Seven women have come forward with accusations against Joe Biden

Should Women Be Believed?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 73.3%

  • Total voters
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
Then by you own admission Biden's life should also be ruined? You see i think the women saying what they are, isn't true. But i'm not a hypocrite like yourself.
I have yet to see what is, IMO, a credible accusation against Biden for anything other than making women feel uncomfortable by getting too close or doing things like touching their hair. OTOH, multiple women have accused the Groper-in-Chief of unwanted touching of their genitals. Something he is on tape bragging about.
No, actually none have, douchebag.

Trump confessed to doing this moron. "You can even grab 'em by the pussy".

One of Epstein's girls sued Trump for beating and raping her. She filed an Affadavit in Court, along with the affidavit of an eye witness who witnessed both the beating and the rape. If she was lying, why didn't Donald Trump have her charged with perjury, or sue her for slander?

And she's the least credible of Trump's accusers. All of whom Trump has attempted to smear and denigrate. Except the girl who sued him for rape. She dropped the case after her life and that of her family, was threatened.

He didn’t say he grabbed women by the pussy. He said when you are famous and wealthy you “can”.

I can lick doorknobs. Doesn’t mean I do.
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.

Amazing how that happened, huh?
Just 7 women saying Biden touched them, what a loser !!! fat donnie has over 20 women accusing him of sexual assault, and rape, silenced multiple porn stars and postitutes, fat donnie even admits of sexual assault bragging he "grabs them by the pussy", heck he even touches his own daughter inappropriately...
You're lying of course. Only one pornstar/prostitute accused him of anything, and she has no evidence to back her claims. The other accusations were all discredited.
Even if Biden stands in the middle of 5th AV and shoots fat donnie, I will still vote for Biden...
Just 7 women saying Biden touched them, what a loser !!! fat donnie has over 20 women accusing him of sexual assault, and rape, silenced multiple porn stars and postitutes, fat donnie even admits of sexual assault bragging he "grabs them by the pussy", heck he even touches his own daughter inappropriately...
You're lying of course. Only one pornstar/prostitute accused him of anything, and she has no evidence to back her claims. The other accusations were all discredited.
Even if Biden stands in the middle of 5th AV and shoots fat donnie, I will still vote for Biden...

Biden would accidentally shoot himself in the dick.
It's a hell of a lot easier to do than on the right then it is on the left. The left forgives nothing. It's a very foolish position to take.
All Americans have shown a capacity for forgiveness following a sincere apology for wrongdoing. Like when BillyBob apologized for his affair with Monica. How does Trump apologize for molesting 25 women and not look ridiculous?
Now it's 25? These women multiply like rabbits.
It's a hell of a lot easier to do than on the right then it is on the left. The left forgives nothing. It's a very foolish position to take.
All Americans have shown a capacity for forgiveness following a sincere apology for wrongdoing. Like when BillyBob apologized for his affair with Monica. How does Trump apologize for molesting 25 women and not look ridiculous?
Now it's 25? These women multiply like rabbits.
And so would trump, had he not paid for a lot of abortions. The fat old rawdogger cant beat the laws of nature.
Nothing was definitively proven, either way. It occurred as minor. There is no pattern of behavior in adulthood. It is wrong to ruin a persons life over that.
Not being allowed to sit on the SC bench is not ruining someone's life. If his reputation suffered, tough shit. He didn't have to accept the nomination. Once he did the consequences of examining his life is on him.
The "consequences" was an all out smear campaign against him based on zero evidence.

You only prove that you're an unprincipled douchebag.
It's a hell of a lot easier to do than on the right then it is on the left. The left forgives nothing. It's a very foolish position to take.
All Americans have shown a capacity for forgiveness following a sincere apology for wrongdoing. Like when BillyBob apologized for his affair with Monica. How does Trump apologize for molesting 25 women and not look ridiculous?
Now it's 25? These women multiply like rabbits.
And so would trump, had he not paid for a lot of abortions. The fat old rawdogger cant beat the laws of nature.
Trump paid for abortions? You have some evidence of this? . . . . I didn't think so.

You TDS douchebags will say literally anything.
It's a hell of a lot easier to do than on the right then it is on the left. The left forgives nothing. It's a very foolish position to take.
All Americans have shown a capacity for forgiveness following a sincere apology for wrongdoing. Like when BillyBob apologized for his affair with Monica. How does Trump apologize for molesting 25 women and not look ridiculous?
Now it's 25? These women multiply like rabbits.
And so would trump, had he not paid for a lot of abortions. The fat old rawdogger cant beat the laws of nature.
Trump paid for abortions? You have some evidence of this? . . . . I didn't think so.

You TDS douchebags will say literally anything.
It was more of a joke. But the real punchline was watching the trump cultist screech and start cutting himself. You are a fine assistant.
What a little fucking hypocrite !
She and the rest of the left and their media have clammed up bigtime. There have been no "#MeToo" accounts, no protest rally's, no swamping lawmakers with calls to dump Biden !

Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on 'Believing All Women'
Under fire for refusing to support Tara Reade, Milano says she never thought #MeToo would "destroy innocent men."

In September 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, actress Alyssa Milano did not hesitate to support her. On the same day that The Washington Post published its interview with Ford, Milano tweeted: "I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo."

But in the wake of an equally if not more serious sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Milano has remained silent. Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who claims that her boss digitally penetrated her in 1993 without her consent, received no tweet of solidarity from the self-described feminist activist.

Milano finally addressed this blatant hypocrisy in an interview with the radio host Andy Cohen. Here is what she had to say.

"I believe that even though we should believe women, and that is an important thing, what that statement really means is that for so long, the go-to has been not to belie

So are you saying the biden accuser should be believed, or that none of them should be believed?

Please clarify.
According to your sleazy principles, you and all your TDS moron friends should believe her.
What a little fucking hypocrite !
She and the rest of the left and their media have clammed up bigtime. There have been no "#MeToo" accounts, no protest rally's, no swamping lawmakers with calls to dump Biden !

Joe Biden Sexual Assault Allegation Made Alyssa Milano Backtrack on 'Believing All Women'
Under fire for refusing to support Tara Reade, Milano says she never thought #MeToo would "destroy innocent men."

In September 2018, when Christine Blasey Ford came forward to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, actress Alyssa Milano did not hesitate to support her. On the same day that The Washington Post published its interview with Ford, Milano tweeted: "I stand in solidarity with Christine Blasey Ford. #MeToo."

But in the wake of an equally if not more serious sexual assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic Party's presumptive presidential nominee, Milano has remained silent. Tara Reade, a former Biden staffer who claims that her boss digitally penetrated her in 1993 without her consent, received no tweet of solidarity from the self-described feminist activist.

Milano finally addressed this blatant hypocrisy in an interview with the radio host Andy Cohen. Here is what she had to say.

"I believe that even though we should believe women, and that is an important thing, what that statement really means is that for so long, the go-to has been not to belie

So are you saying the biden accuser should be believed, or that none of them should be believed?

Please clarify.
According to your sleazy principles, you and all your TDS moron friends should believe her.
And according to your cultism, you nutsack cultists should believe her and not believe all of Trump's accusers.

And look, right on cue, like a good little meatbag footsoldier....
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.
It's easy to get women to make accusations against a Republican when you are paying them $100,000 a pop.
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.
It's easy to get women to make accusations against a Republican when you are paying them $100,000 a pop.

And it’s easy for a Republican to pay off women at $130,000 a pop.
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.
It's easy to get women to make accusations against a Republican when you are paying them $100,000 a pop.
Haha, was that before or after trump paid for a bunch of abortions?
The N.Y. Times thinks it’s no big deal.

“No other allegation about sexual assault surfaced in the course of our reporting, nor did any former Biden staff corroborate Reade’s allegation. We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

I treat Sarah Reade, the same as I did with Dr. Ford, they are UNSSUPPORTED allegations. Until they take them to court with credible evidence, Both take over 25 years to make public claims, I can't take their claims seriously.

Meanwhile Democrats from Alyssa "skull" Milano down to the leftist rag the NYT are being flat out hypocrites, they go hard after Kavanaugh, despite NO credible evidence was ever produced, no lawsuit to back the claims either, totally unproven. Yet go easy in favor of Joey "fingermouth" Biden who has a long proven history of openly (Video's shows it) touching women without consent, with that letter D at the end of his name, that is the real reason why he is lefts alone, it is because he is a Democrat.
However Biden does not have a long history of sexual harassment complaints or lawsuits or womanizing, does he? Mostly it has seemed like a pretty intense smear campaign based on photos not actual complaints. Inappropriate? By today’s standards yes. The Republicans going after Biden ignore the same in their president. We will see if there is evidence to support the claims.

President Trump was an A List Celebrity for 40 years, and his name was synonymous with the term "Deep Pockets"

Yet, he never had a single sex harassment complaint until he decided to run for President against the Clinton machine.
It's easy to get women to make accusations against a Republican when you are paying them $100,000 a pop.

And it’s easy for a Republican to pay off women at $130,000 a pop.
That's one women. There is no evidence any of her claims are true. they are strictly "she said, he said."
IMO, his petulant, disgraceful performance during his confirmation hearing was as disqualifying as the credible accusations of sexual misconduct.
I did not like that either, very disrespectful.
When a man is falsely accused by a woman of trying to rape her 30 years ago with none of her story being corroborated by anyone, yet the democrats and MSM are touting "believe all women", then he has a right to get emotional in his own defense. It wasn't a time to set quietly and be "respectful".

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