Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True

Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????

So where are they? Oh wait, let me guess. The Illuminati is hiding them from us so we don't know the truth, right?

There are NO nephilim or "giant" skeletons that have ever been found. In each and every case they have been proven to be outright hoaxes, or misidentified dinosaur or animal bones.

Including the New York Times article of 1902? Spare me your aloof "I know it all" attitude". You are no expert as it pertains to the origins of mankind. You are no better or worse than those that believe that a higher power created man. Your religion of "evolution" is even more flawed than those that believe in the Bible. YOU don't know any better than anyone else and your faith in "science" isn't any different than someone's faith in Biblical teachings....your opinion is just that. Parroting the works of those that have shaped your version of reality doesn't make it reality for all....capiche'???
Okay, so give me ONE, just ONE, indisputable example of a giant's skeleton being found. Go ahead, give it a try!
Hey, guess what, I just hit the 15 post requirement for posting links! I guess that's something they don't really care about much. Thanks mods, I love you too!
Okay, so give me ONE, just ONE, indisputable example of a giant's skeleton being found. Go ahead, give it a try!

I have........are you fucking blind or simply obtuse? Either excuse works just fine. You are stuck in this "either or" paradigm because of your hatred of those with faith because it steps on the toes of the fabian socialists that believe in government god thus it is an affront and must be eradicated.

Let me put this in language that I hope even an idiot like you can grasp ( and I will keep the use of multi-syllable words to a minimum). I will never be a leftist....not in this or any other lifetime. I would gladly and with tremendous zeal, slit the throat of a fabian socialist before I would ever support one. You can etch that in stone..............
If you're posting on here, you're talking to everyone, and anyone can reply.

I'm counting on it!

This is fun!

I'll get back to you later!
If you're posting on here, you're talking to everyone, and anyone can reply.

I'm counting on it!

This is fun!

I'll get back to you later!

Please try and "up" your game because thus far, it's been as pathetic as watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.......
I have........are you fucking blind or simply obtuse? Either excuse works just fine. You are stuck in this "either or" paradigm because of your hatred of those with faith because it steps on the toes of the fabian socialists that believe in government god thus it is an affront and must be eradicated.

Let me put this in language that I hope even an idiot like you can grasp ( and I will keep the use of multi-syllable words to a minimum). I will never be a leftist....not in this or any other lifetime. I would gladly and with tremendous zeal, slit the throat of a fabian socialist before I would ever support one. You can etch that in stone..............[/B]

Okay, have a nice night. Sleep well my friend!

Please try and "up" your game because thus far, it's been as pathetic as watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.......

Haa! I like that! Although it does, as usual, lack intelligent arguments. You people disappoint me!
Okay, so now it's not only too late to watch a movie, but it's too late to stay awake! Goodnight all!
Please try and "up" your game because thus far, it's been as pathetic as watching a cat trying to bury it's shit on a frozen sidewalk.......

Haa! I like that! Although it does, as usual, lack intelligent arguments. You people disappoint me!
Ask me if I care.
The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth

And there is a lot more to it than just the DNA fantasies as well; there is zero empirical evidence for evolution, period, it's just a hypothesis at this point, and a rather ludicrous one at that; it's just a political cult that promotes it, is all. I'm neither a creationist nor a Christian myself, but since I have no axe to grind, I sleep just fine not knowing how it all started. Christianity is far better than what it replaced, which is all I need to know about it, and have no problems with the theology and truly revolutionary cultural evolution it created and represents at all.

Actually, it is a Theory. The hypothesis is the first step. And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way). How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis? In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

Why does the height of a human knock evolution on its ass? There are freaks of nature that grow far beyond the norm.

I find the Bible's teachings on creation to be a nice fable, but nothing more. Evolution gives a better explanation without relying on an invisible man.

They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

"They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. "

No, they haven't. Damn, you will believe ANYTHING.
Answers in Genesis is a website just as devoid of objective evidence and documentation as the ‘bible,’ and just as subjective as the ‘bible.’

"Answers in Genesis" is a disgusting propaganda site run by a serial child abusing con man. You can get more accurate "answers" from an 8-ball.
And there is a lot more to it than just the DNA fantasies as well; there is zero empirical evidence for evolution, period, it's just a hypothesis at this point, and a rather ludicrous one at that; it's just a political cult that promotes it, is all. I'm neither a creationist nor a Christian myself, but since I have no axe to grind, I sleep just fine not knowing how it all started. Christianity is far better than what it replaced, which is all I need to know about it, and have no problems with the theology and truly revolutionary cultural evolution it created and represents at all.

Actually, it is a Theory. The hypothesis is the first step. And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way). How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis? In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

Why does the height of a human knock evolution on its ass? There are freaks of nature that grow far beyond the norm.

I find the Bible's teachings on creation to be a nice fable, but nothing more. Evolution gives a better explanation without relying on an invisible man.

They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

"They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. "

No, they haven't. Damn, you will believe ANYTHING.

WOW! Just because YOU say so!??!?!? That is some compelling proof right there, folks! (snicker)
Actually, it is a Theory. The hypothesis is the first step. And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way). How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis? In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

Why does the height of a human knock evolution on its ass? There are freaks of nature that grow far beyond the norm.

I find the Bible's teachings on creation to be a nice fable, but nothing more. Evolution gives a better explanation without relying on an invisible man.

They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

"They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. "

No, they haven't. Damn, you will believe ANYTHING.

WOW! Just because YOU say so!??!?!? That is some compelling proof right there, folks! (snicker)

Other than the, I haven't seen any pics of actual giant's skeletons. And the website is pure propaganda.

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