Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

Here's one of those white, racist liberals Rottweiler has been talking about.

I am not a liberal. The Republican Party is the other wing of a the liberal behemoth. The Democrat and Republican Parties are two sides of the same coin that don't represent thhe interests of normal white people.

So you're a conservative racist. How unique!

So called Conservatives, the GOP, are faggots and losers these days, I want nothing to do with them.
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Here's one of those white, racist liberals Rottweiler has been talking about.

I am not a liberal. The Republican Party is the other wing of a the liberal behemoth. The Democrat and Republican Parties are two sides of the same coin that don't represent thhe interests of normal white people.

But you are so stupid that you got it completely backwards. It's the racist liberals who kiss the ass of the minority community they hate just to get the votes they need. They consider all minorities (not just blacks) "useful idiots" for their cause.

My dear USMB-friend Jillian is a perfect example of this. Despite the fact that her party hates her for her religion, she still hands over power to them. But if the Dumbocrats ever achieve what they actually desire, poor Jillian would find her ass in an internment camp faster than you can say holocaust.

Like all communists, the Dumbocrats (not all of course, but the large majority of the party) believes the ends justifies the means. So they align themselves with people they despise until such time as they achieve what they wanted. The absolute disgust and contempt that Kennedy and his VP Johnson held for each other is legendary. The same with Obama, Biden, and Hillary.

So what, you love blacks?

Both parties kiss their ass(you just said it by saying democratstruly hate them, but you truly love them), you just hate that democrats kiss their ass better.

At this point there is no changing it, unless maybe you start offering them more free shit, maybe you can get a couple more percentage points of the black vote.

How about instead of trying to kiss their ass and trying to civilize them into white people, you leave them alone and pass laws to keep them away from our white communities.
I am not a liberal. The Republican Party is the other wing of a the liberal behemoth. The Democrat and Republican Parties are two sides of the same coin that don't represent thhe interests of normal white people.

But you are so stupid that you got it completely backwards. It's the racist liberals who kiss the ass of the minority community they hate just to get the votes they need. They consider all minorities (not just blacks) "useful idiots" for their cause.

My dear USMB-friend Jillian is a perfect example of this. Despite the fact that her party hates her for her religion, she still hands over power to them. But if the Dumbocrats ever achieve what they actually desire, poor Jillian would find her ass in an internment camp faster than you can say holocaust.

Like all communists, the Dumbocrats (not all of course, but the large majority of the party) believes the ends justifies the means. So they align themselves with people they despise until such time as they achieve what they wanted. The absolute disgust and contempt that Kennedy and his VP Johnson held for each other is legendary. The same with Obama, Biden, and Hillary.

So what, you love blacks?

Both parties kiss their ass(you just said it by saying democratstruly hate them, but you truly love them), you just hate that democrats kiss their ass better.

At this point there is no changing it, unless maybe you start offering them more free shit, maybe you can get a couple more percentage points of the black vote.

How about instead of trying to kiss their ass and trying to civilize them into white people, you leave them alone and pass laws to keep them away from our white communities.

What "free shit" are you talking about?
But you are so stupid that you got it completely backwards. It's the racist liberals who kiss the ass of the minority community they hate just to get the votes they need. They consider all minorities (not just blacks) "useful idiots" for their cause.

My dear USMB-friend Jillian is a perfect example of this. Despite the fact that her party hates her for her religion, she still hands over power to them. But if the Dumbocrats ever achieve what they actually desire, poor Jillian would find her ass in an internment camp faster than you can say holocaust.

Like all communists, the Dumbocrats (not all of course, but the large majority of the party) believes the ends justifies the means. So they align themselves with people they despise until such time as they achieve what they wanted. The absolute disgust and contempt that Kennedy and his VP Johnson held for each other is legendary. The same with Obama, Biden, and Hillary.

So what, you love blacks?

Both parties kiss their ass(you just said it by saying democratstruly hate them, but you truly love them), you just hate that democrats kiss their ass better.

