Sessions said WHAT?!?!

In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?

both corinthians agree with him

Proof? I assume you're talking about Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Hope you're ready with a quote, I'm calling you on it. Provide it now, pls.

You do realize that Paul was a 'self-appointed' Apostle. He wasn't accepted by the other Apostles...thay had elected a replacement for Judas right after Jesus' cruxification.

Basically Paul was a fraud.

Too bad most Christian religions are based on his teachings. Gotta wonder what Christianity would be like without him.

Paul was appointed by God, are you telling me you beg to differ? If so, I beg to differ with you. You damn sure are in no position to judge the apostle Paul, leftist. Gotta wonder what the world would be like without you. I'm thinking a better place.
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
Pulling out the way they use to talk about kings. Bunches of idiots beleived that bull shit back in the day and todays people are just as dumb. I guess any propoganda that works right! I bet Saint Pete will have a few questions for him at the pearly gates about the statement. This damn administration sure has trouble being consistant. One minute our president is blasting every corner of the government but him self and the next minute his stooly is saying it has to be good if the government sais so because it was ordained by god. When you lie so much it becomes hard to keep track of!


You ready to back that mouth up with your ass?

Ready for Trump to slam ya?


If not, STFU then.
Any time Marion not afraid buddy. Not sure wahat I said to elicit such a response but pulling out ordained by god is nwhat the kings use to say. Sorry the truth hurts. It also does not jive with what other parts of this administration says.Like I tell the guys that work for me when you contradict your self in your own report there is a big probblem. One my E&O company will have to pay for and you will end up out the door. Want a consistant message tell them not me. I am a conservative but I do not believe Trump is. So here we are.

You speak gibberish and not English. Fuck right the hell off. :)

I am simply tired of this bullshit.

using kids to play political chess is pretty fucked up - put the entire family on a damn bus and send them back to Mexico.
So you think my idea is too mean? Not accepting asylum applications from people who have entered the country ILLEGALLY?

I have been thinking about why families are still coming, considering what is going on. All I can figure is that most of these folks are poor and maybe don't get a lot of news coverage, or what they hear is screwed up rumor from other folks who heard it from a friend who has a cousin in NY....
I think the coyotes are pretty persuasive, tell these people it's no big deal, they'll never catch you, and if they do just say "asylum" and you can stay in the country for years while you wait for trial. The people aren't hearing about automatic arrests and the kids being taken away. Maybe we need to put up billboards in Mexico letting people know what is going to happen.
I'd be ready to kill if any country tried doing that to me, taking my kid away. I'd go ballistic. Of course, I'd be in a jail cell, so....

I'm sorry, but maybe, just maybe, Obama encouraged that crap for 8 years.

Yah. :blowup:
You gotta start coming up with something better than Obama did it. Honestly.
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?

both corinthians agree with him

Proof? I assume you're talking about Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Hope you're ready with a quote, I'm calling you on it. Provide it now, pls.

You do realize that Paul was a 'self-appointed' Apostle. He wasn't accepted by the other Apostles...thay had elected a replacement for Judas right after Jesus' cruxification.

Basically Paul was a fraud.

Too bad most Christian religions are based on his teachings. Gotta wonder what Christianity would be like without him.

Paul was appointed by God, are you telling me you beg to differ? If so, I beg to differ with you. You damn sure are in no position to judge the apostle Paul, leftist.
Fuck head, you might want to learn a clue as to why Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans and what he was talking about.
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
Pulling out the way they use to talk about kings. Bunches of idiots beleived that bull shit back in the day and todays people are just as dumb. I guess any propoganda that works right! I bet Saint Pete will have a few questions for him at the pearly gates about the statement. This damn administration sure has trouble being consistant. One minute our president is blasting every corner of the government but him self and the next minute his stooly is saying it has to be good if the government sais so because it was ordained by god. When you lie so much it becomes hard to keep track of!


You ready to back that mouth up with your ass?

Ready for Trump to slam ya?


If not, STFU then.
Any time Marion not afraid buddy. Not sure wahat I said to elicit such a response but pulling out ordained by god is nwhat the kings use to say. Sorry the truth hurts. It also does not jive with what other parts of this administration says.Like I tell the guys that work for me when you contradict your self in your own report there is a big probblem. One my E&O company will have to pay for and you will end up out the door. Want a consistant message tell them not me. I am a conservative but I do not believe Trump is. So here we are.

