Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True

Actually, it is a Theory. The hypothesis is the first step. And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way). How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis? In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

Why does the height of a human knock evolution on its ass? There are freaks of nature that grow far beyond the norm.

I find the Bible's teachings on creation to be a nice fable, but nothing more. Evolution gives a better explanation without relying on an invisible man.

They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

Why do large skeletons make you think evolution is wrong?

Being that there were so many of them? How come there isn't any now? If we are "evolving"? Shouldn't there still be people of that size? If we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes? We also know that the "Piltdown man" was an intentional hoax so if this theory was a credible explanation? Why would they attempt to deceive the masses?

Please, believe in evolution to your heart's content but I don't buy even the smallest bit of that bullshit. Hell, for all we ACTUALLY know, this planet could simply be someone's petri dish experiment that is looking at this shitty spot we call a "earth" on his/her microscope. I am more concerned about where we are at this point and time and where we are headed than I am pondering the origins of man and what may or may not have happened a million years ago.

The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Actually, it is a Theory.

No, actually it's just a hypothesis.

And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

Yes, true; only evolution is just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way).

100% accurate. There is no chain of evidence.

How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis?

The same amount there is for the 'warm pond' hypothesis, which in fact is close to the 'Garden of Eden' story, which is why the evolutionists did little but rip off Genesis for their own hypothesis by and large.

In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence.

Actually there is quite a bit of evidence for much of it being historically accurate, even as some want to dispute bits of it here and there. Romans certainly existed, Jerusalem existed, the Pharisees and Sadducee existed, the Temple existed, etc., etc.

There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

No, not really.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

Where did I say I accept the biblical account, exactly? I said sleep just fine without knowing how it all began, and I most certainly know the difference between empirical evidence and wishful thinking, hence my 100% accurate opinion that the evolutionists are merely cultists with a political agenda, not 'rationalists' promoting 'science n stuff'. And the inability of the compulsive deviants, assorted fetishists, and sociopaths to honor even a simple request in the OP is clear evidence you're all emotionally retarded as well as mentally retarded trolls, not 'rationalists'.
The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth

And there is a lot more to it than just the DNA fantasies as well; there is zero empirical evidence for evolution, period, it's just a hypothesis at this point, and a rather ludicrous one at that; it's just a political cult that promotes it, is all. I'm neither a creationist nor a Christian myself, but since I have no axe to grind, I sleep just fine not knowing how it all started. Christianity is far better than what it replaced, which is all I need to know about it, and have no problems with the theology and truly revolutionary cultural evolution it created and represents at all.

Actually, it is a Theory. The hypothesis is the first step. And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way). How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis? In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

It's a truly bizarre fantasy; why would something like an eye 'evolve' over hundreds of generations or more, when it would be completely useless and serving no purpose at all over that entire period until it was complete? A lot of the scientific arguments made by the creationists against evolution are pretty sound based on what is actually known now, much saner than the fantastic and improbable claims evolution cultists make, and with no real evidence to boot, just hand waves and guesses.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.
I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

Why does the height of a human knock evolution on its ass? There are freaks of nature that grow far beyond the norm.

I find the Bible's teachings on creation to be a nice fable, but nothing more. Evolution gives a better explanation without relying on an invisible man.

They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

Why do large skeletons make you think evolution is wrong?

Being that there were so many of them? How come there isn't any now? If we are "evolving"? Shouldn't there still be people of that size? If we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes? We also know that the "Piltdown man" was an intentional hoax so if this theory was a credible explanation? Why would they attempt to deceive the masses?

Please, believe in evolution to your heart's content but I don't buy even the smallest bit of that bullshit. Hell, for all we ACTUALLY know, this planet could simply be someone's petri dish experiment that is looking at this shitty spot we call a "earth" on his/her microscope. I am more concerned about where we are at this point and time and where we are headed than I am pondering the origins of man and what may or may not have happened a million years ago.

The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.
The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth

And there is a lot more to it than just the DNA fantasies as well; there is zero empirical evidence for evolution, period, it's just a hypothesis at this point, and a rather ludicrous one at that; it's just a political cult that promotes it, is all. I'm neither a creationist nor a Christian myself, but since I have no axe to grind, I sleep just fine not knowing how it all started. Christianity is far better than what it replaced, which is all I need to know about it, and have no problems with the theology and truly revolutionary cultural evolution it created and represents at all.