At this point there is no changing it, unless maybe you start offering them more free shit, maybe you can get a couple more percentage points of the black vote.

How about instead of trying to kiss their ass and trying to civilize them into white people, you leave them alone and pass laws to keep them away from our white communities.

What "free shit" are you talking about?

Not blacks but parasites across America are collecting "free shit". Welfare checks. Food Stamps. Housing. Transportation. Obamcare. Hell, the Dumbocrats are even passing out fucking cell phones now. Cell phones!!! Fucking cell phones... just to bribe people into giving up their freedom and voting Dumbocrats into power.

Not blacks but parasites across America are collecting "free shit". Welfare checks. Food Stamps. Housing. Transportation. Obamcare. Hell, the Dumbocrats are even passing out fucking cell phones now. Cell phones!!! Fucking cell phones... just to bribe people into giving up their freedom and voting Dumbocrats into power.

Uh, guy, the Phone program began under Reagan.... (Although back then it was land lines.)

And frankly, I think the real parasites are your buddies on Wall Street who collect more in "investments" than the people who did the actual work.

As pointed out to you many times, 40% of households receiving food stamps have at least one person in that family who has a job. Just not a job that pays enough to put food on the table. THe same can be said of housing and ObamaCare.

Now, if you want to go with your typical "I've got MIne, FUck you" mentality that that's what they are "worth", then you have to realize they can re-evaluate what they are worth at the ballot box. And then vote to redistrubute the wealth.

Here's a hint. 8 years ago, I'd have never voted for someone as far left as Obama on Economics.

Then my last boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas... errrr... Capitalism.
A greater percentage of Republicans, in both the House and Senate, voted for the Civil Rights Act, than the percentage of Democrats.

House Democrats: 152–96 (61%-39%)
House Republicans: 138–34 (80%–20%)

Senate Democrats: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Senate Republicans: 27-6 (82%-18%)

Even though Democrats were in the majority in both houses, they would not have been able to pass it at all, unless such large majorities of Republicans also voted to pass. Fortunately the Republicans came through and saved the bill from the defeat Democrats alone would have given it.

Democrats have always supported racism. From their founding of the KKK, to their current majority membership in it, to the majority support of racist legislation in Congress even today.

If I were a Democrat, I'd try to fake as many excuses for not associating racism with Democrats as I could, just as the leftists in this thread do. The truth is just too painful for Democrats... as usual.
A greater percentage of Republicans, in both the House and Senate, voted for the Civil Rights Act, than the percentage of Democrats.

House Democrats: 152–96 (61%-39%)
House Republicans: 138–34 (80%–20%)

Senate Democrats: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Senate Republicans: 27-6 (82%-18%)

Even though Democrats were in the majority in both houses, they would not have been able to pass it at all, unless such large majorities of Republicans also voted to pass. Fortunately the Republicans came through and saved the bill from the defeat Democrats alone would have given it.

Democrats have always supported racism. From their founding of the KKK, to their current majority membership in it, to the majority support of racist legislation in Congress even today.

If I were a Democrat, I'd try to fake as many excuses for not associating racism with Democrats as I could, just as the leftists in this thread do. The truth is just too painful for Democrats... as usual.

One more time.

Its not what happened in 1964, it's what happened since.

The Democrats amputated their Southern Racists like a gangerous limb.

The Republicans were happy to pick up that rotten meat and wear it proudly.

So you had Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's Welfare Queen, Bush's Willie Horton ad, Jesse Helms "White Hands" ad, and so on.
So what, you love blacks?

Both parties kiss their ass(you just said it by saying democratstruly hate them, but you truly love them), you just hate that democrats kiss their ass better.

At this point there is no changing it, unless maybe you start offering them more free shit, maybe you can get a couple more percentage points of the black vote.

How about instead of trying to kiss their ass and trying to civilize them into white people, you leave them alone and pass laws to keep them away from our white communities.

