Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

almost negged you for being a complete lying scumbag

You were wise not to, my friend: the conservatives, Dem and Pub, in the South voted against the Civil Rights Act with very few exceptions.

Frank, you will not be allowed to reconstruct history: not gonna happen.

Oh no fuckhead, I didn't neg you because I'd much rather call you out publicly for parroting the lying Talking Points fed into the Dem Collective

Post the voting totals by Party and geography.

The law passed by the overwhelming support of lib and mod GOP and Dems in the north and west.

The conservative assholes were defeated.
Let's try this again.

1964 Presidential Election:


What platform did Wallace run on? If you answered segregation, you'd be right.

Thanks for making our point

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

see what I mean?

Hey Duncecake -- what party did Wallace run as in the map I provided?

Bonus: What ideology was Wallace aligned with?

Wallace was a Democrat, his ideology was steeped in the racism of the Deep Democrat South.

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

You saw the dates, right?
How is he "lying"? In spite of the nays, Democrats still represented 45 of the 73 votes in favor of in the Senate.

In the House the Democrats represented 152 out of the 290 in favor of, so yes, more Democrats voted in favor of. And if you look at the percentages for or against, the Democrats had a combined higher percentage of in favor of votes.

Republicans conveniently ignore that Civil Rights was a North/South issue to try to turn it into a Democrat/Republican issue

Regardless, MORE Democrats voted for Civil Rights and a HIGHER Percentage of Democrats voted for the bill than Republicans
Democrats could not pass the bill unless Republicans came to the rescue. They couldn't convince their fellow Democrats to give up their racism. They still can't because it works for their goal of total domination over people's lives.

This can be spun anyway that one wishes, but the distribution of votes is recorded history that is now 50 years old and available for all to see. It just requires some basic reading and math skills to see the truth.

The bottom line is that neither party had clean hands in voting for the passing of the Civil Rights Act.

There were backward southern bigots who wore "sheets and hoods" for evening attire in both parties who voted "No" to the initiative.

Lastly, as far as the goal of any party to exercise "total domination over peoples lives", a little more information on what that conspiracy theory is based on would be in order.
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ

Presidential Vote and Party Identification of African Americans, 1956-1964

As you can see, over the course of just eight years, African American support for the Republican Party practically evaporated.

... Snip...
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ
All that chart proves is that Democrats know how to keep blacks down on the plantation just like their slave owning forefathers did. The net result is that blacks are no less slaves than they were.
Thanks for making our point

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

see what I mean?

Hey Duncecake -- what party did Wallace run as in the map I provided?

Bonus: What ideology was Wallace aligned with?

Wallace was a Democrat, his ideology was steeped in the racism of the Deep Democrat South.

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 – September 13, 1998) was an American politician and the 45th governor of Alabama, having served two nonconsecutive terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963–1967, 1971–1979 and 1983–1987.

You saw the dates, right?
You didn't asnwer my questions Duncecake --

What party did Wallace run as in the map I provided?

Bonus: What ideology was Wallace aligned with?
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ

Presidential Vote and Party Identification of African Americans, 1956-1964

As you can see, over the course of just eight years, African American support for the Republican Party practically evaporated.

... Snip...
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ
All that chart proves is that Democrats know how to keep blacks down on the plantation just like their slave owning forefathers did. The net result is that blacks are no less slaves than they were.
The racist man from Iowa does it again (I base this on 10 years of reading his posts) -- and provides good reason again for black dems to consider voting republican.


Fact is: You don't want 'em in your party, and you know it.
[. ... Snip...
How many times have you had to post the above! They will never concede that they were and are on the wrong side of history. All one has to do is look up william f. buckley and white supremacy, as well as his CONSERVATIVE stance regarding Civil Rights.

The Southern Democrats who fought to keep the traditional conservative "value" of slavery and the conservative traditions of the Black Codes and Jim Crow, were definitely not in favor of Civil Rights and were in FACT conservatives.

The Republican Party was never in favor of slavery and voted against democrat Jim. Crowe laws. As much as you'd like to prove we are racists, it isn't going to fly. It flies against historical fact. Truth is democrats were pro slavery and still work to keep blacks on the liberal plantation. Proof? Why are blacks worse off under the Obama admininstration. Remember, you guys had total control for two years. If that's not racism I don't know what is.
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ

Presidential Vote and Party Identification of African Americans, 1956-1964

As you can see, over the course of just eight years, African American support for the Republican Party practically evaporated.

... Snip...
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ
All that chart proves is that Democrats know how to keep blacks down on the plantation just like their slave owning forefathers did. The net result is that blacks are no less slaves than they were.

That chart proves that blacks overwhelmingly have a righteous fear of reactionary conservatives.
"As much as you'd like to prove "we are racists, it isn't going to

Yep, the voting maps show that Dem and Pub racial conservatives voted against the 1964 Act.

AverageGuy, Frank, those numbers and (1) never going to change and (2) can never be spun in any way other than it condemns you.
The Republicans stayed Republicans. There's your explanation.

I guess it was the liberals who burnt crosses in front of black people's homes, and called the members of the Civil Rights movement commies, yankees, and niggger-lovin' Jews. Or does yhat sound like something that southern conservatives would say? Those pany-assed peaceniks bombed black churches, and beat and lynched black people, right? That makes sense to your mind doesn't it?

First of all the dixiecrats, after a failed presidential election attempt went right back home to the democrat party. That is fact don't listen to people like..well...anyone on the left.

