Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters
Never let the Democrats take responsibility for anything. Ever. Better throw in some Republican shit to make it an even-Steven deal.
It is a problem created by the Dems with “believe all women” and now reinforced by tbe Republicans For political purposes. Let’s pretend their Hypocrisy doesn’t exist either.
Pretty simple stuff

Never shit in your own nest...

Glass house ..... Stone throwing

Point one finger forward
Three point back

C'mon.....this is not hard.


The accusations are hardly similar. Trump has admitted to groping and sexually assaulting women - "I don't even ask, I just start kissing", and 16 women came forward and confirmed his accounts, of him groping them and of fighting him off. Three women have filed affidavits that he raped them.

7 women have come forward and said that Joe Biden touched them - on the shoulders. He hugged them, or sniffed their hair. All have said that it was not sexual, but it made them "uncomfortable". The two sets of allegations could hardly be more different in nature or tone.

You are right they're very different. I don't particularly like Trump but he's never made an effort to hide what he is even if he did pay for nda's like just about every other high Life billionaire out there including Mike Bloomberg who has about two dozen of them by the way. When a guy steps forward and claims to represent the all-embracing acceptance of the left it looks pretty bad when seven women come out of the shadows to accuse him. This is exactly why Trump is able to survive those accusations many of which are no doubt true. Now buckup and believe the women... You know as well as I do you've been in the same position as they have...I can smell it from here.


I don't like to be touched, uninvited. I don't hug strangers, or greet people by touching them. I'm physically standoffish, unless you're close family, or we're dating.

When I was a young law clerk, I worked for a lawyer who was "handsy". If I was drafting contracts and wanted to ask him questions, he would stand behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, and read my screen over my shoulder. He was never sexual or inappropriate, but it made me unconfortable - because I don't like to be touched.

I never said anything to my boss, nor would I. He was the kindest, most decent and generous man I have ever worked for. My husband called him "Uncle Harrold". Had I said I felt uncomfortable, he would have thought my discomfort was because I thought he was making a pass at me, and he would have been crushed that I would have thought he would do that. I could spend hours telling you of all of the wonderful things that man did for his employees.

He was an only child who had only ever wanted to have a large family. I actually lived with him and his family until my husband could move to Toronto. My daughter had her baby pictures taken in the beautiful lace dress he gave her. His staff had all worked for him for 20 and 30 years. I would not have hurt his feelings for anything you can name.

Joe Biden's behaviour reminds me very much of Uncle Harrold.

I have never inappropriately a coworker. It’s weird.

I've never had any other employer touch me like that either, nor have I had an employer or supervisor make advances, but then I was married, and always behaved professionally, and never ever had more than one drink at any business dinner or function - except Uncle Harrold's annual cruise of Lake Ontario, where we closed the office at noon, and the entire staff drank champagne all afternoon on his 35 foot sailboat. Best boss ever!

I don't drink on the job, and company functions are "on the job" as far as I'm concerned. I've been at too many company functions and thought that I could not face my co-workers in the morning, after acting like that the night before. Banker's parties are the WORST for drunken loutishness.
It will be fun watching Dims falling all over themselves to excuse this pervert's behavior.

Former Vice President and top Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, now faces accusations from at least seven women who claim he inappropriately touched them.
Tara Reade posted a video on social media telling her story and at least three other women have spoken out since the disturbing video was posted...
Don't be stupider than you have to be. I'll.worry about that as soon as you start to worry about the dozens, including a child, who have come forward to accuse tRump.

Until then you can take this crap and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Biden is all over children on camera, liberalism is a mental disease.
Oh boy. Another moron shouting the Biden is pedo claim.
I guess you look the other way when Biden is holding little girls right up against him. While he plays with their hair, or gets right up in their face. I've said before, i think these ladies as lying the same as Ford did. But to see all the liberals backing off, all women should be heard. Proves you people could care less about them, unless they can be used. I have to admit, it is sweet to watch.
No. I just recognize a disgusting moron when I hear one. You do not care about them. You just like using pedo as a political tool. If you cared, hey, where is your outrage at all the photos of Trump and his daughter?

