Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

LOL Joe. You make this way too easy. You simply moved the goalposts again. We aren't talking about sexism or homophobia. Nice deflection. You simply cannot prove that Republicans are inherently racist. When you can't do that, you pin it on Conservatives, which in your mind are all Republicans, regardless if they are Democrats. It's pathetic having to play this petty little game all the time, Joe. We aren't racist, and you don't care for equality of any sort.

"Barry Goldwater lost the election because he was a crazy person."

Is this some sort of a joke? Just how childish can you be? You might as well call him a "butt head" and be done with it.

There is nothing about the Republican Party that is inherently racist

But for some reason, racists seem to flock there


LOL Joe. You make this way too easy. You simply moved the goalposts again. We aren't talking about sexism or homophobia. Nice deflection.

No, guy it is all the same thing.

If the GOP was straight foward and honest about what it was about- to make life as good for the rich as humanly possible while pissing on the rest of us, people would get wise and stop voting for them.

Intead, it's.

"Hey, that N****r is getting a welfare check!"

"Hey, that slut is having an abortion".

"Hey, them Queers are having butt-sex".

And then stupid fucks like you who can't get a job or health care because, hey, they can't make money off of you, keep voting for these guys beause of your own racial, sexual or religious insecurities.

Republicans: Getting stupid people to vote against their own economic interests since 1964.

If you really cared about blacks or gays, you wouldn't be saying things like

"Hey, that black dude isn't voting for Democrats, he's racist"

"Hey, that woman isn't pro-choice! She's misogynist!"

"Hey, lets run that Christian out of business for not supporting them queers!"

No. Have a seat.

What were conservatives saying?

Goldwater gave rise to the modern conservative movement, reinforced strongly by the one who is considered the father of that movement, William F. Buckley - and his organ which is still strong today: The National Review.

Roundaboutish that time, what was the National Review saying about the Civil Rights of blacks?

For a clue, read Buckley's "Why the South Must Prevail."

For a clue, read the platform. When without argument, stereotype. Pa-freaking-thetic.

Guess who came up with the Jim Crow laws? Democrats. Are you familiar with the "Solid South"? They coined the phrase in 1832 and instituted the Black Codes of the time. Why is it Democrats killed the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Seriously you aren't that uninformed?

In the words of Democratic Congressman Jessie Jackson Jr, of Illinois:

“There is no doubt that the Democratic Party is the party of the Confederacy, historically, that the Democratic Party’s flag is the Confederate flag. It was our party’s flag. That Jefferson Davis was a Democrat, that Stonewall Jackson strongly identified with the Democratic Party, that secessionists in the South saw themselves as Democrats and were Democrats. That so much of the Democratic Party’s history, since it is our nation’s oldest political party, has its roots in slavery.”
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If you really cared about blacks or gays, you wouldn't be saying things like

"Hey, that black dude isn't voting for Democrats, he's racist"

Naw, he's just a sell-out. That's infinitely worse.

"Hey, that woman isn't pro-choice! She's misogynist!"

Again, if she doesn't like abortions, she doesn't have to have one. This isn't China where the oooh, sooo against Abortion Hobby Lobby gets 93% of their goods from despite having coerced abortion.

That's what Pro-Choice means, guy. It's your choice. Not someone else's choice.

"Hey, lets run that Christian out of business for not supporting them queers!"

No. Have a seat.

If he doesn't want to serve customers, he shouldn't be in business. I'm a businessman, I understand that.

I've sold resumes to Christians, to people who think Michael Savage is too liberal, and a lot of other folks I wouldn't give the time to day to. I also did a resume for a lady who was so butch I thought she was a dude when I talked to her on the phone. (Thankfully, I avoided gender specific pronouns).

Because i'm not in business to judge them. And frankly, if you are so full of anger about something that doesn't really affect you that you turn down perfectly good business, maybe you shouldn't be in business.
Naw, he's just a sell-out. That's infinitely worse.

No, you're racist. And that makes you a hypocrite.

Again, if she doesn't like abortions, she doesn't have to have one. This isn't China where the oooh, sooo against Abortion Hobby Lobby gets 93% of their goods from despite having coerced abortion.

That's what Pro-Choice means, guy. It's your choice. Not someone else's choice.

That's a lie. If it were really a choice, you wouldn't sit here before me supporting abortion, or bashing Hobby Lobby. Remember, unless they agree with you they don't have a choice. Right, so goes your monopoly on opinion.

If he doesn't want to serve customers, he shouldn't be in business. I'm a businessman, I understand that.