Actually, it is a Theory. The hypothesis is the first step. And, in scientific terms, "theory" is not just a guess.

But you say there is zero empirical evidence for evolution (inaccurate, by the way). How much empirical evidence is there for the fable in Genesis? In fact, the entire Christian creation myth has absolutely zero empirical evidence. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for creationism.

I also find it odd that you claim you are not a Christian, but you accept the biblical account of creation. How can you accept that and not accept the rest of the book?

I find the Bible's teachings about creation more palatable than the evolution theory of this big bang that brought about a single cell amoeba and from it sprung every bit of life on the planet. Where the evolution theory gets knocked on it's ass is the fact that there has been many findings of human beings as tall as 15 feet so being that is the case? What happened??? What kind of (snicker) "ape" did they evolve from? Hmmmmmmm????

It's a truly bizarre fantasy; why would something like an eye 'evolve' over hundreds of generations or more, when it would be completely useless and serving no purpose at all over that entire period until it was complete? A lot of the scientific arguments made by the creationists against evolution are pretty sound based on what is actually known now, much saner than the fantastic and improbable claims evolution cultists make, and with no real evidence to boot, just hand waves and guesses.

The eye thing? That has been debunked so many times and yet it still pops up.

There are examples of eyes that do not actually 'see', but can only tell shades of light. The eye did not just happen one day. It has been evolving over a very long time. And there are still living examples of the primitive versions.
Why does the height of a human knock evolution on its ass? There are freaks of nature that grow far beyond the norm.

I find the Bible's teachings on creation to be a nice fable, but nothing more. Evolution gives a better explanation without relying on an invisible man.

They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

Why do large skeletons make you think evolution is wrong?

Being that there were so many of them? How come there isn't any now? If we are "evolving"? Shouldn't there still be people of that size? If we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes? We also know that the "Piltdown man" was an intentional hoax so if this theory was a credible explanation? Why would they attempt to deceive the masses?

Please, believe in evolution to your heart's content but I don't buy even the smallest bit of that bullshit. Hell, for all we ACTUALLY know, this planet could simply be someone's petri dish experiment that is looking at this shitty spot we call a "earth" on his/her microscope. I am more concerned about where we are at this point and time and where we are headed than I am pondering the origins of man and what may or may not have happened a million years ago.

The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.

LMAO!!! Handlers? lol Spare me the melodramatics.

I pretty much only post on this topic when it is "Evolution is wrong" kind of nonsense.
They have found the skeletal remains of giants all over the world. Go ahead and believe in evolution....knock yourself out. I find evolution as ludicrous as you do that we were created by a higher power.

Why do large skeletons make you think evolution is wrong?

Being that there were so many of them? How come there isn't any now? If we are "evolving"? Shouldn't there still be people of that size? If we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes? We also know that the "Piltdown man" was an intentional hoax so if this theory was a credible explanation? Why would they attempt to deceive the masses?

Please, believe in evolution to your heart's content but I don't buy even the smallest bit of that bullshit. Hell, for all we ACTUALLY know, this planet could simply be someone's petri dish experiment that is looking at this shitty spot we call a "earth" on his/her microscope. I am more concerned about where we are at this point and time and where we are headed than I am pondering the origins of man and what may or may not have happened a million years ago.

The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.
Why do large skeletons make you think evolution is wrong?

Being that there were so many of them? How come there isn't any now? If we are "evolving"? Shouldn't there still be people of that size? If we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes? We also know that the "Piltdown man" was an intentional hoax so if this theory was a credible explanation? Why would they attempt to deceive the masses?

Please, believe in evolution to your heart's content but I don't buy even the smallest bit of that bullshit. Hell, for all we ACTUALLY know, this planet could simply be someone's petri dish experiment that is looking at this shitty spot we call a "earth" on his/her microscope. I am more concerned about where we are at this point and time and where we are headed than I am pondering the origins of man and what may or may not have happened a million years ago.

The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.

Or a 15' man couldn't hide or sneak up on game. And, as I said before, the additional size and weight would play hell on their joints. There are any number of reasons a species would die out.

