Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Dixiecrats and then became racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern Republican states today were those racist Democrat states during the Civil War.

Repeating the same absurd lie over and over and over doesn't make it any less of a lie.

First you tried to claim that Dumbocrats free the slaves and Republicans were the confederates and now you're trying to claim that racist Dumbocrats who opposed the Civil Rights movement suddenly switched parties... :lmao:

See [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]? This is why this thread was necessary. Because assholes like KNB are all over USMB lying their asses off that liberals were all Republicans during Emancipation and Civil Rights, and then everyone just magically traded parties one day.... :lol:
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Republicans after the "southern strategy" of the mid and late 1960s. The key words in all of this are "RACIST SOUTHERN". Racist Southern Democrats, racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern slave states that now vote Republican.

Do you understand? Compare a map of red states today to slave states during the Civil War. Do you notice that many of them are the same states?
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Dixiecrats and then became racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern Republican states today were those racist Democrat states during the Civil War.

Repeating the same absurd lie over and over and over doesn't make it any less of a lie.

First you tried to claim that Dumbocrats free the slaves and Republicans were the confederates and now you're trying to claim that racist Dumbocrats who opposed the Civil Rights movement suddenly switched parties... :lmao:

See [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]? This is why this thread was necessary. Because assholes like KNB are all over USMB lying their asses off that liberals were all Republicans during Emancipation and Civil Rights, and then everyone just magically traded parties one day.... :lol:

republicans were not reactionaries like the "base" today. there was room in the party for many ways of thinking.

but the right shouldn't pretend that the GOP isn't now the home for the kkk'ers and john birchers who opposed civil rights.

[MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] the problem is the right pretends they're still the party of lincoln. it's about time to get a handle on that distortion.
Yeah, let's hear from one of those southern democrats -

"With this assassin's knife and a blackjack in the hand of the Federal force-cult, the left-wing liberals will try to force us back into bondage.

Bondage to a tyranny more brutal than that imposed by the British monarchy which claimed power to rule over the lives of our forefathers under sanction of the Divine Right of kings.

Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.
This bill is fraudulent in intent, in design, and in execution.
It is misnamed. Each and every provision is mistitled. It was rammed through the congress on the wave of ballyhoo, promotions, and publicity stunts reminiscent of P. T. Barnum.

It was enacted in an atmosphere of pressure, intimidation, and even cowardice, as demonstrated by the refusal of the United States Senate to adopt an amendment to submit the bill to a vote of the people.


Ministers, lawyers, teachers, newspapers, and every private citizen must guard his speech and watch his actions to avoid the deliberately imposed booby traps put into this bill. It is designed to make Federal crimes of our customs, beliefs, and traditions.

Therefore, under the fantastic powers of the Federal judiciary to punish for contempt of Court and under their fantastic powers to regulate our most intimate aspects of our lives by injunction, every American citizen is in jeopardy and must stand guard against these despots.

Yet there are those who call this a good bill.
It is people like Senator Hubert Humphrey and other members of Americans for Democratic Action. It is people like Ralph McGill and other left-wing radical apologists.

It was left-wing radicals who led the fight in the Senate for the so-called civil rights bill now about to enslave our nation.

We find Senator Hubert Humphrey telling the people of the United States that "non-violent" demonstrations would continue to serve a good purpose through a "long, busy and constructive summer."

Yet this same Senator told the people of this country that passage of this monstrous bill would ease tensions and stop demonstrations.
This is the same Senator who has suggested, now that the Civil Rights Bill is passed, that the President call the fifty state Governors together to work out ways and means to enforce this rotten measure.
There is no need for him to call on me. I am not about to be a party to anything having to do with the law that is going to destroy individual freedom and liberty in this country.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy our free enterprise system.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy neighborhood schools.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy the rights of private property.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys your right--and my right--to choose my neighbors--or to sell my house to whomever I choose.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys the labor seniority system.
I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill.
The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., To figure out what to do with it.

Conservatives of this nation constitute the balance of power in presidential elections.
I am a conservative.

I intend to give the American people a clear choice. I welcome a fight between our philosophy and the liberal left-wing dogma which now threatens to engulf every man, woman, and child in the United States.

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Plenty more there. All the con's favorite boogy men -- liberal media, leftwing judges, pinko federal tyranny...

Like it was right out of a tea Party party.

