Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

It doesn't matter if he met the Russian Ambassador to talk about the Trump campaign. He was a Trump surrogate and he met with the Russians.
By that logic Loretta Lynch should have been fired as Attorney General and possibly being in jail for meeting Bill Clinton during the investigation of his wife. Doesn't matter whether they talked about kids, Monica Lewinski, or how to cover up and make go away Hillary's scandal. Lynch was the US Atty General over the investigation and should not have been meeting with Slick Willy.

Funny, though, how these arguments / this snowflake logic, is never applied to Democrats / Liberals... Just damn AMAZING......

You are missing a step here. Lynch didn't deny talking to Clinton and she said they talked about their grand kids. Was it appropriate? Nope... but Sessions flat out denied talking to the Russians period, and then double downed by saying the report is a lie.
Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee.

So the question is this - Why the fuck would this Alabama boy straight lie to congress about talking with Russian ambassador?
1. They met in hat capacity? Nothing illegal.

2. Sessions did not lie - NOT PROVEN, just OPINION!

Keep swinging, snowflakes.

Fact 1: During congressional confirmation hearing Sessions denied having ever met with Russians during campaign.

Fact 2: Sessions did in fact meet in person with Russian ambassador not once, but twice, including in his own office.

Fact 3: Sessions does not claim that he forgot about these meetings or did not know who he is meeting with

Reasonable conclusion is that he lied, PERIOD.

You seriously think it is just a coincidence that Flynn lied and got fired for this very same thing? Just a coincidence that Trump just happened to have picked all those people with Russian-friendly connections? Where the fuck did he dig Paul Manafort out of? The man was MIA in Ukraine for 2 years and has never even met Trump before 2015, then suddenly got picked as his campaign

How can you possibly say this doesn't stink of some serious borch?
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1. He met privately with the Ambassador to Russia in his office
2. Sessions was a Trump surrogate
3. It was in September at the hight of the new revelations of Russia interfering in the election process.
4. Sessions said he had not met with the Russians

1. As a Senator / Committee member. Strike 1..

2. No, he was a Senator, NOT acting as a Trump team member / surrogate - nice opinion, though. Strike 2.

3. So? No proof of wrong-doing /. criminal acts again, just inferred BS. Not even any proof he was acting on behalf of trump - more false narratives / speculation. Strike 3.

4. Sessions has explained his interpretation of the question was that it was asked about meeting with Russians in any capacity regarding trump and stated it was not. No proof otherwise. Strike 4!

You are missing a step here. Lynch didn't deny talking to Clinton
Doesn't matter - she should not have been talking to him. Snowflakes are insisting Sessions should not have met with Russians, even in the execution of his job as Senator.
That's kind of odd. He was asked a yes/no questions and he answered "no". How is that overly broad? If Leaky didn't ask the right question, that's on him.

Look at his answer to Franken's question. Sessions answered "I did not have communications with the Russians"

Nice lie.....he specifically brought up being people saying he was a sometime surrogate for the Trump campaign and that he had no contact with the Russians.....had the toad asked him if he had communications as a Senator, his answer would have reflected that....

Seriously. He answered the question asked of him. Everyone in the room knew that, as a Senator, he had contact with foreign diplomats. That's not what they cared about.
1. He met privately with the Ambassador to Russia in his office
2. Sessions was a Trump surrogate
3. It was in September at the hight of the new revelations of Russia interfering in the election process.
4. Sessions said he had not met with the Russians

1. As a Senator / Committee member. Strike 1..

2. No, he was a Senator, NOT acting as a Trump team member / surrogate - nice opinion, though. Strike 2.

3. So? No proof of wrong-doing /. criminal acts again, just inferred BS. Not even any proof he was acting on behalf of trump - more false narratives / speculation. Strike 3.

4. Sessions has explained his interpretation of the question was that it was asked about meeting with Russians in any capacity regarding trump and stated it was not. No proof otherwise. Strike 4!


