Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?

'Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?'


The FBI, CIA, NSA, and DIA have all said there is no evidence of Trump criminal activity, no evidence of Trump Collusion, and no evidence of Trump Obstruction.

The NSA and FBI testified there never WAS any evidence of any of that.

The House Intel Committee Chairman said there is no evidence.

D-Feinstein and D-Waters have declared there is no evidence.

Comey just DESTROYED every Democrat / snowflake false accusation in his testimony before Congress.

As an added bonus he self-identified as a LEAKER, and testified that Obama's 2nd criminal US AG obstructed justice / the investigation by ordering Comey to downgrade the Hillary investigation into an 'issue'.

Comey completely burnt the house of cards down. There is nothing left but ash....regarding their Trump Witch Hunts.

They can still go after Manafort and Flynn, but no evidence of criminal activity involving them has been found, and they are not Trump, which means snowflakes will be left feeling 'un-fulfilled'.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the Obama Loyalists in the Intel Agencies who perpetrated Felony Espionage is who the FBI, DOJ, and Congress should be focusing on now....
bada bing ...HILLARY/OBAMA ... bada boom

Trump's being investigated !!

poor bastards are sooooooooooo lost in space its pathetic.
Trump was never been under investigation.....confirmed by Comey. Poor snowflake...
'Seriously, why do R-Wers on here keep stating that "there's noting there"?'


The FBI, CIA, NSA, and DIA have all said there is no evidence of Trump criminal activity, no evidence of Trump Collusion, and no evidence of Trump Obstruction.

The NSA and FBI testified there never WAS any evidence of any of that.

The House Intel Committee Chairman said there is no evidence.

D-Feinstein and D-Waters have declared there is no evidence.

Comey just DESTROYED every Democrat / snowflake false accusation in his testimony before Congress.

As an added bonus he self-identified as a LEAKER, and testified that Obama's 2nd criminal US AG obstructed justice / the investigation by ordering Comey to downgrade the Hillary investigation into an 'issue'.

Comey completely burnt the house of cards down. There is nothing left but ash....regarding their Trump Witch Hunts.

They can still go after Manafort and Flynn, but no evidence of criminal activity involving them has been found, and they are not Trump, which means snowflakes will be left feeling 'un-fulfilled'.

Hillary, Lynch, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and the Obama Loyalists in the Intel Agencies who perpetrated Felony Espionage is who the FBI, DOJ, and Congress should be focusing on now....

So there's no "problem" for you nitwits.....Everything is just fantastic with the Trump administration, correct? The orange clown has surrounded himself with the "best and brightest" that money can buy, correct?...................LOL
Trump was never been under investigation.....confirmed by Comey. Poor snowflake...

Probably true.....Trump is too fucking dumb to be trusted with any nefarious plots (he'd give it all away when he'd tweet about his meetings with the Russians.).Conversely, Trump "smarter" and treasonous entourage may be a whole different matter......It is loads of FUN to watch....LOL
they are, I haven't seen jack shit. how do I know anything is going on other than MSM reporting fake shit every day. Please post up something of relevance.

Again, not my job to reeducate you every day. If you're really interested, watch something besides fox.

Let's see..
Washington Post...says 30 private accounts...

Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey

But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey. Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.

As was pointed out they could have said "10" officials and been more believable but "30"???

30 officials at the White house are leaking?

Believe that and you MSM suckers believe anything!

Trump is the only President in this nation's history that is stupid enough to attack and insult the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies & the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE--the more they write and report. The more he insults our Intelligence agencies, by referring to Russia hackings a "ruse" the more he implicates himself in a cover-up and the deeper he will dig.:dig:

Jeff Sessions just offered up his resignation--because Trump has been continually lambasting him for recusing himself from this Russian investigation.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations -
Jeff Sessions Offered to Resign Amid Tension With Donald Trump

What Trump never understands--is that Comey and others swore an oath to THIS COUNTRY--to defend and protect against Foreign & Domestic enemies--not to protect him against investigations. So yes they will leak information.

