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Sessions Considering Outside Counsel To Review Obama-era DOJ


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.
Would love to see this happen. Obama was able to corrupt the Justice Department with political lackeys, who, like he, felt they could get away with anything because of their Get-Out-of-Jail-Free-RACE-Card.

Corrupting the Justice Department opens the doors for corruption everywhere else...like the Lois Lerner Felonies and the obviously out-of-control Intelligence Agencies.

Its the path to despotism.

Some people need to go to jail. That would be a start toward getting our country back from the Bolsheviks....who now control what is left of the Democratic Party...and unfortunately most of the bloated Federal Bureaucracies.

I guess Sessions has to spend his time doing something since he had to recuse himself from investigating more important and relevant issues regarding Russia and our current government. But I have no problem with exposing and punishing any corruptions or law breaking that may have occurred in the past administration. From the looks of things the Trump administration looks to be playing with way more dirt on their hands than those from the past so they are probably going to be careful about what cans of worms they open.
Kewl, maybe they could investigate why the Benghazi hearings failed to jail Hillary. That alone should be worth two or three investigations!
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.

News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.

Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.
Last edited:
I guess Sessions has to spend his time doing something since he had to recuse himself from investigating more important and relevant issues regarding Russia and our current government. But I have no problem with exposing and punishing any corruptions or law breaking that may have occurred in the past administration. From the looks of things the Trump administration looks to be playing with way more dirt on their hands than those from the past so they are probably going to be careful about what cans of worms they open.
Yeah, the Trump administration is as corrupt as the day is long.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.

Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.

Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.

Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.

Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.

When you fill out an application prior to a Senate confirmation hearing, and on that application is a specific question: Have you had any contact with any Russian? You check the box NO & then signed the application. Then you go into the Senate confirmation hearing and under oath state again that you had no contact with Russians--(what does that mean to you?)

A. That you were confused and can no longer read and write?
B. You had a brain fart and didn't understand a simple question?
C. You were lying?
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.

Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.

Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.

When you fill out an application prior to a Senate confirmation hearing, and on that application is a specific question: Have you had any contact with any Russian? You check the box NO & then signed the application. Then you go into the Senate confirmation hearing and under oath state again that you had no contact with Russians--(what does that mean to you?)

A. That you were confused and can no longer read and write?
B. You had a brain fart and didn't understand a simple question?
C. You were lying?

Try that again but write the question that he was asked verbatim. You can copy and paste it from my last post

When you write "have you had contact with any Russians" you are not giving an honest representation of the question he was asked
Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.

Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.

Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.

When you fill out an application prior to a Senate confirmation hearing, and on that application is a specific question: Have you had any contact with any Russian? You check the box NO & then signed the application. Then you go into the Senate confirmation hearing and under oath state again that you had no contact with Russians--(what does that mean to you?)

A. That you were confused and can no longer read and write?
B. You had a brain fart and didn't understand a simple question?
C. You were lying?

Try that again but write the question that he was asked verbatim. You can copy and paste it from my last post

When you write "have you had contact with any Russians" you are not giving an honest representation of the question he was asked

The form was shown on National News--that very specifically asked if he (meaning him) had any contacts with any Russian. He checked that box NO and signed the application.

Now you may be able to get away with stating his excuse as what he answered during the confirmation hearing, but you're not going to get around "intent" with the Senate confirmation form that he filled out and signed, prior to going to the hearing.

This is why Sessions is refusing to go back to congress (under oath) and being questioned more about it.

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
I have been and still am a pretty big Trump critic but you have to be honest about these situations. I know you get frustrated when you hear Reps distorting and lying about things that Obama or the dems have done or are doing, so don't cause the same problem from the other side.

The letter you are talking about that Sessions replied NO to asked if he spoke to the Russians about the campaign. As of now, his answer of No holds true as there has been no evidence that he discussed the campaign with the Russians. Just because he met with them twice doesn't mean he discussed campaign business.... Here is the transcript from the letter:

Leahy: Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?

Sessions: No.
Now his testimony with Franken is a different story. He is weaving around that but he pretty clearly stated that he had no communication with the Russians. The spin that he was talking about himself as a surrogate is thin at best. He did the right thing by recusing himself.

Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.

Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.

