Seven ridiculous beliefs of Ben Carson

7 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Believes ThinkProgress

And yet, he recently won a GOP straw poll, is that right? That speak volumes about the GOP....
Proving that libs are the biggest racists to walk the planet.
Thinkprogress is a fail, btw.

Which of his well documented crazy beliefs proves libs are racist?
The list of crazy beliefs its self removes all question,not one of those were not taken out of contents not one of them. No actual quotes there for opinion.and only opinion.
7 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Believes ThinkProgress

And yet, he recently won a GOP straw poll, is that right? That speak volumes about the GOP....
Proving that libs are the biggest racists to walk the planet.
Thinkprogress is a fail, btw.

Which of his well documented crazy beliefs proves libs are racist?
The list of crazy beliefs its self removes all question,not one of those were not taken out of contents not one of them. No actual quotes there for opinion.and only opinion.

Wow. Bring out the ranch dressing. Word salad is being served.
7 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Believes ThinkProgress

And yet, he recently won a GOP straw poll, is that right? That speak volumes about the GOP....
Proving that libs are the biggest racists to walk the planet.
Thinkprogress is a fail, btw.

Which of his well documented crazy beliefs proves libs are racist?

The race card is a rightwing necessity now.


They know that being called out for their racist goals doesn't help them much so they decided to try using it as a tool against the left. The dumbasses don't realize that accusing someone of racism doesn't work unless there is actually something racist to point out
I didn't read all the way through that. Would his 8th ridiculous belief be that he can be president someday?

Or would his 8th ridiculous belief be that he thinks no one will see through his fake presidential campaign?

lol, I'm not sure which is worse.
Removing judges that over turn the right of a people of a state to define marriage the way they want is a religious belief? In the first two I didn't see any religious context, I expected more of the same so gave up there. Between him and Rubio libs are going to loose what little mind they have left.
Ben Carson is afraid that the US will fall into anarchy, and then Obama is going to declare martial law and cancel the 2016 elections.

The chance of that happening is none. Yes, I predict the 2016 elections will happen, and I believe that the GOP is going to finally implode on itself this time.

They've already fractured, it's just a matter of time before they fall.
7 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Believes ThinkProgress

And yet, he recently won a GOP straw poll, is that right? That speak volumes about the GOP....
Proving that libs are the biggest racists to walk the planet.
Thinkprogress is a fail, btw.

Which of his well documented crazy beliefs proves libs are racist?
The list of crazy beliefs its self removes all question,not one of those were not taken out of contents not one of them. No actual quotes there for opinion.and only opinion.

Obviously you didn't read the OP. There are plenty of quotes there and links to longer quotes. The guy is a fruitcake, and double checking for "context", which I just did, only proves it even more
Ben Carson is not only a fruitcake, but he's a dangerous one.

Between him and Ted Cruz, I can't think of who is worse.

Carson would only be dangerous if he had a snowball's chance in hell of winning anything.
7 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Believes ThinkProgress

And yet, he recently won a GOP straw poll, is that right? That speak volumes about the GOP....

Obviously, you made no effort to do any research into these claims. Several of these are distortions of Carson's beliefs. Did it occur to you to read some of Carson's writings before you ran with this hit piece from a far-left think tank? Do you know anyting about Carson's life story, his achievements, his education? Ever heard of the movie Gifted Hands, starring Cuba Gooding? It's based on Carson's amazing life story.
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