Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump’s Presidential Campaign

The fake news just never stops. It is like a turbid avalanche of bullshit which seeks the lowest spot to accumulate.

What's fake... Sessions lied under oath... Nothing fake about that...

You are just shouting 'Fake News' on every piece of information that troubles you...
C&P DIRECT testimony where Sessions "lied under oath".
You can't asshole!
Still hiding your hoodie with the photo of Trayvon screen printed on it when he was 12?
Still hiding your hoodie with Big Mike's (cough) 'graduation' photo on it?
Face it. You're a fucking loser.
You're going to lose another phony bullshit fight.
But then I suspect you enjoy getting knocked around.

Cossak ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Russian LOVER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The KGB, and Putin thugs love American Right Wingers ...

Except the only one who took money from putin surrogates was hilary clinton...she took 140 million dollars from putin controlled energy companies through the clinton foundation as Secretary of State......140 million dollars buys a lot of control over a possible future President.....

And how about all the democrat politicians with contacts with the Russian government during the election...they were all in positions to sabotage hilary...that needs to be looked into as well...

Deflect Not!
Ok, enough - time to expose, once again, the Liberal distortions and Fake News Media attempts to destroy the Trump administration, currently Sessions being the one under BS attack:

Sessions 'had communications' with 'the Russians'?!

1. 'Sessions met Sergey Kislyak once at a Heritage Foundation event in July 2016, where other ambassadors were also present.'

2. 'Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office in September, in his capacity on the Senate Armed Services Committee.'

It appears Obama and his WH Aides and hold-overs AND the FAKE NEWS Leftist 'propaganda arm of the DNC' continue trying to undermine the Trump administration with smoke, mirrors, and BULLSHIT!

"The hook on which the Post attempts to hang Sessions is that he did not disclose the meetings to the Senate when he was asked about “possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow.” Sessions’s spokesperson at the Department of Justice, Sarah Isgur Flores, says his answer in January was truthful because he was asked about “the Trump campaignnot about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.”

Sorry, snowflakes - FAIL. Try again...better yet, stop listening to Obama and his seditious traitors. The man has personally cost Dems over 1,000 political seats the last 8 years and 2 major elections; yet, you still follow him around like he s a 'king'.

Newsflash - 'the emperor has no clothes'!

Fake News: Media, Dems Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions

The best thing about the assault on Sessions is that Obama's been completely busted. Unfreaking real that any former President would attempt to unseat a lawfully elected successor.

But hey, we're dealing with a scumbucket from Chicago.
Ok, enough - time to expose, once again, the Liberal distortions and Fake News Media attempts to destroy the Trump administration, currently Sessions being the one under BS attack:

Sessions 'had communications' with 'the Russians'?!

1. 'Sessions met Sergey Kislyak once at a Heritage Foundation event in July 2016, where other ambassadors were also present.'

2. 'Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office in September, in his capacity on the Senate Armed Services Committee.'

It appears Obama and his WH Aides and hold-overs AND the FAKE NEWS Leftist 'propaganda arm of the DNC' continue trying to undermine the Trump administration with smoke, mirrors, and BULLSHIT!

"The hook on which the Post attempts to hang Sessions is that he did not disclose the meetings to the Senate when he was asked about “possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow.” Sessions’s spokesperson at the Department of Justice, Sarah Isgur Flores, says his answer in January was truthful because he was asked about “the Trump campaignnot about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.”

Sorry, snowflakes - FAIL. Try again...better yet, stop listening to Obama and his seditious traitors. The man has personally cost Dems over 1,000 political seats the last 8 years and 2 major elections; yet, you still follow him around like he s a 'king'.

Newsflash - 'the emperor has no clothes'!

Fake News: Media, Dems Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions

The best thing about the assault on Sessions is that Obama's been completely busted. Unfreaking real that any former President would attempt to unseat a lawfully elected successor.

But hey, we're dealing with a scumbucket from Chicago.

Stop spreading your fake news bullshit. You lie!

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking
Except the only one who took money from putin surrogates was hilary clinton...she took 140 million dollars from putin controlled energy companies through the clinton foundation as Secretary of State......140 million dollars buys a lot of control over a possible future President........

If Trump would release his taxes, we would see between $250 and $650 million in loans that Trump got from the Russians. As you said, $140 million buys a lot of control over a possible future president, imagine 2 to 4 times that much?

when the finger continues to point at RussianTrump, and his Russian Lovnig bitches try to make excuses for his sorry ass long enough Congress will subpoena his tax records and that will be that.
The best thing about the assault on Sessions is that Obama's been completely busted. Unfreaking real that any former President would attempt to unseat a lawfully elected successor.