You speak gibberish and not English. Fuck right the hell off. :)

I am simply tired of this bullshit.
You are a teacher and you know that I am not speaking jibberish. My respect for you has just dropped in ways unimmaginable. You can not go around spouting about a deep state insdie the governemnt and saying they are horrible in one breath and in the next be saying it can not be wrong if it comes from goverment because the governemt is ordained by god! If governement can not be wrong as they are ordained by god then all that every president did since the begining of time was right and ordained by god!
Pulling out the way they use to talk about kings. Bunches of idiots beleived that bull shit back in the day and todays people are just as dumb. I guess any propoganda that works right! I bet Saint Pete will have a few questions for him at the pearly gates about the statement. This damn administration sure has trouble being consistant. One minute our president is blasting every corner of the government but him self and the next minute his stooly is saying it has to be good if the government sais so because it was ordained by god. When you lie so much it becomes hard to keep track of!


You ready to back that mouth up with your ass?

Ready for Trump to slam ya?


If not, STFU then.
Any time Marion not afraid buddy. Not sure wahat I said to elicit such a response but pulling out ordained by god is nwhat the kings use to say. Sorry the truth hurts. It also does not jive with what other parts of this administration says.Like I tell the guys that work for me when you contradict your self in your own report there is a big probblem. One my E&O company will have to pay for and you will end up out the door. Want a consistant message tell them not me. I am a conservative but I do not believe Trump is. So here we are.

You speak gibberish and not English. Fuck right the hell off. :)

I am simply tired of this bullshit.

using kids to play political chess is pretty fucked up - put the entire family on a damn bus and send them back to Mexico.
So you think my idea is too mean? Not accepting asylum applications from people who have entered the country ILLEGALLY?

I have been thinking about why families are still coming, considering what is going on. All I can figure is that most of these folks are poor and maybe don't get a lot of news coverage, or what they hear is screwed up rumor from other folks who heard it from a friend who has a cousin in NY....
I think the coyotes are pretty persuasive, tell these people it's no big deal, they'll never catch you, and if they do just say "asylum" and you can stay in the country for years while you wait for trial. The people aren't hearing about automatic arrests and the kids being taken away. Maybe we need to put up billboards in Mexico letting people know what is going to happen.
I'd be ready to kill if any country tried doing that to me, taking my kid away. I'd go ballistic. Of course, I'd be in a jail cell, so....

I'm sorry, but maybe, just maybe, Obama encouraged that crap for 8 years.

Yah. :blowup:
You gotta start coming up with something better than Obama did it. Honestly.

If i state that Obama was directly against God, How does that rub ya? He was a Muslim/Kenyan anti God President.
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?

both corinthians agree with him

Proof? I assume you're talking about Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Hope you're ready with a quote, I'm calling you on it. Provide it now, pls.

You do realize that Paul was a 'self-appointed' Apostle. He wasn't accepted by the other Apostles...thay had elected a replacement for Judas right after Jesus' cruxification.

Basically Paul was a fraud.

Too bad most Christian religions are based on his teachings. Gotta wonder what Christianity would be like without him.

Paul was appointed by God, are you telling me you beg to differ? If so, I beg to differ with you. You damn sure are in no position to judge the apostle Paul, leftist.
Fuck head, you might want to learn a clue as to why Paul wrote his epistle to the Romans and what he was talking about.

Like I haven't read all that already, and know it, and you don't. Because you don't believe in God. Tell the truth and shame the devil, boy.
REGARDLESS HOW OR WHY THEY ARE HERE the whole family came here together, send them back home together.

the end

You ready to back that mouth up with your ass?

Ready for Trump to slam ya?


If not, STFU then.
Any time Marion not afraid buddy. Not sure wahat I said to elicit such a response but pulling out ordained by god is nwhat the kings use to say. Sorry the truth hurts. It also does not jive with what other parts of this administration says.Like I tell the guys that work for me when you contradict your self in your own report there is a big probblem. One my E&O company will have to pay for and you will end up out the door. Want a consistant message tell them not me. I am a conservative but I do not believe Trump is. So here we are.

You speak gibberish and not English. Fuck right the hell off. :)

I am simply tired of this bullshit.

using kids to play political chess is pretty fucked up - put the entire family on a damn bus and send them back to Mexico.
So you think my idea is too mean? Not accepting asylum applications from people who have entered the country ILLEGALLY?