EXAMPLE--There were only 3 other Americans in the Oval Office meeting with the Russians. National Security adviser H.R. McMaster, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. One of them leaked that Trump had given the Russians classified information--that HAD NOT gone through the process of being de-classified. (This puts agents around the world--whom are put in very dangerous situations around the world--up for beheadings.) So which one of them leaked? They may very well consider Trump to be the enemy--but fein likeablity in public.

You wrote: "One of them leaked that Trump had given the Russians classified information--that HAD NOT gone through the process of being de-classified."
FACT as published by the Washington Post and YOU fell for it! Obviously you don't ever read the entire articles... as your attention span is so short!

Headlines: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

But when you read the article:
"As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."
So why was the headline so biased? "Trump revealed ....."?

But people like you with your blind belief the MSM is "Objective" just don't read thoroughly enough. You jump to conclusions!

I watched All the Presidents Men again last night and really had no idea just how big of a coverup it was. Of course this happened when I was in my 20's and back then I really didn't concern myself that much with politics.

James Clapper had this to say recently.
"James Clapper was director of national intelligence until Trump took office in January. He told Australia's National Press Club on Wednesday that the cover-up of a 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington that ended Richard Nixon's presidency "was a scary time."

But he says the allegations under multiple investigations of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election are more concerning.

Clapper added that some American institutions are under "assault" from the Trump administration. "So the question is: How long can these assaults go on and the institutions not be irrevocably damaged? I honestly can't say," Clapper said. "I think (if) you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now."

Clapper is not the first prominent figure to make the Watergate analogy recently. Last month, following reports that Mr. Trump had asked former FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, told CBS News' Bob Schieffer that Mr. Trump's saga of controversy was reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

"The only thing I can say is I think we've seen this movie before, I think it's reaching the point where it's of Watergate size and scale and a couple other scandals you and I have seen, it's a centipede that the shoe continues to drop, and every couple of days there's a new aspect of this really unhappy situation," McCain told Schieffer.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
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James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

True.....because Watergate was a moronic attempt at a break in and the subsequent cover up..What we are now dealing with is possible treasonous activities and the subsequent cover ups...
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

True.....because Watergate was a moronic attempt at a break in and the subsequent cover up..What we are now dealing with is possible treasonous activities and the subsequent cover ups...

Yes--we're dealing with Treason. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is treason. And that makes it 1000 times more serious than Watergate.

In this 8 minute video--Shep Smith of Fox news states that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador, but also with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were hacked into.

For all the other information & evidence they have scroll back to post # 185 on this thread.
That's because on one "hacked the election". That's just an emotional phrase designed to give the less intellectually rigorous a warm and fuzzy that they believe in something substantive.

Same stupid straw man argument......

The investigations are MORE to determine

WHY did the RNC change its platform to soften the US stance toward Russia on the sanctions???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

From the transcripts of the Comey testimony:

COTTON: On February 14th the New York Times published the story, the headline of which was “Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence.” You were asked if that as an inaccurate story. Would it be fair to characterize that story as almost entirely wrong?


So exactly what do you have to dispute Comeys testimony?

James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

True.....because Watergate was a moronic attempt at a break in and the subsequent cover up..What we are now dealing with is possible treasonous activities and the subsequent cover ups...

Yes--we're dealing with Treason. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is treason. And that makes it 1000 times more serious than Watergate.

In this 8 minute video--Shep Smith of Fox news states that Trump surrogates were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador, but also with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were hacked into.

For all the other information & evidence they have scroll back to post # 185 on this thread.

wait THAT;S FOX NEWS! How can you believe it???
Again, not my job to reeducate you every day. If you're really interested, watch something besides fox.

Let's see..
Washington Post...says 30 private accounts...

Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey

But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey. Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.

As was pointed out they could have said "10" officials and been more believable but "30"???

30 officials at the White house are leaking?

Believe that and you MSM suckers believe anything!