But hey, we're dealing with a scumbucket from Chicago.

You seriously think Obama is busy doing more as ex-president, than he did as president.
Top GOP members are calling for Sessions to RECUSE himself.

Top Republicans said Thursday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions should recuse himself from federal investigations of whether Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

"House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said during an appearance on MSNBC Thursday morning that Sessions should bow out to maintain “the trust of the American people.”

Minutes later, House Oversight and Government Reform committee chairman Jason Chaffetz joined McCarthy’s call, tweeting that “AG Sessions should clarify his testimony and recuse himself.”

The calls from two of the House’s most prominent Republicans follow revelations that Sessions met with the Russian ambassador during election season. Under oath in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for his confirmation hearing in January, Sessions had said that he had not met with any Russian officials."

“Several of the president-elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties,” Leahy wrote, before asking Sessions point-blank: “Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?”

“No,” Sessions responded.

Jeff Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian ambassador during Trump campaign
That question was specifically about the election. He would not be lying if he met with the diplomat but did not talk about the election. That's different from saying he had no contact at all.
Not sure how this matters. As a senator and member of the armed services committee he met with a lot of foreign dignitaries and, more importantly, it was part of his job. When he was asked about meeting that he may have had with Russia in connection with the campaign there is noting that signifies (as far as I know) that these meetings had anything do do with the campaign and were not part of his core duties as a senator.

That said, I do think that congress should be investigating the issues with Russia. I just think that complaining about Sessions meting with Russians is blowing smoke.
So, as long as he's republican it's OK to lie to Congress?
Since I said nothing of the sort you might want to reign in that your partisan bullshit charges.

Either way, Sessions claims that he was referring to meeting with any Russian contacts as a part of the campaign and the question as asked can easily be construed to mean such.

Are you really going to complain about a SENATOR meeting a Russian ambassador? This has become nonsensical.
"Farce" is a good word to describe this. It's clearly faux partisan outrage and easily anticipated from the moment Trump won the election. Anyone he even looks at approvingly can expect to get this kind of treatment.
Ok, enough - time to expose, once again, the Liberal distortions and Fake News Media attempts to destroy the Trump administration, currently Sessions being the one under BS attack:

Sessions 'had communications' with 'the Russians'?!

1. 'Sessions met Sergey Kislyak once at a Heritage Foundation event in July 2016, where other ambassadors were also present.'

2. 'Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office in September, in his capacity on the Senate Armed Services Committee.'

It appears Obama and his WH Aides and hold-overs AND the FAKE NEWS Leftist 'propaganda arm of the DNC' continue trying to undermine the Trump administration with smoke, mirrors, and BULLSHIT!

"The hook on which the Post attempts to hang Sessions is that he did not disclose the meetings to the Senate when he was asked about “possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow.” Sessions’s spokesperson at the Department of Justice, Sarah Isgur Flores, says his answer in January was truthful because he was asked about “the Trump campaignnot about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.”

Sorry, snowflakes - FAIL. Try again...better yet, stop listening to Obama and his seditious traitors. The man has personally cost Dems over 1,000 political seats the last 8 years and 2 major elections; yet, you still follow him around like he s a 'king'.

Newsflash - 'the emperor has no clothes'!

Fake News: Media, Dems Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions

The best thing about the assault on Sessions is that Obama's been completely busted. Unfreaking real that any former President would attempt to unseat a lawfully elected successor.

But hey, we're dealing with a scumbucket from Chicago.

Stop spreading your fake news bullshit. You lie!

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking


Oh Obama and his henchmen and henchwomen are seriously busted. In their zeal to attack Sessions the New York Times inadvertantly spilled the beans on how Obama was working to impede Trump's transition and trying to torpedo the incoming administration.
The best thing about the assault on Sessions is that Obama's been completely busted. Unfreaking real that any former President would attempt to unseat a lawfully elected successor.

But hey, we're dealing with a scumbucket from Chicago.

You seriously think Obama is busy doing more as ex-president, than he did as president.

he really is ... last night he turned over all the Trump/Russian intel that was gathered before the election ...


Russian Lover ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That Trump speech really knocked you Soros Fascists off your perch. Your Obergrupenfuhrer is DESPERATE to change the focus.

Hey, how about another fake scandal? You fascists LOVE those. Something stupid, like usual. I know, a Senator talked to the Russians, all you Brown Shirts can be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.
Ok, enough - time to expose, once again, the Liberal distortions and Fake News Media attempts to destroy the Trump administration, currently Sessions being the one under BS attack:

Sessions 'had communications' with 'the Russians'?!

