Seriously, no one expects Republicans to help these children

Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

Hey, Rdean.....

Here in America there is an issue that is rarely addressed, but we all know it exists. There are thousands of children that have been abandoned or orphaned who, due to their age, their health or their background, are stuck in orphanages for years...never enjoying the love of a parent or the security of a home.

How many of them have you adopted?

My guess is none.

Is it that you don't care about children? Do you hate children?

Or is it at all possible that you care about them and wish you could do more for them, but unable to take on the added burden....especially during these difficult times?

Get it?

You likely do....but will never admit to it.
Come on people, let's get real. If the GOP cuts school lunches, food stamps for poor children and vows they will never get health care, then why would they care for a bunch of foreign children, no matter how much danger they are in?

The number of children from Mexico has been flat for the last 8 years. Most of these children are from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. That makes them way too brown for Republicans to ever except.

A mother sending a 5 year old thousands of miles away because they will be safer only shows how desperate they are. You can't stop them at the border. The law George Bush signed doesn't allow that. It doesn't make touching America "home base".

The sad part to me even beyond their loss of humanity, is the GOP's heartless attitude towards children. Their war on Children is the worst because they are going after the most helpless.

US has no obligation to illegal child dumping. Just another crybaby rant from a socialist. "Waaaaaaaa big mean bad ol' Republicans. We should all be able to wake-up in the morning and pluck money from the money tree and walk down to the chocolate river and have a drink." Then everyone, black, white, Hispanic, Muslim, Christian and Jew can all hold hands and sing " oh my what a wonderful day." Liberal fantasy world.

I'm not a Rep so Deanass's little rant is bogus as hell. There are loads of folks who think just like I do.

Ship these illegals back to wherever the hell they came from. No way should the taxpayers of America have to pony up to support the kids of another country.
this is what happens to anyone who criticizes this administration..such a lovely party to belong to...bunch of thugs

White House warns Dem rep to shut up

By Jeannie DeAngelis
U.S Representative Henry Roberto Cuellar a Democrat from Texas told Brian Kilmeade on Fox and Friends this morning that he's already gotten a phone call from the White House, he wouldn't say from whom, warning him to stop criticizing Obama on his handling of the border.

Kilmeade mentioned to Cuellar that the WH doesn't take kindly to Democrats criticizing the president and cited Corey Booker catching flak and then backtracking.

Kilmeade pressed Cuellar about who called but the Congressman declined to say
Blog: White House warns Dem rep to shut up
Why does anyone respond to an RDean thread ?

I mean...really.

Can't we give her a forum of her own (call it the pig pen) and let her post all her flaming bullshit without crowding the serious threads off the front page ?

Rdean is a girl???

Only if turds have gender.

Seriously, why don't we all just put the bastard on ignore.

All of his threads read the same way.
We could do a citizen exchange. If you want them to be American citizens, why don't we send you to their country. Do you care about them enough to give them your citizenship?

And btw, your premise is flawed considering there are countless Republicans doing things for these people. In fact, Obama is preventing a number of Christians from doing things.

Like what?
Wow, these right wingers. I guess this proves they only like children who are still in the womb.

Funny that so many of those hurt by Sandy and the Midwest tornadoes vote Republicans. Republicans didn't even want to help them. It's like the 254 counties where food stamp use doubled since 2007 and 213 of them voted by wide margins for Mitt Romney who wanted to cut their food stamps.

Cruel and stupid. What a horrible combination.
Honduras is the worlds most violent country and these right wingers are screaming to send back children, most of whom face certain death.

The odds of being murdered: Dicing with death | The Economist

And they lie. Saying Bush's law only deals with sex trafficking.

If these children were sent back and were murdered, would these right wingers post the pictures on their refrigerators as a "job well done"?

Again, the returning them to their parents is going to get them killed or in the sex trade argument. do you really think that all hispanic people are killing and sex trafficking their children? That's a pretty racist attitude and argument.
Wow these Liberals. They won't do a fucking thing to help people, they can only spend other peoples money.
We could do a citizen exchange. If you want them to be American citizens, why don't we send you to their country. Do you care about them enough to give them your citizenship?

And btw, your premise is flawed considering there are countless Republicans doing things for these people. In fact, Obama is preventing a number of Christians from doing things.

Like what?

minister to their needs.
Honduras is the worlds most violent country and these right wingers are screaming to send back children, most of whom face certain death.

The odds of being murdered: Dicing with death | The Economist

And they lie. Saying Bush's law only deals with sex trafficking.

If these children were sent back and were murdered, would these right wingers post the pictures on their refrigerators as a "job well done"?

Again, the returning them to their parents is going to get them killed or in the sex trade argument. do you really think that all hispanic people are killing and sex trafficking their children? That's a pretty racist attitude and argument.

Who said "all Hispanic people"? You are such an ass. And right there is a link explaining why Honduras is the most dangerous country in the world. You didn't even bother to read it. Just an ignorant ass spewing even more ignorance. At least you are consistent.
We could do a citizen exchange. If you want them to be American citizens, why don't we send you to their country. Do you care about them enough to give them your citizenship?

And btw, your premise is flawed considering there are countless Republicans doing things for these people. In fact, Obama is preventing a number of Christians from doing things.

Like what?

minister to their needs.

That's it? "minister to their needs"?

Like I said, an ignorant ass.
Honduras is the worlds most violent country and these right wingers are screaming to send back children, most of whom face certain death.

The odds of being murdered: Dicing with death | The Economist

And they lie. Saying Bush's law only deals with sex trafficking.

If these children were sent back and were murdered, would these right wingers post the pictures on their refrigerators as a "job well done"?

Again, the returning them to their parents is going to get them killed or in the sex trade argument. do you really think that all hispanic people are killing and sex trafficking their children? That's a pretty racist attitude and argument.

Who said "all Hispanic people"? You are such an ass. And right there is a link explaining why Honduras is the most dangerous country in the world. You didn't even bother to read it. Just an ignorant ass spewing even more ignorance. At least you are consistent.

You're the one that suggests that returning the children, who are hispanic, to their parents, is going to result in death and or sex trafficking.

Are some of the immigrants not hispanic?
Like what?

minister to their needs.

That's it? "minister to their needs"?

Like I said, an ignorant ass.

I can be an ignorant ass sometimes. I am not really sure how pointing out that people have been turned away for wanting to minister to their needs is one of those instances though. I thought you were complaining that we didn't care about them, and yet when we want to provide food, clothes, medical attention and any other need we aren't allowed to even see them.

Considering we can't even see them, do we know they really exist? I mean the government has lied before, could they be lying now?

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