Setting the record straight on the the Civil Rights Act

With a few exceptions - literally a handful -- in the last 80 years or so...


As compared to well over 100 Democrats.

Democrats hate Black Americans so much they elect to give them power.

Republicans have elected SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President in the last 100 years

One must wonder then,what is the ratio between the number of blacks running as Dems compared to number of blacks running as repubs.

These numbers would make clear your attempt at what ever.

This helps your case how?

That blacks cannot even run as Republicans?

Thousands of white males elected as Republicans and only SIX were black?
Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ

Presidential Vote and Party Identification of African Americans, 1956-1964

As you can see, over the course of just eight years, African American support for the Republican Party practically evaporated.

How did this happen? It can be tied directly to the acts and leadership of three men: Martin Luther King, Jr., who was the leader of the Civil Rights movement; John F. Kennedy, the nation’s president from 1961 through November, 1963, when he was assassinated; and Lyndon Baines Johnson, Kennedy’s successor as president.

Most know who Martin Luther King, Jr, was, and probably President Kennedy as well; President Johnson, although pivotal in the passage of civil rights laws, is undoubtedly the lesser known and least revered among these three historical figures.

But they were all key players in eliminating segregation and legalized discrimination in the South.

How these three men were linked in changing the face of African American politics:

In October of 1960, less then three weeks before the presidential election, Martin Luther King Jr., already recognized as Black America’s most prominent civil rights leader, had been arrested in Georgia on a traffic technicality: he was still using his Alabama license, although by then he had lived in Georgia for three months.

A swift series of moves by the state’s segregationist power structure resulted in King being sentenced to four months of hard labor on a Georgia chain gang. He was quickly spirited away to the state’s maximum security prison, and many of his supporters, fearing for his life, urgently called both the Nixon and Kennedy camps for help.

Nixon, about to campaign in South Carolina in hopes of capturing the state’s normally solid Democratic vote, took no action. Kennedy took swift action. He made a brief telephone call to a frantic Coretta Scott King, speaking in soothing generalities and telling her, “If there’s anything I can do to help, please feel free to call on me.”

It’s likely that Kennedy did not at that moment realize the political implications of that call. Ever the pragmatist, he had resisted the pleas of several aides throughout the campaign that he take bolder public stands on civil rights issues. The telephone call came because one aide caught him late at night after a hard day of campaigning and staff meetings as he was about to turn in. The aide, Harris Wofford, pitched it as just a call to calm King’s fearful spouse. Kennedy replied, “What the hell. That’s a decent thing to do. Why not? Get her on the phone.”

King was soon released, unharmed, due to a groundswell of pressure directed by blacks and whites in numerous quarters toward Georgia officials (Robert F. Kennedy himself, who was managing his brother’s campaign called the judge who sentenced King to prison). At the time, the white media paid little attention to the call, which suited the Kennedys fine. But it likely transformed the black vote. King’s father, Martin Luther King Sr., a dominating, fire-and-brimstone preacher with wide influence throughout Black America, had, like many black Southerners, always been a Republican and until that moment had said he couldn’t vote for Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

(But) the day his son was released from prison, the elder King thundered from the pulpit of his famed Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta: “I had expected to vote against Senator Kennedy because of his religion. But now he can be my president, Catholic or whatever he is… He has the moral courage to stand up for what he knows is right. I’ve got all my votes and I’ve got a suitcase, and I’m going to take them up there and dump them in his lap.”

Why Do Blacks Vote for Democrats? MLK, JFK, and LBJ
Republicans have elected SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President in the last 100 years

One must wonder then,what is the ratio between the number of blacks running as Dems compared to number of blacks running as repubs.

These numbers would make clear your attempt at what ever.

This helps your case how?

That blacks cannot even run as Republicans?

Thousands of white males elected as Republicans and only SIX were black?


Good question.
It was explained earlier. Nutjobs refuse to acknowledge the Southern Strategy.

Lee Atwater, political consultant and strategist to the Republican Party. He was an advisor of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush and chairman of the Republican National Committee.

-- published in Southern Politics in the 1990s by Alexander P. Lamis, in which Lee Atwater discussed politics in the South:
Questioner: But the fact is, isn't it, that Reagan does get to the Wallace voter and to the racist side of the Wallace voter by doing away with legal services, by cutting down on food stamps?
Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "******, ******, ******." By 1968 you can't say "******" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff.

