Seven shot, gunman dead at University City apartment complex

imagine if it was a person of color shooting 7 white would be the top story in the right wing bubblesphere for at least 2 years - but this story will be gone by noon

Actually, if it was a person of color who shot seven white people they wouldn't have even bothered to note the races, troll. I'm not exactly sure what the point was of doing so in this article, since it appears to be completely irrelevant to his motives.
Don't know the full circumstances of that murder, but it does appear that this was the rage of a failure blaming a scapegoat for his own inadaquecies.
We need more mentally ill people with guns. Thank you, NRA. Let's double the number of guns on the street. Yessirreeee Bob.
Words make people blow their brains out.
We need less words on the street.

And what about debt, doesn't the story say he had bankruptcy and crushing debt, maybe we should pass a law outlawing debt, makes as much sense as more gun laws

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We need more mentally ill people with guns. Thank you, NRA. Let's double the number of guns on the street. Yessirreeee Bob.
was he mentally ill?....i saw nothing in the story saying he until someone says he was,he bought that gun legally....if, he bought it legally....
Well, when you shoot a bunch of people without reason, it is pretty apparent that he was mentally unstable. The fact that he did that, then just sat there until he was shot be the police is not an indication of someone that has a full load.
Source: San Diego Union-Tribune

Seven adults were shot, one woman fatally, when a gunman who witnesses said never left his poolside chair opened fire on a birthday party at an University City apartment complex Sunday.

Police shot and killed the suspect, later identified as 49-year-old Peter Selis, a resident at the upscale La Jolla Crossroads complex on Judicial Drive near the Westfield UTC Shopping Center.

A 2015 bankruptcy filing stated that Selis, a father and a car mechanic at a Ford dealership in San Diego, faced crushing debt.

Authorities said the shooter, armed with a semi-automatic pistol, was white and all the victims were people of color — four black women, two black men and one Latino man. The woman killed was not identified.

Seven shot, gunman dead at University City apartment complex
imagine if it was a person of color shooting 7 white would be the top story in the right wing bubblesphere for at least 2 years - but this story will be gone by noon

It didn't actually happen.......1) it is against the law to shoot at people 2) California has strict gun control laws....

Is this a fake news story?

so write the San Diego Union-Tribune and whine about their 'fake news'

you're a dope
Guno, is that you?
We need more mentally ill people with guns. Thank you, NRA. Let's double the number of guns on the street. Yessirreeee Bob.
was he mentally ill?....i saw nothing in the story saying he until someone says he was,he bought that gun legally....if, he bought it legally....
Well, when you shoot a bunch of people without reason, it is pretty apparent that he was mentally unstable. The fact that he did that, then just sat there until he was shot be the police is not an indication of someone that has a full load.
ok....but you are saying,apparently,that he should not have had the gun because he was a mental case,if he had no prior mental issues on record and he bought the gun whenever,then no one,including the gun dealer would have known.....and so far i havent seen nothing from those who knew him saying he was a little out there.....some totally "normal" people just lose it rocks,i have read about this with all the postal shootings in my career...the person who did the shooting in so many of those incidences was described as a "great guy" "everyone liked him""never seen this coming"...we need more info on the shooter....
Source: San Diego Union-Tribune

Seven adults were shot, one woman fatally, when a gunman who witnesses said never left his poolside chair opened fire on a birthday party at an University City apartment complex Sunday.

Police shot and killed the suspect, later identified as 49-year-old Peter Selis, a resident at the upscale La Jolla Crossroads complex on Judicial Drive near the Westfield UTC Shopping Center.

A 2015 bankruptcy filing stated that Selis, a father and a car mechanic at a Ford dealership in San Diego, faced crushing debt.

Authorities said the shooter, armed with a semi-automatic pistol, was white and all the victims were people of color — four black women, two black men and one Latino man. The woman killed was not identified.

Seven shot, gunman dead at University City apartment complex
imagine if it was a person of color shooting 7 white would be the top story in the right wing bubblesphere for at least 2 years - but this story will be gone by noon

We have black criminals killing people every single day...and you guys don't care.......and you have muslim terrorists murdering people...and asswipes like you call it work place violence...

We already know what happens when the races are guys don't care....
We have Americans who should never have a gun murdering other Americans every day. At a very high rate compared to other 1st world nations. And we have idiots like you telling half lies to make sure that this continues to be the case.