Even Barack Obama himself admitted it.... :eek:

Speaking at the Civil Rights Summit at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas yesterday, President Obama praised President Johnson passing the “most sweeping” civil rights legislation “since Reconstruction” even though “it would anger powerful southern Democrats and committee chairmen

Uh-oh! Uh-oh! You get that sweetie? It would anger southern Dumbocrats.

And lets not forget about LBJ's words sweetie....

Despite heavy opposition against the Civil Rights Act of 1957 by Democrats, including John F. Kennedy, Johnson was convinced that if his party could steal the 'thunder' from the Republican lead Civil Rights efforts, support among black voters would shift .

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again." --Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1957

The Democrat Plantation: Top Racist Quotes by Notable Left Wingers - Yahoo Voices -
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Dixiecrats and then became racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern Republican states today were those racist Democrat states during the Civil War.

Repeating the same absurd lie over and over and over doesn't make it any less of a lie.

First you tried to claim that Dumbocrats free the slaves and Republicans were the confederates and now you're trying to claim that racist Dumbocrats who opposed the Civil Rights movement suddenly switched parties... :lmao:

See [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]? This is why this thread was necessary. Because assholes like KNB are all over USMB lying their asses off that liberals were all Republicans during Emancipation and Civil Rights, and then everyone just magically traded parties one day.... :lol:
Actually, scrote, I didn't say that Republicans were liberals. I never said that Democrats freed the slaves. I said THE NORTHERN UNION FREED THE SLAVES AND RACIST SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE SLAVERS FOUGHT A TERRIBLE CIVIL WAR TO KEEP THEIR SLAVES.

I said that Abraham Lincoln would be entirely ashamed of what the Republican party has become. Also, the Southern Strategy wasn't magical. It was meticulous. It required a few years of appealing to the least brilliant Southern voters (racist **** rags) who hate black people.

Nigga pleez...

The Democrats used to get away with destroying blacks and Republicans with hoods and sheets. Now Democrats get away with destroying Republicans by accusing them for the evils the democrats themselves have actually done. They get away with destroying blacks by patronizing and distracting them by making them prejudice against Republicans.

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:
Absolutely correct. These were the vote totals by party and region:

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 * (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 * (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 * (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 * (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 * (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 * (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 * (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 * (84–16%)

If you look at the numbers, more Democrats voted for Civil Rights than Republicans did.

If you look at the numbers, all of the opposition came from the Dumbocrats.

when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

Lie much RW?

How is he "lying"? In spite of the nays, Democrats still represented 45 of the 73 votes in favor of in the Senate.

In the House the Democrats represented 152 out of the 290 in favor of, so yes, more Democrats voted in favor of. And if you look at the percentages for or against, the Democrats had a combined higher percentage of in favor of votes.

Nigga pleez...

The Democrats used to get away with destroying blacks and Republicans with hoods and sheets. Now Democrats get away with destroying Republicans by accusing them for the evils the democrats themselves have actually done. They get away with destroying blacks by patronizing and distracting them by making them prejudice against Republicans.

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:
Racist Southern Neo-Confederate red states vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republican party. Why would racist Southern Democratic states suddenly become red? Did all of the douchemongers who still fly their racist Confederate loser flags have an epiphany that we are all humans, equal in the eyes of God, regardless of skin color, political or religious or sexual affiliation? No.
Same old BS. You right wingers always leave out THIS:

By party and region

Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)

Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)
Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Dixiecrats and then became racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern Republican states today were those racist Democrat states during the Civil War.

Repeating the same absurd lie over and over and over doesn't make it any less of a lie.

First you tried to claim that Dumbocrats free the slaves and Republicans were the confederates and now you're trying to claim that racist Dumbocrats who opposed the Civil Rights movement suddenly switched parties... :lmao:

See [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]? This is why this thread was necessary. Because assholes like KNB are all over USMB lying their asses off that liberals were all Republicans during Emancipation and Civil Rights, and then everyone just magically traded parties one day.... :lol:

republicans were not reactionaries like the "base" today. there was room in the party for many ways of thinking.

but the right shouldn't pretend that the GOP isn't now the home for the kkk'ers and john birchers who opposed civil rights.

[MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION] the problem is the right pretends they're still the party of lincoln. it's about time to get a handle on that distortion.

The only "distortion" is the one your side creates dear. The KKK did not suddenly change parties. Dumbocrat Senator Byrd was a proud KKK member for a reason - and it's not because that organization stood for small government and Constitutional rights.

