Seriously....what is really wrong with hilary.....? Not a week later and she does it again...

What's Wrong With Hillary?

They must have caught her just as her Ambien kicked in.

Yes....her appearance indicates someone who took some kind of sleeping medication and was woke up but still under the effects of the drug.

Republicans best hope she is not forced to drop out....I see no way she can defeat The Donald....but as Trump's polling numbers keep getting better...the pressure on hillary to drop out or be deposed will increase.....more and more democrats are coming to understand she is a loser.

The greatest danger I think is if obama becomes convinced she will lose....if that happens expect him to at the very least postpone the election on the grounds of national security and then they will pick someone who they think can actually defeat The Donald.

Actually, if he wanted to get rid of hilary....he would simply have the Justice Department indict her.......that would just about do it........who is going to question the boy king....?

And then she will burn down Washington and salt the earth ..............

That walking dead look....

Burning down DC..... Hmmmmmmmm

Photo Courtesy of James Woods
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What is wrong with she is barely able to do a Q & A session with the the video and tell us that this woman isn't sick in some way.....

Below is video of her comments on her campaign plane last night about the bombings in New York City. She seems barely awake, and can barely make it through her statement without falling asleep standing up. But the incredible part comes around the 40-second mark, when a reporter asks for her reaction to Trump’s remarks, and . . . she simply repeats the first statement almost verbatim, like she’s stuck in a tape loop. Who on her staff thought this was a good idea?

What's Wrong With Hillary?
Oh come on, man, dont you know she needs her beauty sleep?

Lots and lots and lots of beauty sleep, .......for like 24/7 for a month.....and maybe even that wont be enough.
hiLIARY is about to enter the fetus stem cell eating stage of her transformation. Fo shizzle.
A good, red-blooded, all American boy! Copping a feel, good ol' Trump discovered Hillary's best attribute! When he becomes president he'll probably invite her into the Whine House on the week-ends and keep her in the Lewinsky Room for some real fun. Just give her a sack full of cocaine and turn her loose!

I would rather have a 300 pound ugly crack whore with sweat sticky T shirt and under wear instead of Ms. Cankles, no thank you.

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