1. Senators don't normally meet with Ambassadors in private, and as a member of the Armed Services Committee, the Russian Ambassador didn't meet with any other members of the Committee around that time other than Sessions. Strike One

2. He was a Senator AND an advisor on the Trump campaign team. Strike TWO

3. Sessions hasn't provided an alternative discussion and in fact double downed that the report of him meeting with the Russians is a lie. STRIKE Three

4. Sessions as a lawyer and former judge should have known while under oath to either answer the question correctly or to ask for further explanation as to what exactly was being asked before giving an answer on record. Sessions even admitted that he had been considered a Trump surrogate as part of his answer, but still said no to the question of whether he had talked to the Russians. Strike Four...
You are missing a step here. Lynch didn't deny talking to Clinton
Doesn't matter - she should not have been talking to him. Snowflakes are insisting Sessions should not have met with Russians, even in the execution of his job as Senator.

I said she shouldn't have talked to him. She admitted later that despite them not talking about the case she should have never met with him. It's not the same scenario.
1. He met privately with the Ambassador to Russia in his office
2. Sessions was a Trump surrogate
3. It was in September at the hight of the new revelations of Russia interfering in the election process.
4. Sessions said he had not met with the Russians

1. As a Senator / Committee member. Strike 1..

2. No, he was a Senator, NOT acting as a Trump team member / surrogate - nice opinion, though. Strike 2.

3. So? No proof of wrong-doing /. criminal acts again, just inferred BS. Not even any proof he was acting on behalf of trump - more false narratives / speculation. Strike 3.

4. Sessions has explained his interpretation of the question was that it was asked about meeting with Russians in any capacity regarding trump and stated it was not. No proof otherwise. Strike 4!


Why are you peddling this ridiculous bullshit?

He did meet with Russian ambassador during campaign. He KNEW he met with him and there was exactly ZERO good reason to not disclose that when asked about it in confirmation.
Senator Sessions ... did you have any contact with Russia during the campaign.

Yes I did, I have contact with several foreign countries its my job.

END of story !

but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the little bastard took the low road lied his ass off because he had something to hide, just like his Daddy Don.
Watergate was more about concerted obstruction of justice. The problem for the AG is that he himself now has to be investigated.

"One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator’s office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sessions, Maybe!)

Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee.

Sessions met with top Russian official twice -

So the question is this - Why the fuck would this Alabama boy straight lie to congress about talking with Russian ambassador?

With sooo many Russian connections in the administration, it impossible at this point to not draw conclusion that there is something covert going on here.

Fascist democrats are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA over Trump winning the presidency. The Sessions flap is just the latest in a long string of fabricated scandals and faux issues created by the collusion between democrats and the party press. CNN has uncovered irrefutable proof that CNN reporters hate Donald Trump and want to undermine his presidency.

CNN is dedicated to fabricating controversy after contraversy in the quest to derail the Trump presidency.
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He did meet with Russian ambassador during campaign. He KNEW he met with him and there was exactly ZERO good reason to not disclose that when asked about it in confirmation.
In what context did they meet, snowflake? Sessions says they did not meet in any way in regards to Trump or as a member of Trump's team. it's really simple - provide the evidence to prove differently.

The fact is snowflakes CAN'T prove it or any of the other BS they have been throwing up. They tried to make Flynn's actions seem like criminal treason, and it turns out nothing he did was illegal / wrong...except not sharing the info with Pence. Just more desperation.

Sessions met with Kislyak twice, in July on the sidelines of the Republican convention, and in September in his office when Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Services committee.

Sessions met with top Russian official twice -

So the question is this - Why the fuck would this Alabama boy straight lie to congress about talking with Russian ambassador?

With sooo many Russian connections in the administration, it impossible at this point to not draw conclusion that there is something covert going on here.

Fascist democrats are OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA over Trump winning the presidency. The sessions flap is just the latest in a long string of fabricated scandals and faux issues created by the collusion between democrats and the party press.
And they will continue. Today it's Sessions, tomorrow it will be someone else, and the next day another. They don't even really care whether justice is done, all they want is to make it as hard as possible for Trump to do anything. They saw how effective Hillary's email scandal was in keeping her on the defense and hope they can do the same to Trump. The difference is, Trump is not afraid to get in the mud with democrats. It will be interesting.

Another difference is Hillary really was incredibly careless with classified information, and that cost her.

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