Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

They sure as fuck weren't Progressive. If they were, they would have signed the Civil Rights Act because it's the right thing to do, not to avoid a race war.
Progressives have to lie about Civil Rights because the truth exposed Democrats vile, evil opportunistic racists
It's important to note that the Republicans unanimously supported all Civil Rights legislation at the public level (public transportation, government buildings, etc.). The few that opposed the final Civil Rights legislation did so because they were opposed to the private sector being told what to do by government.

i don't think anyone disputes that republicans were instrumental in passing the civil rights act. but i do wonder why you're basking in self-congratulatory past glory.... you know, given that your party wouldn't support civil rights now, has actively worked to repeal the voters rights act and all the racist dems are now republicans.

so i'm not quite sure where you're going with this

First of all, just about every liberal on USMB denies that the GOP lead that effort. I suspect even you would have had you not seen Obama's own words admitting that Democrats were furious that African Americans were going to be treated fairly.

Second, I'm not "basking" in anything. I hate the Republican Party. They support just about everything you support - big government, ignoring the Constitution, and reckless spending. The only reason you and the rest of the Dumbocrats (now hijacked by communists, socialists, and marxists) is because the Republicans still believe in low taxes. Incidentally, this is the exact platform that John F. Kennedy ran on and won. You know, before your party was hijacked by unhinged radicals who think a 98% tax rate is "good".

Third, we've already proven that all of the racist Dumbocrats are still racist Dumbocrats. You of all people should know that. Turn on the news any night and you'll see an endless volume of antisemetic college idiots supporting the death of Jews for the terrorists of Palestine. And every one of them is a Dumbocrat.

But hey, keep being the "useful idiot" for their cause Jillian. The moment they get what they want, they will turn on you like rabid dogs and you'll find yourself in an internment camp. I've yet to meet a conservative who doesn't support Jews or Israel. I'm sure they are out there somewhere, but the overwhelming majority supports them. And do you know why? Because all of the racists are on the left dear.
As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of “discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.” The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

If you look at the results of that vote the VAST majority of votes against the bill came from the classic confederate states. Which are currently solidly republican. I'd blame the people instead of the parties in those states.

Absolutely correct. These were the vote totals by party and region:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 * (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 * (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 * (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 * (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 * (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 * (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 * (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 * (84–16%)
They sure as fuck weren't Progressive. If they were, they would have signed the Civil Rights Act because it's the right thing to do, not to avoid a race war.

They weren't "progressive"?!? :lmao:

Senator Byrd of the KKK was a proud Dumbocrat progressive as was fiercely racist LBJ.

How sad that you have to run from, and lie about, your party's embarrassing history.

I'm beaming proud to be a conservative. We ended slavery (something you disgusting progressives are still fighting to bring back). We lead the Civil Rights Act. We respect and defend the Constitution. We recognize God. We try to stop you filthy animals from killing babies.

I could not be more proud to be a conservative. The fact that you're so ashamed of your parties history that feel the need to lie about it speaks volumes junior.
While doing a whole lot of lying last night, even Barack Obama let a little truth slip and admitted that Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement...

Speaking at the Civil Rights Summit at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas yesterday, President Obama praised President Johnson passing the “most sweeping” civil rights legislation “since Reconstruction” even though “it would anger powerful southern Democrats and committee chairmen.” On radio this morning, Pat and Stu discussed new reports that actually suggest Republicans may have played a larger role in the 1964 Civil Rights Act than they are given credit for.

“The praise of LBJ as a civil rights pioneer is nonsense. First of all, LBJ had earlier voted against civil rights, like banning lynching. He voted against eliminating poll taxes. And [he voted for] denying federal funding to segregated schools. He voted against all the measures that later made up a big part of the legislation that he finally signed,” Pat explained. “This whole thing has been turned upside down. This whole thing has been turned into Democrats are fighting for civil rights and Republicans oppose them. I don’t know how that happens.”

As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of “discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.” The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

Furthermore, a 1964 edition of Time magazine actually credits Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) for playing a large role in getting the legislation passed.

“The last thing Democrats want anybody to do – they’re counting on the fact that you don’t do this – is look into who opposed and who favored civil rights. During and before that battle really was won,” Pat concluded. “And still do this day. But they certainly don’t want you to look at the Al Gore seniors of the world and the LBJs of the world. They don’t want you to do that.”