Trump is the only President in this nation's history that is stupid enough to attack and insult the 3 most powerful agencies in this country. The media, our intelligence agencies & the DOJ.

The more he calls the media FAKE--the more they write and report. The more he insults our Intelligence agencies, by referring to Russia hackings a "ruse" the more he implicates himself in a cover-up and the deeper he will dig.:dig:

Jeff Sessions just offered up his resignation--because Trump has been continually lambasting him for recusing himself from this Russian investigation.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations -
Jeff Sessions Offered to Resign Amid Tension With Donald Trump

What Trump never understands--is that Comey and others swore an oath to THIS COUNTRY--to defend and protect against Foreign & Domestic enemies--not to protect him against investigations. So yes they will leak information.

EXAMPLE--There were only 3 other Americans in the Oval Office meeting with the Russians. National Security adviser H.R. McMaster, Dina Powell, Deputy National Security Adviser, and Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. One of them leaked that Trump had given the Russians classified information--that HAD NOT gone through the process of being de-classified. (This puts agents around the world--whom are put in very dangerous situations around the world--up for beheadings.) So which one of them leaked? They may very well consider Trump to be the enemy--but fein likeablity in public.

You wrote: "One of them leaked that Trump had given the Russians classified information--that HAD NOT gone through the process of being de-classified."
FACT as published by the Washington Post and YOU fell for it! Obviously you don't ever read the entire articles... as your attention span is so short!

Headlines: Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

But when you read the article:
"As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law."
So why was the headline so biased? "Trump revealed ....."?

But people like you with your blind belief the MSM is "Objective" just don't read thoroughly enough. You jump to conclusions!

I watched All the Presidents Men again last night and really had no idea just how big of a coverup it was. Of course this happened when I was in my 20's and back then I really didn't concern myself that much with politics.

James Clapper had this to say recently.
"James Clapper was director of national intelligence until Trump took office in January. He told Australia's National Press Club on Wednesday that the cover-up of a 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party national headquarters in the Watergate complex in Washington that ended Richard Nixon's presidency "was a scary time."

But he says the allegations under multiple investigations of Russian meddling in last year's presidential election are more concerning.

Clapper added that some American institutions are under "assault" from the Trump administration. "So the question is: How long can these assaults go on and the institutions not be irrevocably damaged? I honestly can't say," Clapper said. "I think (if) you compare the two that Watergate pales really in my view compared to what we're confronting now."

Clapper is not the first prominent figure to make the Watergate analogy recently. Last month, following reports that Mr. Trump had asked former FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, told CBS News' Bob Schieffer that Mr. Trump's saga of controversy was reaching a "Watergate size and scale."

"The only thing I can say is I think we've seen this movie before, I think it's reaching the point where it's of Watergate size and scale and a couple other scandals you and I have seen, it's a centipede that the shoe continues to drop, and every couple of days there's a new aspect of this really unhappy situation," McCain told Schieffer.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

The right wants you to believe that Clapper doesn't believe any of that, and is only spouting partisan talking points for political purposes. They are wrong.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

/---- Because you've got a big old pile of NOTHING. Thanks for asking

Sent from my iPhone using
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

/---- Because you've got a big old pile of NOTHING. Thanks for asking

Sent from my iPhone using
They didn't have anything at the beginning of the Ted Bunby trial either. Same type thing.
That's because on one "hacked the election". That's just an emotional phrase designed to give the less intellectually rigorous a warm and fuzzy that they believe in something substantive.

Same stupid straw man argument......

The investigations are MORE to determine

WHY did the RNC change its platform to soften the US stance toward Russia on the sanctions???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

From the transcripts of the Comey testimony:

COTTON: On February 14th the New York Times published the story, the headline of which was “Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence.” You were asked if that as an inaccurate story. Would it be fair to characterize that story as almost entirely wrong?


So exactly what do you have to dispute Comeys testimony?