As I already stated Jillian, turn on the news and you will see it filled with asshole liberals on college campus filled with antisemetic rhetoric. They stage repulsive "plays" demonizing Jews and supporting terrorist Palestinians. And here you stand helping their cause (against you dear) with the same bullshit propaganda.

Nobody switched sides dear. The people who hated you in the 1950's are still the same Dumbocrats who hate you today. And like KNB who is so miserable because he knows he has to pander to people he hates for his cause, I think you're equally as miserable because you have to pander to people who hate you. The Dumbocrats have always lacked principles. They will sign a deal with the devil and align with their enemies to further their cause (just ask Barack, Biden, and Hillary).

Nigga pleez...

The Democrats used to get away with destroying blacks and Republicans with hoods and sheets. Now Democrats get away with destroying Republicans by accusing them for the evils the democrats themselves have actually done. They get away with destroying blacks by patronizing and distracting them by making them prejudice against Republicans.

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:

Actually, not a fact nor an opinion; a lie by omission.

Nigga pleez...

The Democrats used to get away with destroying blacks and Republicans with hoods and sheets. Now Democrats get away with destroying Republicans by accusing them for the evils the democrats themselves have actually done. They get away with destroying blacks by patronizing and distracting them by making them prejudice against Republicans.

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:
Racist Southern Neo-Confederate red states vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republican party. Why would racist Southern Democratic states suddenly become red? Did all of the douchemongers who still fly their racist Confederate loser flags have an epiphany that we are all humans, equal in the eyes of God, regardless of skin color, political or religious or sexual affiliation? No.

Because they died off you fuck'n idiot. You do realize that Lyndon B. Johnson is dead, right? And no asshole, he wasn't assassinated. He died of natural causes - as did the racist asshole Dumbocrats who voted for him.

The few confederate-waving asshats left are still overwhelmingly Dumbocrats. That's why the KKK was - and still is - a bunch of racist Dumbocrats who opposed emancipation and the Civil Rights Act.

Nigga pleez...

The Democrats used to get away with destroying blacks and Republicans with hoods and sheets. Now Democrats get away with destroying Republicans by accusing them for the evils the democrats themselves have actually done. They get away with destroying blacks by patronizing and distracting them by making them prejudice against Republicans.

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:
Racist Southern Neo-Confederate red states vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Republican party. Why would racist Southern Democratic states suddenly become red? Did all of the douchemongers who still fly their racist Confederate loser flags have an epiphany that we are all humans, equal in the eyes of God, regardless of skin color, political or religious or sexual affiliation? No.

The parties never really "switched sides". Democrats started allowing blacks into the party because LBJ wanted to increase their voting block for his Great Society utopia and the Democrats fooled many people with their socialistic propaganda and still are to this day..... :thup:
For the most part, racist Southern Democratic slave states in 1860 now vote Republican.

Did the racist Southern slave states suddenly have a change of heart regarding black people? And the Union states that ended slavery are now made up of racist Democrats who want black people to be enslaved?

How did this happen in your educated Teabagger opinion?


Racist Southern Democrats became racist Southern Dixiecrats and then became racist Southern Republicans. Racist Southern Republican states today were those racist Democrat states during the Civil War.

Repeating the same absurd lie over and over and over doesn't make it any less of a lie.

First you tried to claim that Dumbocrats free the slaves and Republicans were the confederates and now you're trying to claim that racist Dumbocrats who opposed the Civil Rights movement suddenly switched parties... :lmao:

See [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]? This is why this thread was necessary. Because assholes like KNB are all over USMB lying their asses off that liberals were all Republicans during Emancipation and Civil Rights, and then everyone just magically traded parties one day.... :lol:
Actually, scrote, I didn't say that Republicans were liberals. I never said that Democrats freed the slaves. I said THE NORTHERN UNION FREED THE SLAVES AND RACIST SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE SLAVERS FOUGHT A TERRIBLE CIVIL WAR TO KEEP THEIR SLAVES.

I said that Abraham Lincoln would be entirely ashamed of what the Republican party has become. Also, the Southern Strategy wasn't magical. It was meticulous. It required a few years of appealing to the least brilliant Southern voters (racist **** rags) who hate black people.

It is "magical" because even if you're absurd and outrageous lie were true, it fails to explain how the maniacal scheme managed to convince the tolerant, self-reliant, small-government Republicans to suddenly jump ship and join the Dumbocrats.

Oops....!!!! Dumb-ass... :lmao:

Nigga pleez...

