Sessions orders review of background check system for guns

"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?

It can be done.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

Yeah? So? Homogenous countries who had all of their violent men killed off over two world wars. Now, with the influx of refugees their violent crime rate is skyrocketing as is their gun crime rates. In science there is a rule "correlation does not equal causation". The fact that they outlawed guns wasn't the reason for their low gun violence rate, it was the fact that their violent population was tiny compared to the US due to the aforementioned two world wars that killed off millions of them. We didn't suffer those losses so we still had them, plus the violent third worlders who stream into our country every day. Europe is only now beginning to enjoy the shit we have had to put up with for decades.

Take a look at who is committing the murders here, 80% is black on black, and Hispanic on Hispanic GANG violence. I hate to break it to ya but we get rid of those scumbags (that you seem to want to protect) and the gun crime rate drops below Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%
Gun crime in London rises by 42%
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

Yeah? So? Homogenous countries who had all of their violent men killed off over two world wars. Now, with the influx of refugees their violent crime rate is skyrocketing as is their gun crime rates. In science there is a rule "correlation does not equal causation". The fact that they outlawed guns wasn't the reason for their low gun violence rate, it was the fact that their violent population was tiny compared to the US due to the aforementioned two world wars that killed off millions of them. We didn't suffer those losses so we still had them, plus the violent third worlders who stream into our country every day. Europe is only now beginning to enjoy the shit we have had to put up with for decades.

Take a look at who is committing the murders here, 80% is black on black, and Hispanic on Hispanic GANG violence. I hate to break it to ya but we get rid of those scumbags (that you seem to want to protect) and the gun crime rate drops below Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%
Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Do you have a plan for purging the mud people from the U.S., Whitey?
What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

Yeah? So? Homogenous countries who had all of their violent men killed off over two world wars. Now, with the influx of refugees their violent crime rate is skyrocketing as is their gun crime rates. In science there is a rule "correlation does not equal causation". The fact that they outlawed guns wasn't the reason for their low gun violence rate, it was the fact that their violent population was tiny compared to the US due to the aforementioned two world wars that killed off millions of them. We didn't suffer those losses so we still had them, plus the violent third worlders who stream into our country every day. Europe is only now beginning to enjoy the shit we have had to put up with for decades.

Take a look at who is committing the murders here, 80% is black on black, and Hispanic on Hispanic GANG violence. I hate to break it to ya but we get rid of those scumbags (that you seem to want to protect) and the gun crime rate drops below Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%
Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Do you have a plan for purging the mud people from the U.S., Whitey?

Yes, I do. Educate them to get them out of the cycle of poverty and violence that infests their lives. Give their kids a safe, clean, loving environment so they can thrive and become better people than their parents were. What's your plan, silly girl?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

Yeah? So? Homogenous countries who had all of their violent men killed off over two world wars. Now, with the influx of refugees their violent crime rate is skyrocketing as is their gun crime rates. In science there is a rule "correlation does not equal causation". The fact that they outlawed guns wasn't the reason for their low gun violence rate, it was the fact that their violent population was tiny compared to the US due to the aforementioned two world wars that killed off millions of them. We didn't suffer those losses so we still had them, plus the violent third worlders who stream into our country every day. Europe is only now beginning to enjoy the shit we have had to put up with for decades.

Take a look at who is committing the murders here, 80% is black on black, and Hispanic on Hispanic GANG violence. I hate to break it to ya but we get rid of those scumbags (that you seem to want to protect) and the gun crime rate drops below Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%
Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Do you have a plan for purging the mud people from the U.S., Whitey?

Yes, I do. Educate them to get them out of the cycle of poverty and violence that infests their lives. Give their kids a safe, clean, loving environment so they can thrive and become better people than their parents were. What's your plan, silly girl?
Sounds just great, it won't make the White Pride folks happy but I'm fine with it. Now, how much will that cost?

And you already know my plan, ban most guns. I like to keep things simple.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

I can?

Well now, recreational narcotics have been illegal all of my life. In fact, the problem has only gotten worse. Back in the 70's, pot was the biggest thing. Rarely did we have anybody using coke or heroin. Today, opioids are all over the place.

If making guns illegal in the US is the solution, why was it not the solution for drugs?

