Liberal fantasy world.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

It's really a matter of empathy. Republicans by and large lack it. They would rather look for reasons to whine about Obama.

I am not saying we should make these kids citizens, but the fact that republicans won't even allocate necessary funds to solve the problem shows how much of scum bags they really are.

:lol:If your going to make a statement at least try and make a truthful one. The Republicans are willing to allocate necessary funds to solve the problem as soon as the Dems are able to show that that is what is going to happen. Also that the money is going to be used properly...something the left isn't very good at.
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Why does anyone respond to an RDean thread ?

I mean...really.

Can't we give her a forum of her own (call it the pig pen) and let her post all her flaming bullshit without crowding the serious threads off the front page ?
Why does anyone respond to an RDean thread ?

I mean...really.

Can't we give her a forum of her own (call it the pig pen) and let her post all her flaming bullshit without crowding the serious threads off the front page ?

Rdean is a girl???
Why does anyone respond to an RDean thread ?

I mean...really.

Can't we give her a forum of her own (call it the pig pen) and let her post all her flaming bullshit without crowding the serious threads off the front page ?

:eusa_angel:Thats a good idea. She could follow in Ubamas footsteps like his Pen and Phone. She could call the forum Keyboard and Computer.
no one expects you to help them either

just sit on a message board wailing about them

Why does anyone respond to an RDean thread ?

I mean...really.

Can't we give her a forum of her own (call it the pig pen) and let her post all her flaming bullshit without crowding the serious threads off the front page ?

The secret is to read dean's thread back to front. Very entertaining. :thup:

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