I have been thinking about why families are still coming, considering what is going on. All I can figure is that most of these folks are poor and maybe don't get a lot of news coverage, or what they hear is screwed up rumor from other folks who heard it from a friend who has a cousin in NY....
I think the coyotes are pretty persuasive, tell these people it's no big deal, they'll never catch you, and if they do just say "asylum" and you can stay in the country for years while you wait for trial. The people aren't hearing about automatic arrests and the kids being taken away. Maybe we need to put up billboards in Mexico letting people know what is going to happen.
I'd be ready to kill if any country tried doing that to me, taking my kid away. I'd go ballistic. Of course, I'd be in a jail cell, so....

I'm sorry, but maybe, just maybe, Obama encouraged that crap for 8 years.

Yah. :blowup:
You gotta start coming up with something better than Obama did it. Honestly.

If i state that Obama was directly against God, How does that rub ya? He was a Muslim/Kenyan anti God President.
Any possibility whatsoever that we could get back to the topic of separating children from their parents at the border and how Sessions justified it with a Bible quote? Without your spit soaking my face, please?
You're probably right. The problem he [Sesions] has is that he thinks that the left has an argument, when in fact, they don't.

It is not immoral to incarcerate lawbreakers, and if the byproduct of that act is they are separated from their children, that sin is on THIER heads, not ours.

The alleged 'outrage' at this as conspicuously missing when Obama was President, so I give that all the consideration it is due.
It's really hard to get my hands on hard facts about this, sorry to say, but the real issue is that when Obama was president, the policy was that if a family with young kids was apprehended sneaking over here, they got turned around and sent back where they came from without further ado. Or they were "caught and released" until trial. The kids weren't, by policy and admittedly as a deterrent, taken from their parents. Trump wants them ALL arrested, every blessed one of them, so they've apparently run out of room in the family detention centers.

Seems to me before changing policy and "tightening up" our border security stance, we should have cleared out the cases that were already there. Instead of hunting down more folks who needed to be detained, we should have adjudicated the ones we had. Then we would have had room for what any idiot could predict would be a problem with where to put them all.

Not a single kid will be separated from their parents so long as parents don't drag their kids across the border illegally. Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.
Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.
Not usually the parents of kids doing that. Just sayin

The illegals running meth trafficking into the U.S. bring their entire families up here kids and all. Go watch the National Geographic documentary on this, there they are on video entire families (plural) not 12 miles from my house.
Then why haven't they been busted? Meth labs aren't hard to detect, you know.

Because California, Oregon, and Washington are sanctuary states and they refuse to cooperate with the Feds that's why.
Having a hard time with this country's Judaeo Christian roots...?

Snowflake revisionist history....

Sessions is the one who is having a hard time with Judeo Christian roots, you moron:

Psalms 127:3 - Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward.

Mark 9:42 - And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Isaiah 49:25 - But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.

Luke 17:2 - It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

You ready to back that mouth up with your ass?

Ready for Trump to slam ya?


If not, STFU then.
Any time Marion not afraid buddy. Not sure wahat I said to elicit such a response but pulling out ordained by god is nwhat the kings use to say. Sorry the truth hurts. It also does not jive with what other parts of this administration says.Like I tell the guys that work for me when you contradict your self in your own report there is a big probblem. One my E&O company will have to pay for and you will end up out the door. Want a consistant message tell them not me. I am a conservative but I do not believe Trump is. So here we are.

You speak gibberish and not English. Fuck right the hell off. :)

I am simply tired of this bullshit.

using kids to play political chess is pretty fucked up - put the entire family on a damn bus and send them back to Mexico.
So you think my idea is too mean? Not accepting asylum applications from people who have entered the country ILLEGALLY?

I have been thinking about why families are still coming, considering what is going on. All I can figure is that most of these folks are poor and maybe don't get a lot of news coverage, or what they hear is screwed up rumor from other folks who heard it from a friend who has a cousin in NY....
I think the coyotes are pretty persuasive, tell these people it's no big deal, they'll never catch you, and if they do just say "asylum" and you can stay in the country for years while you wait for trial. The people aren't hearing about automatic arrests and the kids being taken away. Maybe we need to put up billboards in Mexico letting people know what is going to happen.
I'd be ready to kill if any country tried doing that to me, taking my kid away. I'd go ballistic. Of course, I'd be in a jail cell, so....

I'm sorry, but maybe, just maybe, Obama encouraged that crap for 8 years.

Yah. :blowup:
You gotta start coming up with something better than Obama did it. Honestly.