You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites.

And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "******, ******."

Alexander P. Lamis (1999). Southern Politics in the 1990s. Louisiana State University Press. p. 408.

This is a good example and one even block heads like Rot Whiner might understand if there were a cure for dishonest hackery.
"Tolerant, self-reliant, small-government" racist Southern Confederate slaveowners. Good one. "Self-reliant", who fought for their "right" to own slaves to do all of their work. "Tolerant" racist Southern ***** who whipped, raped, burned and hung black slaves for being black. "Small-government" slaveowners.

Just type the term "Southern Strategy" into your search engine. Did I write every article in cyberspace that describes the switch from racist Southern Democrat to racist Southern Republican? No, I did not. So is the entire internet lying by saying that the GOP's Southern Strategy switched racist Southern Democrats to racist Southern Republicans?

Hey dumb-ass, you're defeating your own argument here. According to you, Dumbocrats are the "tolerant" one's and switched from the Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln in the 1860's and then again during the Civil Rights movement during the 1960's.

So I ask again, if the racist Dumbocrats have all moved to the Republican Party, how did you get the tolerant, self-reliant, small-government former Republican's to move over to the Dumbocrat Party and accept large, wasteful, unconstitutional government?

Ooops! :lmao:

If you have any question as to why KNB is a Dumbocrat, look no further than his post above. He's trying to explain why his party's ugly, racist history by claiming they have all moved from Dumbocrat to Republican (hilarious). But he's completely incapable of explaining how they managed to get all of the good, tolerant Republicans to switch over to the Dumbocrats. In fact, I suspect he doesn't even get the question.... :lmao:

Proof that junior here can't think for himself. He just knows to parrot the propaganda spoon-fed to him!

The Republicans stayed Republicans. There's your explanation.

I guess it was the liberals who burnt crosses in front of black people's homes, and called the members of the Civil Rights movement commies, yankees, and niggger-lovin' Jews. Or does yhat sound like something that southern conservatives would say? Those pany-assed peaceniks bombed black churches, and beat and lynched black people, right? That makes sense to your mind doesn't it?
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Which Republican was "small-government" in 1860? Lincoln? Who killed more Americans in his four years than were killed in every other war that the US has fought combined? Was that the "small-government" GOP? Sending Union soldiers on scorched earth campaigns through the South to enforce Federal law? Was that the small government that Republicans today yearn for? Good, ol' Republican values. Or were Republican values more along the lines of racist Southern slaveowners forcing a "civil" war to defend the maniacal practice of slavery?

Racist Southern Republican states today were the racist Southern Democrat states during the Civil War. Yes or no?
While doing a whole lot of lying last night, even Barack Obama let a little truth slip and admitted that Democrats vehemently opposed the Civil Rights movement...

Speaking at the Civil Rights Summit at the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas yesterday, President Obama praised President Johnson passing the “most sweeping” civil rights legislation “since Reconstruction” even though “it would anger powerful southern Democrats and committee chairmen.” On radio this morning, Pat and Stu discussed new reports that actually suggest Republicans may have played a larger role in the 1964 Civil Rights Act than they are given credit for.

“The praise of LBJ as a civil rights pioneer is nonsense. First of all, LBJ had earlier voted against civil rights, like banning lynching. He voted against eliminating poll taxes. And [he voted for] denying federal funding to segregated schools. He voted against all the measures that later made up a big part of the legislation that he finally signed,” Pat explained. “This whole thing has been turned upside down. This whole thing has been turned into Democrats are fighting for civil rights and Republicans oppose them. I don’t know how that happens.”

As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of “discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.” The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

Furthermore, a 1964 edition of Time magazine actually credits Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) for playing a large role in getting the legislation passed.

“The last thing Democrats want anybody to do – they’re counting on the fact that you don’t do this – is look into who opposed and who favored civil rights. During and before that battle really was won,” Pat concluded. “And still do this day. But they certainly don’t want you to look at the Al Gore seniors of the world and the LBJs of the world. They don’t want you to do that.”

Who was really responsible for the Civil Rights Act?

So I guess that makes Zell Miller a racist Democrat, and Barry Goldwater, the father of modern conservatism,

a racist Republican.
Conservatives, no matter how much black ass you kiss, you won't get their votes. As much as they like getting their asses kissed to inflate their sensitive egos, they love the free shit the democrats give them more.