Where is your :link: to this?
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

/---- Because you've got a big old pile of NOTHING. Thanks for asking

Sent from my iPhone using
They didn't have anything at the beginning of the Ted Bunby trial either. Same type thing.
I can't believe it! How can anyone believe anything people like you put up if in 16 words you can't even spell "Bundy"!
It is so easy to just check if you have question as I did! I wasn't for sure how it was spelled but I knew it was wrong!
Another example of you idiots believing everything you read/hear. But are too lazy just to check the facts!
You people are just so f...king lazy! It is Bundy! Dummy! You guys are so lazy!
That's because on one "hacked the election". That's just an emotional phrase designed to give the less intellectually rigorous a warm and fuzzy that they believe in something substantive.

Same stupid straw man argument......

The investigations are MORE to determine

WHY did the RNC change its platform to soften the US stance toward Russia on the sanctions???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

From the transcripts of the Comey testimony:

COTTON: On February 14th the New York Times published the story, the headline of which was “Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence.” You were asked if that as an inaccurate story. Would it be fair to characterize that story as almost entirely wrong?


So exactly what do you have to dispute Comeys testimony?


Where is your :link: to this?

Full text: James Comey testimony transcript on Trump and Russia

That's because on one "hacked the election". That's just an emotional phrase designed to give the less intellectually rigorous a warm and fuzzy that they believe in something substantive.

Same stupid straw man argument......

The investigations are MORE to determine

WHY did the RNC change its platform to soften the US stance toward Russia on the sanctions???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

From the transcripts of the Comey testimony:

COTTON: On February 14th the New York Times published the story, the headline of which was “Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence.” You were asked if that as an inaccurate story. Would it be fair to characterize that story as almost entirely wrong?


So exactly what do you have to dispute Comeys testimony?


Where is your :link: to this?

Not true': James Comey denounces NYT report on Trump campaign collusion with Russia during testimony
However, Comey flatly disputed all of that.

"That report by the New York Times was not true. Is that a fair statement?" Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, asked.

"In the main, it was not true," Comey replied. "The challenge, and I'm not picking on reporters, about writing on classified information is: The people talking about it often don't really know what's going on, and those of us who actually know what's going on are not talking about it."

He added, "And we don't call the press to say, ‘Hey, you got that thing wrong about this sensitive topic.' We just have to leave it there."
'Not true': James Comey denounces NYT report on Trump campaign collusion with Russia during testimony
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

/---- Because you've got a big old pile of NOTHING. Thanks for asking

Sent from my iPhone using
They didn't have anything at the beginning of the Ted Bunby trial either. Same type thing.
I can't believe it! How can anyone believe anything people like you put up if in 16 words you can't even spell "Bundy"!
It is so easy to just check if you have question as I did! I wasn't for sure how it was spelled but I knew it was wrong!
Another example of you idiots believing everything you read/hear. But are too lazy just to check the facts!
You people are just so f...king lazy! It is Bundy! Dummy! You guys are so lazy!

I'll have myself flogged first thing in the morning. Will that make you feel better? I noted that you only had a problem with my typo........not with the facts of the remark.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

/---- Because you've got a big old pile of NOTHING. Thanks for asking

Sent from my iPhone using
They didn't have anything at the beginning of the Ted Bunby trial either. Same type thing.
I can't believe it! How can anyone believe anything people like you put up if in 16 words you can't even spell "Bundy"!
It is so easy to just check if you have question as I did! I wasn't for sure how it was spelled but I knew it was wrong!
Another example of you idiots believing everything you read/hear. But are too lazy just to check the facts!
You people are just so f...king lazy! It is Bundy! Dummy! You guys are so lazy!

I'll have myself flogged first thing in the morning. Will that make you feel better? I noted that you only had a problem with my typo........not with the facts of the remark.
/---- Oh I spotted it too but I'm tired of Libtards screaming Grammar Nazi whenever you point out an error to them.
In all honesty, I can't understand why right wingers on here keep stating that the ongoing investigations have (already) proven that there is "nothing to implicate the Trumpster....

There are currently at least 4 congressional investigations with full subpoena powers.