You have said that there have been skeletons of 15 foot humans found "all over". Do you have a link?
Being that there were so many of them? How come there isn't any now? If we are "evolving"? Shouldn't there still be people of that size? If we evolved from apes, how come there are still apes? We also know that the "Piltdown man" was an intentional hoax so if this theory was a credible explanation? Why would they attempt to deceive the masses?

Please, believe in evolution to your heart's content but I don't buy even the smallest bit of that bullshit. Hell, for all we ACTUALLY know, this planet could simply be someone's petri dish experiment that is looking at this shitty spot we call a "earth" on his/her microscope. I am more concerned about where we are at this point and time and where we are headed than I am pondering the origins of man and what may or may not have happened a million years ago.

The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.

Or a 15' man couldn't hide or sneak up on game. And, as I said before, the additional size and weight would play hell on their joints. There are any number of reasons a species would die out.

You have said that there have been skeletons of 15 foot humans found "all over". Do you have a link?
The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.

Or a 15' man couldn't hide or sneak up on game. And, as I said before, the additional size and weight would play hell on their joints. There are any number of reasons a species would die out.

You have said that there have been skeletons of 15 foot humans found "all over". Do you have a link?

Interesting comment on the second link. "Giant ancient humans would fly in the face of evolution. It would show that we have actually devolved, not evolved.". Obviously someone out there thinks evolution is all about being larger?
The fact that the Piltdown Man hoax happened does not change the tenets of the Theory of Evolution at all. If that were the ONLY evidence, you might have a point. It isn't.

As for why, the Piltdown Man was created by an amateur archeologist. He did it to be famous.

Now, as for why there are no longer 15 foot humans, that is simple. It was not an advantage for them. To be that large requires far more food, stresses the body (the joints specifically), and may have caused all sorts of physical problems.

As for the "If we evolved from apes why are there still apes" question, it is really simple. Of course, no evolutionist claims we evolved from current species of apes. But we will skip that. Evolution is about using our attributes to succeed and multiply. There are many different niches in the world. If humans fit one and apes fit another, there would be no reason for us to cause their extinction.

Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.

Or a 15' man couldn't hide or sneak up on game. And, as I said before, the additional size and weight would play hell on their joints. There are any number of reasons a species would die out.

You have said that there have been skeletons of 15 foot humans found "all over". Do you have a link?

The first link wouldn't work. The second is a religious site that believes the earth is only 6,000 years old with debunked pics.

Giant Skeletons Hoax Debunked

That site discusses the various hoaxes concerning giant skeletons. Yes, there were humanoids that were large. But none that I have found are 15 feet tall.
Ohhhhh? So "man" can just decide how tall they can grow and got the technology thousands of years ago? Giants requiring more food would be an issue with so few people on the planet at the time and so much meat and fruit to be had? Sorry, I am not buying it. Why don't you just admit that any theory is just as good as the next as it pertains to the origin of man and be done with it. I believe that there are more pressing issues to address than what may or may not have happened a a few hundred thousand years ago. What I do know (and prove) is that our genome is being manipulated and damaged on purpose by a soft-kill depopulation plan using chemicals in our food, vaccines and water coupled with the fallout of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program that we breath in and that lands in our food and water. Artificial intelligence and the robotic age will mean that fewer and fewer people will be required to keep the machine working.....and if you believe the globalist oligarchs that control the monetary system is going to subsidize a vast population of un-employable "worthless" eaters so that they can lounge around and play video games all day and squirt out another few generations of unemployable, resource consuming ne'er-do-wells? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that just came up for sale that I will let go on the cheap.

I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.

Or a 15' man couldn't hide or sneak up on game. And, as I said before, the additional size and weight would play hell on their joints. There are any number of reasons a species would die out.

You have said that there have been skeletons of 15 foot humans found "all over". Do you have a link?

Interesting comment on the second link. "Giant ancient humans would fly in the face of evolution. It would show that we have actually devolved, not evolved.". Obviously someone out there thinks evolution is all about being larger?

And if evolution was real? I would agree......some have devolved and some haven't evolved at all. We have the dumbest, most uninformed populace in the history of mankind. They have no survival skills and they are nothing but drones in the hive. We have the most entitled generation coming up behind us. They are so fucking stupid that Home Depot is having to spend millions on instructional videos to teach millennials on how to use basic tools. These are the same types that are showing up at ANTIFA rallies waving the communist flag........are they EVER in for a rude awakening. Wanna bet that most of them can't even change a flat tire? Why should they? Just call Triple A..........(SMH).
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.