Just cut it out, and stand up for the interests of your voting base, the white working class, for a change.
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Yeah, let's hear from one of those southern democrats -

"With this assassin's knife and a blackjack in the hand of the Federal force-cult, the left-wing liberals will try to force us back into bondage.

Bondage to a tyranny more brutal than that imposed by the British monarchy which claimed power to rule over the lives of our forefathers under sanction of the Divine Right of kings.

Today, this tyranny is imposed by the central government which claims the right to rule over our lives under sanction of the omnipotent black-robed despots who sit on the bench of the United States Supreme Court.
This bill is fraudulent in intent, in design, and in execution.
It is misnamed. Each and every provision is mistitled. It was rammed through the congress on the wave of ballyhoo, promotions, and publicity stunts reminiscent of P. T. Barnum.

It was enacted in an atmosphere of pressure, intimidation, and even cowardice, as demonstrated by the refusal of the United States Senate to adopt an amendment to submit the bill to a vote of the people.


Ministers, lawyers, teachers, newspapers, and every private citizen must guard his speech and watch his actions to avoid the deliberately imposed booby traps put into this bill. It is designed to make Federal crimes of our customs, beliefs, and traditions.

Therefore, under the fantastic powers of the Federal judiciary to punish for contempt of Court and under their fantastic powers to regulate our most intimate aspects of our lives by injunction, every American citizen is in jeopardy and must stand guard against these despots.

Yet there are those who call this a good bill.
It is people like Senator Hubert Humphrey and other members of Americans for Democratic Action. It is people like Ralph McGill and other left-wing radical apologists.

It was left-wing radicals who led the fight in the Senate for the so-called civil rights bill now about to enslave our nation.

We find Senator Hubert Humphrey telling the people of the United States that "non-violent" demonstrations would continue to serve a good purpose through a "long, busy and constructive summer."

Yet this same Senator told the people of this country that passage of this monstrous bill would ease tensions and stop demonstrations.
This is the same Senator who has suggested, now that the Civil Rights Bill is passed, that the President call the fifty state Governors together to work out ways and means to enforce this rotten measure.
There is no need for him to call on me. I am not about to be a party to anything having to do with the law that is going to destroy individual freedom and liberty in this country.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy our free enterprise system.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy neighborhood schools.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that will destroy the rights of private property.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys your right--and my right--to choose my neighbors--or to sell my house to whomever I choose.
I am having nothing to do with enforcing a law that destroys the labor seniority system.
I am having nothing to do with this so-called civil rights bill.
The liberal left-wingers have passed it. Now let them employ some pinknik social engineers in Washington, D.C., To figure out what to do with it.

Conservatives of this nation constitute the balance of power in presidential elections.
I am a conservative.

I intend to give the American people a clear choice. I welcome a fight between our philosophy and the liberal left-wing dogma which now threatens to engulf every man, woman, and child in the United States.

Speech by George C. Wallace The Civil Rights Movement fraud, sham and hoax 1964 < 1951- < Documents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

Plenty more there. All the con's favorite boogy men -- liberal media, leftwing judges, pinko federal tyranny...

Like it was right out of a tea Party party.

How many times have you had to post the above! They will never concede that they were and are on the wrong side of history. All one has to do is look up william f. buckley and white supremacy, as well as his CONSERVATIVE stance regarding Civil Rights.

The Southern Democrats who fought to keep the traditional conservative "value" of slavery and the conservative traditions of the Black Codes and Jim Crow, were definitely not in favor of Civil Rights and were in FACT conservatives.
Conservatives, no matter how much black ass you kiss, you won't get their votes. As much as they like getting their asses kissed to inflate their sensitive egos, they love the free shit the democrats give them more.

Just cut it out, and stand up for the interests of your voting base, the white working class, for a change.

Conservatives have never stood up for any working class people. They stand for the opulent.

It was true when old give 'em hell Harry gave 'em hell in 1948, and it is even more true today.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948
Conservatives, no matter how much black ass you kiss, you won't get their votes. As much as they like getting their asses kissed to inflate their sensitive egos, they love the free shit the democrats give them more.

Just cut it out, and stand up for the interests of your voting base, the white working class, for a change.

Conservatives have never stood up for any working class people. They stand for the opulent.

It was true when old give 'em hell Harry gave 'em hell in 1948, and it is even more true today.

