Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

Of all the Dixiecrats, only one switched to republican. That was Strom Thurmond. The rest remained democrats to the day they died.
Let's try this again.

1964 Presidential Election:


What platform did Wallace run on? If you answered segregation, you'd be right.

Thanks for making our point

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Frank, you know what some posters bring in that really livens up their stuff?

Something called a "point".

Still waiting for that LBJ Thurgood Marshall thing btw...
Of all the Dixiecrats, only one switched to republican. That was Strom Thurmond. The rest remained democrats to the day they died.
Let's try this again.

1964 Presidential Election:


What platform did Wallace run on? If you answered segregation, you'd be right.

Thanks for making our point

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

see what I mean?

Hey Duncecake -- what party did Wallace run as in the map I provided?

Bonus: What ideology was Wallace aligned with?
Let's try this again.

1964 Presidential Election:


What platform did Wallace run on? If you answered segregation, you'd be right.

Thanks for making our point

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Frank, you know what some posters bring in that really livens up their stuff?

Something called a "point".

Still waiting for that LBJ Thurgood Marshall thing btw...
Every time someone brings up LBJ, Frank gets a woodie.

True story.
This simple fact bounces right off the heads of the willfully retarded.

1964 Southern Democrat: Hates commies, strongly pro states rights and Defense, Bible thumper, wants to keep darkies and fags in their place.

2014 Southern Republican: Hates commies, strongly pro states rights and Defense, Bible thumper, wants to keep darkies and fags in their place.

In that case, I find it odd that the South surpasses the rest of the country in many areas of integration and racial equality. According to 2003 report by researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Virginia Beach, Charlotte, Nashville-Davidson, and Jacksonville were the four most integrated of the nation's fifty largest cities, with Memphis at number six.

Study shows Memphis among most integrated cities - Memphis Business Journal

And, while Northeastern and Midwest States have the highest black to white incarceration rates, Southern states tend to have a low disparity in incarceration rates tween blacks and whites relative to the rest of the country

So, either you are using an "out of date lens" to look at the modern South or you're merely parroting partisan propaganda like the fake academic from yesterday, which does nothing to add to an honest discussion.
This simple fact bounces right off the heads of the willfully retarded.

1964 Southern Democrat: Hates commies, strongly pro states rights and Defense, Bible thumper, wants to keep darkies and fags in their place.

2014 Southern Republican: Hates commies, strongly pro states rights and Defense, Bible thumper, wants to keep darkies and fags in their place.

In that case, I find it odd that the South surpasses the rest of the country in many areas of integration and racial equality. According to 2003 report by researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Virginia Beach, Charlotte, Nashville-Davidson, and Jacksonville were the four most integrated of the nation's fifty largest cities, with Memphis at number six.

Study shows Memphis among most integrated cities - Memphis Business Journal

And, while Northeastern and Midwest States have the highest black to white incarceration rates, Southern states tend to have a low disparity in incarceration rates tween blacks and whites relative to the rest of the country

So, either you are using an "out of date lens" to look at the modern South or you're merely parroting partisan propaganda like the fake academic from yesterday, which does nothing to add to an honest discussion.

And yet another rightist misses the point.
This simple fact bounces right off the heads of the willfully retarded.

1964 Southern Democrat: Hates commies, strongly pro states rights and Defense, Bible thumper, wants to keep darkies and fags in their place.

2014 Southern Republican: Hates commies, strongly pro states rights and Defense, Bible thumper, wants to keep darkies and fags in their place.

In that case, I find it odd that the South surpasses the rest of the country in many areas of integration and racial equality. According to 2003 report by researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Virginia Beach, Charlotte, Nashville-Davidson, and Jacksonville were the four most integrated of the nation's fifty largest cities, with Memphis at number six.

Study shows Memphis among most integrated cities - Memphis Business Journal

And, while Northeastern and Midwest States have the highest black to white incarceration rates, Southern states tend to have a low disparity in incarceration rates tween blacks and whites relative to the rest of the country

So, either you are using an "out of date lens" to look at the modern South or you're merely parroting partisan propaganda like the fake academic from yesterday, which does nothing to add to an honest discussion.

And yet another rightist misses the point.

And yet another partisan propagandist tries to continue to push the idea that racism belongs only to the South because they're "Red States".
For the most part, racist Southern Democratic slave states in 1860 now vote Republican.

Did the racist Southern slave states suddenly have a change of heart regarding black people? And the Union states that ended slavery are now made up of racist Democrats who want black people to be enslaved?

How did this happen in your educated Teabagger opinion?


dixiecrats remained democrats to the day the died. Republicans in the north and south always opposed slavery and the Democrat Jim Crowe laws.
For the most part, racist Democratic slave states in 1860 now vote Republican.

Did the racist Southern slave states suddenly have a change of heart regarding black people? And the Union states that ended slavery are now made up of racist Democrats who want black people to be enslaved?

How did this happen in your educated Teabagger opinion?

As I've explained a dozen times already you ignorant racist hillbilly, the Kennedy and LBJ-era racist Dumbocrat voters have all died (unless your dumb ass thinks that people live to 110 and vote).