Loving your daughter is a bit different than what Biden has been "up to".

Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
It will be fun watching Dims falling all over themselves to excuse this pervert's behavior.

Former Vice President and top Democrat candidate for president, Joe Biden, now faces accusations from at least seven women who claim he inappropriately touched them.
Tara Reade posted a video on social media telling her story and at least three other women have spoken out since the disturbing video was posted...
Don't be stupider than you have to be. I'll.worry about that as soon as you start to worry about the dozens, including a child, who have come forward to accuse tRump.

Until then you can take this crap and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Biden is all over children on camera, liberalism is a mental disease.
Oh boy. Another moron shouting the Biden is pedo claim.
I guess you look the other way when Biden is holding little girls right up against him. While he plays with their hair, or gets right up in their face. I've said before, i think these ladies as lying the same as Ford did. But to see all the liberals backing off, all women should be heard. Proves you people could care less about them, unless they can be used. I have to admit, it is sweet to watch.
No. I just recognize a disgusting moron when I hear one. You do not care about them. You just like using pedo as a political tool. If you cared, hey, where is your outrage at all the photos of Trump and his daughter?
Lol, i kissed my son and he sat in my lap plenty of times while he was growing up. I can damn guarantee you, none of his friends did. Biden is doing it to kids he just met. You rub all over children you don't know?
Never let the Democrats take responsibility for anything. Ever. Better throw in some Republican shit to make it an even-Steven deal.
It is a problem created by the Dems with “believe all women” and now reinforced by tbe Republicans For political purposes. Let’s pretend their Hypocrisy doesn’t exist either.
Pretty simple stuff

Never shit in your own nest...

Glass house ..... Stone throwing

Point one finger forward
Three point back

C'mon.....this is not hard.


The accusations are hardly similar. Trump has admitted to groping and sexually assaulting women - "I don't even ask, I just start kissing", and 16 women came forward and confirmed his accounts, of him groping them and of fighting him off. Three women have filed affidavits that he raped them.

7 women have come forward and said that Joe Biden touched them - on the shoulders. He hugged them, or sniffed their hair. All have said that it was not sexual, but it made them "uncomfortable". The two sets of allegations could hardly be more different in nature or tone.

You are right they're very different. I don't particularly like Trump but he's never made an effort to hide what he is even if he did pay for nda's like just about every other high Life billionaire out there including Mike Bloomberg who has about two dozen of them by the way. When a guy steps forward and claims to represent the all-embracing acceptance of the left it looks pretty bad when seven women come out of the shadows to accuse him. This is exactly why Trump is able to survive those accusations many of which are no doubt true. Now buckup and believe the women... You know as well as I do you've been in the same position as they have...I can smell it from here.


I don't like to be touched, uninvited. I don't hug strangers, or greet people by touching them. I'm physically standoffish, unless you're close family, or we're dating.

When I was a young law clerk, I worked for a lawyer who was "handsy". If I was drafting contracts and wanted to ask him questions, he would stand behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, and read my screen over my shoulder. He was never sexual or inappropriate, but it made me unconfortable - because I don't like to be touched.

I never said anything to my boss, nor would I. He was the kindest, most decent and generous man I have ever worked for. My husband called him "Uncle Harrold". Had I said I felt uncomfortable, he would have thought my discomfort was because I thought he was making a pass at me, and he would have been crushed that I would have thought he would do that. I could spend hours telling you of all of the wonderful things that man did for his employees.

He was an only child who had only ever wanted to have a large family. I actually lived with him and his family until my husband could move to Toronto. My daughter had her baby pictures taken in the beautiful lace dress he gave her. His staff had all worked for him for 20 and 30 years. I would not have hurt his feelings for anything you can name.

Joe Biden's behaviour reminds me very much of Uncle Harrold.

I have never inappropriately a coworker. It’s weird.