When you fill out an application prior to a Senate confirmation hearing, and on that application is a specific question: Have you had any contact with any Russian? You check the box NO & then signed the application. Then you go into the Senate confirmation hearing and under oath state again that you had no contact with Russians--(what does that mean to you?)

A. That you were confused and can no longer read and write?
B. You had a brain fart and didn't understand a simple question?
C. You were lying?

Try that again but write the question that he was asked verbatim. You can copy and paste it from my last post

When you write "have you had contact with any Russians" you are not giving an honest representation of the question he was asked

The form was shown on National News--that very specifically asked if he (meaning him) had any contacts with any Russian. He checked that box NO and signed the application.

Now you may be able to get away with stating his excuse as what he answered during the confirmation hearing, but you're not going to get around "intent" with the Senate confirmation form that he filled out and signed, prior to going to the hearing.

This is why Sessions is refusing to go back to congress (under oath) and being questioned more about it.

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Dude, the form asked if he had contact with any Russians about the 2016 election. You keep leaving that last part out. Cut the BS, it ruins your credibility
Clearly you haven't been paying much attention to this.

Obama ordered this Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office. We know for a fact that Russian phone lines were wiretapped and I imagined that happened during the RNC convention when Trump campaign surrogates were meeting with the Russian ambassador in Cleveland. Anyone talking to the Russians is going to be wiretapped and recorded.

They weren't trading cookie recipes.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

So there was a deal made. There is absolutely no rational explanation for Trump surrogates to have this much contact with a foreign adversary in the middle of a campaign season and not even close to winning a National election.

Several sources state that Obama PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE upon leaving office, because there was damming evidence. (This is coming from Fox News so it has the right wing gold stamp of approval for you to READ.)
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

Obama would not hand this intelligence over to FBI director James Comey, as he is also under investigation for his unprecedented interference into this election, and he certainly would not give this to Republicans who would have squashed it. So every time one of them lies under oath another leak comes out to prove they're lying. Flynn first, Sessions second.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Every time one them lies under oath, another leak will pop out proving they lied.

We know that Trump's son-in-law was in constant communication with Russian Intelligence agencies including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

What this is, is Watergate 2.0 only much worse because it involves a foreign adversary.

When people are continually lying, it's normally because they're trying to hide something.

Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.

When you fill out an application prior to a Senate confirmation hearing, and on that application is a specific question: Have you had any contact with any Russian? You check the box NO & then signed the application. Then you go into the Senate confirmation hearing and under oath state again that you had no contact with Russians--(what does that mean to you?)

A. That you were confused and can no longer read and write?
B. You had a brain fart and didn't understand a simple question?
C. You were lying?

Try that again but write the question that he was asked verbatim. You can copy and paste it from my last post

When you write "have you had contact with any Russians" you are not giving an honest representation of the question he was asked

The form was shown on National News--that very specifically asked if he (meaning him) had any contacts with any Russian. He checked that box NO and signed the application.

Now you may be able to get away with stating his excuse as what he answered during the confirmation hearing, but you're not going to get around "intent" with the Senate confirmation form that he filled out and signed, prior to going to the hearing.

This is why Sessions is refusing to go back to congress (under oath) and being questioned more about it.

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Dude, the form asked if he had contact with any Russians about the 2016 election. You keep leaving that last part out. Cut the BS, it ruins your credibility

No the FORM did not ask that. It simply asked if he had any contact with Russians. He checked the box NO.
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.

He met with a Russian as a Senator at the request of Obama. The other instance was at a speech he gave. Dems are such drama queens.

Where was this level of scrutiny when Clinton's unfaithful husband had a secret meeting with the head of the Justice Department during an ongoing investigation? Dems are hypocrites. Simple folk, that are easily manipulated.
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.

He met with a Russian as a Senator at the request of Obama. The other instance was at a speech he gave. Dems are such drama queens.

Where was this level of scrutiny when Clinton's unfaithful husband had a secret meeting with the head of the Justice Department during an ongoing investigation? Dems are hypocrites. Simple folk, that are easily manipulated.

This isn't about Clinton, you're not going to deflect with me. This is about the current Attorney General lying under oath, and filling out an application & signing it, stating he had no contacts with Russians.

