Sessions said WHAT?!?!


thinks he's depriving someone of something


Interesting Moonglow that actually lives in a doublewide agreed with that.

I'll give him props that he actually does live in a double wide. I'll also bust you you right in your pinheaded mouth, del.

You lil kunt bitch.

That don't befront me, or keep me from getting to you once you've pissed me off.

I've knocked out crackers that are on death row. I don't give a fuck. The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be.
Fuck with me and you're gonna have a bad day, sorry.

Wanna play, Poofter?

Zero of you fucks have provided ary a meaningful bible verse.

This includes Ravi.

Don't go against Jesus next time, k?

You can bet I'll be against it if you do. :p

I will give you one Mr. Pottymouth.

Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James I:26
I have yet to write any checks my ass can't cash today. I'm a real cracker. You want some? Sup? James doesn't influence me so much.
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What part of "one nation UNDER GOD" don't you understand?

Its in our Pledge of Allegiance.

You know it was inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954.
FU jakestarkey, just on gp. Don't mention Jesus, you kunt. He'd strike you dead where you stand. Carry on.

just as an aside, jesus thinks you're an asshat

Check this this one out! del can now tell me what Jesus thinks n stuff. He's got a PhD in Claivoyancy and what not.

Personally, I think del's an asshat. Prove me wrong! I challenge anyone!

del is an asshat until I am proven wrong. :p

cool story, bro

of course, illegals are less likely to commit crimes than natives are, but you hang onto your trumpian bullshit good and tight

What part of illegals have killed and raped thousands of Americans don't you understand? Mexico is lucky we don't bomb them back to the stone age.

the part where it's the truth, trumpswab.

run your bullshit on the other right wing dummies like mary if you want, but don't expect anyone with a brain to buy into it.

"Increased undocumented immigration since 1990 has not increased violent crime over that same time period," Light said in a phone interview.

Those findings are published in the current edition of the peer-reviewed journal Criminology.

In a separate study, these same researchers previously looked at nonviolent crime. They found that the dramatic influx of undocumented immigrants, similarly, did not drive up rates of drug and alcohol arrests or the number of drug overdoses and DUI deaths.

"We found no evidence that undocumented immigration increases the prevalence of any of those outcomes," Light said.

A third study, by the libertarian Cato Institute, recently looked at criminality among undocumented immigrants just in Texas. The state records the immigration status of arrestees, creating a gold mine for criminologists.

Cato found that in 2015, criminal conviction and arrest rates in Texas for undocumented immigrants were lower than those of native-born Americans for murder, sexual assault and larceny.

Illegal Immigration Does Not Increase Violent Crime, 4 Studies Show


Bitch, I got fried chicken. Go stick your stupid pinheaded-ass in a sewer, ok?

And Fuck Off!

shouldn't you be telling me what a tough guy you are, mary?

Is that what you'd like?

Or would you rather I refrained from punching your face right into the back of your skull , or what? It really doesn't make that much difference to me. I can do it all, baby! Personally, I think your face needs punched to the back of your skull, faggot.
Oh, stop it and sit down. You are not going to punch anyone on a message board.

Sessions sounded like a hypocrite: end of story.

thinks he's depriving someone of something


Interesting Moonglow that actually lives in a doublewide agreed with that.

I'll give him props that he actually does live in a double wide. I'll also bust you you right in your pinheaded mouth, del.

You lil kunt bitch.

That don't befront me, or keep me from getting to you once you've pissed me off.

I've knocked out crackers that are on death row. I don't give a fuck. The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be.
Fuck with me and you're gonna have a bad day, sorry.

Wanna play, Poofter?

Zero of you fucks have provided ary a meaningful bible verse.

This includes Ravi.

Don't go against Jesus next time, k?

You can bet I'll be against it if you do. :p

I will give you one Mr. Pottymouth.

Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James I:26
I have yet to write any checks my ass can't cash today. I'm a real cracker. You want some? Sup? James doesn't influence me so much.

Wow, big tough guy on the internet. I figure you are about five six and couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag. Your Napoleon complex is virtually screaming.

I figure I'm about 5'10" and have beat the fuck out of 2 people simul

taneously that were 6'3" an 6' 5" respectively.

I fucked them up, want some? I ain't the one to mess with.

I cracked their skulls. Literally. Try me, boy. I don't scare that easy. Ain't no stranger to conflict.