I've never had any other employer touch me like that either, nor have I had an employer or supervisor make advances, but then I was married, and always behaved professionally, and never ever had more than one drink at any business dinner or function - except Uncle Harrold's annual cruise of Lake Ontario, where we closed the office at noon, and the entire staff drank champagne all afternoon on his 35 foot sailboat. Best boss ever!

I don't drink on the job, and company functions are "on the job" as far as I'm concerned. I've been at too many company functions and thought that I could not face my co-workers in the morning, after acting like that the night before. Banker's parties are the WORST for drunken loutishness.

I don’t drink at work functions either. I have seen Too many careers ruined by bad choices at work functions due to drinking too much.
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Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.

You raped me 30 years ago. You can’t prove you didn’t.

Ford was paraded out over Roe V WADE.
The point is, Democrats spent 3+ years trying to impeach Trump with stuff like this
No, they didn’t. You’re a liar.
They obviously did.
They spent three years trying to impeach him for being a sexual predator? No, they didn’t. You’re a moron
What part of "stuff like this" didn't you understand?
Impeaching him for abuse of power and obstruction is not “stuff like sexual assault”.
Made up bullshit is made up bullshit.
Cool. Lamar Alexander didn’t think it was made up bullshit. Mitt Romney didn’t think it was made up bullshit. Trump, 45th president, impeached.
Romney knew it was bullshit, and so did Alexander. Romney hated Trump. That's the only reason he voted in favor. Alexander didn't vote in favor, so why are you listing him?
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
No, actually none have, douchebag.
The point is, Democrats spent 3+ years trying to impeach Trump with stuff like this
No, they didn’t. You’re a liar.
They obviously did.
They spent three years trying to impeach him for being a sexual predator? No, they didn’t. You’re a moron
What part of "stuff like this" didn't you understand?
Impeaching him for abuse of power and obstruction is not “stuff like sexual assault”.
Made up bullshit is made up bullshit.
Cool. Lamar Alexander didn’t think it was made up bullshit. Mitt Romney didn’t think it was made up bullshit. Trump, 45th president, impeached.
Romney knew it was bullshit, and so did Alexander. Romney hated Trump. That's the only reason he voted in favor. Alexander didn't vote in favor, so why are you listing him?
Lamar said he thought the Dems proved their case on extortion, but that it didn't rise to the level of an impeachable offense. Translation: it didn't rise to the level of an impeachable offense for a Repub.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
No, actually none have, douchebag.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
No, actually none have, douchebag.

Trump confessed to doing this moron. "You can even grab 'em by the pussy".

One of Epstein's girls sued Trump for beating and raping her. She filed an Affadavit in Court, along with the affidavit of an eye witness who witnessed both the beating and the rape. If she was lying, why didn't Donald Trump have her charged with perjury, or sue her for slander?

And she's the least credible of Trump's accusers. All of whom Trump has attempted to smear and denigrate. Except the girl who sued him for rape. She dropped the case after her life and that of her family, was threatened.
Democrats you should be happy about this! This is your time to replace this loser! The man said the cure can’t be better then the virus lol WTF
Look at this guy ignoring the thread. l don't expect any Trump supporter to talk about the absence of Joe Biden's name in the police report. That's commonly referred to as "playing dumb".

Vice President Biden hasn't offered any proof whatsoever that he is Innocent of the charges.

Biden should be held to the same standard as Justice Kavanaugh was. Prove his innocence beyond all doubt or he's guilty.
Justice Kavanaugh provided no proof that he was innocent? Let alone proof beyond all doubt??

He just came out yelling and crying with wild conspiracy theory, partisan accusations.....

And he got the job.... No proof of innocence required.
Seriously? He had to prove his innocence? In America? :auiqs.jpg:
I grew up thinking that a person had to be proven guilty. I don't know how I got that all screwed up and still passed my classes in school.