Who was really responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

Rot Whiner's ignorance of the political history of our country seems boundless (or else he's a loyal member of the Ministry of Truth). Southern Democrats were racists; northern Republicans were liberal; that was then; today, Southern Republicans are racists, Northern Republicans are RINO. After a moments consideration it's clear, Rot is dishonest and ignorant.
The KKK isn't Progressive.

The Union freed the slaves, douchebag. The currently red Confederate Republican Conservative states fought a bloody civil war to keep slavery. That is how history happened. Maybe you didn't hear that?

Your mind is fucked if you think the GOPbaggers of today would have supported the Union. Unions kill jobs, remember?
The south has always been majority conservative throughout its history, and still is right up until this day.

Doesn't matter which party. Parties change.

Ideology doesn't.

Exactly - ideology doesn't change. And parties are made up of ideology. Which is why the Dumbocrats have displayed hatred, intolerance, and racism since they were first formed.

And for the record, the south has always been majority Dumbocrat. Look at the history genius, the "southern dumbocrat" was a term for a reason. They were representative by Dumbocrats for a reason. During the 1800' and most of the 1900's it was liberals with their confederate flags. It wasn't until the past 25 years that it has started to change as those progressive buffoons died off and the modern world of the internet created more national job searches - causing conservatives to move around a lot more (since liberals are parasites who mooch off of government, they don't move around for jobs because they don't hold jobs).
As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of “discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.” The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

If you look at the results of that vote the VAST majority of votes against the bill came from the classic confederate states. Which are currently solidly republican. I'd blame the people instead of the parties in those states.

Absolutely correct. These were the vote totals by party and region:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 * (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 * (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 * (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 * (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 * (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 * (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 * (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 * (84–16%)

If you look at the numbers, more Democrats voted for Civil Rights than Republicans did.
The KKK isn't Progressive.

The Union freed the slaves, douchebag. The currently red Confederate Republican Conservative states fought a bloody civil war to keep slavery. That is how history happened. Maybe you didn't hear that?

Your mind is fucked if you think the GOPbaggers of today would have supported the Union. Unions kill jobs, remember?

Yeah stupid, the union was controlled by the GOP. Abraham Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN you dumb-ass. And it was Dumbocrat Confederates who fought to keep slavery. And it is Dumbocrats today that still fight to reenact slavery.

How stupid are you exactly to not understand that Abraham Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN?!? Maybe instead of dropping out of high school to smoke the pot you profess love for every day on USMB, you should have actually attended class? Then maybe you wouldn't look quite so stupid in front of the world. :eusa_doh:
If you look at the results of that vote the VAST majority of votes against the bill came from the classic confederate states. Which are currently solidly republican. I'd blame the people instead of the parties in those states.

Absolutely correct. These were the vote totals by party and region:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 * (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 * (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 * (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 * (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 * (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 * (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 * (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 * (84–16%)

If you look at the numbers, more Democrats voted for Civil Rights than Republicans did.

If you look at the numbers, all of the opposition came from the Dumbocrats.

when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

Lie much RW?
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Republicans in 1968. Please learn American history or kill yourself. If Abraham Lincoln saw the GOP today, he would shoot himself in the head.
If you look at the results of that vote the VAST majority of votes against the bill came from the classic confederate states. Which are currently solidly republican. I'd blame the people instead of the parties in those states.

Absolutely correct. These were the vote totals by party and region:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 * (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 * (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 * (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 * (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 * (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 * (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 * (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 * (84–16%)

If you look at the numbers, more Democrats voted for Civil Rights than Republicans did.

Even Barack Obama himself admitted it.... :eek:

Speaking at the Civil Rights Summit at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas yesterday, President Obama praised President Johnson passing the “most sweeping” civil rights legislation “since Reconstruction” even though “it would anger powerful southern Democrats and committee chairmen
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Dixiecrats and then became racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern Republican states today were those racist Democrat states during the Civil War.
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Republicans in 1968. Please learn American history or kill yourself. If Abraham Lincoln saw the GOP today, he would shoot himself in the head.