If i state that Obama was directly against God, How does that rub ya? He was a Muslim/Kenyan anti God President.
You would be conflicting sessions statement that it was ordained by god!
Any time Marion not afraid buddy. Not sure wahat I said to elicit such a response but pulling out ordained by god is nwhat the kings use to say. Sorry the truth hurts. It also does not jive with what other parts of this administration says.Like I tell the guys that work for me when you contradict your self in your own report there is a big probblem. One my E&O company will have to pay for and you will end up out the door. Want a consistant message tell them not me. I am a conservative but I do not believe Trump is. So here we are.

You speak gibberish and not English. Fuck right the hell off. :)

I am simply tired of this bullshit.

using kids to play political chess is pretty fucked up - put the entire family on a damn bus and send them back to Mexico.
So you think my idea is too mean? Not accepting asylum applications from people who have entered the country ILLEGALLY?

I have been thinking about why families are still coming, considering what is going on. All I can figure is that most of these folks are poor and maybe don't get a lot of news coverage, or what they hear is screwed up rumor from other folks who heard it from a friend who has a cousin in NY....
I think the coyotes are pretty persuasive, tell these people it's no big deal, they'll never catch you, and if they do just say "asylum" and you can stay in the country for years while you wait for trial. The people aren't hearing about automatic arrests and the kids being taken away. Maybe we need to put up billboards in Mexico letting people know what is going to happen.
I'd be ready to kill if any country tried doing that to me, taking my kid away. I'd go ballistic. Of course, I'd be in a jail cell, so....

I'm sorry, but maybe, just maybe, Obama encouraged that crap for 8 years.

Yah. :blowup:
You gotta start coming up with something better than Obama did it. Honestly.

If i state that Obama was directly against God, How does that rub ya? He was a Muslim/Kenyan anti God President.

I do like I do with most morons I encounter. Ignore them.
Marion is not a moron he just got emotional. He is a pretty good guy! I still like him even if we disagree for a change!
It's really hard to get my hands on hard facts about this, sorry to say, but the real issue is that when Obama was president, the policy was that if a family with young kids was apprehended sneaking over here, they got turned around and sent back where they came from without further ado. Or they were "caught and released" until trial. The kids weren't, by policy and admittedly as a deterrent, taken from their parents. Trump wants them ALL arrested, every blessed one of them, so they've apparently run out of room in the family detention centers.

Seems to me before changing policy and "tightening up" our border security stance, we should have cleared out the cases that were already there. Instead of hunting down more folks who needed to be detained, we should have adjudicated the ones we had. Then we would have had room for what any idiot could predict would be a problem with where to put them all.

Not a single kid will be separated from their parents so long as parents don't drag their kids across the border illegally. Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.
Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.
Not usually the parents of kids doing that. Just sayin

The illegals running meth trafficking into the U.S. bring their entire families up here kids and all. Go watch the National Geographic documentary on this, there they are on video entire families (plural) not 12 miles from my house.
Then why haven't they been busted? Meth labs aren't hard to detect, you know.

Because California, Oregon, and Washington are sanctuary states and they refuse to cooperate with the Feds that's why.
Local PD can't bust meth labs where you live? I'm so confused.
Look, I know there are some gang members going back and forth and they are bad news and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that they disguise themselves by hauling the kids with them. Then put their health and their lives at risk having them live in a meth lab. Fuckers. But anyway, you are making a huge mistake to look at all illegal immigrants as being part of that. That would be like a Mexican deciding all Americans must be in the Aryan brotherhood.
It's not sensible or humane.
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?
You're probably right. The problem he [Sesions] has is that he thinks that the left has an argument, when in fact, they don't.

It is not immoral to incarcerate lawbreakers, and if the byproduct of that act is they are separated from their children, that sin is on THIER heads, not ours.

The alleged 'outrage' at this as conspicuously missing when Obama was President, so I give that all the consideration it is due.
It's really hard to get my hands on hard facts about this, sorry to say, but the real issue is that when Obama was president, the policy was that if a family with young kids was apprehended sneaking over here, they got turned around and sent back where they came from without further ado. Or they were "caught and released" until trial. The kids weren't, by policy and admittedly as a deterrent, taken from their parents. Trump wants them ALL arrested, every blessed one of them, so they've apparently run out of room in the family detention centers.

Seems to me before changing policy and "tightening up" our border security stance, we should have cleared out the cases that were already there. Instead of hunting down more folks who needed to be detained, we should have adjudicated the ones we had. Then we would have had room for what any idiot could predict would be a problem with where to put them all.

Not a single kid will be separated from their parents so long as parents don't drag their kids across the border illegally. Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.

cool story, bro

of course, illegals are less likely to commit crimes than natives are, but you hang onto your trumpian bullshit good and tight
its right there in the bible;

thou shall remove children from their parents - 19th commandment or something

No. Proof? Provide it or STFU. Something tells me you should have just STFU'd 1st hand.