And then in the 90's, the internet came along and made jobs searches NATIONAL. Since conservatives work (while you Dumbocrats mooch off of government), there was a lot of movement. Also, a lot of people (on both sides) retire to the south as they get older. All of that has changed demographics. But what it doesn't change is the ugly and racist history of you Dumbocrats.
How did racist Southern Democrat states become overwhelmingly Republican and vice-versa? By your theory, there would have had to be an equal mass exodus of racist Southern Democrats who flocked into the Progressive Northern Union Republican states just as tolerant Northern Union Republicans flocked into the racist Confederate slave-owning Southern Democrat states in order to so drastically alter the demographics and politics of the entire country.

Or the GOP used mass media to appeal to white Southern racists in the mid and late 1960s, drawing racist Southern Dixiecrats over to the racist Southern GOP.

Which sounds more plausible?
it's laughable to say that the GOP used mass media to convince Southern whites. When has the GOP ever had any control over the liberal media?
Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

The genesis of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was that Democratic majority and Republican minority senators in the West and the North overwhelmed their conservative southern Republican and Democratic neighbors.

This was decency and geography over southern, conservative bigotry and intolerance.

Wrong! People identified themselves as Democrats or Republicans not by lib or Con labels. The bigots were democrats first and foremost.
If you look at the numbers, all of the opposition came from the Dumbocrats.

when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

Lie much RW?
How is he "lying"? In spite of the nays, Democrats still represented 45 of the 73 votes in favor of in the Senate.

In the House the Democrats represented 152 out of the 290 in favor of, so yes, more Democrats voted in favor of. And if you look at the percentages for or against, the Democrats had a combined higher percentage of in favor of votes.

Republicans conveniently ignore that Civil Rghts was a North/South issue to try to turn it into a Democrat/Republican issue

Regardless, MORE Democrats voted for Civil Rights and a HIGHER Percentage of Democrats voted for the bill than Republicans
Democrats could not pass the bill unless Republicans came to the rescue. They couldn't convince their fellow Democrats to give up their racism. They still can't because it works for their goal of total domination over people's lives.
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"The left opposed civil rights"? Jesus nipple-twisting Christ, man. How do you people even tie your shoes let alone log onto the internet?

What does "Conservative" mean? Right-wing Conservatives did not fight for black people's right to vote. How the fuck can anyone even attempt to make that claim?

"The left opposed civil rights", meaning that in contrast, the right embraced it? Are you drunk or just retarded? Conservatives were also the ones who wanted to keep slavery, and not rebel against England. Black people wouldn't have any rights if Conservatives had their way.

My God how arrogant can you be? Democrats did all those things. Was LBJ conservative? JFK?
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Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

The genesis of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was that Democratic majority and Republican minority senators in the West and the North overwhelmed their conservative southern Republican and Democratic neighbors.

This was decency and geography over southern, conservative bigotry and intolerance.

Wrong! People identified themselves as Democrats or Republicans not by lib or Con labels. The bigots were democrats first and foremost.

The bigots were conservatives first, always have been.
For the most part, racist Southern Democratic slave states in 1860 now vote Republican.

Did the racist Southern slave states suddenly have a change of heart regarding black people? And the Union states that ended slavery are now made up of racist Democrats who want black people to be enslaved?

How did this happen in your educated Teabagger opinion?


dixiecrats remained democrats to the day the died. Republicans in the north and south always opposed slavery and the Democrat Jim Crowe laws.

That's funny, because all eleven Republicans from the South voted with all but one of the Southern Democrats against the Civil Right Act of 1964.
Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

The genesis of the 1964 Civil Rights Act was that Democratic majority and Republican minority senators in the West and the North overwhelmed their conservative southern Republican and Democratic neighbors.

This was decency and geography over southern, conservative bigotry and intolerance.

Wrong! People identified themselves as Democrats or Republicans not by lib or Con labels. The bigots were democrats first and foremost.

The bigots were conservatives first, always have been.

almost negged you for being a complete lying scumbag
blindboo just kicked averageguy's butt from left coast to right coast

the southern conservatives, Dem and Pub, voted against the Civil Rights Act
Wrong! People identified themselves as Democrats or Republicans not by lib or Con labels. The bigots were democrats first and foremost.

The bigots were conservatives first, always have been.

almost negged you for being a complete lying scumbag

You were wise not to, my friend: the conservatives, Dem and Pub, in the South voted against the Civil Rights Act with very few exceptions.

Frank, you will not be allowed to reconstruct history: not gonna happen.
Let's try this again.

1964 Presidential Election:


What platform did Wallace run on? If you answered segregation, you'd be right.

Thanks for making our point

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Frank, you know what some posters bring in that really livens up their stuff?

Something called a "point".

Still waiting for that LBJ Thurgood Marshall thing btw...

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

On the Way With L.B.J. -

It's from a biography on LBJ by Robert Dallek

Robert Dallek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
With a few exceptions - literally a handful -- in the last 80 years or so...


As compared to well over 100 Democrats.

Democrats hate Black Americans so much they elect to give them power.

Republicans have elected SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President in the last 100 years
That is a meaningless statement. The only way you can get voted for at least in a Republican primary is to run in the primary.
The bigots were conservatives first, always have been.

almost negged you for being a complete lying scumbag

You were wise not to, my friend: the conservatives, Dem and Pub, in the South voted against the Civil Rights Act with very few exceptions.

Frank, you will not be allowed to reconstruct history: not gonna happen.

Oh no fuckhead, I didn't neg you because I'd much rather call you out publicly for parroting the lying Talking Points fed into the Dem Collective

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