What "free shit" are you talking about?

Not blacks but parasites across America are collecting "free shit". Welfare checks. Food Stamps. Housing. Transportation. Obamcare. Hell, the Dumbocrats are even passing out fucking cell phones now. Cell phones!!! Fucking cell phones... just to bribe people into giving up their freedom and voting Dumbocrats into power.[/

Let's start first with the "free cell phone" myth. It is actually a non government organization called "Lifeline" that provides low cost telecommunication options to low income people.

Fact check: Right-wing blogs push debunked ?Obama phones? attack ? Barack Obama
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It's important to note that the Republicans unanimously supported all Civil Rights legislation at the public level (public transportation, government buildings, etc.). The few that opposed the final Civil Rights legislation did so because they were opposed to the private sector being told what to do by government.

And very few they were.
A greater percentage of Republicans, in both the House and Senate, voted for the Civil Rights Act, than the percentage of Democrats.

House Democrats: 152–96 (61%-39%)
House Republicans: 138–34 (80%–20%)

Senate Democrats: 46-21 (69%-31%)
Senate Republicans: 27-6 (82%-18%)

Even though Democrats were in the majority in both houses, they would not have been able to pass it at all, unless such large majorities of Republicans also voted to pass. Fortunately the Republicans came through and saved the bill from the defeat Democrats alone would have given it.

Democrats have always supported racism. From their founding of the KKK, to their current majority membership in it, to the majority support of racist legislation in Congress even today.

If I were a Democrat, I'd try to fake as many excuses for not associating racism with Democrats as I could, just as the leftists in this thread do. The truth is just too painful for Democrats... as usual.

If you isolate the southern Democrats and Republicans from the northerners from both parties, it is obvious the voting on the Civil Rights Act was sharply divided by geographical region, with Republicans NOT logging as many "in favor" votes.

By percentage OR by head count.

House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 * (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 * (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 * (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 * (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 * (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 * (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 * (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 * (84–16%)
Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia
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Do I think the Republican's are the same party? No. They are just JFK-era liberals.

But the Tea Party on the other hand, where real conservatives are, yes they are still the same party as that of Lincoln. We still believe that slavery is wrong (while a Dumbocrats still demand it in the form of Medicaid, Welfare, SNAP, Obamacare, etc.). We still believe that the Constitution is to be adhered to. We stand for all of the things are founders did - freedom from oppression, the right to bear arms, etc.
You obviously have the freedom from education, as well.

You claim that the Tea Party is the party of Lincoln who opposes slavery, and supports everything that "ARE" founders did, like freedom, gun rights, etc.

Of course, "etc." means everything except SLAVERY, right?

Uh, genius, your the party who believes in slavery. You cry every day on USMB like a little baby bitch that Americans should have to labor all day and have the fruits of that labor turned over to you (welfare checks, food stamps, "free" healthcare).

How do I know this? Well, your bizarre tantrum for one. You've been incapable of disputing one thing I've said (because it has all been factual) and so despite stating "freedom of oppression" you come back with the irrational and bizarre response that "etc means everything except slavery".

So while I clearly stated "freedom from oppression" and you demand that the American workers is forced into slavery on your behalf, you turn it around and try to make the case that I'm the one for slavery because I said "etc." :lol:

Yeah, that's some modern day libtard-logic for you. "Etc." is now code word for "I'm for slavery" :eusa_doh:

Meanwhile bozo here demands that people are forced to labor for his benefit.
Please answer this honestly: what is your IQ? Do you even know?

I never said anything that you just said. I can't respond to something that is entirely fucking retarded.