Second there is nothing in the history of the Republican party that a black person should take offense. Not so for the democrat party. The party of slavery. The party of the KKK. The party of poll taxes, Jim Crow and segregation. All of which they have never apologized for, why? Why? Because they are not repentant they instead try and claim that all the racist left their party and not only became Republican but controlled the republican party. Total horse manure. The things Nixon did for the black man makes Obama look pale as a ghost. Reagan signed MLK's birthday into law so don't tell me that republicans have done one damn thing to harm blacks.

You really need to do a better job of making your case with black Americans. With only seven percent voting for Republicans, they are not buying what you are selling

Maybe if you tried some history that is not from 50 years ago
Blacks don't trust GOP only because you guys are very good at keeping blacks down on the liberal plantation.

and its the democrat who continue to keep them enslaved on welfare. so when is this "helping hand" going to break the cycle? when do the poor stop being poor? when do they become educated and competitive in the job market? they don't do they. the cycle goes on and on and on. they continue to rely on the hand outs. they continue to live in poverty. they continue to remain uneducated and without skills.

1) most black folks have jobs. | EMPLOYMENT

2) The majority of folks on Welfare are white

Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.

White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share.

3) You spew out shit like this, you kind of sound like this guy....

your second point, that there are more white people on welfare than black kind of messes up their "welfare mother" dog whistle meme.
Do you Really think we approve white welfare-sucking douchebags?
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First of all the dixiecrats, after a failed presidential election attempt went right back home to the democrat party. That is fact don't listen to people like..well...anyone on the left.

Second there is nothing in the history of the Republican party that a black person should take offense. Not so for the democrat party. The party of slavery. The party of the KKK. The party of poll taxes, Jim Crow and segregation. All of which they have never apologized for, why? Why? Because they are not repentant they instead try and claim that all the racist left their party and not only became Republican but controlled the republican party. Total horse manure. The things Nixon did for the black man makes Obama look pale as a ghost. Reagan signed MLK's birthday into law so don't tell me that republicans have done one damn thing to harm blacks.

You really need to do a better job of making your case with black Americans. With only seven percent voting for Republicans, they are not buying what you are selling

Maybe if you tried some history that is not from 50 years ago
Blacks don't trust GOP only because you guys are very good at keeping blacks down on the liberal plantation.

Let me help you guys out a little

Hate to break it to you, but when you tell blacks they are on a "plantation" it is offensive. When you insinuate they are incapable of knowing what is best for them, it is offensive

If you can offer blacks a better it
Currently, only about 7 percent of blacks will vote Republican. It is time for you to start blaming yourself
[. ... Snip...
How many times have you had to post the above! They will never concede that they were and are on the wrong side of history. All one has to do is look up william f. buckley and white supremacy, as well as his CONSERVATIVE stance regarding Civil Rights.

The Southern Democrats who fought to keep the traditional conservative "value" of slavery and the conservative traditions of the Black Codes and Jim Crow, were definitely not in favor of Civil Rights and were in FACT conservatives.

The Republican Party was never in favor of slavery and voted against democrat Jim. Crowe laws. As much as you'd like to prove we are racists, it isn't going to fly. It flies against historical fact. Truth is democrats were pro slavery and still work to keep blacks on the liberal plantation. Proof? Why are blacks worse off under the Obama admininstration. Remember, you guys had total control for two years. If that's not racism I don't know what is.

Once again, explain why all eleven Republicans from the South voted with all but one of the Southern Democrats against the Civil Right Act of 1964.
You far right conservatives disapprove of anybody who won't kiss your butts. Fact. The plantation mentality is well engrained in the far right.
[. ... Snip...
How many times have you had to post the above! They will never concede that they were and are on the wrong side of history. All one has to do is look up william f. buckley and white supremacy, as well as his CONSERVATIVE stance regarding Civil Rights.

The Southern Democrats who fought to keep the traditional conservative "value" of slavery and the conservative traditions of the Black Codes and Jim Crow, were definitely not in favor of Civil Rights and were in FACT conservatives.

The Republican Party was never in favor of slavery and voted against democrat Jim. Crowe laws. As much as you'd like to prove we are racists, it isn't going to fly. It flies against historical fact. Truth is democrats were pro slavery and still work to keep blacks on the liberal plantation. Proof? Why are blacks worse off under the Obama admininstration. Remember, you guys had total control for two years. If that's not racism I don't know what is.

Once again, explain why all eleven Republicans from the South voted with all but one of the Southern Democrats against the Civil Right Act of 1964.

averageguy won't answer you, because he can't.
The Dixiecrats who were mad about the CRA left the Democratic Party, and became members of the GOP. Southern white conservatives, who are still seething about the CRA, are Republicans now. If the CRA were up for a vote today, the GOP would overwhelmingly oppose it.

Save one, the Dixiecrat's remained Democrats to the day they died. That is a fact.
The Dixiecrats who were mad about the CRA left the Democratic Party, and became members of the GOP. Southern white conservatives, who are still seething about the CRA, are Republicans now. If the CRA were up for a vote today, the GOP would overwhelmingly oppose it.

Save one, the Dixiecrat's remained Democrats to the day they died. That is a fact.

Prove it. Be specific. Give us the numbers.
Tell us about Strom Thurmond being a Dixiecrat to the day he died.

Tell us about Trent Lott and how he remained Democrat.

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