Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True

How much evidence is there that God exists? Or that the creationist myth is real? Let me help you out. The answer to both questions is "None".

Religion is a philosophy, not a study of physical objects. Evidence involves physical objects, things that can be measured. How much evidence is there that the philosophy of religion and God exists?

When scientific theory is ridiculed in favor of religious views and beliefs, then it goes beyond philosophy. If you ridicule science for lack of evidence, and speak in favor of religious dogma replacing it, you should be required to offer the same evidence you demanded of science.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.

LMAO!!! Handlers? lol Spare me the melodramatics.

I pretty much only post on this topic when it is "Evolution is wrong" kind of nonsense.
I was giving him an out. An opportunity to blame his brainwashers for his apparent ignorance. Or do you actually believe creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive?
There is no such thing as evolution. It doesn't exist. There IS a little something called adaptation. This is when a species expresses genetic traits that already exist in it's DNA. What evolutionists have done is make the claim that adaptation leads to bigger changes and new species. There is no evidence that such is the case. In order for new species to exist, according to Darwin, new information must be added to it's genome. This is a scientific impossibility.

Or there is a mutation, especially within the DNA. That has been observed.

How much evidence is there that God exists? Or that the creationist myth is real? Let me help you out. The answer to both questions is "None".
Existence in itself suggests at least a possibility of God. To believe otherwise requires a faith which shoots pure atheism in the foot.
When scientific theory is ridiculed in favor of religious views and beliefs, then it goes beyond philosophy. If you ridicule science for lack of evidence, and speak in favor of religious dogma replacing it, you should be required to offer the same evidence you demanded of science.

Many religions, and therefore many who believe in God, do not ridicule scientific theory. In fact, most of us see the two as being complements of one another. But we are sick and tired of people who claim to be of scientific bent demanding evidence for the non-physical/immeasurable. True scientists know that evidence applies only to what is physical or measurable. So stop demanding evidence for the spiritual world. It only makes those of you who truly do know better appear all the more ignorant.
The Bible is every bit as true as the Book of Mormon, which means, of course, that it is almost total fabrication.
Except...there is archaeological evidence that support Biblical accounts. What all should be able to agree on is that the Bible was spoken, then written, story accounts of events/lessons.
The Bible is every bit as true as the Book of Mormon, which means, of course, that it is almost total fabrication.
Except...there is archaeological evidence that support Biblical accounts. What all should be able to agree on is that the Bible was spoken, then written, story accounts of events/lessons.

There is some historical truth in the bible, although some of the most basic stuff seems to be unsubstantiated. As far as I know, no one knows when the Jews left Egypt. In fact, I don't think that there is any concrete evidence that they were ever there, although I suspect that they were.
This is where the newbie jumps in:

God's character

God's character huh? Of course, the article goes on and on about the “love” of God. What about the dark side of this same God? This same God, throughout the OT, commanded the deaths of all homosexuals, witches, fortunetellers, women who are found not to be virgins on their wedding night, fornicators, nonbelievers, blasphemers, people who work on the Sabbath, and many others. And what about all those times in the OT where God orders the wholesale genocide of thousands of “enemies” - men, women, and children (ex.1 Sam. 15:2-3)! Oh, but before you kill them, don't forget to rape their wives (Isaiah 13:15-16)! I could go on and on about the “character” of God!

Claims of divine authorship

This is basically an exercise in circular reasoning. The bible was authored by God because the bible says it was authored by God. Oh, okay, well now I'm convinced! Every religion claims divine authorship of their sacred texts. Should we believe them all? In order to assess whether or not a text is divinely authored, one has to go beyond mere claims. One has to dig deeper and try to find anything in the bible (or any other sacred text), anything at all, that cannot be explained away as being anything other than supernaturally explainable, and in that respect, all sacred texts fail miserably.

Unity of the bible

This one is just downright laughable! There is NO unity in the bible! The bible was written by many different authors over many hundred of years, each of whom had their own views on things, and those views often clash with the views of other writers. This is why the bible can be used to justify almost anything. If you are pro-abortion, for example, there are ample bible passages that can be used to justify that position. The same is true if you are pro-abortion. This is also true of slavery and many other things.