You are an internet bully with a foul mouth that doesn't know squat about the bible. Neither does Sessions. Paul's letters were dealing with people that believed the works of the law should be added to faith in order to seek favor with God. Do you understand that? Kind of like, wait for it, Mohammad. But Paul taught that salvation was provided by faith alone. James, on the other hand, taught that faith alone was not enough, you know, faith without works is dead kind of thing. But you got to admit, kind of ironic that Sessions would use a quote from Paul to claim the government was ordained by God. The verse I quoted from James is quite applicable. Sessions was decieving himself and his religion is dead.
You're upset that he is going to obey the law and wants us to obey the law? Is this really the hill you guys want to die on?
You're upset that he is going to obey the law and wants us to obey the law? Is this really the hill you guys want to die on?

When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

And his name is Donald Trump

And you don't know what fascism is

I figure a leader wishing people would react to him like the North Koreans react to Kim Jong-un and the proclamation that God has ordained our government are both pretty good indicators.
In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!

You're a liar

Session said no such thing.

He misquoted the Apostle Peter when he said Abide by the laws of the land. Sessions said government instead of land.

So run along you lying propagandist.

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I just cleaned 21 off topic mostly gorilla arm pumping macho meet me behind the garage type posts .... that is not cool! Discuss the topic. Or else. And the else isn’t going to be nice.
I'm surprised he doesn't just advocate shooting the children. That's probably next with another bible verse to back it up.

In a lame attempt to justify separating immigrant children from their parents, attorny General sessions said:

"to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained the government"

Has this guy ever read the U.S. Constitution?

What country was he brought up in?

Welcome to the United States of America Mr. Sessions!

In this country one of our founding principals (literally the first and foremost of our founding principals) is:

"We the People of the United States... do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Our government was NOT ordained by God. It was ordained by THE PEOPLE.

Holy crap! I can't believe that any American said that, much less the Attorney general.

I have no doubt that just about every attorney general that has ever served this country has been a religious Christian, but NONE of them has so blatantly contradicted the U.S. Constitution!
I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?
You're probably right. The problem he [Sesions] has is that he thinks that the left has an argument, when in fact, they don't.

It is not immoral to incarcerate lawbreakers, and if the byproduct of that act is they are separated from their children, that sin is on THIER heads, not ours.

The alleged 'outrage' at this as conspicuously missing when Obama was President, so I give that all the consideration it is due.
It's really hard to get my hands on hard facts about this, sorry to say, but the real issue is that when Obama was president, the policy was that if a family with young kids was apprehended sneaking over here, they got turned around and sent back where they came from without further ado. Or they were "caught and released" until trial. The kids weren't, by policy and admittedly as a deterrent, taken from their parents. Trump wants them ALL arrested, every blessed one of them, so they've apparently run out of room in the family detention centers.

Seems to me before changing policy and "tightening up" our border security stance, we should have cleared out the cases that were already there. Instead of hunting down more folks who needed to be detained, we should have adjudicated the ones we had. Then we would have had room for what any idiot could predict would be a problem with where to put them all.

Not a single kid will be separated from their parents so long as parents don't drag their kids across the border illegally. Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.

cool story, bro

of course, illegals are less likely to commit crimes than natives are, but you hang onto your trumpian bullshit good and tight

Oh, ok , pinhead, I 'll keep that in mind
I'm surprised he doesn't just advocate shooting the children. That's probably next with another bible verse to back it up.

I think he was floundering around, trying to counter the accusations that he is engaging in an immoral policy. What better way to bolster your moralness than a quote from the Bible? Worked for slave holders, didn't it?
You're probably right. The problem he [Sesions] has is that he thinks that the left has an argument, when in fact, they don't.

It is not immoral to incarcerate lawbreakers, and if the byproduct of that act is they are separated from their children, that sin is on THIER heads, not ours.

The alleged 'outrage' at this as conspicuously missing when Obama was President, so I give that all the consideration it is due.
It's really hard to get my hands on hard facts about this, sorry to say, but the real issue is that when Obama was president, the policy was that if a family with young kids was apprehended sneaking over here, they got turned around and sent back where they came from without further ado. Or they were "caught and released" until trial. The kids weren't, by policy and admittedly as a deterrent, taken from their parents. Trump wants them ALL arrested, every blessed one of them, so they've apparently run out of room in the family detention centers.

Seems to me before changing policy and "tightening up" our border security stance, we should have cleared out the cases that were already there. Instead of hunting down more folks who needed to be detained, we should have adjudicated the ones we had. Then we would have had room for what any idiot could predict would be a problem with where to put them all.

Not a single kid will be separated from their parents so long as parents don't drag their kids across the border illegally. Sorry but with illegals killing and raping thousands of American citizens tough policies are required.

cool story, bro

of course, illegals are less likely to commit crimes than natives are, but you hang onto your trumpian bullshit good and tight

Oh, ok , pinhead, I 'll keep that in mind

try the other ankle, mary

it's bacon flavored :thup:

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