Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True

There is no such thing as evolution. It doesn't exist. There IS a little something called adaptation. This is when a species expresses genetic traits that already exist in it's DNA. What evolutionists have done is make the claim that adaptation leads to bigger changes and new species. There is no evidence that such is the case. In order for new species to exist, according to Darwin, new information must be added to it's genome. This is a scientific impossibility.

I am relieved that you are not teaching my daughter's science class in college :rolleyes:
I don't know where his skeleton is, but Vikas Uppal was over eight feet tall. Considering the average height back in Biblical times, he would definitely be considered a giant. And who's say that there wasn't a race of giants back then? After all, they were wiped out, eventually. Maybe we'll find one of THEIR skeletons some day. But giants DO exist. It's a fact.

No, it is an ALTERNATIVE fact - clowns are good at those
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
To till at this day and age to still be falling for evolution propaganda created to keep you dumbed down is just ridiculous
Okay, stupid insults aside, can you give me even ONE indisputable incident of an actual giant's skeleton being found
I don't know where his skeleton is, but Vikas Uppal was over eight feet tall. Considering the average height back in Biblical times, he would definitely be considered a giant. And who's say that there wasn't a race of giants back then? After all, they were wiped out, eventually. Maybe we'll find one of THEIR skeletons some day. But giants DO exist. It's a fact.
Gigantism | UCLA Pituitary Tumor Program

Also I imagine those about 5'5" that would run into a tribe that were 6', they would feel like giants to them.
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True
Well we see how THEY went (asking a God hater to avoid butting in).
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True
Well we see how THEY went (asking a God hater to avoid butting in).
Yeah. I didn't think they'd listen. They're just little balls of hate.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
To till at this day and age to still be falling for evolution propaganda created to keep you dumbed down is just ridiculous
You sound stupid. No, really....very, very stupid. If you were in high school, the counselors would likely ask that you be tested for a mental problem and put you in remedial classes. You would fail any science course. You would not and should not be trusted in any vocation requiring rational, evidence-based thought.
The second part (God's Divine Authorship) is the only part I've read so far. It is one of the he best cases I've read. Jesus Himself recognized that the Scriptures (OT) we have today, were written under inspiration of God (God Breathed).

That, and many other proofs leave them without excuse. As the article says, EVERY human being that hears the Word is automatically forced to choose to accept or reject Christ.

We also find many authors of Scripture verifying each other’s writings as God’s Word. Shortly after Jeremiah wrote his book, for example, Daniel recognized what Jeremiah wrote was the “word of the Lord” (Daniel 9:2). Later in the New Testament, the apostle Paul quoted the Gospel of Luke as “Scripture,” on par with the inspired writings of Moses (1 Timothy 5:18, citing both Deuteronomy 25:4 and Luke 10:7).

The apostle Peter claimed inspiration for the entire Old Testament (“Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit,” 2 Peter 1:21). He also equated Paul’s epistles with “the rest of the Scriptures” (2 Peter 3:16–17).

The most powerful evidence of the Bible being divinely given comes from Jesus Christ’s own life and statements about the Bible. Referring to King David in Mark 12:36, for example, Jesus said, “For David himself said by the Holy Spirit,” and then Jesus cited Psalm 110:1.
The second part (God's Divine Authorship) is the only part I've read so far. It is one of the he best cases I've read. Jesus Himself recognized that the Scriptures (OT) we have today, were written under inspiration of God (God Breathed).

That, and many other proofs leave them without excuse. As the article says, EVERY human being that hears the Word is automatically forced to choose to accept or reject Christ.

We also find many authors of Scripture verifying each other’s writings as God’s Word. Shortly after Jeremiah wrote his book, for example, Daniel recognized what Jeremiah wrote was the “word of the Lord” (Daniel 9:2). Later in the New Testament, the apostle Paul quoted the Gospel of Luke as “Scripture,” on par with the inspired writings of Moses (1 Timothy 5:18, citing both Deuteronomy 25:4 and Luke 10:7).

The apostle Peter claimed inspiration for the entire Old Testament (“Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit,” 2 Peter 1:21). He also equated Paul’s epistles with “the rest of the Scriptures” (2 Peter 3:16–17).

The most powerful evidence of the Bible being divinely given comes from Jesus Christ’s own life and statements about the Bible. Referring to King David in Mark 12:36, for example, Jesus said, “For David himself said by the Holy Spirit,” and then Jesus cited Psalm 110:1.
And the ones who reject Him do so for one reason. Pride. The same sin that caused the downfall of Lucifer. They simply cannot admit that they are not good enough to make it to Heaven on their own. So they do a 180 and embrace the Devil. At least he doesn't judge them.
Also I imagine those about 5'5" that would run into a tribe that were 6', they would feel like giants to them.
No, that's not who they met.
Actually, Goliath was pretty big. It is estimated that he was at least 6'9" tall. Think Andre the Giant. And since he was a warior, he probably had the bulk that training would give any warrior. It is probable that he suffered from gigantism, just like Andre did. Even today, he would be considered a giant.
Actually, Goliath was pretty big. It is estimated that he was at least 6'9" tall. Think Andre the Giant. And since he was a warior, he probably had the bulk that training would give any warrior. It is probable that he suffered from gigantism, just like Andre did. Even today, he would be considered a giant.
I'm not so sure they had an "affliction" by modern standards. It's only my BELIEF, but I think they were just a "giant" race who God eliminated.

Giants in the Old Testament

A cubit was 18"

The most common term used to describe giants in the Bible is rephaim (e.g., Deuteronomy 3:11, 13). It may refer to a certain people group,5 or it may be a term that simply means giants. The singular form, raphah, also appears several times (e.g., 2 Samuel 21:16, 18, 20).6

The third chapter of Deuteronomy contains an interesting account of the victory of the Israelites over Sihon, the king of the Amorites, and Og, the king of Bashan.7 It is here that we learn an intriguing detail about Og:

For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants [rephaim]. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. (Is it not in Rabbah of the people of Ammon?) Nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width, according to the standard cubit(Deuteronomy 3:11).
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True
So the bible is true because it says so in the bible?

Then how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True
So the bible is true because it says so in the bible?

Then how did Noah get kangaroos from Australia and back again?
I'd like to hear his answer too.

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