For a good example of this, one need look no further than the synoptic gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke. These gospels are very similar, using much of the same material, and yet in other respects they are very different. Almost all scholars agree that Mark was written first, and that Matthew and Luke used Mark's gospel as their primary source material. Yet Matthew and Luke don't just quote Mark. In many instances, they 'change' the words of Mark in order to make Mark's words fit into their own particular theological viewpoints! If Mark's gospel was literally “God's words”, why would they have felt the need to change them?

Fulfilled prophecy

There are NO instances anywhere in the bible where prophecy fulfillment can be proven, and most can be dis-proven. But let's get right to the so-called “prophecies” that really matter to Christians – the prophecies that relate to Jesus and his messiahship being prophesied about in the OT. There are a couple of excellent articles on the web that address this much better than I could, and I would highly encourage anybody who interested to read them. But since I am a newbie and have not yet made 15 posts, I cannot link to those articles (at least according to this message boards' rules and guidelines). Because of that, I will merely post the URLs, rather than an actual link. At least I hope it doesn't post as a link. I'm still green about linking on this board. Here they are:

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled:
Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah:
The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah

Scientific accuracy

I won't spend much time on this one, other than to point out the obvious absurdity of it. The bible is the least scientific book you can possibly read. It amazed me that otherwise intelligent people can deny the scientifically proven facts of climate change, evolution, and many other things, while finding it perfectly reasonable to believe that humans were made out of dirt, that donkeys can talk, that a flood myth borrowed from earlier flood myths literally happened, etc., etc., etc.

Archaeological finds

There was a time when biblical archaeology was just that – archaeology conduction by Christian men with preconceived ideas who set out to find archaeological “proof” of the bible. But that was then, this is now. Most of those people themselves now admit that archaeology doesn't prove the bible. In fact, quite the opposite. Archaeology has proven, for example, that the Hebrew people were never slaves in Egypt, that the exodus never happened, and the conquest of Canaan never happened, just to name a few things (In fact, archaeology has shown that the Hebrew people themselves were originally Canaanites.)

Life-changing power

This one I'll save for another time. I myself had a powerful born-again experience when I was twenty. I know what it's like. I was a fanatical Christian for the next 15-to-20 years. Now I'm a deconverted former Christian. Why do I care about this stuff if I don't believe it? Because it is a huge part of my personal history. I can't help but still be fascinated by the whole subject.
Damn, it did post actual links. I thought you had to type and in order for it to actually link to a web page. I guess not. My apologies. I assure you that was not intentional.
They were wiped out in the flos which consisted of falling rain boiling hot liquids from the earth's core; at least that's what the Bible says.
That is what I thought, but Goliath was a very famous Nephilim who according to that same bible was alive AFTER the flood.
Just checking...Was there supposed to be content here?
Did you computer go a bit bonkers?
Sometimes mine does.
Nope. I simply have nothing to say to you, since you don't listen. You think that you're right and everyone else is wrong. Your ego takes up so much room, there is no room for anything else.
I don't think I'm right; I know I'm right.
What discipline in the world throws a rorschach at you and expects you to take it all at faith?
Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????
Weren't the Nephilim wiped out in the flood? Or were Noah's family actually descendants of the Nephilim?
They were wiped out in the flos which consisted of falling rain boiling hot liquids from the earth's core; at least that's what the Bible says.
That is what I thought, but Goliath was a very famous Nephilim who according to that same bible was alive AFTER the flood.
So you are saying that the famous story of David and Goliath took place BEFORE the flood.:eusa_liar:
Way after, but Golias does not necessarily descend from the Giants of Genesis.
This is where the newbie jumps in:

God's character

God's character huh? Of course, the article goes on and on about the “love” of God. What about the dark side of this same God? This same God, throughout the OT, commanded the deaths of all homosexuals, witches, fortunetellers, women who are found not to be virgins on their wedding night, fornicators, nonbelievers, blasphemers, people who work on the Sabbath, and many others. And what about all those times in the OT where God orders the wholesale genocide of thousands of “enemies” - men, women, and children (ex.1 Sam. 15:2-3)! Oh, but before you kill them, don't forget to rape their wives (Isaiah 13:15-16)! I could go on and on about the “character” of God!