"Republicans approve of the American farmer, but they are willing to help him go broke. They stand four-square for the American home--but not for housing. They are strong for labor--but they are stronger for restricting labor's rights. They favor minimum wage--the smaller the minimum wage the better. They endorse educational opportunity for all--but they won't spend money for teachers or for schools. They approve of social security benefits-so much so that they took them away from almost a million people. They think modern medical care and hospitals are fine--for people who can afford them. They believe in international trade--so much so that they crippled our reciprocal trade program, and killed our International Wheat Agreement. They favor the admission of displaced persons--but only within shameful racial and religious limitations.They consider electrical power a great blessing--but only when the private power companies get their rake-off. They say TVA is wonderful--but we ought never to try it again. They condemn "cruelly high prices"--but fight to the death every effort to bring them down. They think American standard of living is a fine thing--so long as it doesn't spread to all the people. And they admire of Government of the United States so much that they would like to buy it."
President Harry S. Truman - October 13, 1948

Thanks for restating the obvious.

This is why a third party, at the very least, is needed to reaffirm the interests of the white middle class/working class majority.
"The only "distortion" is the one your side creates dear. The KKK did not suddenly change parties. Dumbocrat Senator Byrd was a proud KKK member for a reason - and it's not because that organization stood for small government and Constitutional rights."

The conservatives in both parties were defeated in 1964 as they are today.
Conservatives, no matter how much black ass you kiss, you won't get their votes. As much as they like getting their asses kissed to inflate their sensitive egos, they love the free shit the democrats give them more.

Just cut it out, and stand up for the interests of your voting base, the white working class, for a change.

Here's one of those white, racist liberals Rottweiler has been talking about.
Conservatives, no matter how much black ass you kiss, you won't get their votes. As much as they like getting their asses kissed to inflate their sensitive egos, they love the free shit the democrats give them more.

Just cut it out, and stand up for the interests of your voting base, the white working class, for a change.

Here's one of those white, racist liberals Rottweiler has been talking about.

I am not a liberal. The Republican Party is the other wing of a the liberal behemoth. The Democrat and Republican Parties are two sides of the same coin that don't represent thhe interests of normal white people.
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As TheBlaze reports, when it came time to pass the Civil Rights Act, six Senate Republicans voted against the bill, while 21 Senate Democrats opposed it. It ultimately passed by an overall vote of 73-27. In the House, 96 Democrats and 34 Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Act, and it passed with an overall 290-130 vote. While the majority of Democrats in both chambers voted for the legislation, the bulk of the opposition came from Democrats.

The Republicans who opposed the law did so primarily because of &#8220;discomfort about forcing private business to comply with public accommodation laws.&#8221; The majority of those Republicans actually supported the 1957 and 1960 bills signed by President Dwight Eisenhower.

If you look at the results of that vote the VAST majority of votes against the bill came from the classic confederate states. Which are currently solidly republican. I'd blame the people instead of the parties in those states.
Exactly, it was the SOUTHERN states that were solidly against the Civil Rights Act, and in the South, the Republicans were more solidly against the act than the Dems. In the House and Senate, 100% of Southern Republicans voted against the bill whereas 93% of House Dems and 95% of Senate Dems in the South voted against the bill. Even in the North, a higher % of Republicans in both the House and Senate, 15% and 16% respectively, voted against the bill than Dems, 6% and 2%. Based on those %, if the GOP had the majority in both houses the bill might not have passed.
Conservatives, no matter how much black ass you kiss, you won't get their votes. As much as they like getting their asses kissed to inflate their sensitive egos, they love the free shit the democrats give them more.

Just cut it out, and stand up for the interests of your voting base, the white working class, for a change.

Here's one of those white, racist liberals Rottweiler has been talking about.

I am not a liberal. The Republican Party is the other wing of a the liberal behemoth. The Democrat and Republican Parties are two sides of the same coin that don't represent thhe interests of normal white people.

So you're a conservative racist. How unique!
It is "magical" because even if you're absurd and outrageous lie were true, it fails to explain how the maniacal scheme managed to convince the tolerant, self-reliant, small-government Republicans to suddenly jump ship and join the Dumbocrats.

Oops....!!!! Dumb-ass... :lmao:
"Tolerant, self-reliant, small-government" racist Southern Confederate slaveowners. Good one. "Self-reliant", who fought for their "right" to own slaves to do all of their work. "Tolerant" racist Southern ***** who whipped, raped, burned and hung black slaves for being black. "Small-government" slaveowners.

