Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

The Russian Ambassador isn't Russian? Since when did the Russians employ ambassadors who weren't Russian?
Bumping into and talking to an Ambassador at a Heritage Foundation event which both happen to be attending - along with a lot of other Ambassadors.....

HOLY HELL - How much MORE 'sinister' can you get?!

View attachment 115053
I refer you, again, to Bill Clinton, again, having a chat with Lynch about his kids. It doesn't matter what was discussed. He said he had not contacted the Russians. He lied. It doesn't matter if all they did was swap recipes for Borscht. The fact is there had been contact, and he said there had been no contact. That was a lie. It was a lie under Oath. It was perjury.

At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken, a Minnesota Democrat, what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign.

“I’m not aware of any of those activities,” he responded.

He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Your characterization is false. Your accusation fails.
Wrong. What was the question asked?
The Russian Ambassador isn't Russian? Since when did the Russians employ ambassadors who weren't Russian?
Bumping into and talking to an Ambassador at a Heritage Foundation event which both happen to be attending - along with a lot of other Ambassadors.....

HOLY HELL - How much MORE 'sinister' can you get?!

View attachment 115053
I refer you, again, to Bill Clinton, again, having a chat with Lynch about his kids. It doesn't matter what was discussed. He said he had not contacted the Russians. He lied. It doesn't matter if all they did was swap recipes for Borscht. The fact is there had been contact, and he said there had been no contact. That was a lie. It was a lie under Oath. It was perjury.

At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken, a Minnesota Democrat, what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign.

“I’m not aware of any of those activities,” he responded.

He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Your characterization is false. Your accusation fails.
Wrong. What was the question asked?

LMAO! Give it up, silly man. If you can't read the question, ask a nearby adult to read it to you.
The Russian Ambassador isn't Russian? Since when did the Russians employ ambassadors who weren't Russian?
Bumping into and talking to an Ambassador at a Heritage Foundation event which both happen to be attending - along with a lot of other Ambassadors.....

HOLY HELL - How much MORE 'sinister' can you get?!

View attachment 115053
I refer you, again, to Bill Clinton, again, having a chat with Lynch about his kids. It doesn't matter what was discussed. He said he had not contacted the Russians. He lied. It doesn't matter if all they did was swap recipes for Borscht. The fact is there had been contact, and he said there had been no contact. That was a lie. It was a lie under Oath. It was perjury.

At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken, a Minnesota Democrat, what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign.

“I’m not aware of any of those activities,” he responded.

He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Your characterization is false. Your accusation fails.
Wrong. What was the question asked?

LMAO! Give it up, silly man. If you can't read the question, ask a nearby adult to read it to you.
I read the question just fine. You seem to be the one who thinks that "affiliate3d with the campaign" is synonymous with " "acting as a Trump surrogate". He was not asked "Did you have contact with Russians as a Trump Surrogate?", was he? Was that the question asked?

Was Senator Sessions part of Trump's campaign team?

This doesn't need to make sense. The fascists and their press only need to pimp this enough to get the focus off of Trumps speech.

There is nothing rational about what the fascists are doing, they just need to change the nations focus. They don't expect the charges to stick, they just need to create a ruckus.
The fact that he acknowledged that he had been called a surrogate several times confirms that he was affiliated with the Trump campaign, and he knew it, so when he answered, "I am not aware of those activities" he knew fucking well he was lying.
Wasn't the question. It was not asked if there had been contact as a representative of the campaign. It was asked if anyone associated with the campaign had had contact. He. Was. Associated with the campaign.
Sorry, Sessions did not interpret the question to mean 'at all' but as 'in the context of being a Trump team member'. Sessions did NOT meet either Russian in any capacity as a Trump team member. There is nothing to this.

No Law was broken. There was no significant 'communications' with the Russians, specifically pertaining to Trump or his team. This is all snowflake drama / BS. The ONLY thing snowflakes are clinging to is the 'interpretation of the question and answer'.

The only way to prove Sessions is guilty of anything is to prove he understood the question as snowflakes are making it out to be and intentionally lied. There is no way to do that.

Then there is the COMMON SENSE approach, which snowflakes lack. WHY would Sessions intentionally lie about bumping into an Ambassador - one of many in attendance - at a Heritage Foundation Event or another in the execution of his job as Senator. There is nothing to hide - no reason to lie - because neither was secret, seditious, both were already known....It makes no sense...but yet snowflakes are trying to make this a massive case of criminal misconduct.

Silly snowflakes. They are SO DESPERATE!
Read for content Comrade;

connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election,.

And when Bill Clinton said "I didn't have sex with that woman" he was only talking about that morning. So Bill never lied about anything.

The question was about the election.

You fascists made up another fake scandal. Your lies simply won't float anymore. No one believes you. Hell, you don't even believe this idiocy. You repeat it because you're a jackbooted Soros fascist, but you don't believe it. No one is stupid enough to actually believe the idiocy you thugs promote.

Wasn't the question. It was not asked if there had been contact as a representative of the campaign. It was asked if anyone associated with the campaign had had contact. He. Was. Associated with the campaign.
Sorry, Sessions did not interpret the question to mean 'at all' but as 'in the context of being a Trump team member'. Sessions did NOT meet either Russian in any capacity as a Trump team member. There is nothing to this.

