Sessions orders review of background check system for guns

We are going to kill people who have an illegal gun? How are we going to do that? Our police just shoot anybody with a gun? The death penalty for having a gun...


*In most cases.

You really aren't familiar with this country, are you? Here everybody is considered innocent until proven guilty. Here people have the right to a fair trial. Our police don't sentence people to death. They only kill in self-defense.
"Report: Las Vegas Gunman Fired More Than 1,100 Rounds During Massacre"

Las Vegas Gunman Fired How MANY Rounds?!

And the law that would have fixed this already on the books is???

Well it is illegal to plan to commit a crime. That is a Felony called Conspiracy. It is a Federal Crime to even plan a mass shooting. Again Conspiracy. For some reason, this law on the books did not stop the attack.

Now, since privately held firearms are used about 1,000,000 times a year to stop crime, the question you have to ask yourself is do you really want another million assaults, rapes, murders, and robberies on the reporting page?$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf

That was the last study to actually talk to criminals about what motivated them, scared them, and caught them. After that, it was notional cities, and simple statistics like searching for gun in crime reports.

So why would the researchers avoid this obvious source of information? Well, it didn’t fit the result they were looking for. Like when Climate Scientists scowl and decide that the earth isn’t warming fast enough for the warnings, and then adjust the results to justify the hysteria.

If you set out to find one result, that is the result you will find. 2+2=5 if you want it to badly enough, and make the formula long and confusing enough.
Well so far we have redefined what a “fugitive” is.

Tens of thousands with outstanding warrants purged from background check database for gun purchases

It turns out you are only a fugitive if you have a warrant out for your arrest, and you cross state lines. If you stay within the state, you are not a fugitive, or something, and can buy guns legally.

Um. What?

While we are reviewing why and how a Dishonorably Discharged guy was not put on the list, we’re deciding that people with warrants can buy guns legally, so long as they don’t cross state lines? Does anyone want to guess the next headline?
Well so far we have redefined what a “fugitive” is.

Tens of thousands with outstanding warrants purged from background check database for gun purchases

It turns out you are only a fugitive if you have a warrant out for your arrest, and you cross state lines. If you stay within the state, you are not a fugitive, or something, and can buy guns legally.

Um. What?

While we are reviewing why and how a Dishonorably Discharged guy was not put on the list, we’re deciding that people with warrants can buy guns legally, so long as they don’t cross state lines? Does anyone want to guess the next headline?

In a 2016 report, Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz urged the Justice Department to address the disagreement “as soon as possible.” Late last year, before President Trump took office, the Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel sided with ATF and narrowed the definition of fugitives, according to law enforcement officials. The office said that gun purchases could be denied only to fugitives who cross state lines.

After Trump was inaugurated, the Justice Department further narrowed the definition to those who have fled across state lines to avoid prosecution for a crime or to avoid giving testimony in a criminal proceeding.

On Feb. 15, the FBI directed its employees in the Criminal Justice Information Services Division to remove all entries of fugitives from justice from the background check database and said that “entries will not be permitted” under that category until further notice. Before the FBI memo, there were about 500,000 people identified as fugitives from justice in the database — and all of those names were removed.

Note all was done under the previous administrations people. Sabotage?
Tens of thousands with outstanding warrants purged from background check database for gun purchases
Oh? Guns like that aren't allowed for the average citizen in France either. A bunch of assholes transported the guns they used across an ocean, and all the way across an entire continent where they are illegal. Not one of those laws helped prevent over 130 from being murdered. Gun bans don't prevent mass murders any more than laws against murder prevent murder.
Japan does not have mass murders. It can be done but you won't like it. And if the answer to mass murder was more guns there wouldn't be any here. We have more guns than people.
Japan is a different culture to be sure. That said comparisons are stupid for a lot of reasons. Big one? Make the bad guys follow the laws.
The culture changes nothing. Few guns means few gun deaths. It's pretty simple actually.
Means everything.

Go to Chicago and try to take their guns. Try Texas.

Let me know how that goes.
We don't need to take their guns. If you show up with one, as a normal citizen, you're dead. It won't take long for most to get the message.
And banned.

Later Jojo.

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