No, that would make you a bigot. If a gay man discriminated against a Christian, where would you be? Hmm?
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Despite heavy opposition against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 by Democrats, including John F. Kennedy, Johnson was convinced that if his party could steal the 'thunder' from the Republican lead Civil Rights efforts, support among black voters would shift .

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again." --Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1957

The Democrat Plantation: Top Racist Quotes by Notable Left Wingers

Civil Rights Act of 1957
Eisenhower {Republican} Administration legislation to protect the rights of African American voters. As a Senate leader, Lyndon Johnson who had consistently voted against any legislation to protect African Americans from lynching, worked vigorously to stifle the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Lacking sufficient votes to defeat it, he did manage to water it down and render it virtually useless before it was returned to Eisenhower.

Another Democrat, Strom Thurmond picked up the torch from Johnson and performed the longest filibuster in history in an unsuccessful attempt to keep the bill from passing at all. Lyndon Johnson, dubbed by some as the master of the Senate conspired with the Kennedy liberals to credit Johnson for having seen to the laws passage while simultaneously boasting to southern Democrats that he had rendered the legislation impotent.

Democratic Strategists, of whom Johnson was one, realized the importance of the Negro vote and in this light Johnson explained the strategy re: the Republican Civil Rights Act of 1957 to his Democratic co-conspirators:

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again "

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.


What were conservatives saying?

Goldwater gave rise to the modern conservative movement, reinforced strongly by the one who is considered the father of that movement, William F. Buckley - and his organ which is still strong today: The National Review.

Roundaboutish that time, what was the National Review saying about the Civil Rights of blacks?

For a clue, read Buckley's "Why the South Must Prevail."

For a clue, read the platform. When without argument, stereotype. Pa-freaking-thetic.

<mindless drivel snipped>
I didn't think you'd be able to address this.

Because once you acknowledge the conservative movement impact, and sentiments expressed widely by conservatives at the time, including the Father of the movement, still acclaimed today -- who held the banner up of White Supremacy,

your party house of cards fall down

go boom boom.
Naw, he's just a sell-out. That's infinitely worse.

No, that's racist. And that makes you a hypocrite.

No, the hypocrisy is that these sell-outs- Clarance Thomas, Herman Cane, batshit crazy Allen West- only have the oppurtunties they have because someone fought for their right to equal oppurtunity and even in some cases got a boost due to affirmative action. And they'd happily pull up the ladder behind them.

Again, if she doesn't like abortions, she doesn't have to have one. This isn't China where the oooh, sooo against Abortion Hobby Lobby gets 93% of their goods from despite having coerced abortion.

That's what Pro-Choice means, guy. It's your choice. Not someone else's choice.

That's a lie. If it were really a choice, you wouldn't sit here before me supporting abortion, or bashing Hobby Lobby. Remember, unless they agree with you they don't have a choice. Right, so goes your monopoly on opinion.

I support the right to have an abortion. Whether one has one is on you. It is a choice. That's the point. It's just not YOUR choice what another woman does with her body. Not that there's ever any danger of you getting laid.

If he doesn't want to serve customers, he shouldn't be in business. I'm a businessman, I understand that.

No, that would make you a bigot. If a gay man discriminated against a Christian, where would you be? Hmm?

I'd be of the same opinion. You can't run a business and discriminate. The thing is, the laws ALREADY protect the Christian.
Naw, he's just a sell-out. That's infinitely worse.

No, that's racist. And that makes you a hypocrite.

No, the hypocrisy is that these sell-outs- Clarance Thomas, Herman Cane, batshit crazy Allen West- only have the oppurtunties they have because someone fought for their right to equal oppurtunity and even in some cases got a boost due to affirmative action. And they'd happily pull up the ladder behind them.

I support the right to have an abortion. Whether one has one is on you. It is a choice. That's the point. It's just not YOUR choice what another woman does with her body. Not that there's ever any danger of you getting laid.

If he doesn't want to serve customers, he shouldn't be in business. I'm a businessman, I understand that.

No, that would make you a bigot. If a gay man discriminated against a Christian, where would you be? Hmm?

I'd be of the same opinion. You can't run a business and discriminate. The thing is, the laws ALREADY protect the Christian.

My brother is friends with Allen West I could arrange for you to tell him that directly

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
No, that's racist. And that makes you a hypocrite.

No, the hypocrisy is that these sell-outs- Clarance Thomas, Herman Cane, batshit crazy Allen West- only have the oppurtunties they have because someone fought for their right to equal oppurtunity and even in some cases got a boost due to affirmative action. And they'd happily pull up the ladder behind them.

I support the right to have an abortion. Whether one has one is on you. It is a choice. That's the point. It's just not YOUR choice what another woman does with her body. Not that there's ever any danger of you getting laid.

