Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

Read for content Comrade;

connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election,.

And when Bill Clinton said "I didn't have sex with that woman" he was only talking about that morning. So Bill never lied about anything.
Read for content Comrade;

connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election,.

And when Bill Clinton said "I didn't have sex with that woman" he was only talking about that morning. So Bill never lied about anything.

The question was about the election.

You fascists made up another fake scandal. Your lies simply won't float anymore. No one believes you. Hell, you don't even believe this idiocy. You repeat it because you're a jackbooted Soros fascist, but you don't believe it. No one is stupid enough to actually believe the idiocy you thugs promote.
This is just smooth and mirrors by the democrats to divert attention from Trump's overwhelmingly successful state of the union speech
This is just smooth and mirrors by the democrats to divert attention from Trump's overwhelmingly successful state of the union speech

Adolf Trump simply read a rosy speech. It was all bullshit for his gullible base.
NOPE focus is on Trump/Russia check the news ...
yeah, the FAKE NEWS FOCUS...but that focus is also exposing that Obama and his cronies have been behind this since before the election results.
And the answer Sessions gave, was that he never talked to the Russians during the election (2016). Which he did on at least two occasions.
As pointed out, the question was in relation to his status as a member of Trump's team. Neither 'communication' was such. One was in the execution of his job.

Keep reaching, snowflakes.
I have an issue with Sessions and his lying under oath. He is the AG, he should be forthright and honest. I had issues with Obama's AGs playing loose with the truth. We don't need the side shows.
I have an issue with Sessions and his lying under oath. He is the AG, he should be forthright and honest. I had issues with Obama's AGs playing loose with the truth. We don't need the side shows.
Sessions did not lie under oath. Not about this. This is FAKE NEWS.

If you are going to start 'firing' Congressmen and women for doing their jobs - meeting with foreign reps in the execution of their jobs, reporting it as 'scandal', half of DC politicians would be out of work.... (the other half don't DO their jobs).
In the capacity of the campaign. Huge difference.
All that I see here is they spoke twice. That could have been a hi in passing, or at a party, and that would qualify enough to the left. Yet would not be of significance enough to mention. We shall wait and see.
Since when is it unusual for a senator to speak to ambassadors?

Since when is it unusual for Senators to lie? Er... wait, since never.
Yeah, remember, Bill, and the AG having a conversation on a plane, and she had to recuse herself? It doesn't matter what they talked about. He said he never talked to the Russian ambassadors during the campaign. He did. He lied.

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Yeah, that's splitting hairs. That wasn't the question. That is Sessions trying ro create his "What is 'is'? " moment. How'd that work out for Bill?

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I have an issue with Sessions and his lying under oath. He is the AG, he should be forthright and honest. I had issues with Obama's AGs playing loose with the truth. We don't need the side shows.

I have an issue with your claim he lied when you don't provide proof that he was asked if HE had communicated with Russians and said no. The TRUTH is that he was asked if he had knowledge of the Trump Campaign had contacted the Russians.
Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice in 2016 with Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, but did not mention this during his confirmation hearing to become U.S. attorney general. Sessions was asked about possible contacts between President Trump's campaign and the Russian government. (Victoria Walker/The Washington Post)

Then-Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) spoke twice last year with Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Justice Department officials said, encounters he did not disclose when asked about possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow during Sessions’s confirmation hearing to become attorney general.

One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator’s office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race.

The previously undisclosed discussions could fuel new congressional calls for the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 presidential election. As attorney general, Sessions oversees the Justice Department and the FBI, which have been leading investigations into Russian meddling and any links to Trump’s associates. He has so far resisted calls to recuse himself.

When Sessions spoke with Kislyak in July and September, the senator was a senior member of the influential Armed Services Committee as well as one of Trump’s top foreign policy advisers. Sessions played a prominent role supporting Trump on the stump after formally joining the campaign in February 2016.

Much More: Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign, Justice Officials Say

Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking

Apparently Sessions lied, under oath, about having contact with Russia during Trump's campaign. Therefore, he must recuse himself from any Trump-Russia investigations - and he must be investigated. In hindsight - President Obama should have blown the whistle on all this while he was still in office.

This will die to, it must suck being you...

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