You really do need to rethink what country you're living in and what our country stands for, Care.
You have lost your way over the last few years.
Where are all of the conservatives accusing her of lying, and digging up dirt on her, and falsely accusing her of doing this for political reasons, or cuz she's a tramp etc? :dunno:

Hypocrisy, on both sides is abound....

Kavanaugh should not have to prove innocence. Ford’s accusations had no proof. She didn’t know the year, the place, nor did the people she claimed were there said they had no recollection of being there. No evidence at all. In America you are innocent until proven guilty.

Milano has had a complete 360 on the issue because of politics, bias and prejudice.

I maintain the same standard used on Kavanaugh be use with Biden. The timing is suspect. What really happened Could be a matter of a person’s perception. I don’t know if Kavanaugh or Biden did anything and no one has proved otherwise.

Milano is a political tool.
We will never know how much more evidence is available seeing as the FBI did as instructed by Trump and failed to thoroughly investigate multiple allegations of drunken sexual abuse.

The left and right wing nuts have all sorts of conspiracies. So Max reportedly saw Kavanaugh and an unknown person, having sex, he reports it to the FBI an the FBI needs to find this unknown person . Why did Max guy wait all those years to inform anyone? It’s another he said she said. You people are so transparent in your stupid double standards.

If Max was such a great guy, why didn’t he kick Kavanaugh’s ass right then? Why didn’t he report it to the police right then? If he was so concerned, why didn’t he go console the woman and report it it to the police. This story is like Swiss cheese. Way to many holes.

How old are you? This is a serious question because I can tell you that people today react far differently today than they would back then.

When I was a girl growing up and going to bush parties, there was always "some drunk girl taking on all comers" in the back seat of a car at these parties. In reality, there was always some drunk girl being gang raped at these parties. Nobody ever put a stop to this stuff, or reported it. Nobody ever consoled these girls or helped them sober up. And later on they were slut shamed for it.

When I read Dr. Ford's account of the goings at at these parties, it's very easy to believe because this stuff went on all of the time at the parties I attended. It's why I never took a single drink at any of the parties I attended in high school. Because I knew what happens to girls who did.

I made a choice and stayed away from those parties, just as you made a choice not to drink at those parties. Just as others made choice to go to the parties and drink. Ford drank at the said parties and it seems her memory was very cloudy. She couldn’t remember where, when and who she was with, I believe she believes Kavanaugh did something, however I think her memory is suspect because of the alcohol. That is why she can’t remember when, where and the people she claimed that were there, weren’t there. I believe her when she said something happened, I don’t believe it was Kavanaugh, the evidence doesn’t add up. The mind plays tricks with your memory and time really does erode memories.
Byberry? LOL.
Byberry news website was started by Frank Bojazi in 2020. This site focuses primarily on news and politics.
Frank owns and operates the site, which receives no funding and generates revenue from display advertising.
So you Dems are going to shoot the messenger?
What a little fucking hypocrite !
She and the rest of the left and their media have clammed up bigtime. There have been no "#MeToo" accounts, no protest rally's, no swamping lawmakers with calls to dump Biden !

Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on 'Believing All Women'
Under fire for refusing to support Tara Reade, Milano says she never thought #MeToo would "destroy innocent men."

In September 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, actress Alyssa Milano did not hesitate to support her. On the same day that The Washington Post published its interview with Ford, Milano tweeted: "I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo."

But in the wake of an equally if not more serious sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Milano has remained silent. Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who claims that her boss digitally penetrated her in 1993 without her consent, received no tweet of solidarity from the self-described feminist activist.

Milano finally addressed this blatant hypocrisy in an interview with the radio host Andy Cohen. Here is what she had to say.

"I believe that even though we should believe women, and that is an important thing, what that statement really means is that for so long, the go-to has been not to belie

So are you saying the biden accuser should be believed, or that none of them should be believed?

Please clarify.
This is great news for Biden!
It almost makes him even with Trump in terms of infidelity and prostitute soliciting.
Big difference. Trump was a classy ladies man. And Biden never had what it took to score with a Playboy model.

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