The Democrats used to get away with destroying blacks and Republicans with hoods and sheets. Now Democrats get away with destroying Republicans by accusing them for the evils the democrats themselves have actually done. They get away with destroying blacks by patronizing and distracting them by making them prejudice against Republicans.

Fact, not opinion.... :thup:

Actually, not a fact nor an opinion; a lie by omission.

If you were trying to be sarcastic, witty or insulting you failed miserably at all three. Keep up the bad work..... :thup:
For the most part, racist Democratic slave states in 1860 now vote Republican.

Did the racist Southern slave states suddenly have a change of heart regarding black people? And the Union states that ended slavery are now made up of racist Democrats who want black people to be enslaved?

How did this happen in your educated Teabagger opinion?

As I've explained a dozen times already you ignorant racist hillbilly, the Kennedy and LBJ-era racist Dumbocrat voters have all died (unless your dumb ass thinks that people live to 110 and vote).

And then in the 90's, the internet came along and made jobs searches NATIONAL. Since conservatives work (while you Dumbocrats mooch off of government), there was a lot of movement. Also, a lot of people (on both sides) retire to the south as they get older. All of that has changed demographics. But what it doesn't change is the ugly and racist history of you Dumbocrats.
Repeating the same absurd lie over and over and over doesn't make it any less of a lie.

First you tried to claim that Dumbocrats free the slaves and Republicans were the confederates and now you're trying to claim that racist Dumbocrats who opposed the Civil Rights movement suddenly switched parties... :lmao:

See [MENTION=3135]jillian[/MENTION]? This is why this thread was necessary. Because assholes like KNB are all over USMB lying their asses off that liberals were all Republicans during Emancipation and Civil Rights, and then everyone just magically traded parties one day.... :lol:
Actually, scrote, I didn't say that Republicans were liberals. I never said that Democrats freed the slaves. I said THE NORTHERN UNION FREED THE SLAVES AND RACIST SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE SLAVERS FOUGHT A TERRIBLE CIVIL WAR TO KEEP THEIR SLAVES.

I said that Abraham Lincoln would be entirely ashamed of what the Republican party has become. Also, the Southern Strategy wasn't magical. It was meticulous. It required a few years of appealing to the least brilliant Southern voters (racist **** rags) who hate black people.

It is "magical" because even if you're absurd and outrageous lie were true, it fails to explain how the maniacal scheme managed to convince the tolerant, self-reliant, small-government Republicans to suddenly jump ship and join the Dumbocrats.

Oops....!!!! Dumb-ass... :lmao:
"Tolerant, self-reliant, small-government" racist Southern Confederate slaveowners. Good one. "Self-reliant", who fought for their "right" to own slaves to do all of their work. "Tolerant" racist Southern ***** who whipped, raped, burned and hung black slaves for being black. "Small-government" slaveowners.

Just type the term "Southern Strategy" into your search engine. Did I write every article in cyberspace that describes the switch from racist Southern Democrat to racist Southern Republican? No, I did not. So is the entire internet lying by saying that the GOP's Southern Strategy switched racist Southern Democrats to racist Southern Republicans?
For the most part, racist Democratic slave states in 1860 now vote Republican.

Did the racist Southern slave states suddenly have a change of heart regarding black people? And the Union states that ended slavery are now made up of racist Democrats who want black people to be enslaved?

How did this happen in your educated Teabagger opinion?

As I've explained a dozen times already you ignorant racist hillbilly, the Kennedy and LBJ-era racist Dumbocrat voters have all died (unless your dumb ass thinks that people live to 110 and vote).

And then in the 90's, the internet came along and made jobs searches NATIONAL. Since conservatives work (while you Dumbocrats mooch off of government), there was a lot of movement. Also, a lot of people (on both sides) retire to the south as they get older. All of that has changed demographics. But what it doesn't change is the ugly and racist history of you Dumbocrats.
How did racist Southern Democrat states become overwhelmingly Republican and vice-versa? By your theory, there would have had to be an equal mass exodus of racist Southern Democrats who flocked into the Progressive Northern Union Republican states just as tolerant Northern Union Republicans flocked into the racist Confederate slave-owning Southern Democrat states in order to so drastically alter the demographics and politics of the entire country.

Or the GOP used mass media to appeal to white Southern racists in the mid and late 1960s, drawing racist Southern Dixiecrats over to the racist Southern GOP.

Which sounds more plausible?

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