"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

What would you need a national registry for if nobody was allowed to have guns? What would have indicated he was a loon? He led a perfectly normal life.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What additional laws would have stopped him? He was a legal resident, didn't have any criminal record, he purchased all his firearms legally, he was a successful businessman. He was a well known guest in Vegas, particularly at that hotel. The bump stock he used jammed his guns because of excessive heat the guns were not designed to handle.
"What additional laws would have stopped him?"

The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that.

No guns for the average citizen, huh? Here is what I want you to do this weekend:

I want you to get a huge sign made. It should say WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE. I want you to hang that sign on your front porch, and get back to us in a month or two (if you're still alive) and let us know how that worked out.

If you disarm the public, the only two groups that will have guns are the criminals and the police. That's because you'll never be able to disarm the criminal. By doing so, it's no different than hanging that sign on the front of your house. You are announcing to the criminal element that they have the advantage over you.

Why do you suppose most mass killings take place in gun restricted zones?
"I want you to get a huge sign made. It should say WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE."

Sorry, I wouldn't want to lie to the neighbors, not that I really have any.

I guess that point flew right over your head.

The reason you are safer because of guns is that nobody knows if you own guns or not. The very idea that guns are legal and able to be purchased easily gives criminals pause when considering a crime. If somebody is going to rob you, most make sure the home is not occupied for that reason.

The point was if you informed criminals you have no way to defend yourself against them, they may very well attack you in your home. After all, robbing a home when it's occupied is more advantageous than unoccupied because they can beat the information out of you as to where your valuables are located. Then they could rape your wife or daughter right in front of you and all you could do is helplessly watch.

There are countless stories out there of people saving their lives or the lives of others simply because they were armed. In most cases, no shots are fired. But because a good person does have a gun, it stops the crime in it's tracks.

By making guns illegal, you are putting that huge sign on your home. Every citizen would be helpless.
Why the surprise? We have always said that if the laws on the books already were adequately followed by our own govt...
What law would have stopped Las Vegas, or Sandy Hook, or Fort Hood?

What ban would have stopped them? What law would have stopped the assholes from committing mass murder?
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
Japan does not have mass murders. It can be done but you won't like it. And if the answer to mass murder was more guns there wouldn't be any here. We have more guns than people.
Japan is a different culture to be sure. That said comparisons are stupid for a lot of reasons. Big one? Make the bad guys follow the laws.
You ban guns, the criminals still have them. They don’t follow the law. Period. Gun running will continue, the black market, etc. Only then, the guy that follows the law has nothing to defend themselves.
And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

Yeah? So? Homogenous countries who had all of their violent men killed off over two world wars. Now, with the influx of refugees their violent crime rate is skyrocketing as is their gun crime rates. In science there is a rule "correlation does not equal causation". The fact that they outlawed guns wasn't the reason for their low gun violence rate, it was the fact that their violent population was tiny compared to the US due to the aforementioned two world wars that killed off millions of them. We didn't suffer those losses so we still had them, plus the violent third worlders who stream into our country every day. Europe is only now beginning to enjoy the shit we have had to put up with for decades.

Take a look at who is committing the murders here, 80% is black on black, and Hispanic on Hispanic GANG violence. I hate to break it to ya but we get rid of those scumbags (that you seem to want to protect) and the gun crime rate drops below Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%
Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Do you have a plan for purging the mud people from the U.S., Whitey?

Yes, I do. Educate them to get them out of the cycle of poverty and violence that infests their lives. Give their kids a safe, clean, loving environment so they can thrive and become better people than their parents were. What's your plan, silly girl?
Sounds just great, it won't make the White Pride folks happy but I'm fine with it. Now, how much will that cost?

And you already know my plan, ban most guns. I like to keep things simple.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

I can?

Well now, recreational narcotics have been illegal all of my life. In fact, the problem has only gotten worse. Back in the 70's, pot was the biggest thing. Rarely did we have anybody using coke or heroin. Today, opioids are all over the place.

If making guns illegal in the US is the solution, why was it not the solution for drugs?

View attachment 162141
Because we don't just kill someone with illegal drugs but we would if they had illegal guns. And if the solution to gun violence was more guns we wouldn't have any here.
You ban guns, the criminals still have them. They don’t follow the law. Period. Gun running will continue, the black market, etc. Only then, the guy that follows the law has nothing to defend themselves.