Except that racist southern Dumbocrats who are government parasites don't change their ideology to tolerant, personal responsibility, conservatives. That doesn't happen. Ever. Please learn history and then kill yourself (because nobody want you around junior, even if you actually do learn your history).

The fact that you have to make up your own version of history because you realize your ideology is being exposed for the hateful, racist ideology that it is, is comical. You're a closet racist piece of shit and you know it. And that is why you're so miserable. Because you hate minorities but you're forced to pander to them because you desperately need them to act as "useful idiots" for your government-dependent cause. Once you lose their vote, you lose your handouts.

What a dilemma for a racist, uh KNB? :eusa_whistle:
The KKK isn't Progressive.

The Union freed the slaves, douchebag. The currently red Confederate Republican Conservative states fought a bloody civil war to keep slavery. That is how history happened. Maybe you didn't hear that?

Your mind is fucked if you think the GOPbaggers of today would have supported the Union. Unions kill jobs, remember?

Yeah stupid, the union was controlled by the GOP. Abraham Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN you dumb-ass. And it was Dumbocrat Confederates who fought to keep slavery. And it is Dumbocrats today that still fight to reenact slavery.

How stupid are you exactly to not understand that Abraham Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN?!? Maybe instead of dropping out of high school to smoke the pot you profess love for every day on USMB, you should have actually attended class? Then maybe you wouldn't look quite so stupid in front of the world. :eusa_doh:

Methinks you're mentally challenged by history and likely everything under the son. Lincoln has been thrown under the bus by the right wing and is at best considered a RINO. TR and IKE too. What's wrong with you? When you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar, and the evidence is clear, don't deny it. Be a good callous conservative dim wit and cut and run.
Yeah, let's hear from one of those southern democrats -

"With this assassin's knife and a blackjack in the hand of the Federal force-cult, the left-wing liberals will try to force us back into bondage.

Bondage to a tyranny more brutal than that imposed by the British monarchy which claimed power to rule over the lives of our forefathers under sanction of the Divine Right of kings.

Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.
This bill is fraudulent in intent, in design, and in execution.
It is misnamed. Each and every provision is mistitled. It was rammed through the congress on the wave of ballyhoo, promotions, and publicity stunts reminiscent of P. T. Barnum.

It was enacted in an atmosphere of pressure, intimidation, and even cowardice, as demonstrated by the refusal of the United States Senate to adopt an amendment to submit the bill to a vote of the people.


Ministers, lawyers, teachers, newspapers, and every private citizen must guard his speech and watch his actions to avoid the deliberately imposed booby traps put into this bill. It is designed to make Federal crimes of our customs, beliefs, and traditions.

Therefore, under the fantastic powers of the Federal judiciary to punish for contempt of Court and under their fantastic powers to regulate our most intimate aspects of our lives by injunction, every American citizen is in jeopardy and must stand guard against these despots.

Yet there are those who call this a good bill.
It is people like Senator Hubert Humphrey and other members of Americans for Democratic Action. It is people like Ralph McGill and other left-wing radical apologists.

It was left-wing radicals who led the fight in the Senate for the so-called civil rights bill now about to enslave our nation.

We find Senator Hubert Humphrey telling the people of the United States that "non-violent" demonstrations would continue to serve a good purpose through a "long, busy and constructive summer."

Yet this same Senator told the people of this country that passage of this monstrous bill would ease tensions and stop demonstrations.
This is the same Senator who has suggested, now that the Civil Rights Bill is passed, that the President call the fifty state Governors together to work out ways and means to enforce this rotten measure.
There is no need for him to call on me. I am not about to be a party to anything having to do with the law that is going to destroy individual freedom and liberty in this country.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy our free enterprise system.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy neighborhood schools.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy the rights of private property.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys your right--and my right--to choose my neighbors--or to sell my house to whomever I choose.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys the labor seniority system.
I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill.
The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., To figure out what to do with it.

Conservatives of this nation constitute the balance of power in presidential elections.
I am a conservative.

I intend to give the American people a clear choice. I welcome a fight between our philosophy and the liberal left-wing dogma which now threatens to engulf every man, woman, and child in the United States.

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Plenty more there. All the con's favorite boogy men -- liberal media, leftwing judges, pinko federal tyranny...

Like it was right out of a tea Party party.

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