Seven ridiculous beliefs of Ben Carson

7 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Believes ThinkProgress

And yet, he recently won a GOP straw poll, is that right? That speak volumes about the GOP....

Obviously, you made no effort to do any research into these claims. Several of these are distortions of Carson's beliefs. Did it occur to you to read some of Carson's writings before you ran with this hit piece from a far-left think tank? Do you know anyting about Carson's life story, his achievements, his education?

What does his achievements have to do with these particular statements. He said them. They aren't out of context. Being a good surgeon doesn't mean he can't have crazy ideas.
Here are they seven and as I expected none are too crazy.

Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters
Sure does look that way, if not by intent just the result.
Obama is depressing the economy to keep people on welfare
The article itself says he didn't name Obama.
Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery
He has a point, slavery to the plantation owner or to the state, not a whole lot of difference.
There’s no such thing as a war crime
Read what he said then think of blowing people up in an ally country.
Being gay is a choice because prison turns people gay
A view that conflicts with liberals big deal.
Congress should be able to remove judges for voting for marriage equality
Bottom line, he is not a consitutional lawyer and the key word is "should."
Anarchy could cancel the 2016 election
I hear lots of people thinking the same thing. I disagree but it hardly makes him crazy.

More liberal BS to put down a black man with brains, and he doesn't have a funny sounding name.
Here are they seven and as I expected none are too crazy.

Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters
Sure does look that way, if not by intent just the result.
Obama is depressing the economy to keep people on welfare
The article itself says he didn't name Obama.
Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery
He has a point, slavery to the plantation owner or to the state, not a whole lot of difference.
There’s no such thing as a war crime
Read what he said then think of blowing people up in an ally country.
Being gay is a choice because prison turns people gay
A view that conflicts with liberals big deal.
Congress should be able to remove judges for voting for marriage equality
Bottom line, he is not a consitutional lawyer and the key word is "should."
Anarchy could cancel the 2016 election
I hear lots of people thinking the same thing. I disagree but it hardly makes him crazy.

More liberal BS to put down a black man with brains, and he doesn't have a funny sounding name.

You really need to start worrying about Hillary.
I think he faded away a long time ago. Its just not his time. but i still have hope that someday we will live to see the first black president.

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