Sessions Sides With The Swamp

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.

Sessions was a bad pick from day one, and I am guessing Priebus, or some other GOP establishment Republican recommended Sessions. This way they could use Mueller and the limp wristed Sessions to control Donald Trump to an extent by exerting political and social pressure on him through the phony Russia Russia Russia investigation.

BTW the Russia Russia Russia investigation has broken all historical records for expenses,.

7 different investigations covering 2 years. $20 Million spent by Mueller alone, and the other 6 investigations which includes things done under Obama and James Comey, Senate, and House hearings, Intelligence Committee, and other Committees etc. etc., add up to over $100 million dollars and yet no one instance can anyone find any collusion with Russia except for that of Barak Obama's, Clinton's, The DNC's, & Fusion GPS laundering the money for everyone through the COIE Lawfirm so they could pay Russian Intelligence Agents for the Propaganda Book.

Make no mistake, Russia wanted no part of President Trump. It was way easier to get what they wanted from Obama and Clinton who repeatedly showed that they were easily bought and would put American up for sale if the price was right. Not so with Donald Trump.

And this is why he has been targeted by the corrupt establishment. If they cannot get him to bend to their will, if they cannot contain him, they will try to do what they attempted with Reagan and succeeded in doing with Kennedy.
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Gawd, you guys are such whiny little asses....

Sessions was the first Republican in the Senate to support Trump, and gave Trump credence....

Sessions had no choice to recuse himself from the Trump campaign and russian interference investigation because he WAS PART of the Trump campaign and even the idiot Trump, should have KNOWN that....

And if Trump had not fired comey due to the investigation in to the russian interference in to our election, NONE of this would have happened....

And if Trump would have listened or even brought in his advisors on his decision to do such, he would have been told that it was a bad idea and would have been told that Sessions would be recusing himself on that investigation because HE HAD NO CHOICE but to recuse himself.... it was the rules and the law.

And if the Man of Lawlessness running this Nation of Laws and not of Men knew even an itty bit, about his own Country and the Laws of the Land, he would not be whining and bitching like a toddler baby all the time and blaming everyone else for his own mistakes.....

The Justice Depart is not there to work for the lawless one, it is the Justice department of the United States of America, and they work for us and NOT for the President's partisan whims and protection of himself and his swamp creatures that are as deep as hell that he brought to the administration or for the dirty Republicans in Congress that have sold their souls to him....

Justice is BLIND,

not this lawless SHIT that Trump stands for....

He should be impeached because he has broken his oath of office, in a thousand ways since he got there.... let alone aiding and abetting the enemy, which he so loves to do.
sooner or later it will dawn on idiots, morons, and Trumpdrone fools that the "Swamp" has the majority and they are the minority ...
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


So, to you, "draining the swamp" actually means that sessions should give political cover to felons?
Dumb shits think the AG's entire job involves the Russia investigation. As if Sessions hasn't been busy carrying out Trump's agenda.

Jesus, there just is no bottom to their retardedness or credulity.
Sessions was a bad pick from day one, and I am guessing Priebus, or some other GOP establishment Republican recommended Sessions. This way they could use Mueller and the limp wristed Sessions to control Donald Trump to an extent by exerting political and social pressure on him through the phony Russia Russia Russia investigation.

BTW the Russia Russia Russia investigation has broken all historical records for expenses,.

7 different investigations covering 2 years. $20 Million spent by Mueller alone, and the other 6 investigations which includes things done under Obama and James Comey, Senate, and House hearings, Intelligence Committee, and other Committees etc. etc., add up to over $100 million dollars and yet no one instance can anyone find any collusion with Russia except for that of Barak Obama's, Clinton's, The DNC's, & Fusion GPS laundering the money for everyone through the COIE Lawfirm so they could pay Russian Intelligence Agents for the Propaganda Book.

Make no mistake, Russia wanted no part of President Trump. It was way easier to get what they wanted from Obama and Clinton who repeatedly showed that they were easily bought and would put American up for sale if the price was right. Not so with Donald Trump.

And this is why he has been targeted by the corrupt establishment. If they cannot get him to bend to their will, if they cannot contain him, they will try to do what they attempted with Reagan and succeeded in doing with Kennedy.


Sessions was the RNC's pick and now we see why.
It is amazing how the New York Democratic huckster has the Rube Herd going full retard and attacking llfelong hardcore conservatives. Christ, in another topic today, one of the dumb shits tried to claim Jon Kyl is a swamp creature! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

By the way, how's that swampy drainy thing working for ya?


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Sure Jake.
Gawd, you guys are such whiny little asses....

Sessions was the first Republican in the Senate to support Trump, and gave Trump credence....