You said that you oppose slavery like Lincoln, and that you support everything that the Founders stood for. The Founders stood for slavery, so which is it? Do you support slavery like the Founders, or do you oppose slavery like Lincoln? If you oppose slavery, as you seem to imply that food stamps and welfare are a form of slavery, then what are your alternatives to the problem? "Get a job"? Many poor people on food stamps have jobs, so what then? "Get another job"? How many minimum wage jobs does one person have to get just to break even before Conservatives realize that minimum wage isn't enough? What is the solution then? "Go to college"? Student loan debt outweighs credit card debt, so that means that people are going to college and it still isn't enough to get ahead. So what then?

Come up with a real argument or just shut the fuck up.
As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of “discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.” The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

If you look at the results of that vote the VAST majority of votes against the bill came from the classic confederate states. Which are currently solidly republican. I'd blame the people instead of the parties in those states.

The Dixiecrats who were mad about the CRA left the Democratic Party, and became members of the GOP. Southern white conservatives, who are still seething about the CRA, are Republicans now. If the CRA were up for a vote today, the GOP would overwhelmingly oppose it. the Voting Rights Act, they'd support it on the floor...they'd just get the SCOTUS to strike it down for them.
All we know for certain is that Democrat Senate Majority Leader LBJ did all he could to suppress Ike's Civil Rights Bill, which LBJ (Democrat) called "the ****** Bill"

When he became President LBJ Passed Ike's Bill as his own and promised hie fellow Democrats "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

Bobby Byrd Democrat was KKK Grand Kleagle.

For the Democrat fiction of Civil Right to be accurate, you'd have to believe that Byrd and LBJ were Republicans.

Speaking about Thurgood Marshall, LBJ (Democrat) Said "Son, when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a ******"

That must have been after Democrat LBJ switched parties and became a Republican too, right?
Don't get mad at the Progressives when arguing this either; they can't help lying, it's part of their programming.

Just keep bringing up the truth about LBJ and Civil Rights

It's frustrating, I know. But that's how their Collective works. They've been fed the "LBJ and other Southern Democrats Were Republicans" Lie and they don't have the tool to combat it, all they do it parrot it back like they were trained to do.

It's a pattern.

FDR first 2 terms averaged 20% Unemployment but, he's great

In between the USSR trying to start WWIII with the Berlin Blockade and the ChiComs killing our soldiers in Korea, McCarthy underestimated the extent to which Democrat White house was doing Stalin's bidding and we get "McCarthy's HUAC Blacklisted Innocent people like Zero Mostel and started a Red Scare!"

LBJ and Booby Byrd must have been Republicans
Again, Fwank, it's not what happened before 1964 that was the problem.

It's what the GOP did AFTER 1964. When the Klan found it was no longer welcome in the Democratic Tent, they went over to the REpublican tent where they were told, "Just don't wear the sheets,t hey look silly."

It's people like you going on about "Them Blacks on Welfare" when most welfare recipiants are white.
Again, Fwank, it's not what happened before 1964 that was the problem.

It's what the GOP did AFTER 1964. When the Klan found it was no longer welcome in the Democratic Tent, they went over to the REpublican tent where they were told, "Just don't wear the sheets,t hey look silly."

It's people like you going on about "Them Blacks on Welfare" when most welfare recipiants are white.
Frank has been repeating his logical fallacies for years now.

He's hung up on LBJ, but I really think he just likes typing n!gger over and over again.
Again, Fwank, it's not what happened before 1964 that was the problem.

It's what the GOP did AFTER 1964. When the Klan found it was no longer welcome in the Democratic Tent, they went over to the REpublican tent where they were told, "Just don't wear the sheets,t hey look silly."

It's people like you going on about "Them Blacks on Welfare" when most welfare recipiants are white.
Frank has been repeating his logical fallacies for years now.

He's hung up on LBJ, but I really think he just likes typing n!gger over and over again.

Makes you wonder how often he says it IRL.
Try as you might, try as you may, the history of the vote always shows that it was a coalition of Northern Democrats and Northern Republicans who defeated the Southern Democrat and Southern Republicans. Support for the Civil Rights split along the traditional Confederates/Yankees lines.

What party was the president at the time. Who held the majority in Congress?

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