Claims of divine authorship

This is basically an exercise in circular reasoning. The bible was authored by God because the bible says it was authored by God. Oh, okay, well now I'm convinced! Every religion claims divine authorship of their sacred texts. Should we believe them all? In order to assess whether or not a text is divinely authored, one has to go beyond mere claims. One has to dig deeper and try to find anything in the bible (or any other sacred text), anything at all, that cannot be explained away as being anything other than supernaturally explainable, and in that respect, all sacred texts fail miserably.

Unity of the bible

This one is just downright laughable! There is NO unity in the bible! The bible was written by many different authors over many hundred of years, each of whom had their own views on things, and those views often clash with the views of other writers. This is why the bible can be used to justify almost anything. If you are pro-abortion, for example, there are ample bible passages that can be used to justify that position. The same is true if you are pro-abortion. This is also true of slavery and many other things.

For a good example of this, one need look no further than the synoptic gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke. These gospels are very similar, using much of the same material, and yet in other respects they are very different. Almost all scholars agree that Mark was written first, and that Matthew and Luke used Mark's gospel as their primary source material. Yet Matthew and Luke don't just quote Mark. In many instances, they 'change' the words of Mark in order to make Mark's words fit into their own particular theological viewpoints! If Mark's gospel was literally “God's words”, why would they have felt the need to change them?

Fulfilled prophecy

There are NO instances anywhere in the bible where prophecy fulfillment can be proven, and most can be dis-proven. But let's get right to the so-called “prophecies” that really matter to Christians – the prophecies that relate to Jesus and his messiahship being prophesied about in the OT. There are a couple of excellent articles on the web that address this much better than I could, and I would highly encourage anybody who interested to read them. But since I am a newbie and have not yet made 15 posts, I cannot link to those articles (at least according to this message boards' rules and guidelines). Because of that, I will merely post the URLs, rather than an actual link. At least I hope it doesn't post as a link. I'm still green about linking on this board. Here they are:

Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled:
Prophecies: Imaginary and Unfulfilled

The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah:
The Fabulous Prophecies of the Messiah

Scientific accuracy

I won't spend much time on this one, other than to point out the obvious absurdity of it. The bible is the least scientific book you can possibly read. It amazed me that otherwise intelligent people can deny the scientifically proven facts of climate change, evolution, and many other things, while finding it perfectly reasonable to believe that humans were made out of dirt, that donkeys can talk, that a flood myth borrowed from earlier flood myths literally happened, etc., etc., etc.

Archaeological finds

There was a time when biblical archaeology was just that – archaeology conduction by Christian men with preconceived ideas who set out to find archaeological “proof” of the bible. But that was then, this is now. Most of those people themselves now admit that archaeology doesn't prove the bible. In fact, quite the opposite. Archaeology has proven, for example, that the Hebrew people were never slaves in Egypt, that the exodus never happened, and the conquest of Canaan never happened, just to name a few things (In fact, archaeology has shown that the Hebrew people themselves were originally Canaanites.)

Life-changing power

This one I'll save for another time. I myself had a powerful born-again experience when I was twenty. I know what it's like. I was a fanatical Christian for the next 15-to-20 years. Now I'm a deconverted former Christian. Why do I care about this stuff if I don't believe it? Because it is a huge part of my personal history. I can't help but still be fascinated by the whole subject.
What you fail to realize is that Jesus fulfilled many prophecies. He IS the Son of God. And He said that the Bible is Gods word. What part of that don't you understand?
What you fail to realize is that Jesus fulfilled many prophecies. He IS the Son of God. And He said that the Bible is Gods word. What part of that don't you understand?

You obviously didn't read the links I provided on that topic. It's pretty conclusive stuff. Jesus did NOT fulfill ANY prophecies. What part of that do you not understand? And his saying the bible is God's word means nothing. All it means is that he 'thought' it was God's word. He was a human being just like all of us, and he made mistakes. After all, he said he would return during the lifetimes of his disciples, but he was wrong. That much is certain.
What you fail to realize is that Jesus fulfilled many prophecies. He IS the Son of God. And He said that the Bible is Gods word. What part of that don't you understand?

