Seriously? Obama Plans To Rally The Uninformed & Naive Base For 2012 ?

Oct 10, 2011

Yes ! Yes ! The so called "Fourth Greatest President" of all time plans to campaign in States where a majority of potential voters have no idea of what is going on in the nation. Let's see, that leaves out Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and Michigan. One of the campaign plans to retrieve the needed 270/271 electoral votes was to hit the mid-west. So in other words, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico are the more "Dumber States" in the country?
Did any of you hear about this over the week? We already know Obama has given up on the Regular White Well Informed Voters!
How pathetic !! He knows he's at 40% approval, so all he has left are what many refer to as "The Stupid Vote" :gay:
Obama !! The Smartest Man In The Room? :rofl:
They ought to be easy to rally. He only needs to promise them that he'll put gas in their tank and pay their mortgage. They believed him last time and I've heard some say he just needs more time to deliver the goods to those with their hands out.
oh yah,,that black girl who thought Obama was going to pay all of her bills for the rest of her life,,,,yup, those are the brainless naive people who voted for Obama. and where are they now?
oh yah,,that black girl who thought Obama was going to pay all of her bills for the rest of her life,,,,yup, those are the brainless naive people who voted for Obama. and where are they now?

:rolleyes: seriously what does her being black have to do with her being stupid? Was it neccesary to mention her race? Countering stupid politics with stupid comments doesn't make your point...
I wonder how Colorado will respond when they realize the only reason Obama is campaigning there is because he assumes 1/2 of them are dumbfounded and have no idea how the economy works.
Yet the dupes believes voodoo is good for them and the stimulus didn't do anything? LOL See sig for more, chumps. LOL

Yes ! Yes ! The so called "Fourth Greatest President" of all time plans to campaign in States where a majority of potential voters have no idea of what is going on in the nation. Let's see, that leaves out Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and Michigan. One of the campaign plans to retrieve the needed 270/271 electoral votes was to hit the mid-west. So in other words, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico are the more "Dumber States" in the country?
Did any of you hear about this over the week? We already know Obama has given up on the Regular White Well Informed Voters!
How pathetic !! He knows he's at 40% approval, so all he has left are what many refer to as "The Stupid Vote" :gay:
Obama !! The Smartest Man In The Room? :rofl:

no. he's not planning on gathering the uninformed and naive base... the teatards wouldn't vote for him. :thup:
Addressing the Tea Party? He IS a man of courage. :2up:
rich white people are keeping you down !!! repubs hate me because i am black !!! fight the power !!! ect ect thats all he has to say to get the idiot left stirred into a pack animal frenzy !!!
Oh, and you never explained where you got that $5 trillion figure from.
ok ok,,,,,4.5 Trillion....I will deduct the interest on the national debt! but never the less, over 4 trillion has been either borrowed or printed up,,,injected into banks and the economy,,,,even one trillion alone would create 15 Million Jobs !!!!
The NYT blog recently went on record praising David Axelrod for cobbling together a magnificent Obama re election coalition of Hispanics, African Americans, college educated intelligentsia and perverts. White working class Americans, ie the UAW, were relegated for use as traction sand underneath Mr Obama's Canadian made campaign bus. Axelrod just recognized what was becoming an inevitable trend over the years, the Democrats were losing favor in white, working class circles. Since January 2009 the drop has bordered on the catastrophic

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Poll: Are You White? If So Odds Are You Don’t Approve of Obama…
the rats are probably already trying to rig elections in states that dont enforce the rules and states where they can feel they can pull a scheme with mail in ballots. I am worried over Pennsylvania and Nevada. I never trusted their actual votes, and when Reid won in Nevada, we all knew fraud was involved.
As opposed to the Pub coalition of the myopic greedy rich, racist and bigotted haters, and brainwashed dupes.
God, who doesn't wish they could go back to 1980 and start all over again. I remember being in Sarasota in late 79/early 80. God, what a perfect world it was back then(not speaking of the world in general, but that area was so clean and peaceful, it was like heaven on earth)
the rats are probably already trying to rig elections in states that dont enforce the rules and states where they can feel they can pull a scheme with mail in ballots. I am worried over Pennsylvania and Nevada. I never trusted their actual votes, and when Reid won in Nevada, we all knew fraud was involved.

Sure. Except no actual voting fraud has been found, and only Pubs (in FORTY states) are trying to change things to make it more difficult for the young and minorities to vote.

God, who doesn't wish they could go back to 1980 and start all over again. I remember being in Sarasota in late 79/early 80. God, what a perfect world it was back then(not speaking of the world in general, but that area was so clean and peaceful, it was like heaven on earth)

Before Voodoo started ruining the middle class and Reaganism and Newt ruined politics?

Seriously, your point?

My mother bought a condo on Sanibel about then, just before they were banned- great move LOL.
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