This same attorney General is refusing to go back to congress and answer their questions regarding this.
News from The Associated Press

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested Thursday that he would be open to the appointment of an outside counsel to review actions taken by the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt asked Sessions in an interview if the new attorney general would consider designating an outside counsel "not connected to politics" to take a second look at Justice Department actions that provoked Republican ire in the last eight years. Those include the Fast and Furious gun smuggling scandal and the decisions against bringing criminal charges over Hillary Clinton's email practices or the Internal Revenue Service's treatment of conservative groups.

Hewitt contended during his radio interview that the department had become "highly politicized" in the Obama administration and floated the idea of a special review by an attorney with the authority to bring criminal charges.

Sessions was noncommittal but left the door open, saying he would do everything he could to "restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice."

"So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed," Sessions said. "Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made."

There is no way Sessions is going to open 'Pandora's box' by having an independent counsel come in and review the Obama era DOJ. The last thing he wants to do is dig up old scandals, crimes, unethical acts, ect... He is going to 'let sleeping dogs lie'. He knows what has been done is done and you just can't UN-F*ck America after the Obama administration did.

Another attempt at deflection: Sessions actually filled out a form that he did not have any contact with any Russians prior to going in to testify under oath in front of the Senate confirmation hearing, in which he lied again. This is why he is refusing to back to congress and testify again.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two contacts with Russian envoy Sergey Kislyak during the presidential campaign, Justice Department officials confirmed. The Washington Post first reported the meetings Wednesday. When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Sessions knows that Barack Obama was the one that outed him for lying under oath, as Obama had the Russian investigation done BEFORE he left office, and has PRESERVED that INTELLIGENCE, and is not letting it out until someone perjures themselves. Obama has cast a wide net, and his intent is to insnarl them all in it before he's done. I imagine he'll release it all when Democrats take over in 2018.

He met with a Russian as a Senator at the request of Obama. The other instance was at a speech he gave. Dems are such drama queens.

Where was this level of scrutiny when Clinton's unfaithful husband had a secret meeting with the head of the Justice Department during an ongoing investigation? Dems are hypocrites. Simple folk, that are easily manipulated.

This isn't about Clinton, you're not going to deflect with me. This is about the current Attorney General lying under oath, and filling out an application & signing it, stating he had no contacts with Russians.

This same attorney General is refusing to go back to congress and answer their questions regarding this.
Correct, my post was about stupid hypocritical pussies, aka, democrats.
Slow down tiger, what does any of what you just wrote have to do with the simple point I made that there is no evidence showing a falsehood regarding Sessions saying No to the questionaire that asked if he had spoken to anybody from Russia about the 2016 campaign? You just went off on a total tangent.

You may say that you see smoke or smell fish or whatever else you want to say about how the situation looks but don't make proclamations that your presumptions are facts. You don't like it when right wingers do that so you shouldn't do it yourself. You got enough ammo to go after their shady behavior by sticking to the facts. So stick to them.

When you fill out an application prior to a Senate confirmation hearing, and on that application is a specific question: Have you had any contact with any Russian? You check the box NO & then signed the application. Then you go into the Senate confirmation hearing and under oath state again that you had no contact with Russians--(what does that mean to you?)

A. That you were confused and can no longer read and write?
B. You had a brain fart and didn't understand a simple question?
C. You were lying?
Try that again but write the question that he was asked verbatim. You can copy and paste it from my last post

When you write "have you had contact with any Russians" you are not giving an honest representation of the question he was asked

The form was shown on National News--that very specifically asked if he (meaning him) had any contacts with any Russian. He checked that box NO and signed the application.

Now you may be able to get away with stating his excuse as what he answered during the confirmation hearing, but you're not going to get around "intent" with the Senate confirmation form that he filled out and signed, prior to going to the hearing.

This is why Sessions is refusing to go back to congress (under oath) and being questioned more about it.

When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Dude, the form asked if he had contact with any Russians about the 2016 election. You keep leaving that last part out. Cut the BS, it ruins your credibility

No the FORM did not ask that. It simply asked if he had any contact with Russians. He checked the box NO.
oh my bad, I hadn't heard that... can you post a link to the actual form question. I've only heard of the one written question from Leahy that i posted and the Franken testimony.

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