I tell no lies.....

Our non gun murder rate is higher than other countries entire murder rates......Japan....they have a population that doesn't commit crimes, on top of that their police have massive powers that you wouldn't tolerate here....the British...they had low gun murder rates before they banned guns...and that rate didn't change after they banned guns...their violent crime rate did go through the roof...and their gun crime rate is up 42% in London and up 10% in other British cities.....and their violent crime insane.....

Gun laws are not the issue....the culture of the criminal is the issue.....we have criminals who commit murder easily and often, they don't...

Their criminal changing....and they will likely face the gun violence that we have....
This is a fascinating story and perhaps illustrates how the media forms the opinions of the feeble minded.

Any story like this in Europe,perp being a muslim, would be accompanied by at least a dozen threads proclaiming that "Europe is falling apart", "Merkel is a bitch", "Euristan is awash with blood" and so on.

And then the pseudo intellectuals will tell us that it is part of their religion to kill and so part of their nature.
And then the really feeble minded will hop on board and talk about how dangerous "that Europe" is and that they will never visit because "it is gone now".

And meanwhile ,whilst I have typed this, several Americans have been shot by their own countrymen.

Its hilarious. The manipulation of the feeble by the cynical.

Europe is a lot safer than the US and this sad tale illustrates why.
This is a fascinating story and perhaps illustrates how the media forms the opinions of the feeble minded.

Any story like this in Europe,perp being a muslim, would be accompanied by at least a dozen threads proclaiming that "Europe is falling apart", "Merkel is a bitch", "Euristan is awash with blood" and so on.

And then the pseudo intellectuals will tell us that it is part of their religion to kill and so part of their nature.
And then the really feeble minded will hop on board and talk about how dangerous "that Europe" is and that they will never visit because "it is gone now".

And meanwhile ,whilst I have typed this, several Americans have been shot by their own countrymen.

Its hilarious. The manipulation of the feeble by the cynical.

Europe is a lot safer than the US and this sad tale illustrates why.

Not Britain......did you see the violent crime rates? Gun violence in London is up 42%.....and you banned guns...
We need more mentally ill people with guns. Thank you, NRA. Let's double the number of guns on the street. Yessirreeee Bob. lie.....The ACLU and the NRA want due process before you take people's rights away...unlike you who just want faceless, anti gun bureaucrats strippping away rights just because they don't like people owning guns.....

And as more people own and carry guns...our crime rate has gone down, not up..

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2016...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

As more people buy and carry guns, the numbers of mass shootings in the US continues to rise. The number of accidental shootings continue to rise, and the number of suicide by gun rises.

You keep trying to spin this another way but it's true.
This is a fascinating story and perhaps illustrates how the media forms the opinions of the feeble minded.

Any story like this in Europe,perp being a muslim, would be accompanied by at least a dozen threads proclaiming that "Europe is falling apart", "Merkel is a bitch", "Euristan is awash with blood" and so on.

And then the pseudo intellectuals will tell us that it is part of their religion to kill and so part of their nature.
And then the really feeble minded will hop on board and talk about how dangerous "that Europe" is and that they will never visit because "it is gone now".

And meanwhile ,whilst I have typed this, several Americans have been shot by their own countrymen.

Its hilarious. The manipulation of the feeble by the cynical.

Europe is a lot safer than the US and this sad tale illustrates why.

Not Britain......did you see the violent crime rates? Gun violence in London is up 42%.....and you banned guns...
Much safer than the US.
We need more mentally ill people with guns. Thank you, NRA. Let's double the number of guns on the street. Yessirreeee Bob.
was he mentally ill?....i saw nothing in the story saying he until someone says he was,he bought that gun legally....if, he bought it legally....

Anyone who shoots large amounts of people for no reason, mental illness is probably a safe bet. Mentally stable people don't tend to go on killing sprees.
We need more mentally ill people with guns. Thank you, NRA. Let's double the number of guns on the street. Yessirreeee Bob.
was he mentally ill?....i saw nothing in the story saying he until someone says he was,he bought that gun legally....if, he bought it legally....

Anyone who shoots large amounts of people for no reason, mental illness is probably a safe bet. Mentally stable people don't tend to go on killing sprees.
my response is post 25.....

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