A special counsel has just recently begun to investigate a variety of charges regarding the Trump administration's possible collusion with Russian operatives, obstruction of justice, and abuses of administrative powers.

Comey (like him or not) has just asserted that there is classified information on Session's, Flynn's and others' lying to law enforcement officials and the vetting processes. rather than (under oath) stating that the Steele's dossier was"fake" and that Session (and several others) were in the clear, Comey chose to respond to congressional questions in close-door sessions.

With ALL that is happening, right wingers on here are STILL stating that the entire investigative processes either don't really exist or are worthless......Interesting.....

/---- Because you've got a big old pile of NOTHING. Thanks for asking

Sent from my iPhone using
They didn't have anything at the beginning of the Ted Bunby trial either. Same type thing.
I can't believe it! How can anyone believe anything people like you put up if in 16 words you can't even spell "Bundy"!
It is so easy to just check if you have question as I did! I wasn't for sure how it was spelled but I knew it was wrong!
Another example of you idiots believing everything you read/hear. But are too lazy just to check the facts!
You people are just so f...king lazy! It is Bundy! Dummy! You guys are so lazy!

I'll have myself flogged first thing in the morning. Will that make you feel better? I noted that you only had a problem with my typo........not with the facts of the remark.
/---- Oh I spotted it too but I'm tired of Libtards screaming Grammar Nazi whenever you point out an error to them.

Thank you for your service.

That's because on one "hacked the election". That's just an emotional phrase designed to give the less intellectually rigorous a warm and fuzzy that they believe in something substantive.

Same stupid straw man argument......

The investigations are MORE to determine

WHY did the RNC change its platform to soften the US stance toward Russia on the sanctions???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

WHY did several members of Trump's entourage meet with Russian spies and oligarchs and THEN lied about those meetings and their content???

From the transcripts of the Comey testimony:

COTTON: On February 14th the New York Times published the story, the headline of which was “Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence.” You were asked if that as an inaccurate story. Would it be fair to characterize that story as almost entirely wrong?


So exactly what do you have to dispute Comeys testimony?


Where is your :link: to this?

Not true': James Comey denounces NYT report on Trump campaign collusion with Russia during testimony
However, Comey flatly disputed all of that.

"That report by the New York Times was not true. Is that a fair statement?" Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho, asked.

"In the main, it was not true," Comey replied. "The challenge, and I'm not picking on reporters, about writing on classified information is: The people talking about it often don't really know what's going on, and those of us who actually know what's going on are not talking about it."

He added, "And we don't call the press to say, ‘Hey, you got that thing wrong about this sensitive topic.' We just have to leave it there."
'Not true': James Comey denounces NYT report on Trump campaign collusion with Russia during testimony

Your referenced article is dated JUNE 8, 2017--and it is reflecting on a New York Times article that was dated February 14, 2017. There is a warning at looking at dates for "fake news" articles coming out of GOOGLE. Why was this article put out on June 8, and not in February when it supposedly happened. Why? Because Comey testified on June 8th.
How the Trump-Russia Data Machine Games Google to Fool Americans

At any rate I will address it:

In the February 14, 2017 NYT article it states this also: "However, buried in the third paragraph in the New York Times report is a crucial detail: "The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation."

There is a lot of evidence we haven't seen--nor will we see it anytime soon. Because as of May 18, 2017 and after Comey was fired, this turned into a Criminal Investigation.

"Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations."

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”

We know that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller--just hired an criminal law expert.

We know that the Trump administration denied 5 TIMES that they had any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

We know after the 5 denials that Trump surrogates came forward to admit they had met with the Russian ambassador during the campaign season. In fact they were writing foreign policy together at the RNC convention.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

We know that the Russian investigation started in July, 2016 at around the same time as the RNC Convention.
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

We know that Michael Flynns phone calls were wire tapped, as Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and anyone they were calling or anyone calling them would be recorded. Flynn lied to the FBI regarding his conversation with the Russian Ambassador and then everything blew up.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

For more on this investigation scroll back to post # 185 on this thread.
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