Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

Sessions said "I did not have any communications with the Russians" a campaign member. Jesus you guys are thick.

Too bad Sessions didn't say "as a campaign member" in his answer. His answer was without qualifiers or restrictions.
Liar. He answered what he was asked.

"Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asked the prospective Attorney General about a news report alleging continuous contact between Trump surrogates and Russian officials, to which Sessions replied that he was unaware of such contact."
Liar. He answered what he was asked.

"Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) asked the prospective Attorney General about a news report alleging continuous contact between Trump surrogates and Russian officials, to which Sessions replied that he was unaware of such contact."

Back to what Sessions actually said, not what you think he said.

SESSIONS: "I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."

What Jeff Sessions said about Russia during confirmation hearings -
Sessions FULL answer:

Sessions - "Sen. Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities."
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I am unable to comment on it."
And now for some perspective:

Pelosi: Sessions’ lies to the Senate and to the American people make him unfit to serve..He must resign immediately

"Jeez Dems, ease up on the red-baiting." ~ Joe McCarthy's ghost

We didn't hear THIS much about the Russians during the height of the Cold War.
Ok retard, what did Flynn get fired for if "CNN" was lying about his lying?

The claim he got fired is a lie in and of itself.

What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm serious, what kind of mental dysfunction do you have to have to still try to say that Flynn simply decided to leave on his own volition?

He was asked by Trump to hand in resignation and he did, any SANE person understands that this is just a firing by another name. NOT YOU obviously.
Chuck The Clown Schumer must disclose all foreign contacts as US Senator. His appointment calendar must be made public. Disclose meetings with Weiner, too.
Just curious...

How far are the Obama/Snowflakes going to carry out this McCarthy-istic 'Witch Hunt'?

Those poor members of Trump administration just can't resist lying about their Russian connections. I mean come-on, who can?

Why can't those heartless liberhuls just LEAVE THEM ALONE!


You are the fucking snowflake.
learn what a snowflake is stupid

What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm serious, what kind of mental dysfunction do you have to have to still try to say that Flynn simply decided to leave on his own volition?

He was asked by Trump to hand in resignation and he did, any SANE person understands that this is just a firing by another name. NOT YOU obviously.

Flynn resigned.

Look, you are a Stalinist with literally not a shred or hint of integrity. Flynn did what any good political operative does, he fell on his sword for his boss.

To think he was fired is the reasoning of a mental retard.

WHICH makes sense in your case.

Flynn should have stood firm. If you terrorists have any sort of success, it only emboldens you. Trump knows full well that he is not dealing with honest or honorable people. You fascist democrats are gutter scum. NEVER give an inch to you.

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