LMAO!!! Handlers? lol Spare me the melodramatics.

I pretty much only post on this topic when it is "Evolution is wrong" kind of nonsense.
I was giving him an out. An opportunity to blame his brainwashers for his apparent ignorance. Or do you actually believe creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive?
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.

LMAO!!! Handlers? lol Spare me the melodramatics.

I pretty much only post on this topic when it is "Evolution is wrong" kind of nonsense.
I was giving him an out. An opportunity to blame his brainwashers for his apparent ignorance. Or do you actually believe creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive?

Of course it is not.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.

LMAO!!! Handlers? lol Spare me the melodramatics.

I pretty much only post on this topic when it is "Evolution is wrong" kind of nonsense.
I was giving him an out. An opportunity to blame his brainwashers for his apparent ignorance. Or do you actually believe creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive?
There is no such thing as evolution. It doesn't exist. There IS a little something called adaptation. This is when a species expresses genetic traits that already exist in it's DNA. What evolutionists have done is make the claim that adaptation leads to bigger changes and new species. There is no evidence that such is the case. In order for new species to exist, according to Darwin, new information must be added to it's genome. This is a scientific impossibility.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
Evolution and creationism are not mutually exclusive. But you wouldn't know that because your handlers didn't tell you so.

LMAO!!! Handlers? lol Spare me the melodramatics.

I pretty much only post on this topic when it is "Evolution is wrong" kind of nonsense.
I was giving him an out. An opportunity to blame his brainwashers for his apparent ignorance. Or do you actually believe creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive?
There is no such thing as evolution. It doesn't exist. There IS a little something called adaptation. This is when a species expresses genetic traits that already exist in it's DNA. What evolutionists have done is make the claim that adaptation leads to bigger changes and new species. There is no evidence that such is the case. In order for new species to exist, according to Darwin, new information must be added to it's genome. This is a scientific impossibility.

Or there is a mutation, especially within the DNA. That has been observed.

How much evidence is there that God exists? Or that the creationist myth is real? Let me help you out. The answer to both questions is "None".
I have already said that I do not care how we came to be here. You, apparently chose to ignore that.

As for the 15 foot man, there are numerous reasons why they would not survive. I listed a few. And while there would have been fewer people around, there would have still been intense competition for whatever food there was.

Apparently you care quite a bit or you wouldn't comment on posts from those that don't believe in Darwin's theory. Your theory as to why "man" shrunk to what you believe is a more manageable size strikes me as funny.......not making fun of you....just amuses me is all. It would seem to me that someone of that size could get the best fruit from the top of the trees and easily hunt wild game....but whatever.

Or a 15' man couldn't hide or sneak up on game. And, as I said before, the additional size and weight would play hell on their joints. There are any number of reasons a species would die out.

You have said that there have been skeletons of 15 foot humans found "all over". Do you have a link?

Interesting comment on the second link. "Giant ancient humans would fly in the face of evolution. It would show that we have actually devolved, not evolved.". Obviously someone out there thinks evolution is all about being larger?

And if evolution was real? I would agree......some have devolved and some haven't evolved at all. We have the dumbest, most uninformed populace in the history of mankind. They have no survival skills and they are nothing but drones in the hive. We have the most entitled generation coming up behind us. They are so fucking stupid that Home Depot is having to spend millions on instructional videos to teach millennials on how to use basic tools. These are the same types that are showing up at ANTIFA rallies waving the communist flag........are they EVER in for a rude awakening. Wanna bet that most of them can't even change a flat tire? Why should they? Just call Triple A..........(SMH).

What you are describing, while true, has nothing to do with this topic. No one is born with the abilities or skills you talk about. The fact that they do not learn them is not about evolution. They have the ability to learn those things. But not the inclination.
How much evidence is there that God exists? Or that the creationist myth is real? Let me help you out. The answer to both questions is "None".

Religion is a philosophy, not a study of physical objects. Evidence involves physical objects, things that can be measured. How much evidence is there that the philosophy of religion and God exists?

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