Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

Someone should chisel into LBJ's library "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" right over the entrance.
Any way you slice it, it was conservatives who opposed civil rights

They still do

except it was a democratic party who fought a war to keep them as slaves while republicans fought for their freedom. republicans voted for their civil rights while many democrats opposed them. we know how liberals slice things. always cutting into someone elses piece and offering nothing in return.
Republicans are still for EQUAL rights and always were, always will be.

The problem with Democrats promising minorities Royal alternatives, is those are not equal and ultimately teach inequality.

Republicans remain the same. Democrats get things contorted and try to control the fib-rillator machine with meritless calumnies against conservativism, obfuscated by online dictionary changes at artificial websites solicited and made popular by union representatives in education. Not all teachers fall for it, and in the EU, liberals have to operate within the parameters of strong traditional ties to past masters. Over here, Mark Twain popularized such terms as "ain't," long after his demise through the popularization of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer novels by public domain schools.
Does anyone on the Left have a thought about LBJ's Thurgood Marshall comment?

It's quite simple. Lyndon Johnson was a native Texan who most likely retained his "old school" south of the Mason Dixon Line mentality, however he was intelligent enough to realize that what he supported publicly as the President was more important to his legacy in history. So he compromised.

Bottom line, he placed his job first over his personal beliefs.

Someone should chisel into LBJ's library "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" right over the entrance.
Someone should chisel "those fuckers don't need an MLK Holiday" over Saint Ronnie's pressy dential liebarie.
Does anyone on the Left have a thought about LBJ's Thurgood Marshall comment?

It's quite simple. Lyndon Johnson was a native Texan who most likely retained his "old school" south of the Mason Dixon Line mentality, however he was intelligent enough to realize that what he supported publicly as the President was more important to his legacy in history. So he compromised.

Bottom line, he placed his job first over his personal beliefs.


You find LBJ's description of Thurgood Marshall admirable?

How you would surmise that is puzzling. What I find LBJ's comment/description of Marshall to be was typical considering where he came from and the era in which he held office.

Certainly his comment from so many years ago is nothing to be outraged over. That was a different time in history.
Does anyone on the Left have a thought about LBJ's Thurgood Marshall comment?

It's quite simple. Lyndon Johnson was a native Texan who most likely retained his "old school" south of the Mason Dixon Line mentality, however he was intelligent enough to realize that what he supported publicly as the President was more important to his legacy in history. So he compromised.

Bottom line, he placed his job first over his personal beliefs.


You find LBJ's description of Thurgood Marshall admirable?

And what exactly was that description? Why you talk riddles?
Someone should chisel into LBJ's library "I'll have these ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" right over the entrance.

Another quote found on the internets, uncorroborated, unrecorded, unverified.

Lot o' that going around.

My brother is friends with Allen West I could arrange for you to tell him that directly

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

I'd love to sue ALlen West for everything he has and get him charged with assault.
I have no proof, but it's fairly obvious that LBJ had Martin Luther King and Malcolm X assassinated because both were enemies of the version of black Society and culture LBJ and the Dems needed to implement to control blacks.

"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X

You forgot to add that he had JFK assasinated and faked the moon landings

I think this was Frank talking to Buzz Aldrin.

Maybe he thought it was Buzz LIghtyear...
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“The praise of LBJ as a civil rights pioneer is nonsense. First of all, LBJ had earlier voted against civil rights, like banning lynching. He voted against eliminating poll taxes. And [he voted for] denying federal funding to segregated schools. He voted against all the measures that later made up a big part of the legislation that he finally signed,” Pat explained.

Yet all Johnson's rhetoric could not entirely disarm the suspicions of civil rights advocates. If he had felt so strongly about the issue, why had it taken him so long to act on it? Why was he going to make an all-out fight for the civil rights bill now? Roy Wilkins asked him at their December meeting. Johnson thought a minute, wrinkled his brow and said: "You will recognize the words I'm about to repeat. Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, I'm free at last." Borrowing from Martin Luther King's speech to the civil rights advocates who had marched on Washington in the summer of 1963, Johnson was describing himself as liberated from his southern political bonds or as a man who could now fully put the national interest and moral concerns above political restraints imposed on a Texas senator.