Sessions had no choice to recuse himself from the Trump campaign and russian interference investigation because he WAS PART of the Trump campaign and even the idiot Trump, should have KNOWN that....

And if Trump had not fired comey due to the investigation in to the russian interference in to our election, NONE of this would have happened....

And if Trump would have listened or even brought in his advisors on his decision to do such, he would have been told that it was a bad idea and would have been told that Sessions would be recusing himself on that investigation because HE HAD NO CHOICE but to recuse himself.... it was the rules and the law.

And if the Man of Lawlessness running this Nation of Laws and not of Men knew even an itty bit, about his own Country and the Laws of the Land, he would not be whining and bitching like a toddler baby all the time and blaming everyone else for his own mistakes.....

The Justice Depart is not there to work for the lawless one, it is the Justice department of the United States of America, and they work for us and NOT for the President's partisan whims and protection of himself and his swamp creatures that are as deep as hell that he brought to the administration or for the dirty Republicans in Congress that have sold their souls to him....

Justice is BLIND,

not this lawless SHIT that Trump stands for....

He should be impeached because he has broken his oath of office, in a thousand ways since he got there.... let alone aiding and abetting the enemy, which he so loves to do.
sure he had a choice it was sorry mr trump I will have to recuse myself from the russia investigation, therefore, I will not accept the AG job.
Gawd, you guys are such whiny little asses....

Sessions was the first Republican in the Senate to support Trump, and gave Trump credence....

Sessions had no choice to recuse himself from the Trump campaign and russian interference investigation because he WAS PART of the Trump campaign and even the idiot Trump, should have KNOWN that....

And if Trump had not fired comey due to the investigation in to the russian interference in to our election, NONE of this would have happened....

And if Trump would have listened or even brought in his advisors on his decision to do such, he would have been told that it was a bad idea and would have been told that Sessions would be recusing himself on that investigation because HE HAD NO CHOICE but to recuse himself.... it was the rules and the law.

And if the Man of Lawlessness running this Nation of Laws and not of Men knew even an itty bit, about his own Country and the Laws of the Land, he would not be whining and bitching like a toddler baby all the time and blaming everyone else for his own mistakes.....

The Justice Depart is not there to work for the lawless one, it is the Justice department of the United States of America, and they work for us and NOT for the President's partisan whims and protection of himself and his swamp creatures that are as deep as hell that he brought to the administration or for the dirty Republicans in Congress that have sold their souls to him....

Justice is BLIND,

not this lawless SHIT that Trump stands for....

He should be impeached because he has broken his oath of office, in a thousand ways since he got there.... let alone aiding and abetting the enemy, which he so loves to do.

I see the TDS has gotten a firm grip on you were once somewhat rational but now? BTW, Sessions was snookered into recusing himself.....Loretta Lynch never did and she clearly conspired with Mr.Hillary to end the look into the fat old witch's treason. Trump has broken no laws and you can't touch him..
6 1/2 MORE YEARS! :fu:
Rosenstein must still be chuckling about how easy it was to get rid of Sessions and become the de facto AG. Since we've seen that Rosey the Rat isn't much of a salesman, it makes one wonder if Sessions wasn't just pulling a CYA when he saw what they had in store for the new President. So he bailed and Rosenstein got his pal Mueller involved to save his other pal, Comey. Incidentally, it was McCain who had the fake "dossier" fetched from London and gave it to Comey....John McCain...the great American, right? So now Sessions has two GOP Congressmen indicted on charges so pressing they're almost a year old and both as flimsy as what they had on Manafort. It couldn't wait until mid-November? If he had and either resigns or is guilty of something, the governors of Kali and New Yawk, both commie shitbags, would have to have replaced them with other GOPers and the seats would have stayed in the GOP stable. I expected Session's resignation this morning and since it wasn't forthcoming, it's pretty obvious he has no dignity and he's joined the Swamp in trying to evict Trump from our White House. #45 needs to pull the trigger on this little asshole and Rosey, and Lurch ASAP.


So, to you, "draining the swamp" actually means that sessions should give political cover to felons?
no, it means do the job you were given. it is quite simple.
Sessions is either a swamp rat or an a-hole who thought he was going to get a do nothing job or a spy paid off by democrats or completely out classed. Maybe all of the above?
Sessions has always been part of the swamp

I believe Preibus said Sessions wanted the AG spot.....Trump didn't know any of these clowns and had to trust the time he started to figure things out, he already had half a dozen knives in his back. I knew Sessions was a shitbird when he voted against the GM bailout to protect his jap and german car plants...plants the taxpayers of Alabama paid for to get the jobs.

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