No, that would make you a bigot. If a gay man discriminated against a Christian, where would you be? Hmm?

I'd be of the same opinion. You can't run a business and discriminate. The thing is, the laws ALREADY protect the Christian.

My brother is friends with Allen West I could arrange for you to tell him that directly

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

I would

Which wing of the psycho ward is he in?
Try as you might, try as you may, the history of the vote always shows that it was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans who defeated the Southern Democrat and Southern Republicans. Support for the Civil Rights split along the traditional Confederates/Yankees lines.

What party was the president at the time. Who held the majority in Congress?

Funny how, it's not Democrat vs. Republican but North vs. South. You'll do anything to paint people down here as racists, even the Democrats down here. Stop moving the goalposts. Stop avoiding the fact that the Democratic Party tried to kill a civil rights equality bill by filibustering it for 57 days.

And to your question, LBJ was in power, and Democrats held the majority in both houses. But who was it that filibustered the Civil Rights act? A Democrat. Who was it that broke that filibuster? A Republican. Without Everett Dirksen, the bill would have never become law.

I suggest you learn your history instead of trying to revise it.

The original House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)

The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

People down here are racist. However that doesn't mean there are no racist in the northern states, far from it.
I have no proof, but it's fairly obvious that LBJ had Martin Luther King and Malcolm X assassinated because both were enemies of the version of black Society and culture LBJ and the Dems needed to implement to control blacks.

"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
I have no proof, but it's fairly obvious that LBJ had Martin Luther King and Malcolm X assassinated because both were enemies of the version of black Society and culture LBJ and the Dems needed to implement to control blacks.

"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X

You forgot to add that he had JFK assasinated and faked the moon landings
I have no proof, but it's fairly obvious that LBJ had Martin Luther King and Malcolm X assassinated because both were enemies of the version of black Society and culture LBJ and the Dems needed to implement to control blacks.

"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X

You forgot to add that he had JFK assasinated and faked the moon landings

LBJ was in the list of conspirators in JFK Assassination and the Moon landings were very real
No, that's racist. And that makes you a hypocrite.

No, the hypocrisy is that these sell-outs- Clarance Thomas, Herman Cane, batshit crazy Allen West- only have the oppurtunties they have because someone fought for their right to equal oppurtunity and even in some cases got a boost due to affirmative action. And they'd happily pull up the ladder behind them.

What's the Matter they aren't Black enough for you ?

How about Malcolm X - was he Black Enough for your sorry brainwashed ass

...Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can not keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and youre dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you are not only a chump, but you are a traitor to your race.... Malcolm X
No, the hypocrisy is that these sell-outs- Clarance Thomas, Herman Cane, batshit crazy Allen West- only have the oppurtunties they have because someone fought for their right to equal oppurtunity and even in some cases got a boost due to affirmative action. And they'd happily pull up the ladder behind them.

What's the Matter they aren't Black enough for you ?

How about Malcolm X - was he Black Enough for your sorry brainwashed ass

...Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that Party can not keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and youre dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that Party, you are not only a chump, but you are a traitor to your race.... Malcolm X

"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
You seem to be deliberately quoting Malcolm X out of context to try to prove some ridiculous Teabagger notion that Democrats are racists because Malcolm X said so. You still seem to be missing the fact that it was SOUTHERN Democrats who were the slavers, KKK and white supremacy choads. When Malcolm X said "down there" he meant Virginia and the Southern racist Confederate states.

Southern racist Democrats became Southern racist Republicans in the late 1960s. The key word there is "SOUTHERN" meaning "Confederate racist slaveowners and their offspring."

If Democrats are so racist against black people then why did Obama get reelected? Undocumented widespread voter fraud?
“The praise of LBJ as a civil rights pioneer is nonsense. First of all, LBJ had earlier voted against civil rights, like banning lynching. He voted against eliminating poll taxes. And [he voted for] denying federal funding to segregated schools. He voted against all the measures that later made up a big part of the legislation that he finally signed,” Pat explained.

Yet all Johnson's rhetoric could not entirely disarm the suspicions of civil rights advocates. If he had felt so strongly about the issue, why had it taken him so long to act on it? Why was he going to make an all-out fight for the civil rights bill now? Roy Wilkins asked him at their December meeting. Johnson thought a minute, wrinkled his brow and said: "You will recognize the words I'm about to repeat. Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, I'm free at last." Borrowing from Martin Luther King's speech to the civil rights advocates who had marched on Washington in the summer of 1963, Johnson was describing himself as liberated from his southern political bonds or as a man who could now fully put the national interest and moral concerns above political restraints imposed on a Texas senator.

Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President

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