No Law was broken. There was no significant 'communications' with the Russians, specifically pertaining to Trump or his team. This is all snowflake drama / BS. The ONLY thing snowflakes are clinging to is the 'interpretation of the question and answer'.

The only way to prove Sessions is guilty of anything is to prove he understood the question as snowflakes are making it out to be and intentionally lied. There is no way to do that.

Then there is the COMMON SENSE approach, which snowflakes lack. WHY would Sessions intentionally lie about bumping into an Ambassador - one of many in attendance - at a Heritage Foundation Event or another in the execution of his job as Senator. There is nothing to hide - no reason to lie - because neither was secret, seditious, both were already known....It makes no sense...but yet snowflakes are trying to make this a massive case of criminal misconduct.

Silly snowflakes. They are SO DESPERATE!
"What is the meaning of 'is'?" guys keep using that term "snowflake". I do not think it means what you think it means.
No, keep up, corndog. The link and definition have been posted numerous times now...maybe someday soon Liberals will get it.

'SNOWFLAKE', again, is a term adopted by DEMOCRATS to describe DEMOCRATS who are 'weak, easily offended, and who have a hard time accepting any reality they oppose'.

There is no mis-use of the term...unless a Snowflake attempts to use it in describing anyoe NOT a Democrat / Liberal.
The Russian Ambassador isn't Russian? Since when did the Russians employ ambassadors who weren't Russian?
Bumping into and talking to an Ambassador at a Heritage Foundation event which both happen to be attending - along with a lot of other Ambassadors.....

HOLY HELL - How much MORE 'sinister' can you get?!

View attachment 115053

Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee.

Sessions met with top Russian official twice -

So the question is this - Why the fuck would this Alabama boy straight lie to congress about talking with Russian ambassador?

With sooo many Russian connections in the administration, it impossible at this point to not draw conclusion that there is something covert going on here.
Wasn't the question. It was not asked if there had been contact as a representative of the campaign. It was asked if anyone associated with the campaign had had contact. He. Was. Associated with the campaign.
Sorry, Sessions did not interpret the question to mean 'at all' but as 'in the context of being a Trump team member'. Sessions did NOT meet either Russian in any capacity as a Trump team member. There is nothing to this.

No Law was broken. There was no significant 'communications' with the Russians, specifically pertaining to Trump or his team. This is all snowflake drama / BS. The ONLY thing snowflakes are clinging to is the 'interpretation of the question and answer'.

The only way to prove Sessions is guilty of anything is to prove he understood the question as snowflakes are making it out to be and intentionally lied. There is no way to do that.

Then there is the COMMON SENSE approach, which snowflakes lack. WHY would Sessions intentionally lie about bumping into an Ambassador - one of many in attendance - at a Heritage Foundation Event or another in the execution of his job as Senator. There is nothing to hide - no reason to lie - because neither was secret, seditious, both were already known....It makes no sense...but yet snowflakes are trying to make this a massive case of criminal misconduct.

Silly snowflakes. They are SO DESPERATE!

It doesn't matter if he met the Russian Ambassador to talk about the Trump campaign. He was a Trump surrogate and he met with the Russians. So when he said No, he lied. Unless he is hiding something, he should have said Yes followed by an explanation that it had nothing to do with Trump's campaign. Anyone in law enforcement or who practices law would tell you flat out, that his denial only raises more questions and concerns than anything. He is a lawyer and was a a judge, he knows better. Hell he set himself up for it when he said he was considered a Trump surrogate.
Sessions is forever tainted. Now, everything he touches will be tainted. A chronic liar can't be trusted.
Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee.

So the question is this - Why the fuck would this Alabama boy straight lie to congress about talking with Russian ambassador?
1. They met in hat capacity? Nothing illegal.

2. Sessions did not lie - NOT PROVEN, just OPINION!

Keep swinging, snowflakes.
Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee.

So the question is this - Why the fuck would this Alabama boy straight lie to congress about talking with Russian ambassador?
1. They met in hat capacity? Nothing illegal.

2. Sessions did not lie - NOT PROVEN, just OPINION!

Keep swinging, snowflakes.

1. He met privately with the Ambassador to Russia in his office
2. Sessions was a Trump surrogate
3. It was in September at the height of the new revelations of Russia interfering in the election process.
4. Sessions said he had not met with the Russians
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It doesn't matter if he met the Russian Ambassador to talk about the Trump campaign. He was a Trump surrogate and he met with the Russians.
By that logic Loretta Lynch should have been fired as Attorney General and possibly being in jail for meeting Bill Clinton during the investigation of his wife. Doesn't matter whether they talked about kids, Monica Lewinski, or how to cover up and make go away Hillary's scandal. Lynch was the US Atty General over the investigation and should not have been meeting with Slick Willy.

Funny, though, how these arguments / this snowflake logic, is never applied to Democrats / Liberals... Just damn AMAZING......
Sessions was an adviser for the Trump campaign.

After Sessions became one of the first members of Congress to endorse Trump this February, he became an adviser on almost every major decision and policy proposal Trump made during the campaign:

— A top Sessions aide helped Trump communicate his immigration policy.

— Sessions chaired Trump national security advisory committee.

— Sessions advised Trump on who to choose for vice president. (Sessions was also in the running himself for the No. 2 job.)

10 things to know about Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump’s pick for attorney general

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