Lyndon B. Johnson: Portrait of a President

I highlighted the already-bolded bit at the end because it makes an important point: a Senator (or Rep) is supposed to be representing the views of his constituency -- not necessarily himself.
"Democrats have been in Washington, D.C. only because of the Negro vote. They've been down there for years and all the legislation they wanted to bring up they brought up and got it out of the way, and now they bring up you. You put them first and they put you last, cause you are a chump (huge applause). A political chump." -- Malcolm X
You seem to be deliberately quoting Malcolm X out of context to try to prove some ridiculous Teabagger notion that Democrats are racists because Malcolm X said so. You still seem to be missing the fact that it was SOUTHERN Democrats who were the slavers, KKK and white supremacy choads. When Malcolm X said "down there" he meant Virginia and the Southern racist Confederate states.

Southern racist Democrats became Southern racist Republicans in the late 1960s. The key word there is "SOUTHERN" meaning "Confederate racist slaveowners and their offspring."

If Democrats are so racist against black people then why did Obama get reelected? Undocumented widespread voter fraud?

No Jackass , it's not out of context. When he said "Down There" he was referring to Washington DC ...any body at a grade School level should be able to comprehend that - it's not even something that should be even remotely debateable. Do you Libtards ever get tired of grasping at straws ?

If Democrats are so racist against black people then why did Obama get reelected? Undocumented widespread voter fraud?

Weak Republican Candidates , some voter fraud, but not extensive, dead peoplewho suddenly come alive at election time - Mexicans and other foreigners voting by the thousands and unchecked at the polls and extensive overwhelmingly unbelievable media distortion and propaganda against Republicans - initiating with George W. several years b4 the election and continuing daily and relentlessly throughout the campaign.
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So basically you're saying "Party D has characteristic X" and when the election results completely disprove that you go "they're all duped!"

Yeah OK...
So basically you're saying "Party D has characteristic X" and when the election results completely disprove that you go "they're all duped!"

Yeah OK...

What he’s saying is that conservatives have always maintained policies hostile to Americans’ civil liberties – policies hostile to African-Americans during the Civil Rights Era, and hostile toward women and gay Americans today.

This hostility is motivated by a fear of change, diversity, and dissent common to most on the right – change they subjectively perceive as somehow ‘detrimental’ to their interests.
So basically you're saying "Party D has characteristic X" and when the election results completely disprove that you go "they're all duped!"

Yeah OK...

What he’s saying is that conservatives have always maintained policies hostile to Americans’ civil liberties – policies hostile to African-Americans during the Civil Rights Era, and hostile toward women and gay Americans today.

This hostility is motivated by a fear of change, diversity, and dissent common to most on the right – change they subjectively perceive as somehow ‘detrimental’ to their interests.
That sums it up nicely.
So basically you're saying "Party D has characteristic X" and when the election results completely disprove that you go "they're all duped!"

Yeah OK...

Well it would be disingenuous to ignore the fact that others are doing it to "Party R" as well.
While doing a whole lot of lying last night, even Barack Obama let a little truth slip and admitted that Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement...

Speaking at the Civil Rights Summit at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas yesterday, President Obama praised President Johnson passing the “most sweeping” civil rights legislation “since Reconstruction” even though “it would anger powerful southern Democrats and committee chairmen.” On radio this morning, Pat and Stu discussed new reports that actually suggest Republicans may have played a larger role in the 1964 Civil Rights Act than they are given credit for.

“The praise of LBJ as a civil rights pioneer is nonsense. First of all, LBJ had earlier voted against civil rights, like banning lynching. He voted against eliminating poll taxes. And [he voted for] denying federal funding to segregated schools. He voted against all the measures that later made up a big part of the legislation that he finally signed,” Pat explained. “This whole thing has been turned upside down. This whole thing has been turned into Democrats are fighting for civil rights and Republicans oppose them. I don’t know how that happens.”

As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of “discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.” The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

Furthermore, a 1964 edition of Time magazine actually credits Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) for playing a large role in getting the legislation passed.

“The last thing Democrats want anybody to do – they’re counting on the fact that you don’t do this – is look into who opposed and who favored civil rights. During and before that battle really was won,” Pat concluded. “And still do this day. But they certainly don’t want you to look at the Al Gore seniors of the world and the LBJs of the world. They don’t want you to do that.”

Who was really responsible for the Civil Rights Act?
But...but...but they was liberals! LOL
So basically you're saying "Party D has characteristic X" and when the election results completely disprove that you go "they're all duped!"

Yeah OK...

Well it would be disingenuous to ignore the fact that others are doing it to "Party R" as well.

Except the evidence that they are all duped is evidenced by your posts.

You sit on Granny's couch, unable to get a job, because most of the jobs you could do were shipped over to China. You can't get meds for your condition because your state won't set up an exchange And you keep voting for the people who made it that way.

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