You obviously didn't read the links I provided on that topic. It's pretty conclusive stuff. Jesus did NOT fulfill ANY prophecies. What part of that do you not understand? And his saying the bible is God's word means nothing. All it means is that he 'thought' it was God's word. He was a human being just like all of us, and he made mistakes. After all, he said he would return during the lifetimes of his disciples, but he was wrong. That much is certain.
That's your opinion. The Bible says differently. I just posted 355 prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Feel free to try to disprove them.
Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????

So where are they? Oh wait, let me guess. The Illuminati is hiding them from us so we don't know the truth, right?
Anybody on this board who wants to know the truth need only read the links I posted. It's as simple as that. Posting an article from a website like Answers in Genesis is like quoting an obviously fake news site. It's blatant apologetics. And Christian apologists are some of the most dishonest people on the planet. They lie and twist the truth more than Donald Trump. Okay, well maybe that's an exaggeration. NOBODY lies more than Trump,

Apologetics are supposedly the Christian way to fend off skeptical outsiders, but that's not really why they exist. The real reason they exist is to assuage the doubts of those on the inside - the believers - so that they don't look to the outside for their answers. Apologists know full well what THAT would mean! When a believer experiences doubts, the first thing they do is go to one of the zillions of apologetic websites seeking answers. The apologists tell them just enough to reassure them that their beliefs are true, and the doubter goes away happy. The apologists don't care if the answers they give are true or not. As long as the poor doubting Christian goes away happy, that's all they care about.

True seekers - people who really want to know the truth, not just "go away happy" don't just check their apologists websites, but also the arguments of those on the other side too. Very, very few Christians are ever willing to do that. They would rather live in their happy little bubble than go through the rigorous and often emotionally tumultuous path of REALLY making an effort to find out the truth.

Some, like me, didn't have that problem, and deconversion is a rapidly growing phenomenon. There are literally hundreds of books out there written by former believers, books which tell their stories, and explain how they came to see the truth about Christianity and the bible. But again, few Christians are willing to risk it, and I guess that's understandable.

Their loss though. I feel sorry for them.
Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????

So where are they? Oh wait, let me guess. The Illuminati is hiding them from us so we don't know the truth, right?

There are NO nephilim or "giant" skeletons that have ever been found. In each and every case they have been proven to be outright hoaxes, or misidentified dinosaur or animal bones.
Anybody on this board who wants to know the truth need only read the links I posted. It's as simple as that. Posting an article from a website like Answers in Genesis is like quoting an obviously fake news site. It's blatant apologetics. And Christian apologists are some of the most dishonest people on the planet. They lie and twist the truth more than Donald Trump. Okay, well maybe that's an exaggeration. NOBODY lies more than Trump,

Apologetics are supposedly the Christian way to fend off skeptical outsiders, but that's not really why they exist. The real reason they exist is to assuage the doubts of those on the inside - the believers - so that they don't look to the outside for their answers. Apologists know full well what THAT would mean! When a believer experiences doubts, the first thing they do is go to one of the zillions of apologetic websites seeking answers. The apologists tell them just enough to reassure them that their beliefs are true, and the doubter goes away happy. The apologists don't care if the answers they give are true or not. As long as the poor doubting Christian goes away happy, that's all they care about.

True seekers - people who really want to know the truth, not just "go away happy" don't just check their apologists websites, but also the arguments of those on the other side too. Very, very few Christians are ever willing to do that. They would rather live in their happy little bubble than go through the rigorous and often emotionally tumultuous path of REALLY making an effort to find out the truth.

Some, like me, didn't have that problem, and deconversion is a rapidly growing phenomenon. There are literally hundreds of books out there written by former believers, books which tell their stories, and explain how they came to see the truth about Christianity and the bible. But again, few Christians are willing to risk it, and I guess that's understandable.

Their loss though. I feel sorry for them.
You're an idiot. No one does my thinking for me. I can read and understand the Bible myself. I don't need anyone to explain it to me. The Holy Spirit does it for me.

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