Yeah? So? Homogenous countries who had all of their violent men killed off over two world wars. Now, with the influx of refugees their violent crime rate is skyrocketing as is their gun crime rates. In science there is a rule "correlation does not equal causation". The fact that they outlawed guns wasn't the reason for their low gun violence rate, it was the fact that their violent population was tiny compared to the US due to the aforementioned two world wars that killed off millions of them. We didn't suffer those losses so we still had them, plus the violent third worlders who stream into our country every day. Europe is only now beginning to enjoy the shit we have had to put up with for decades.

Take a look at who is committing the murders here, 80% is black on black, and Hispanic on Hispanic GANG violence. I hate to break it to ya but we get rid of those scumbags (that you seem to want to protect) and the gun crime rate drops below Europe. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%
Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Do you have a plan for purging the mud people from the U.S., Whitey?

Yes, I do. Educate them to get them out of the cycle of poverty and violence that infests their lives. Give their kids a safe, clean, loving environment so they can thrive and become better people than their parents were. What's your plan, silly girl?
Sounds just great, it won't make the White Pride folks happy but I'm fine with it. Now, how much will that cost?

And you already know my plan, ban most guns. I like to keep things simple.
You don't need a gun to defend yourself. You need one to kill, sometimes.
What law would have stopped Las Vegas, or Sandy Hook, or Fort Hood?

What ban would have stopped them? What law would have stopped the assholes from committing mass murder?
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
Japan does not have mass murders. It can be done but you won't like it. And if the answer to mass murder was more guns there wouldn't be any here. We have more guns than people.
Japan is a different culture to be sure. That said comparisons are stupid for a lot of reasons. Big one? Make the bad guys follow the laws.
The culture changes nothing. Few guns means few gun deaths. It's pretty simple actually.
Sessions did this? Has hell frozen over? Did Jesus return and I missed it?
Why the surprise? We have always said that if the laws on the books already were adequately followed by our own govt...
What law would have stopped Las Vegas, or Sandy Hook, or Fort Hood?
Thinking you can prevent all crime is dumb.

Ft Hood however could have been prevented or mitigated had the powers that be discharged that dumbass
What ban would have stopped them? What law would have stopped the assholes from committing mass murder?
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
Japan does not have mass murders. It can be done but you won't like it. And if the answer to mass murder was more guns there wouldn't be any here. We have more guns than people.
Japan is a different culture to be sure. That said comparisons are stupid for a lot of reasons. Big one? Make the bad guys follow the laws.
The culture changes nothing. Few guns means few gun deaths. It's pretty simple actually.
Means everything.

Go to Chicago and try to take their guns. Try Texas.

Let me know how that goes.
What ban would have stopped him?
And once more.

"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

And once more for the learning impaired, the gun bans didn't work in France or Norway. Care to try for number three?
View attachment 162135
It can be done.

I can?

Well now, recreational narcotics have been illegal all of my life. In fact, the problem has only gotten worse. Back in the 70's, pot was the biggest thing. Rarely did we have anybody using coke or heroin. Today, opioids are all over the place.

If making guns illegal in the US is the solution, why was it not the solution for drugs?

View attachment 162141
Because we don't just kill someone with illegal drugs but we would if they had illegal guns. And if the solution to gun violence was more guns we wouldn't have any here.

Well bad news for ya, more guns have been working out for us. Gun and violent crime in America has been on the decline since the early 90s right up to the Ferguson effect.

We are going to kill people who have an illegal gun? How are we going to do that? Our police just shoot anybody with a gun? The death penalty for having a gun.......what????

I'm assuming you'r not really from this country, so I think what you should do is study our US Constitution. We have a right in this country to possess and use firearms.
"The national firearm registry. That would have showed us he was a total loon. That and no guns for the average citizen. And no guns like that."

Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
Japan does not have mass murders. It can be done but you won't like it. And if the answer to mass murder was more guns there wouldn't be any here. We have more guns than people.
Japan is a different culture to be sure. That said comparisons are stupid for a lot of reasons. Big one? Make the bad guys follow the laws.
The culture changes nothing. Few guns means few gun deaths. It's pretty simple actually.
Means everything.

Go to Chicago and try to take their guns. Try Texas.

Let me know how that goes.
We don't need to take their guns. If you show up with one, as a normal citizen, you're dead. It won't take long for most to get the message.

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