Just type the term "Southern Strategy" into your search engine. Did I write every article in cyberspace that describes the switch from racist Southern Democrat to racist Southern Republican? No, I did not. So is the entire internet lying by saying that the GOP's Southern Strategy switched racist Southern Democrats to racist Southern Republicans?

Hey dumb-ass, you're defeating your own argument here. According to you, Dumbocrats are the "tolerant" one's and switched from the Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln in the 1860's and then again during the Civil Rights movement during the 1960's.

So I ask again, if the racist Dumbocrats have all moved to the Republican Party, how did you get the tolerant, self-reliant, small-government former Republican's to move over to the Dumbocrat Party and accept large, wasteful, unconstitutional government?

Ooops! :lmao:

Are you aware that none of the Congress of 1964 is still in office?
Hey dumb-ass, you're defeating your own argument here. According to you, Dumbocrats are the "tolerant" one's and switched from the Republican Party under Abraham Lincoln in the 1860's and then again during the Civil Rights movement during the 1960's.

So I ask again, if the racist Dumbocrats have all moved to the Republican Party, how did you get the tolerant, self-reliant, small-government former Republican's to move over to the Dumbocrat Party and accept large, wasteful, unconstitutional government?

Ooops! :lmao:

If you have any question as to why KNB is a Dumbocrat, look no further than his post above. He's trying to explain why his party's ugly, racist history by claiming they have all moved from Dumbocrat to Republican (hilarious). But he's completely incapable of explaining how they managed to get all of the good, tolerant Republicans to switch over to the Dumbocrats. In fact, I suspect he doesn't even get the question.... :lmao:

Proof that junior here can't think for himself. He just knows to parrot the propaganda spoon-fed to him!

The Republicans stayed Republicans. There's your explanation.

I guess it was the liberals who burnt crosses in front of black people's homes, and called the members of the Civil Rights movement commies, yankees, and niggger-lovin' Jews. Or does yhat sound like something that southern conservatives would say? Those pany-assed peaceniks bombed black churches, and beat and lynched black people, right? That makes sense to your mind doesn't it?

First of all the dixiecrats, after a failed presidential election attempt went right back home to the democrat party. That is fact don't listen to people like..well...anyone on the left.

Second there is nothing in the history of the Republican party that a black person should take offense. Not so for the democrat party. The party of slavery. The party of the KKK. The party of poll taxes, Jim Crow and segregation. All of which they have never apologized for, why? Why? Because they are not repentant they instead try and claim that all the racist left their party and not only became Republican but controlled the republican party. Total horse manure. The things Nixon did for the black man makes Obama look pale as a ghost. Reagan signed MLK's birthday into law so don't tell me that republicans have done one damn thing to harm blacks.
If you have any question as to why KNB is a Dumbocrat, look no further than his post above. He's trying to explain why his party's ugly, racist history by claiming they have all moved from Dumbocrat to Republican (hilarious). But he's completely incapable of explaining how they managed to get all of the good, tolerant Republicans to switch over to the Dumbocrats. In fact, I suspect he doesn't even get the question.... :lmao:

Proof that junior here can't think for himself. He just knows to parrot the propaganda spoon-fed to him!

The Republicans stayed Republicans. There's your explanation.

I guess it was the liberals who burnt crosses in front of black people's homes, and called the members of the Civil Rights movement commies, yankees, and niggger-lovin' Jews. Or does yhat sound like something that southern conservatives would say? Those pany-assed peaceniks bombed black churches, and beat and lynched black people, right? That makes sense to your mind doesn't it?

First of all the dixiecrats, after a failed presidential election attempt went right back home to the democrat party. That is fact don't listen to people like..well...anyone on the left.

Second there is nothing in the history of the Republican party that a black person should take offense. Not so for the democrat party. The party of slavery. The party of the KKK. The party of poll taxes, Jim Crow and segregation. All of which they have never apologized for, why? Why? Because they are not repentant they instead try and claim that all the racist left their party and not only became Republican but controlled the republican party. Total horse manure. The things Nixon did for the black man makes Obama look pale as a ghost. Reagan signed MLK's birthday into law so don't tell me that republicans have done one damn thing to harm blacks.

You really need to do a better job of making your case with black Americans. With only seven percent voting for Republicans, they are not buying what you are selling

Maybe if you tried some history that is not from 50 years ago

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