1. 'Sessions met Sergey Kislyak once at a Heritage Foundation event in July 2016, where other ambassadors were also present.'

2. 'Sessions met with Kislyak in his Senate office in September, in his capacity on the Senate Armed Services Committee.'

It appears Obama and his WH Aides and hold-overs AND the FAKE NEWS Leftist 'propaganda arm of the DNC' continue trying to undermine the Trump administration with smoke, mirrors, and BULLSHIT!

"The hook on which the Post attempts to hang Sessions is that he did not disclose the meetings to the Senate when he was asked about “possible contacts between members of President Trump’s campaign and representatives of Moscow.” Sessions’s spokesperson at the Department of Justice, Sarah Isgur Flores, says his answer in January was truthful because he was asked about “the Trump campaignnot about meetings he took as a senator and a member of the Armed Services Committee.”

Sorry, snowflakes - FAIL. Try again...better yet, stop listening to Obama and his seditious traitors. The man has personally cost Dems over 1,000 political seats the last 8 years and 2 major elections; yet, you still follow him around like he s a 'king'.

Newsflash - 'the emperor has no clothes'!

Fake News: Media, Dems Distort Remarks to Target Jeff Sessions

The best thing about the assault on Sessions is that Obama's been completely busted. Unfreaking real that any former President would attempt to unseat a lawfully elected successor.

But hey, we're dealing with a scumbucket from Chicago.

Stop spreading your fake news bullshit. You lie!

Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking


Oh Obama and his henchmen and henchwomen are seriously busted. In their zeal to attack Sessions the New York Times inadvertantly spilled the beans on how Obama was working to impede Trump's transition and trying to torpedo the incoming administration.

NOPE focus is on Trump/Russia check the news ... keep trying though

he really is ... last night he turned over all the Trump/Russian intel that was gathered before the election ...


So, you're saying that Obama is conspiring to stage a coup?

I wouldn't be surprised.

This Sessions thing is the dumbest fake crises that you fascists have fabricated yet, you need to do SOMETHING...

7? Have you come to grips with the fact that the next democrat president hasn't been born yet?
That question was specifically about the election. He would not be lying if he met with the diplomat but did not talk about the election. That's different from saying he had no contact at all.

But the answer was a broad statement. Under any scenario, it becomes a lie.

Franken: "Senator, what time is it?"

Sessions: "I did not have any contact with the Russians"

Franken: "That's not what I asked, but you do realize you're under oath"

Russian Lover ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That Trump speech really knocked you Soros Fascists off your perch. Your Obergrupenfuhrer is DESPERATE to change the focus.

Hey, how about another fake scandal? You fascists LOVE those. Something stupid, like usual. I know, a Senator talked to the Russians, all you Brown Shirts can be OUTRAGED, OUTRAGED I TELLS YA.

his speech has nothing to do with his Russian connections, you Russian loving bitch ...
Just an FYI, Sessions met with Russia's current arch enemy the day before.

A Ukrainian emmissary.
That question was specifically about the election. He would not be lying if he met with the diplomat but did not talk about the election. That's different from saying he had no contact at all.

But the answer was a broad statement. Under any scenario, it becomes a lie.

Franken: "Senator, what time is it?"

Sessions: "I did not have any contact with the Russians"

Franken: "That's not what I asked, but you do realize you're under oath"
That's kind of odd. He was asked a yes/no questions and he answered "no". How is that overly broad? If Leaky didn't ask the right question, that's on him.
The fake news just never stops. It is like a turbid avalanche of bullshit which seeks the lowest spot to accumulate.

What's fake... Sessions lied under oath... Nothing fake about that...

You are just shouting 'Fake News' on every piece of information that troubles you...
C&P DIRECT testimony where Sessions "lied under oath".
You can't asshole!
Still hiding your hoodie with the photo of Trayvon screen printed on it when he was 12?
Still hiding your hoodie with Big Mike's (cough) 'graduation' photo on it?
Face it. You're a fucking loser.
You're going to lose another phony bullshit fight.
But then I suspect you enjoy getting knocked around.

Cossak ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Russian LOVER ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The KGB, and Putin thugs love American Right Wingers ...

Except the only one who took money from putin surrogates was hilary clinton...she took 140 million dollars from putin controlled energy companies through the clinton foundation as Secretary of State......140 million dollars buys a lot of control over a possible future President.....

And how about all the democrat politicians with contacts with the Russian government during the election...they were all in positions to sabotage hilary...that needs to be looked into as well...

Deflect Not!

The truth, facts and reality are not deflections........

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