You weren't smart enough to do that. Now you will have to be spanked.

sarcasm flew right over your pointed pea brain head didnt it Gomer.

Fork-tongued snake piece of shit says what?

says youre a F'n idiot

Says try me, you sissy punk bitch!
I'll smack you into next week and go mow my grass, you cocksucker.
Isn't this
REGARDLESS HOW OR WHY THEY ARE HERE the whole family came here together, send them back home together.

the end
according to the constitution they are innocent until proven guilty. So you can't just send them back without their day before a judge. And separating families is cruel and unusual punishment. Especially before anyone is convicted of anything.
Plus these are in many cases asylum seekers that are presenting themselves at the border as such. The fuck happened to our country?
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?

both corinthians agree with him

Proof? I assume you're talking about Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Hope you're ready with a quote, I'm calling you on it. Provide it now, pls.

You do realize that Paul was a 'self-appointed' Apostle. He wasn't accepted by the other Apostles...thay had elected a replacement for Judas right after Jesus' cruxification.

Basically Paul was a fraud.

Too bad most Christian religions are based on his teachings. Gotta wonder what Christianity would be like without him.

Paul was appointed by God, are you telling me you beg to differ? If so, I beg to differ with you. You damn sure are in no position to judge the apostle Paul, leftist. Gotta wonder what the world would be like without you. I'm thinking a better place.

"Paul was appointed by God" - so said Paul. The other Apostles didn't buy it.

Maybe you should read your Bible again. This time remember that it was compiled at the orders of a pagan Roman emporer.
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?

both corinthians agree with him

Proof? I assume you're talking about Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Hope you're ready with a quote, I'm calling you on it. Provide it now, pls.

You do realize that Paul was a 'self-appointed' Apostle. He wasn't accepted by the other Apostles...thay had elected a replacement for Judas right after Jesus' cruxification.

Basically Paul was a fraud.

Too bad most Christian religions are based on his teachings. Gotta wonder what Christianity would be like without him.

Paul was appointed by God, are you telling me you beg to differ? If so, I beg to differ with you. You damn sure are in no position to judge the apostle Paul, leftist. Gotta wonder what the world would be like without you. I'm thinking a better place.

"Paul was appointed by God" - so said Paul. The other Apostles didn't buy it.

Maybe you should read your Bible again. This time remember that it was compiled at the orders of a pagan Roman emporer.

Maybe you should quote something accurately, instead of inserting bullshit into the program, loser.

You have proven nothing at all at this point.

It's pretty amazing.

I'm agnostic, but was raised Roman Catholic. Never, ever did the Roman Catholic church propose theocracy. They we're clear that Jesus saying:

"Render to Caesar the things that areCaesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Maent a clear separation of Church & state. (Of course I was taught by Jesuits)

But the amazing thing is that while so many RWNJs - who I'm assuming are soome form of Protestant or evangelicals - always accuse Catholics of being subserviant to the Pope and that the Pope is a dictator. That was never what I was taught.

I guess these people are so obsessed with theocracy that they can not concieve of a religion that does does domiante government.

Therefore they can not concieve of the basic founding principals of the U.S.
both corinthians agree with him

Proof? I assume you're talking about Paul's letters to the Corinthians. Hope you're ready with a quote, I'm calling you on it. Provide it now, pls.

You do realize that Paul was a 'self-appointed' Apostle. He wasn't accepted by the other Apostles...thay had elected a replacement for Judas right after Jesus' cruxification.

Basically Paul was a fraud.

Too bad most Christian religions are based on his teachings. Gotta wonder what Christianity would be like without him.

Paul was appointed by God, are you telling me you beg to differ? If so, I beg to differ with you. You damn sure are in no position to judge the apostle Paul, leftist. Gotta wonder what the world would be like without you. I'm thinking a better place.

"Paul was appointed by God" - so said Paul. The other Apostles didn't buy it.

Maybe you should read your Bible again. This time remember that it was compiled at the orders of a pagan Roman emporer.

Maybe you should quote something accurately, instead of inserting bullshit into the program, loser.

You have proven nothing at all at this point.


Maybe you should get educated on a subject before you post your nonsense.
First paragraph in our Declaration of Independence:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Ah, in the days when people could write. When people could think.

It appears those days are over.
Now it's it's time to get rid of leftist fuckwads in America!

I'm on it!

America never was about to be leftist, douchenozzles.


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