Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

As a US Senator. Nothing more needs to be said. So scary Kerry and the Hag never spoke to a foreign leader prior to becoming Sec of State, whoops, forgot, my mistake it only apply s to the other side.

Those poor members of Trump administration just can't resist lying about their Russian connections. I mean come-on, who can?

Why can't those heartless liberhuls just LEAVE THEM ALONE!


You are the fucking snowflake.

No one but CNN is lying, snowflake.

The bitter truth is that you democrats are Stalinists, and as such you are lying demagogues who engage in slander and libel to attack the enemies of your Fuhrer.

The Trump administration was stupid to give you Stalinists even an inch on Flynn, never negotiate with terrorists - which is what you democrats are, terrorists.

Trump delivered a knockout speech, which threw you Bolsheviks into a tizzy, so you did what you always do, start in with the slander and libel.

If Sessions does anything other than telling you Stalinists to go fuck yourselves, I will be VERY disappointed. However, I am 99% sure that what you will get in about an hour is an invitation to go blow a duck. The you will pout, and throw fits, and cry and scream, just like you snowflakes do every fucking day.
Dems will hold 4, maybe 6 Senate seats when it's all over
The idea of Democrats coming back to power after all of this....

Over 1,000 political seats lost
Back-to-Back historic, record-setting losses
Firebombing GOP HQs
Silencing Freedom of Speech
Beating and bloodying Trump Supporters
Calling for Impeachments, Military Coups, and Assassination
Illegally leaking Intel
Withholding Intel
Seditious undermining of the newly elected govt by the ex-President and his holdovers
Complete committed obstruction for PARTY benefit, not country...

Good luck with that, Snowflakes.

America is seeing the 'red Scare' is not outside our borders but is attacking the country from within from the Left.
In the end, I believe this actually will come to nothing, because this has been the strength of the Trump campaign, and the Trump administration: "He did not ask what you heard him ask, and I did not say what you heard me say,". He is an evil Obi Wan Kenobi "These are not the droids you're looking for", and we all just go along with it...
As a US Senator. Nothing more needs to be said. So scary Kerry and the Hag never spoke to a foreign leader prior to becoming Sec of State, whoops, forgot, my mistake it only apply s to the other side.

Nothing wrong with talking to anybody anywhere. The problem is if the congress asked you about it, you tell the truth.
In the end, I believe this actually will come to nothing, because this has been the strength of the Trump campaign, and the Trump administration: "He did not ask what you heard him ask, and I did not say what you heard me say,". He is an evil Obi Wan Kenobi "These are not the droids you're looking for", and we all just go along with it...

I'm afraid you're likely wrong about it going away. When Bill Clinton lied about having sex with an intern, congress came down on him, not for screwing around, but for lying about it.
In the end, I believe this actually will come to nothing, because this has been the strength of the Trump campaign, and the Trump administration: "He did not ask what you heard him ask, and I did not say what you heard me say,". He is an evil Obi Wan Kenobi "These are not the droids you're looking for", and we all just go along with it...

I'm afraid you're likely wrong about it going away. When Bill Clinton lied about having sex with an intern, congress came down on him, not for screwing around, but for lying about it.
I hope I'm wrong, but the Republicans in Congress all seem to be lining up behind Session's narrative that "he didn't ask what you heard him ask..."
The Left have lost their collective minds :) You people are severely retarded, never mind no proof of anything has been shown proving guilt OR innocence.
Well, I think he should have stepped down. but, I do think that recusing himself is, at least, a step in the right direction, and now opens the door for independent counsel for the investigation.
In the end, I believe this actually will come to nothing, because this has been the strength of the Trump campaign, and the Trump administration: "He did not ask what you heard him ask, and I did not say what you heard me say,". He is an evil Obi Wan Kenobi "These are not the droids you're looking for", and we all just go along with it...

I'm afraid you're likely wrong about it going away. When Bill Clinton lied about having sex with an intern, congress came down on him, not for screwing around, but for lying about it.
I hope I'm wrong, but the Republicans in Congress all seem to be lining up behind Session's narrative that "he didn't ask what you heard him ask..."

He was asked if he or anyone in the Trump campaign disused the election with Russian officials; he answered "no".
I hope I'm wrong, but the Republicans in Congress all seem to be lining up behind Session's narrative that "he didn't ask what you heard him ask..."

The problem wasn't the question, but the answer. I don't even remember what they asked Bill Clinton, but when he answered 'I didn't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' he ended up in a peck of trouble.
Bumping into and talking to an Ambassador at a Heritage Foundation event which both happen to be attending - along with a lot of other Ambassadors.....

HOLY HELL - How much MORE 'sinister' can you get?!

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I refer you, again, to Bill Clinton, again, having a chat with Lynch about his kids. It doesn't matter what was discussed. He said he had not contacted the Russians. He lied. It doesn't matter if all they did was swap recipes for Borscht. The fact is there had been contact, and he said there had been no contact. That was a lie. It was a lie under Oath. It was perjury.

At his Jan. 10 Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Sessions was asked by Sen. Al Franken, a Minnesota Democrat, what he would do if he learned of any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of the 2016 campaign.

“I’m not aware of any of those activities,” he responded.

He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians.”

Your characterization is false. Your accusation fails.
Wrong. What was the question asked?

LMAO! Give it up, silly man. If you can't read the question, ask a nearby adult to read it to you.
I read the question just fine. You seem to be the one who thinks that "affiliate3d with the campaign" is synonymous with " "acting as a Trump surrogate". He was not asked "Did you have contact with Russians as a Trump Surrogate?", was he? Was that the question asked?

Now, you seem to be arguing that my position is correct. Since you have swung to my side, there's no reason to continue. Thanks for seeing the truth.
Th man was a sitting U.S. Senator who sat on the Armed Services Committee; I'm guessing he plenty of opportunity to speak to foreign officials. Not sure what the rules are, but I doubt that would be illegal. Now, with that said it's old Bill Clinton lying about a blowjob thing. You don't get to pick and choose what you tell the truth about.

Sessions is a smart man, a damn good attorney and former judge. Why would he lie? Makes no sense, to me at least.
I hope I'm wrong, but the Republicans in Congress all seem to be lining up behind Session's narrative that "he didn't ask what you heard him ask..."

The problem wasn't the question, but the answer. I don't even remember what they asked Bill Clinton, but when he answered 'I didn't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' he ended up in a peck of trouble.

What really got him into trouble was perjury, not sex.
I hope I'm wrong, but the Republicans in Congress all seem to be lining up behind Session's narrative that "he didn't ask what you heard him ask..."

The problem wasn't the question, but the answer. I don't even remember what they asked Bill Clinton, but when he answered 'I didn't have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky' he ended up in a peck of trouble.

What really got him into trouble was perjury, not sex.

Explain it to them.

They don't know what sex is.

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